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Trump - militant attacks 'all over Europe,' some not reported


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It seems that the members who liked that post know more than you......


Just an example out of the newspaper from today....young criminals throwing stones through the windows of a passengerbus in amsterdam...this happens very often and people are sick and tired of it. 


Watch that video





I can easy post 100 video's like this, look who's doing it and post your reaction...

Children throwing stones is a terror attack? On top of it, that news source is the first to throw in etniticity/refugees wherever they can, I can only conclude they were not involved.

Children throwing stones is a terror attack? On top of that, that news source is the first to blame refugees/Muslims wherever they can, so I can only conclude they are not involved.

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13 minutes ago, Thian said:

That mass-shooting in the nightclub in Paris was NOT (i repeat NOT) on tv in my homecountry cause it might hurt the poor weak souls there..so they only spoke about it and showed some images from outside...NOT the mountains of corpses laying in pools of blood cause the weak souls might have misunderstood what happened there.


That's another big disgrace, if something like that happens we have THE RIGHT and duty to watch it...not the national tv banning those images cause it might set people up against eachother. We all know who did it and we all can't accept it but nothing is done to stop it.


At least mr Trump does something (although it's a stupid rule to not ban all muslems, only 7 countries).

I assume you mean the attacks of 13/11/15.


 It was still reported on TV in your home country, wherever that is, though; wasn't it? You've said so yourself!


The TV news here in the UK also didn't show "mountains of corpses laying in pools of blood." Not in any attempt at hiding anything; but because the images were thought to be too horrific for national TV. 


All media in the UK said it was suspected to be the work of ISIS, a suspicion which they all later confirmed.


Did the media in your home country not say the same?



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39 minutes ago, Thian said:

Yes that war is unavoidable and will be an internal war first. Europeans won't let their countries being terrorized by muslems. Their last hope is a total change of governments or they will do it themselves.


And the whole ww2 has NOTHING to do with this, if those muslems just behave properly in the countries they are guests in it would all be fine.


If i start throwing stones to the BKK-buses i'm sure the police or army will be there to arrest me and that's what they are paid for.


Unfortunately the Europeans let their hard working civilians down to do it themselves so that's what they will have to do.


These movies are about immigrant youth misbehaving, but there are loads and loads of them. The harder crimes are not on video cause it's dangerous to film that. Mind you, those boys even put those video's on the web themselves, that's how proud they are about their criminal actions.


Dream on old chap, ask your 50 years younger thai doll to find you pyama's and a glass of water for your fake teeth. Your generation has caused all this (yes i know your american) and the next generation has to solve it.

I'm confused, are you now equating all crime in Muslim areas with militant attacks?  Do you think international media should be giving more extensive coverage of crime problems in European cities and blaming these crimes on Islamic militants?


There are bigots in the US who insist almost all crime is committed by blacks and/or Mexicans, but they stop short of calling them militants or terrorists.

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The White House released a list of ‘under covered’ terror attacks it would like you to look at


"We decided to take a quick look at the list and see how many hadn’t been reported in the American media. Below are the first 25 attacks on the list, with links to coverage."



Edited just now by Opl 



French Press checked today the coverage of the so-called " not reported attacks"


Here is the result for just some 20 of the 78 listed ...




september 24 2014: A Teenage Terrorism Suspect Is Shot Dead in Australia After Attacking Police



september 24 2014 : Islamic State-linked group beheads French national in Algeria



 october 20 2014: Le militaire heurté mortellement est l'adjudant Patrice Vincent 



Gunman Panics Ottawa, Killing Soldier in Spree at Capital



NYC police say hatchet attack by Islam convert was terrorism



US teacher killed as Americans targeted in separate Abu Dhabi attacks



Sydney siege: five free as stand-off continues



France Puts More Troops on Streets After a String of Attacks



Gunmen Stage Deadly Attack on Libyan Hotel



Libya hotel attack: Five foreigners among nine killed



US man wounded in Saudi Arabia shooting – report



American injured in shooting in Saudi Arabia



US citizen wounded in Saudi Arabia car shooting



French soldiers wounded in Nice Jewish centre attack



15 february 2015 : Copenhagen shootings: Police kill 'gunman' after two attacks



American wounded in Pakistan in apparent terrorist shooting, police say



Gunman kills Bosnian policeman in apparent Islamist attack



Garland, Texas, shooting suspect linked himself to ISIS in tweets



etc etc etc etc






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7 minutes ago, Thian said:

I think it's absolutely ridiculous to not show what really happened in that nightclub...there were mountains of corpses laying in blood and they should have showed that  in hi-res on the 8 o'clock news so we all would vomit a minute later of that horrendous act

It was an horrendous act; we don't need to see the corpses to know that. Your insatiable desire to do so is worrying; akin to watching snuff movies in my opinion. 


11 minutes ago, Thian said:

We all knew it was ISIS, don't have to mention that, better mention what will be done to stop those acts and protect us from it but that's too harsh for our politicians who think they're soo good.

Surely even you must realise that to give the public full details of the measures to find and arrest potential terrorists, full details of the measures to prevent further attacks means that those details will also be given to the terrorists themselves!


Only an incompetent idiot would give their plans to the enemy.


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The White House released a list of ‘under covered’ terror attacks it would like you to look at


"We decided to take a quick look at the list and see how many hadn’t been reported in the American media. Below are the first 25 attacks on the list, with links to coverage."



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46 minutes ago, Thian said:

That mass-shooting in the nightclub in Paris was NOT (i repeat NOT) on tv in my homecountry cause it might hurt the poor weak souls there..so they only spoke about it and showed some images from outside...NOT the mountains of corpses laying in pools of blood cause the weak souls might have misunderstood what happened there.


That's another big disgrace, if something like that happens we have THE RIGHT and duty to watch it...not the national tv banning those images cause it might set people up against eachother. We all know who did it and we all can't accept it but nothing is done to stop it.


At least mr Trump does something (although it's a stupid rule to not ban all muslems, only 7 countries).


Firstly, they are muslims. And according to Trump it is not a muslim ban?


In most of Europe you never see dead bodies on TV screens, out of respect for the deceased persons and their families. So people who are the victims of horrendous murders, car crashes or victims of crushing at a football stadium are not shown on TV, ever.


The fact that people shot in a nightclub by terrorists are not shown is consistent with that policy, not a change of policy.   


But back to my original question - name one unreported terrorist attack in Europe?


The accusation made by Trump is a LIE.


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1 minute ago, Thian said:

And by the way, why do i get all those stupid questions from people with pure american names??? Have you ever been in Europe lately and spoken to the locals?? What do you even know about Europe?

I live in the UK; good enough for you?


Where do you live?


2 minutes ago, Thian said:

And what does it have to do with the US?

As this topic is about remarks made by the US president; a lot!


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       It's going to be a long rocky road - as long as the Divider Dufus is in the Oval Office. Everyone who voted for Trump should put their heads in their hands and cry for America.


     Trump blurts, Putin smirks, and America slides down the muddy stinky hill made slick by Republican morons.

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2 minutes ago, Thian said:

No international media doesn't have to report stone throwing acts against public buses, even not if it happens on daily bases. But look who's doing it and why...it's a big sign on the wall! The same stonethrowing boys in one of those video's i posted were jumping of joy outside on their balconies  after the planes crashed into the towers at 911...and i don't make that up, was also in the national newspapers.


If you can't see all the signs on the walls (and there are many more which i won't mention) than don't be surprised if the crystalnight is there one day.


That guy who hit a policeman in Paris some days ago why is that worldnews? He didn't place a bomb, didn't kill many people, only hit one policeman with a knife or machete...happens daily in my country as well. 


And by the way, why do i get all those stupid questions from people with pure american names??? Have you ever been in Europe lately and spoken to the locals?? What do you even know about Europe? And what does it have to do with the US?


There are loads of crimes done by asylumseekers but they are not placing bombs so we have to accept all their misbehaviours? Us, the ones who pay their houses/food/clothes and everything??? 

And why are we even involved in a war in the middle east at all?? Does mr Bush and that american nation has to do something with it maybe?? Weapons of mass destruction?? Ever heard that term before??? Well where are they then, did you guys find them?? Next time you guys need allies please call someone else!





Pure American names?  What are pure American names? 

And if Europe has nothing to do with the US, then why are you invoking Donald Trump as a leader to emulate?

And why can't you be bothered to offer actual links instead of these wacky assertion?

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3 minutes ago, Thian said:

I think it's absolutely ridiculous to not show what really happened in that nightclub...there were mountains of corpses laying in blood and they should have showed that  in hi-res on the 8 o'clock news so we all would vomit a minute later of that horrendous act.


Yes it sounds cruel but it's a fact, it happened and those corpses were all people like you and me having fun in a nightclub. Untill those idiots came inside. We all knew it was ISIS, don't have to mention that, better mention what will be done to stop those acts and protect us from it but that's too harsh for our politicians who think they're soo good.


Today our minister of foreign affairs heard about the slaughterings in Syria and immediatly he wanted actions to be taken to stop it, where was him after those attacks in Paris??? or Berlin or Brussels or the attacks that even i have forgotten about??


We need a leader like mr Trump, the European government also does nothing at all...they make rules like the new vacuumcleaners can only be 1300 Watt maximum cause it saves electricity...they don;t realise that it takes longer to vacuum a room with one of those and will use the same amount of electricity when the room is done.


Yes the Europeans are angry and disappointed in their leaders..it's time to change it all...We pay them to protect us and if they refuse to do that they became our enemies as well. If you're not with us you're against us, to use mr Bush' words.



Like Mr. Trump? You mean banning 7 nations whose immigrants have so far killed 0 Americans?


1 minute ago, Thian said:

That's BS..

Today i read in the newspaper that our government thinks it's fine to reject passports from IS-soldiers who came originally from my homecountry.

They had to think about that while it's a law for decades already, Anybody who joins an army to fight for another nation looses his passport on the spot...So why didn't they reject many of them already ??? They even let those serial killers from IS come back home and give them welfare money monthly again. There even has been  a picture of one of them in the newspaper with 8 heads sticked on a fence, he had beheaded all of them himself and had one in his hand.


And it would be perfect if all the IS-soldiers knew about this law so they even won't try to come back..


Only an incompetent idiot doesn't understand that.



And still no actual links or detailed citations that would allow us to check up on what you claim. How can you be so obtuse?

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10 hours ago, Thian said:

Because i can read (and do read) many european languages and read local newspapers.


It's even gone that far now that they won't mention anything about the offender...no personal information at all. Not for rapists, bankrobbers, houserobbers, carthieves and so on. They just publish the crime but never let readers help finding the victims.


This is because the reporters have been threatened at their desks and they are very scared people. Even if i put links here of what happened in Europe you can't read the language and second you can't read between the lines. Europe has educated reporters only who know very well what information they should give about the criminals but they don't do it!


Even when the golden watch from grandma is ripped of her wrist and she saw the guys they won't publish anything, just that it happened. So how can readers help finding the criminal? It's going back in time for a decade and they all should get punished for not letting readers help find the criminals. That will happen as soon as we have our own mr Trumps...and they are coming soon.

Oh come off it. You can't link to these terrorist incidents that are covered up because they don't exist.

Most newspapers have English language editions, and if they don't you can hit the translate button and get the gist.

Swallowing trump's nonsense is for fools.


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1 minute ago, Thian said:

You are not Craig or Bruce now innit?? So i wasn't answering to you...was that hard to undahastaaan??

Craig and Bruce are British names.


Even after Brexit, the UK will still be geographically in Europe.


4 minutes ago, Thian said:

That's BS..

Today i read in the newspaper that our government thinks it's fine to reject passports from IS-soldiers who came originally from my homecountry.

So you think it's a wonderful strategy to give your enemy full details of your plans to thwart him!!!!!!!


Thank God you're not in charge!


Still wont say where your home country is and whether you actually live there; wonder why.


Is it under a bridge, perchance?

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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

Craig and Bruce are British names.


Even after Brexit, the UK will still be geographically in Europe.


So you think it's a wonderful strategy to give your enemy full details of your plans to thwart him!!!!!!!


Thank God you're not in charge!


Still wont say where your home country is and whether you actually live there; wonder why.


Is it under a bridge, perchance?

Possibly a troll.  Think about it. Never any specific info, even when specifically asked.  I think he's best ignored.

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Perhaps Trump does have a point, though. Just the wrong target.


How many non UK residents here have heard of this terrorist attack, which took place on 22/1/17: Belfast police officer injured in drive-by shooting?


Or this one last March: New IRA claims responsibility for bomb attack on prison officer?


Of course, Trump and his supporters aren't interested in those and other attacks by dissident Republicans since the peace process led to power sharing; can't blame the Muslims!





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15 minutes ago, Thian said:

. The "good" muslems also never protest or open their mouths to tell the "bad" ones they have to stop or just leave Europe. Why is that??? It would be much easyier if they just opened their mouths and show some support.

 They do, often, and have been doing so since the very start of Islamic terrorism.


I've posted many links before, and can't be bothered to do so again. Simply Google "Muslims condemn terrorism"


18 minutes ago, Thian said:

If you were a bit more worldwise you could have seen where i come from...i posted several video's in my language here...

You didn't say they were in your language, and you also said that you speak several European languages. Your use of British idioms such as innit also indicate another possible homeland for you.


So where is it? Yes, it does matter since you claim so much about your homeland without providing any evidence; it would be good to check what you say; or are you afraid of us so doing?


14 minutes ago, Thian said:

I have a European passport

No such thing. The EU doesn't issue passports.


21 minutes ago, Thian said:

And yes, it's perfect to tell all IS soldiers they will get arrested if they ever come back to my homecountry ...it's the law so i don't understand why we didn't do that last 5 years already

Has anyone said otherwise? No.


Still, be nice to see exactly what your homeland has said on this matter; nice to see what has happened there to returning IS fighters, nice to check if there have even been any; but you wont confirm where this is.


I wont ask you why you do not want anyone to check most of the things you claim to be facts; the answer is obvious.




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3 hours ago, onthesoi said:

How many years decades did it take before the antics of Jimmy Saville became public knowledge?


I'll give you a clue, ....the common denominator isn't Islam!!!

How many decades were the Catholic priests abusing young boys before that was exposed

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20 minutes ago, Thian said:

If the examples were not pledged by muslems what do they have to do with the subject?

As they were committed by terrorists, a lot more than videos of youths throwing stones at passing vehicles!


22 minutes ago, Thian said:

So you still don't know where i come from? It just shows how much you know about your neighbours and how ignorant you are.

Educate me; remove my ignorance.

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The following article backs up what I posted on earlier, not about Muslim terrorism, but instead about the under-reporting of general crime associated with Muslim immigrants and refugees in Europe -- apparently as a result of the ruling governments not wanting to further fan the flames over their open-door Muslim immigration policies.





Drawing only from German media reports, the list documents more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by migrants in train stations, swimming pools and other public places against victims as young as seven.

German police use terms such as “southerners” (südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp) or “southern skin colour” (südländische hautfarbe) to describe the alleged perpetrators.

Authorities across the country have been accused of downplaying the true extent of the problem by suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest”.

Police are also wary of fuelling civil unrest amid a rising number of attacks on migrants and shelters by right-wing vigilante groups. In response, Germans are increasingly turning to social media to spread information.




The release of BKA’s report followed allegations by a number of women’s rights groups in Germany that a “culture of rape and violence” was developing in migrant centres, with many assaults going unreported to the police.

After the Cologne attacks, which German authorities and media initially attempted to cover up, Justice Minister Heiko Maas described the incident as a “completely new dimension of organised criminality”.

A total of 1075 criminal complaints have now been filed over the Cologne attacks, including 467 alleging crimes of a sexual nature ranging from insults to rape.

Last month, prosecutors said most of the suspects were refugees. Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer said 73 suspects had been identified, of whom 12 were linked to sexual assaults.

He said earlier reports describing only three of the suspects as refugees were “total nonsense”. Mr Bremer told The Associated Press that “the overwhelming majority of persons fall into the general category of refugees”.





On Monday, police in the Swedish city of Östersund advised women not to go outdoors alone following a string of public assaults and sex attacks in the past three weeks.

Sweden, which has a population of just under 10 million, took in around 163,000 migrants in 2015, making it by far the most generous on a per capita basis.

National broadcaster SVT reports what police area manager Stephen Jerand described as a “worrying trend” of unprovoked violence on women in public places.




In January, it emerged that Swedish authorities had covered up sexual assaults on teenage girls by mostly migrant youths at a music festival in Stockholm for fear of “[playing] into the hands” of the anti-immigration right-wing party the Sweden Democrats.


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20 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The following article backs up what I posted on earlier, not about Muslim terrorism, but instead about the under-reporting of general crime associated with Muslim immigrants and refugees in Europe -- apparently as a result of the ruling governments not wanting to further fan the flames over their open-door Muslim immigration policies.







20 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The following article backs up what I posted on earlier, not about Muslim terrorism, but instead about the under-reporting of general crime associated with Muslim immigrants and refugees in Europe -- apparently as a result of the ruling governments not wanting to further fan the flames over their open-door Muslim immigration policies.






Accepting that you did say the links were nothing to do with terrorism the thread line has gone to crime and right away from a "militant attack" which is what Trump was parroting and what the article is about which with this line of thought then tries to put justification in Trumps comments which are just not there.

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

No international media doesn't have to report stone throwing acts against public buses, even not if it happens on daily bases. But look who's doing it and why...it's a big sign on the wall! The same stonethrowing boys in one of those video's i posted were jumping of joy outside on their balconies  after the planes crashed into the towers at 911...and i don't make that up, was also in the national newspapers.


If you can't see all the signs on the walls (and there are many more which i won't mention) than don't be surprised if the crystalnight is there one day.


That guy who hit a policeman in Paris some days ago why is that worldnews? He didn't place a bomb, didn't kill many people, only hit one policeman with a knife or machete...happens daily in my country as well. 


And by the way, why do i get all those stupid questions from people with pure american names??? Have you ever been in Europe lately and spoken to the locals?? What do you even know about Europe? And what does it have to do with the US?


There are loads of crimes done by asylumseekers but they are not placing bombs so we have to accept all their misbehaviours? Us, the ones who pay their houses/food/clothes and everything??? 

And why are we even involved in a war in the middle east at all?? Does mr Bush and that american nation has to do something with it maybe?? Weapons of mass destruction?? Ever heard that term before??? Well where are they then, did you guys find them?? Next time you guys need allies please call someone else!


"And by the way, why do i get all those stupid questions from people with pure american names??? Have you ever been in Europe lately and spoken to the locals?? What do you even know about Europe? And what does it have to do with the US?"


Why are you getting questions....?  Well, the subject is the US President claiming that militant attacks in Europe are not all reported.  You go on and on about crimes and misbehavior that don't qualify as militant attacks; in other words, you are going off-topic in order to indulge in what appears to be an anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rant.  Can you explain how this rant is on-topic?


"And why are we even involved in a war in the middle east at all??"


NATO alliance commitments, mutual goals regarding eliminating terrorism, shared belief that Iraq was developing weapons of mass destruction, the fact that geographically, economically, and historically you are a lot closer to the Middle East and all its problems than the US, stuff like that. 


"Next time you guys need allies please call someone else!"


Be careful what you wish for, you might get it, and the flip side.  In view of the Putin/Trump bromance, the next time Russia decides to grab territory, play hardball on gas supplies, interfere in your national elections, etc, you may have to face them without the US.  I hope not, but....


BTW, it's been ten years since my last trip to Europe, though I was there (Germany) on September 11, 2001.  As to your belief that Europe needs a leader like Trump, I wouldn't wish that on any country.

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I'm not at all trying to defend Trump or his remarks.  My point was just the opposite to say that while I don't know that any Muslim terrorist attacks or activity have been un- or under-reported, there's LOTS of evidence that general crimes being committed by Muslims, and the increase in crime related to Muslim immigration, is being un- and under-reported in Europe.


In other words, terrorism isn't the ONLY threat associated with rampant Muslim refugee and other immigration into western countries.


Germany was a good example with the Cologne New Year's Eve mass attacks on women.


Examples of the mis- and under-reporting:





The Cologne police chief was fired Friday following reports that authorities in Germany’s fourth-largest city may have covered up information that refugees had been connected to sexual attacks against women outside the central rail station on New Year’s Eve.

German media reports Friday, however, said police had known that many of the attackers were refugees from Syria but that the information had been withheld from the public -- and the mayor.

German newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported on Friday from a leaked internal police report that officers on duty outside the rail station had done ID checks on many suspects on New Year’s Eve and discovered that many of them were asylum seekers.

“There were, to the contrary of what was announced publicly, identity checks on numerous people,” one officer’s report is quoted saying. “Most of them were refugees who had arrived only recently.”

Another newspaper, the Cologne Stadt-Anzeiger, reported that an officer writing a press release on the incidents wanted to include mention of the Syrians and other refugees as suspects but was ordered not to by his superior because it would be “politically awkward.”


So the police chief in Cologne gets fired in the wake of all this, but then the allegation surfaces that the government minister who fired the police chief may have been involved in the broader cover-up as well.






North Rhine-Westphalia interior minister Ralf Jaeger is under pressure to resign, after it was reported that officials demanded the word 'rape' be removed from a police report on the New Year's Eve sex attacks in Cologne.

More than 130 cases of rape and sexual assault were reported during the city's New Year's Eve celebrations, with groups of refugee and immigrant men alleged to be responsible.

"KHK [the police officer involved] told me that the state control centre wanted the report cancelled and the expression 'rape' deleted," officer Joachim H wrote in an internal memo obtained by Expressen newspaper.

The two officers were on duty in Cologne police station when the initial report on the attacks was being written. The report was entitled "rape, sexual harassment, thefts, committed by a large group of foreign people".

Senior officer KHK allegedly received a phone call requesting the removal of the word 'rape' at the "the wish of the state interior ministry", with the dispute concerning the description of an attack on a 19-year-old woman. Police refused to alter the report.



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The media survives because of news.   Terrorist attacks are news and they are reported.  Apparently for Trump & Co. there aren't enough of them to justify his actions.   The problem isn't the news; it's Trump.   


I wonder how many people would listen to the weather if they refused to predict bad weather?

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Why keep talking about crime, this is supposed to be about terrorism?. I can quote on many crimes in the UK that are carried out by wasp and Afro Caribbean criminals but have no relation to terrorism but have a similar modus operandi.

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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I'm not at all trying to defend Trump or his remarks.  My point was just the opposite to say that while I don't know that any Muslim terrorist attacks or activity have been un- or under-reported, there's LOTS of evidence that general crimes being committed by Muslims, and the increase in crime related to Muslim immigration, is being un- and under-reported in Europe.


In other words, terrorism isn't the ONLY threat associated with rampant Muslim refugee and other immigration into western countries.


Germany was a good example with the Cologne New Year's Eve mass attacks on women.


Examples of the mis- and under-reporting:





So the police chief in Cologne gets fired in the wake of all this, but then the allegation surfaces that the government minister who fired the police chief may have been involved in the broader cover-up as well.





Yup, the Cologne attacks were covered up and not reported by the main stream media until Breitbart broke the story several days later.

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8 hours ago, nontabury said:

Agree it took a long time, but the cover up was not for PC reasons. Perhaps I could refer you to the independent ( some would say,watered down) inquiry led by  Professor Alexis Jay.

And by the way, Rotherham was not an isolated case. Similar  events are coming to light every day, yet strangely very little mention in the national media.

Raising the criminality in Rotherham is totally off topic. If you wish to rehash raise a topic elsewhere, but don't forget to include the appalling crimes committed by members of Christian Orders with thousands more victims over decades in multiple countries that also undermine the fabric of Western societies.

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7 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

True they call it as mental problems instead of admit it's mussy terrorism ...Like the jailing this week of a Somali from Norway who stabbed a us tourist and attacked several more ...Life sentence instead of repatriation back to somali

Why on earth would you want to deport someone who is a violent paranoid schizophrenic to a country with minimal security where they are more than likely to carry out yet more horrific attacks.

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