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Trump - militant attacks 'all over Europe,' some not reported


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4 hours ago, SlyAnimal said:

Given that the general feeling of most non-Americans, is that many Americans (Particularly Trump supporters) neither know, nor really care, about what happens outside of their country if it doesn't affect America, I wouldn't be surprised if "The dishonest press doesn't want to report it" was more in reference to the fact that Trump, his aides and his voters, simply didn't know about all of the attacks that happened in Europe because they don't watch the world news.

Although in saying that, terrorist attacks happen in places like Africa & Asia that aren't reported on much by the international media.  Like if someone got executed and then set on fire as part of a terrorist attack in the UK or USA, it'd be all over the headlines, but when it happens in the south of Thailand it only really gets attention within Thailand (And even most Thais don't really care because it's in the south, and everyone knows that stuff happens all the time lol). 

You're missing the point. He's talking about attacks by refugees and illegal immigrants, and by doing that he's saying that if you didn't have them in your country then they wouldn't happen.... Each country has enough problems without importing more. That is the point he's making and I agree with him. They are covering up the daily, rapes and beatings that these immigrants/refugees are committing. In Sweden now, women are terrified to go out. Stockholm has become the rape capital of Europe (see below report).

Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe. In 2013, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention  there were 63 rape cases per 100,000 population reported to the Swedish police.

According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, 1 out of 3 Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. During the first half of 2013, more than 1,000 Swedish women reported being over 300 of those were under the age of 15.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Same applies for the Netherlands there are newspapers that will make sure every incident is magnified.. so no under reporting at all. There is lots of money to be made by selling newspapers.. these articles are read a lot so they are certainly reported.

Ditto i can literally guarantee for Austria, Switzerland and Germany as well ...  

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22 minutes ago, Thian said:

Because i can read (and do read) many european languages and read local newspapers.


It's even gone that far now that they won't mention anything about the offender...no personal information at all. Not for rapists, bankrobbers, houserobbers, carthieves and so on. They just publish the crime but never let readers help finding the victims.


This is because the reporters have been threatened at their desks and they are very scared people. Even if i put links here of what happened in Europe you can't read the language and second you can't read between the lines. Europe has educated reporters only who know very well what information they should give about the criminals but they don't do it!


Even when the golden watch from grandma is ripped of her wrist and she saw the guys they won't publish anything, just that it happened. So how can readers help finding the criminal? It's going back in time for a decade and they all should get punished for not letting readers help find the criminals. That will happen as soon as we have our own mr Trumps...and they are coming soon.

In other words, we have to trust you on this.  I'd find it easier to trust you if you provided credible links, or at least had other Europeans

 posters support your description of the state of affairs in their home country.


BTW, I'd need enough other Europeans to present a credible consensus about out of control asylum-seeker crime.  I could find lots of Americans who'd describe their country as a hell-scape under Obama, but they wouldn't represent the consensus.

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27 minutes ago, darren84310 said:

You're missing the point. He's talking about attacks by refugees and illegal immigrants, and by doing that he's saying that if you didn't have them in your country then they wouldn't happen.... Each country has enough problems without importing more. That is the point he's making and I agree with him. They are covering up the daily, rapes and beatings that these immigrants/refugees are committing. In Sweden now, women are terrified to go out. Stockholm has become the rape capital of Europe (see below report).

Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe. In 2013, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention  there were 63 rape cases per 100,000 population reported to the Swedish police.

According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, 1 out of 3 Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. During the first half of 2013, more than 1,000 Swedish women reported being over 300 of those were under the age of 15.

God knows what misleading news source you got your info from. It's true that Sweden does have the highest reported incidents of rape in Europe. What you fail to note is that it also had the highest incidents of rape in Europe before the influx of refugees. And the reason for that is that Sweden led the way in doing its best to get incidents of rape reported.  It made sure to educate it's populace that not only is rape a crime but that a woman shouldn't be ashamed to report it.

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For the media ,terrorist attacks are like plane crashes ...grist to the mill, manna from heaven, pure gold. They are not going to enter a conspiracy of silence and forego ratings/revenue. 

Edited by Prbkk
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1 hour ago, SlyAnimal said:


Haha that's the conundrum though isn't it.

If he can find a report from a reputable source of it, then it's reported.

If the only source is a source that has a reputation for biased sensationalized reports or fake news then it won't be trusted by non-trump supporters.

And if nothing can be found then maybe it's a coverup by the corrupt media organizations that are really controlled by muslims that want to eradicate western civilization. Like Obama, who was secretly Muslim and trying to destroy the United States from within!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blame it on either the CIA or the Illuminati! LOL

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15 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

God knows what misleading news source you got your info from. It's true that Sweden does have the highest reported incidents of rape in Europe. What you fail to note is that it also had the highest incidents of rape in Europe before the influx of refugees. And the reason for that is that Sweden led the way in doing its best to get incidents of rape reported.  It made sure to educate it's populace that not only is rape a crime but that a woman shouldn't be ashamed to report it.

Good for Sweden.  Bad for Julian Assange. 

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

There are LOADS of them but they don't make it to the big newspapers....Many even don't make it to the small local newspapers at all since they are censured by lefties and also the police won't report them. Guess why!


Just learn some languages mate and read the local newspapers.

With respect, you are trolling. Absolutely not true.  Unless you provide credible links, this is just a conspiracy theory.

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I cannot speak about continental European newspapers, but in the UK we have some rabidly anti-Eu, anti-immigrant newspapers. What possible motive would they have to downplay such incidents, if they took place?



   It took 6 yrs before the events regarding Muslim peodeophiles in Rotherham became general knowledge. What motives did the media and the Labour controlled  council have in trying to sweep it under the carpet.




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7 minutes ago, nontabury said:

   It took 6 yrs before the events regarding Muslim peodeophiles in Rotherham became general knowledge. What motives did the media and the Labour controlled  council have in trying to sweep it under the carpet.




I don't think that anyone could accuse the Daily Mail of shying away from an anti-EU and anti-immigrant editorial stance - the OP suggests that there is a conspiracy of silence amongst all European newspapers for the alleged rampaging of immigrants across the continent; has the DM also been silenced? That is the question.

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

Because i can read (and do read) many european languages and read local newspapers.


It's even gone that far now that they won't mention anything about the offender...no personal information at all. Not for rapists, bankrobbers, houserobbers, carthieves and so on. They just publish the crime but never let readers help finding the victims.


This is because the reporters have been threatened at their desks and they are very scared people. Even if i put links here of what happened in Europe you can't read the language and second you can't read between the lines. Europe has educated reporters only who know very well what information they should give about the criminals but they don't do it!


Even when the golden watch from grandma is ripped of her wrist and she saw the guys they won't publish anything, just that it happened. So how can readers help finding the criminal? It's going back in time for a decade and they all should get punished for not letting readers help find the criminals. That will happen as soon as we have our own mr Trumps...and they are coming soon.


You keep ranting on about rapists, bank robbers, your grandma's watch being stolen, etc. Are these now the "alternative definitions" of  terrorism? In the real world terrorism still is "violent actions against people in order to pursue/achieve a political goal", and terrorist attacks are breaking news/front page news in every single media outlet in Europe (if it happens in Europe)! Although it is sad that your grandma got her watch stolen (and I agree, society is quite awful in that sense), but honestly it is not something I will lose sleep over.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Oh no! Not really1 You mean that Breitbart would do something so base as to invent a Muslim mob burning down a church. But that would be so irresponsible. That could trigger a violent counter-reaction from German neo-Nazis. That's a terrible thing to say about the leading media source for America's white nationalist movement.

I hope that you are being sarcastic

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2 hours ago, Thian said:

There are LOADS of them but they don't make it to the big newspapers....Many even don't make it to the small local newspapers at all since they are censured by lefties and also the police won't report them. Guess why!


Just learn some languages mate and read the local newspapers.

No- they don't make it to the big newspapers, because "normal" rape - you know...the one done by "locals"- also only makes it to the regional papers!

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Next thing you know you'll be saying that there weren't 3-5 million illegal alien voters and that every one of their votes went for Hillary Clinton.  And that wasn't said by Breitbart but by our President!

exactly and you can not believe half of what Trump says

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

news media of ignoring attacks

The White House has released a list of 78 attacks it describes as "executed or inspired by" the Islamic State group.

The White House says most did not get sufficient attention.

The list includes incidents like a truck massacre in Nice that killed dozens and received widespread attention, as well as less high-profile incidents in which nobody was killed. (It does not include the so-called Bowling massacre).

The AP could not verify that each of the incidents had connections to the Islamic State group.



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6 hours ago, rucus7 said:

Sometimes I wonder what color the sky is in Trumps world . 

Whatever the color happens to be that day, important feature is that it is falling!

Meanwhile, back in USA there are on average 43 homicides per DAY. maybe those are acceptable due to all the old reasons: hate, greed, jealousy, lack of self control, and of course, money. Traditional American values and freedoms must be upheld, whatever the cost.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Oh no! Not really1 You mean that Breitbart would do something so base as to invent a Muslim mob burning down a church. But that would be so irresponsible. That could trigger a violent counter-reaction from German neo-Nazis. That's a terrible thing to say about the leading media source for America's white nationalist movement.


18 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

I hope that you are being sarcastic

I'm pretty sure he is.

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3 hours ago, Thian said:

So you call an asylumseeker raping a European girl a small incident right? Or hundred of them raping loads of ladies is also an incident?


Or big groups of them terrorizing whole villages where they got free homes/food/pocketmoney/washingmachines and so on....They know they will be kicked out soon so they do whatever pleases them.



The facts published by the BKA (German FBI) show a different reality concerning terrorism:

Illegal immigrants from outside (most now from Tunisia) about 400.

refugees  (as Terrorist) 0

Neonazi, AfD, etc addicted 1800 (not all Terrorists,, but crimes against refugees and accepted immigrants.



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Mr Trump this is fake news!  Shame on you.  I think that to accuse the media of biased reporting is fair enough but to accuse them of not reporting news is somewhat bizarre.  That is the lifeblood of the media and they are desperate to report any suspected terrorist activity as that sells newspapers and brings in viewers and listeners.


However in the land of alternative facts and wall to wall stupidity, it all makes perfect sense.








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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Mr Trump this is fake news!  Shame on you.  I think that to accuse the media of biased reporting is fair enough but to accuse them of not reporting news is somewhat bizarre.  That is the lifeblood of the media and they are desperate to report any suspected terrorist activity as that sells newspapers and brings in viewers and listeners.


However in the land of alternative facts and wall to wall stupidity, it all makes perfect sense.








Right on

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So much Trump bashing. Give him a chance. He got elected. That's democracy.


He is a funny guy. Every morning when he get up, he tweets a few comments on Twitter. Follow him. It's fun. Even more fun to read the comments from the whining lefties. 555


Next tweets in about 2 hours. Can't wait!

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54 minutes ago, lungmi said:

The facts published by the BKA (German FBI) show a different reality concerning terrorism:

Illegal immigrants from outside (most now from Tunisia) about 400.

refugees  (as Terrorist) 0

Neonazi, AfD, etc addicted 1800 (not all Terrorists,, but crimes against refugees and accepted immigrants.



For clarification can you confirm the year  to which these stats relate please? 


With regard to Germany, and 2016 in particular, the extract below was taken from the BBC website:


On 18 July, a teenage Afghan refugee  hacked at passengers on a train in Wuerzburg with an axe and knife, wounding five. He was shot dead by police.


On 24 July, a 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed a woman with a machete and wounded five other people as he fled before being arrested. Later that day, a 27-year-old Syrian whose refugee application had been refused  blew himself up outside a bar in Ansbach. Fifteen people were wounded.


Just asking because if the BKA stats refer to last year then there appears to be either reporting or offender classification issues.




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44 minutes ago, 14Stevie said:

For clarification can you confirm the year  to which these stats relate please? 


With regard to Germany, and 2016 in particular, the extract below was taken from the BBC website:


On 18 July, a teenage Afghan refugee  hacked at passengers on a train in Wuerzburg with an axe and knife, wounding five. He was shot dead by police.


On 24 July, a 21-year-old Syrian refugee killed a woman with a machete and wounded five other people as he fled before being arrested. Later that day, a 27-year-old Syrian whose refugee application had been refused  blew himself up outside a bar in Ansbach. Fifteen people were wounded.


Just asking because if the BKA stats refer to last year then there appears to be either reporting or offender classification issues.




Not true...


For 18 July : These have been largely reported by european press and US MSM  .. Google " Würzburg" instead of Wuerzburg...


German axe attack on train: Isil claim Afghan refugee who injured four as one of its 'fighters'



German Police Kill Assailant After Ax Attack Aboard a Train



For 24 July, google " Ansbach"


Suicide bomber in Germany pledged allegiance to ISIS leader



Ansbach blast: Syrian asylum seeker kills himself and injures 12 in Germany


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4 hours ago, Estrada said:

Hitler and his far right Nazi white supremacist movement rose to power by inventing fear of communists, but that did not work very well. He therefore attacked the Jews which led to the torture and massacre of Millions of Jews in Europe. The United States White supremacists and American Nazi party sent back Jewish refugees to Germany who were then slaughtered in the Nazi concentration camps. No surprise, as President Bush's Grandfather backed the Nazi's and US banks bankrolled Hitler's war effort. Henry Ford is even mentioned in Mein Kampf as he was an inspiration to Hitler. IBM supplied technology, GM and Opel built factories and provided designs to build military vehicles, and plans for Hitler's war efforts. Standard Oil supplied the fuel oil to keep Hitler's tanks and plans capable of killing the Europeans fighting against him and bombing the UK.


GM was an integral part of the German war effort. The Nazis could not have invaded Poland and Russia without GM.” The GM and Ford plants in Germany relied on slave labour including Jews who eventually would die in the concentration camps. The United States only stopped backing Hitler on December 8th 1941 after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour the previous day.


With the rise again of the far right Nazis in the US (Alt.Right) and Europe once again they are spreading hate and fear against a religious group and unless these people are stopped then we are heading for WWIII.

A very good post.


I would propose a view on one small point - and certainly not disagreeing with the notion that far right parties do spread hate - I would respectfully propose that the hate and fear against a certain religious group is perpetuated mainly by the acts of those claiming to represent that certain group who drive lorries into Christmas crowds, carry out massacres on beaches and in theatres, and blow up targets.


Whatever the rights or wrongs, the British people democratically voted for Brexit. Not wanting to get into the intricacies of the USA democratic system DT was "democratically" elected as the country's president.


There were many issues at stake in both decisions of which immigration and national security was but one.


The fact that the established way of voting (left or white, blue or red) was broken in both votes may be in no small part down to the ordinary "middle of the road" voter who in terms of immigration has no particular affiliation with the far right reads, but more importantly sees and hears first hand  numerous instances that lead them to vote in a particular way. In effect the people that swayed the vote (not your dyed in the wool blues or reds) did so using their own judgement based on what they believe. 


I can't say if terrorist attacks are under reported but I do share your concern about WWIII unless hate and fear against ALL groups, religions and identities are ceased.



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17 minutes ago, Opl said:

Not true...


For 18 July : These have been largely reported by european press .. Google " Würzburg" instead of Wuerzburg...


German axe attack on train: Isil claim Afghan refugee who injured four as one of its 'fighters'



German Police Kill Assailant After Ax Attack Aboard a Train



For 24 July, google " Ansbach"


Ansbach blast: Syrian asylum seeker kills himself and injures 12 in Germany



Ansbach blast: Syrian asylum seeker kills himself and injures 12 in Germany


I think we were on the same page here OPL.


The BKA stats posted by Lungmi stated there were 0 attacks by refugees - hence my request for clarification of which year the stats alluded to as both you and I can refer to attacks in 2016 by refugees.


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