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Fortune Tellers


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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

Yes, she does. The vast majority are useless, and would not know their Major Arcana from their Minor Arcana.

There are some palmists who have a little talent, and the odd elderley astrologer with sound knowledge, but I say stay clear.

Far better to buy your wife a Thai translation of the I Ching, then she can consult the oracle for herself.

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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

Yes, she does. The vast majority are useless, and would not know their Major Arcana from their Minor Arcana.

There are some palmists who have a little talent, and the odd elderley astrologer with sound knowledge, but I say stay clear.

Far better to buy your wife a Thai translation of the I Ching, then she can consult the oracle for herself.

It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

"Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :o

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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

"Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :o

You are entitled to your opinions 'corkscrew' but your above post is both glib and risible.

It is foolish to describe "Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards" as silly; you are just showing your ignorance.

If you wish to 'pooh pooh'; monotheistic religious belief and ritual magick then back it up with sound argument.

You might begin by reading 'The Golden Bough'.

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I've studied palmistry and have found that many of the lines of the hand do record incidents in the subjects' life.

Palmistry can also indicate the subjects' age and future occurrences relating to health, wealth, relationships and happiness.

I have taught myself to identify the subjects' zodiac sign from markings in their hand.

For a bit of fun whilst drinking in some of Pattaya's many beer bars, I have read the palms of some bar girls. Within minutes, I am surrounded by a wall of eager women all wanting their fortune told.

The cooks come out of the kitchen, the street walkers come into the bar, the girls from the bar next door all appear with outstretched hand waiting for their turn.

If anything, it's a good way to meet women. :D

.....I just hope they have washed their hands first. :o

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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

"Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :o

You are entitled to your opinions 'corkscrew' but your above post is both glib and risible.

It is foolish to describe "Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards" as silly; you are just showing your ignorance.

If you wish to 'pooh pooh'; monotheistic religious belief and ritual magick then back it up with sound argument.

You might begin by reading 'The Golden Bough'.

Is there a sound argument to suggest monotheistic religions and ritual magic are not just superstitions?

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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

"Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :o

You are entitled to your opinions 'corkscrew' but your above post is both glib and risible.

It is foolish to describe "Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards" as silly; you are just showing your ignorance.

If you wish to 'pooh pooh'; monotheistic religious belief and ritual magick then back it up with sound argument.

You might begin by reading 'The Golden Bough'.

Read "The God Delusion" by Dawkins. I read "Genesis": it gave me a good laugh.

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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

"Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :D

You are entitled to your opinions 'corkscrew' but your above post is both glib and risible.

It is foolish to describe "Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards" as silly; you are just showing your ignorance.

If you wish to 'pooh pooh'; monotheistic religious belief and ritual magick then back it up with sound argument.

You might begin by reading 'The Golden Bough'.

Bloody ell Lib ... what has happended to the joke a minute, barrel of laughs, master of wit, Mr Lib we all know and love ... don't go all serious on us now... you OK ? :o

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Back in Europe my girlfriend went to a fortune teller and was amazed by her......so I then read her palm for her and she was astounded....she told me she had no idea that I could do that.....then I told her the truth; that was the first time I'd ever done it and had made it all up. Some people just WANT to believe.

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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

It is so funny....of course, I think fortune telling ranks right up there with all the other silly supersitions: Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards...but she went to the acme: a HiSo Gay Fortuneteller. It came as a freebe after shopping Hi End at Siam Paragon.

"Knock on wood" that the fortune teller was right. :o

You are entitled to your opinions 'corkscrew' but your above post is both glib and risible.

It is foolish to describe "Horoscopes, Christanity, Witchcraft, Judiasm, Tokenism, Islam, Tarot cards" as silly; you are just showing your ignorance.

If you wish to 'pooh pooh'; monotheistic religious belief and ritual magick then back it up with sound argument.

You might begin by reading 'The Golden Bough'.

I'm with libya on this one.

Often we learn from our parents and culture about what is right and wrong, including "fortune tellers". I dont think people - thai or farang - should accept hand me downs so easily. If they do they are just being superstitious.

Edited by Grover
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It's a simple state of mind, I use the same techniques when working on industrial psychology contracts, if you can introduce ideas to an open mind you can put them in a better mental position to fulfill that idea, whether they realise it or not.

There is nothing magic about it.

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Back in Europe my girlfriend went to a fortune teller and was amazed by her......so I then read her palm for her and she was astounded....she told me she had no idea that I could do that.....then I told her the truth; that was the first time I'd ever done it and had made it all up. Some people just WANT to believe.

Here is a little secret. Skilled fortune tellers "make it up" too. The place where they make it up is the same place you seemed to made it up from, but without intending it. After all, you were 'accuracte' weren't you ? Then again, she could be very gullible and fall for just about anything, even a fake. (reference only to fortune tellers) :o

Edited by Grover
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Does your Thai wife visit fortune tellers and then come home and ask you questions?

Perhaps worth remembering that Thais are Animist before being Buddhist. Have you ever met a Thai that has not seen at least one ghost with his(her) own eyes?

Very true. There is probably more 'truth' in ghost stories than there is in tales about virgins giving birth to the sons of god. Well, maybe that is a ghost story also....don't they believe the holy ghost seeded Mary?

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i have an aunt that can just look at your face and tell you what youve been through, and what youve done, and what is going to happen ...some psychics are for real.

Stop the bull

Take you aunt to the race track I bet you will loss your ass.

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Back in Europe my girlfriend went to a fortune teller and was amazed by her......so I then read her palm for her and she was astounded....she told me she had no idea that I could do that.....then I told her the truth; that was the first time I'd ever done it and had made it all up. Some people just WANT to believe.

Here is a little secret. Skilled fortune tellers "make it up" too. The place where they make it up is the same place you seemed to made it up from, but without intending it. After all, you were 'accuracte' weren't you ? Then again, she could be very gullible and fall for just about anything, even a fake. (reference only to fortune tellers) :o

Oh I intended it alright! I've spent 35 years looking at people and deducting things about them. People are just very bad at realising how much they are telling you about themselves and their backgrounds....also how incredibly "un -unique" they are....what teenage girl doesn't have problems with their father etc etc.....

I do have some knowledge of palmistry as a result of that incident I read up on it, and if I feel like it will do a quick turn every noew and then....but I DON'T try to take any money etc, it's largely to show what a heap of wombat's doo it all is.

Just walk into any bar in Thailand and take hold of a girl's hands, turn them palm up and see what happens....you'll be surrounded by up-turned palms in seconds.....actually I'm telling you too much myself now!

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My Thai wife believes in this stuff big time, the past,

the present and the future and I must admit she gets

it wright most time.

The past Youve been in the bar all afternoon again

The present Your pissed

The future I suppose you want your dinner now


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There are many types of 'fortune tellers'.

A palmist can't tell you your future. he can tell you something about yourself, like characteristics or habits or some such.

An astrologer, can tell you the more favourable times to do things, business, love, money, family, that type of thing but even they can't tell your future.

I too have used the old palm reading technique to talk to pretty young things and it works.

Its all cronk.

Most common concerns,

money - will I be rich?

Define rich.

love - will i find someone who understands and loves me?

Everybody does, eventually, but you also have to be aware and open to it.

career - will I have a successful career?

If you work at it.

That'll be 100 baht or a small Heineken please.

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There are many types of 'fortune tellers'.

A palmist can't tell you your future. he can tell you something about yourself, like characteristics or habits or some such.

There is a GREAT palm reader operating outside of the Muslim Bakery in Pai. Most of the time he does readings for free when you ask him, but if you make an appointment for later he charges a small fee.

They call him The Amazing Dennis. :o

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To believe in Palmistry, astrology, ghosts,religion,tarot, ouji boards, reiki, and all the other unscientific things, requires only one thing.....BELIEF.....not one of these so called systems can be PROVED...

And the reason these things proliferate ? because far too many people refuse to use their intelligence and reasoning powers....it is easier to "believe" such crap than to think.

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A palmist can't tell you your future.

By referring to the life line in your hand, a palmist can predict certain events that MAY occur in the future.

This also applies to all other lines on your palm. Each line represents your entire life from birth to death.

For example: If healthy males average 80 years of life, each major line represents 80 years. If the male is now 40 years old, his current activities are right in the middle of each of those palm lines. Other lines crossing/cutting the major lines represent an occurrence to be expected at a certain time in the future.

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Has anyone ever encountered "Mystic Neil"?

He used to hang out around Koh Pha Ngang. A westerner he would hold court in bars and charge the backpackers or anyone else for that matter for a card or palm session. I always thought that his name rather summed the whole thing up, but ghe used to attract the attention of a lot of young Euro backpackers.

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i have an aunt that can just look at your face and tell you what youve been through, and what youve done, and what is going to happen ...some psychics are for real.

Stop the bull

Take you aunt to the race track I bet you will loss your ass.

a race track isnt exactly what she does....

she cant tell the future outright...she can only tell what youve done in the past,and how its going to effect your future...

go back and read my post again, preferrably with your ass....since you seem to be speaking with it.

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