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Drugs Suppression Police - Ganga could be a legal drug in the future


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21 minutes ago, mogandave said:

I think it's great. Once the fed legalizes grass, we'll be able to get a prescription, and Medicaid will have to pay for it.

We'll be able to lay around the crib, draw disability and get loaded all day on free "medicinal" weed all the time whining about tax breaks for the rich and

oh thanks great idea,,,, life just gets better

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Sir Robin Murray, professor of psychiatric research at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's and senior researcher on the study, said: "It is now well known that use of cannabis increases the risk of psychosis.

"However, sceptics still claim that this is not an important cause of schizophrenia-like psychosis.


So it's still being debated whether marijuana is the cause of mental illness in some people or not. Meanwhile the fact is that driving stoned on marijuana is just as dangerous as drink driving.
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10 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

Keep drinking your booze and stay in your bubble

 So tell me 1 good evidence based reason it should stay criminalized. 

Edited by bkkrooftop
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6 minutes ago, KhunSteven said:

I'm just trying weed out the truth in this story. :jap:

:cheesy:. Personally I don't or have ever smoked cigarettes or weed but cant see what the whole fuss of it all is. you can kill yourself with alcohol legally so why not be allowed to do as you please. Just my little bit to the argument. I know why drugs will never be legalized. the police forces world wide would have to streamline by at least 50 percent.

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20 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:



So it's still being debated whether marijuana is the cause of mental illness in some people or not. Meanwhile the fact is that driving stoned on marijuana is just as dangerous as drink driving.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/ this study compared cannabis and alcohol in drivers. They could not prove that cannabis led to more accidents.. Alcohol however without a doubt led to more accidents. 

Where did you get your info from?

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9 hours ago, hobz said:

This is a great step forward. Drugs destroy lives but making drugs illegal clearly just makes everything worse and makes the overall cost to society higher. Legalizing is the pragmatic thing to do.



 Alcohol should be on top of the drug list. All people can legally destroy their brains, marriages, kill others in road accidents, sleep with ugly people, etc..only to fill up the governments' wallets. 


 LSD wasn't considered a drug until AMERICA made it to one. 

Edited by ajarngreg
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I have grown, smoked (never sold ) ganja in 3 countries.

Used as a relaxant we have found it pleasant with less side effects than  alcohol.

Anything that diminishes the stigma around this pretty harmless drug is a good thing.

Getting locked up for having personal use amounts is just a waste of taxpayers money


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13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Speakers said they were just medicinal plants and not addictive drugs. And it was widely known that they had many uses in medicinal purposes.

I don't totally agree about not addictive, but it's not anywhere nearly as dangerous as alcohol. I do have friends I've known my whole life and they have wasted most of their lives up in smoke, yes, they are addicted.

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32 minutes ago, ajarngreg said:


 Alcohol should be on top of the drug list. All people can legally destroy their brains, marriages, kill others in road accidents, sleep with ugly people, etc..only to fill up the governments' wallets. 


 LSD wasn't considered a drug until AMERICA made it to one. 

Alcohol = one of the most damaging, directly and indirectly. Agreed.


Marriage, ehm, sure. Love is one of the most powerful drugs out there, makes people make horrible decisions.


Kill others in road accidents, are you crazy? This should never be accepted.


Sleep with ugly people? <deleted> if u outlaw that then i would have to report anyone that sleeps with me! Do you have any idea how often i would be at the police station? Actually not that often :(:( *tears*


How does sleeping with ugly people and road fatalities fill the governments wallets?


LSD should be legalized, extremely dangerous in the wrong hands,, even more dangerous because of its legal status (impossible to know correct dose etc on the black market). Would have great use in a psychiatrists office as well. Illegal because the government didnt like the anti war protests..cant let a psychedelic get in the way of the money making murder machine that is the military industrial complex can we? We gotta have our priorities straight, bombing and droning = good. Psychedelics = bad, very very bad.


Dude, what drugs are you on right now? Im on sleep deprivation and exhaustion from buying a house in thailand and generally being ugly.

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3 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


The evidence that tobacco causes diseases stands up to epidemiological scrutiny, there is a massive amount of evidence that has already stood up to epidemiological scrutiny supporting that tobacco causes lung cancer as well as other cancers, heat disease and strokes.


In 1968 fourteen hundred British civil servants, all smokers, were divided into two similar groups. Half were encouraged and counselled to quit smoking. These formed the test group. The others, the control group, were left to their own devices. For ten years both groups were monitored with respect to their health and smoking status.

Such a study is known as a randomised controlled intervention trial. It has become increasingly the benchmark, or as it is often referred to, the "gold standard" of medical investigation. Any week you can open The Lancet or British Medical Journal and you will likely find an example of such a trial to determine the benefits or harm of some new therapy.


So what were the results of the Whitehall study? They were contrary to all expectation. The quit group showed no improvement in life expectancy. Nor was there any change in the death rates due to heart disease, lung cancer, or any other cause with one exception: certain other cancers were more than twice as common in the quit group. Later, after twenty years there was still no benefit in life expectancy for the quit group.

Over the next decade the results of other similar trials appeared. It had been argued that if an improvement in one life-style factor, smoking, were of benefit, then an improvement in several - eg smoking, diet and exercise - should produce even clearer benefits. And so appeared the results of the whimsically acronymed Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial or MRFIT, with its 12,886 American subjects. Similarly, in Europe 60,881 subjects in four countries took part in the WHO Collaborative Trial. In Sweden the Goteborg study had 30,022 subjects. These were enormously expensive, wide-spread and time-consuming experiments. In all, there were 6 such trials with a total of over a hundred thousand subjects each engaged for an average of 7.4 years, a grand total of nearly 800,000 subject-years. The results of all were uniform, forthright and unequivocal: giving up smoking, even when fortified by improved diet and exercise, produced no increase in life expectancy. Nor was there any change in the death rate for heart disease or for cancer. A decade of expensive and protracted research had produced a quite unexpected result.



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17 minutes ago, nisakiman said:


In 1968 fourteen hundred British civil servants, all smokers, were divided into two similar groups. Half were encouraged and counselled to quit smoking. These formed the test group. The others, the control group, were left to their own devices. For ten years both groups were monitored with respect to their health and smoking status.

Such a study is known as a randomised controlled intervention trial. It has become increasingly the benchmark, or as it is often referred to, the "gold standard" of medical investigation. Any week you can open The Lancet or British Medical Journal and you will likely find an example of such a trial to determine the benefits or harm of some new therapy.


So what were the results of the Whitehall study? They were contrary to all expectation. The quit group showed no improvement in life expectancy. Nor was there any change in the death rates due to heart disease, lung cancer, or any other cause with one exception: certain other cancers were more than twice as common in the quit group. Later, after twenty years there was still no benefit in life expectancy for the quit group.

Over the next decade the results of other similar trials appeared. It had been argued that if an improvement in one life-style factor, smoking, were of benefit, then an improvement in several - eg smoking, diet and exercise - should produce even clearer benefits. And so appeared the results of the whimsically acronymed Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial or MRFIT, with its 12,886 American subjects. Similarly, in Europe 60,881 subjects in four countries took part in the WHO Collaborative Trial. In Sweden the Goteborg study had 30,022 subjects. These were enormously expensive, wide-spread and time-consuming experiments. In all, there were 6 such trials with a total of over a hundred thousand subjects each engaged for an average of 7.4 years, a grand total of nearly 800,000 subject-years. The results of all were uniform, forthright and unequivocal: giving up smoking, even when fortified by improved diet and exercise, produced no increase in life expectancy. Nor was there any change in the death rate for heart disease or for cancer. A decade of expensive and protracted research had produced a quite unexpected result.




Yes, that is an old one and debunked a million times.


This article explains quite well how you have been mislead into believing those studies demonstrate that there is no link between ill health and smoking.  Quite amusingly some actually believe there is a conspiracy against smokers, I guess it never occured to them that there are so many people with a financial interest in misleading people into continuing to smoke, but none into quitting.


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12 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

I'll drink to that!!!  :burp:

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10 hours ago, OmegaRacer said:

People kill, have road accidents and become violent due to alcohol abuse, yet it is legal. Ever heard about such incidents from smoking pot? No, I didn't think so.

It's about time the laws change. Long long overdue.

I have smoked ganja almost every day during 20 years, in Europe and Asia ( Thailand, too ),  now I have stopped for 20 years, and I don't agree with you on one point ; driving ( car, motobike etc ) is very dangerous when " stoned ", because ganja makes dreaming, thinking much and concentration and attention are very  low, totally inadequate with driving, which ask to be attentive to the surrounding ; when smoking ganja , you are in the clouds, not on earth

several road accident have happened, because the driver was under the influence of marijuana

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Yes, that is an old one and debunked a million times.
This article explains quite well how you have been mislead into believing those studies demonstrate that there is no link between ill health and smoking.  Quite amusingly some actually believe there is a conspiracy against smokers, I guess it never occured to them that there are so many people with a financial interest in misleading people into continuing to smoke, but none into quitting.

There are plenty of people making good dough in the anti-smoking industry..

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2 minutes ago, Aforek said:

I have smoked ganja almost every day during 20 years, in Europe and Asia ( Thailand, too ),  now I have stopped for 20 years, and I don't agree with you on one point ; driving ( car, motobike etc ) is very dangerous when " stoned ", because ganja makes dreaming, thinking much and concentration and attention are very  low, totally inadequate with driving, which ask to be attentive to the surrounding ; when smoking ganja , you are in the clouds, not on earth

several road accident have happened, because the driver was under the influence of marijuana

Quite a big difference being that people take stupid risks when drunk, a sober person might feel that they would never take the risk of driving drunk, but get them drunk and they may change their mind, the same is not true for the ganja case, they are more likely to be cautious.

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sigh.... about psychosis.

gimme a break.


work causes burnouts in some people. shall we make WORK illegal? fastfood causes obesitas in some people. shall we make McDo illegal? etc.


how many get psychosis through blowing WEED who would 100% NOT have had psychosis without the weed. the weed triggers it in some cases, I agree. but so does stress. weed is a peacefull drug. worst case u get anxiety attack. the latters affects nearly 20% of all adults in USA... says enough about the mental health of the common man..............................


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14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Tobacco industry is worth $600 billion

Smoking cessation industry is worth $3 billion

200 to 1 its the tobacco lobbyists lying.



In any event, you said: "...there are so many people with a financial interest in misleading people into continuing to smoke, but none into quitting",which is simply not true. That you (apparently) know it's not true and say it anyway speaks to your lack of integrity.


That said, i do not know anyone that (smoker or non-smoker) that does no know smoking is bad for you. 


My dad knew it 50 years ago, as did all of his friends. Most people smoked back then, and everyone knew it was bad for you. Everyone laughed when they put the warnings on the packs because they already knew.


They have been calling them "coffin nails" for a hundred years.


Any number of things are bad for you, people like to smoke, either make smoking illegal or let them alone. 

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11 minutes ago, mogandave said:


In any event, you said: "...there are so many people with a financial interest in misleading people into continuing to smoke, but none into quitting",which is simply not true. That you (apparently) know it's not true and say it anyway speaks to your lack of integrity.


That said, i do not know anyone that (smoker or non-smoker) that does no know smoking is bad for you. 


My dad knew it 50 years ago, as did all of his friends. Most people smoked back then, and everyone knew it was bad for you. Everyone laughed when they put the warnings on the packs because they already knew.


They have been calling them "coffin nails" for a hundred years.


Any number of things are bad for you, people like to smoke, either make smoking illegal or let them alone. 


I was responding to someone claiming that smoking is not bad for you and implying that it is all a conspiracy, if you think there is no one then read the above post that I replied to.


Sure, there is a little money in cessation, much of it from government funding, but do you think they could lobby government and pay universities to fudge results, because that is what I was really getting at, exactly what the tobacco industry has done in the past.

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1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:


I was responding to someone claiming that smoking is not bad for you and implying that it is all a conspiracy, if you think there is no one then read the above post that I replied to.


Sure, there is a little money in cessation, much of it from government funding, but do you think they could lobby government and pay universities to fudge results, because that is what I was really getting at, exactly what the tobacco industry has done in the past.


So that is somehow a good reason to misrepresent the truth?


I did not say there was no one, I said I did not know anyone. Neither do I see any big campaign trying to fool people into believing smoking is not bad for them, where do you see that? On the contrary, I do see a lot of anti-smoking rhetoric. 


There does seem to be a big campaign telling people how great smoking grass is and how there are no negative effects from it, I'm guessing there're plenty of people getting rich off that. Do you agree?  


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Cannabis already is a legal drug.


I just went to the dispensary yesterday and legally purchased cannabis.  I have a doctor's recommendation and an ID card issued by the state allowing me to purchase cannabis for medical relief.


Please do go on about how sophisticated people are living in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Phuket again? ?

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6 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Cannabis already is a legal drug.


I just went to the dispensary yesterday and legally purchased cannabis.  I have a doctor's recommendation and an ID card issued by the state allowing me to purchase cannabis for medical relief.


Please do go on about how sophisticated people are living in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Phuket again? ?

Yes, smoking weed is real sophisticated...or at least is was when I was in school...

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13 hours ago, Get Real said:





As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.

Responsible lives?? I actually know lots of people who've been regularly smoking pot for several to many decades, and they lead very successful and responsible lives, with good marriages and families, good jobs, and healthy lives. In fact, several of them are self-made millionaires who run very successful companies that employ hundreds of people. 


With all due respect, you really don't know what you're talking about, and it's obvious you really don't want to know.

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Ever wondered why why hemp, a cheap and sustainable plant was banned. Used for thousands of years to make cheap rope and clothing. Then came US petrochemical companies who needed to use up the excess oil based products that were higher priced than cheap hemp. So they banned all hemp growing around the world by use of the political, military and sanctions pressure. Banning the higher THC producing hemp was one of the tactics used to justify the bans. If you see some of the adverts they used during the 1930's to justify the bans you would laugh out loud and then be embarrassed that such foolish propaganda could be used and accepted. Hemp from China (no THC) is making a comeback, especially in the clothing industry. There are good medical uses for the THC type hemp. For the uses of non addictive pain relief is one for chronic pain sufferers. This is not a pro ganja smoking endorsement. But surely most rational people should see that many pharmacy prescribed drugs and cigarettes and alcohol are far more dangerous to society than THC marijuana. . 

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