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Brit accused of ordering murder of Tony Kenway in Pattaya to arrive in Thailand today


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Brit accused of ordering murder of Tony Kenway in Pattaya to arrive in Thailand today



Authorities in Cambodia are expected to hand over the man accused of being the mastermind in the murder of a British man in Pattaya.


According to the Khmer Times, British nation Toby James Nelham, 44 will be handed over to Thai authorities on Saturday following his arrest in Cambodia earlier this week.


Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24.


On Friday, Thai media reported that police investigating the murder believe that Mr Kenway had owed Mr Nelham 8 million baht and it was this that was the motive to the murder.


Contrary to earlier reports, Thai police had sought the help of the authorities in Cambodia to track down two other foreigners who were believed to involved in the murder of Tony Kenway.


Documents issued by Pattaya Court named South African Abel Caldeira Bonito, 23, as the suspected gunman, while Miles Dicken Turner, 27, a Briton is accused of being the getaway driver to the crime scene.


Police in Thailand discovered the two men fled to Cambodia just hours after the murder.

The search for the men by Cambodian police focussed on Sihanoukville, where the men are thought to have had links. Police there have been handing out wanted posters and making appeals on social media for information about the two men.


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-02-11
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I don't know the details.

but if was to write a mystery novel I would have the british guy  in Thailand as the local drug distributor, the alleged killer or killers in Cambodia as the enforcers, and  thai and Cambodian police as the masterminds.

but of course, I am only supposing a crime story with no facts to back that up.



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25 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I don't know the details.

but if was to write a mystery novel I would have the british guy  in Thailand as the local drug distributor, the alleged killer or killers in Cambodia as the enforcers, and  thai and Cambodian police as the masterminds.

but of course, I am only supposing a crime story with no facts to back that up.



you need to go a few more levels higher up from the police to be accurate, a lot higher

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49 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

Have to wait and see if the RTP have any real evidence on this guy..........my thoughts are they have nil.......


If they do have zero then presumable they will rely on confession .............................


Which begs the question on what grounds was he extradited?

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?




Because they were trained by Det Sgt Joe Friday whose favourite saying was "Just the facts Ma'am" and modified to the RTP system of "Just the alternative facts Ma'am and if you don't have any we can always make some up on the spot".


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This Toby character not much different from the dead scum, someone should do him in while he sits in his Bentley and case closed forever. Sell off combined assets including diamond rock on "innocent,  i want justice to for my scum hubby wife"and partial recovery to poor folks >>>> that would be my wish.

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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?



probably charged with conspiracy to commit murder based on evidence gleaned from CI's or more euphemistically referred to as rats

Edited by bangkok101
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3 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?



Does it matter, we (BIB) say so, so that's all that matters. 

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?



Tony Kenway was out on bail for the crimes that he and his x partner Toby James Nelham was involved by scamming people to invest money in Thailand when he was shot. He was supposedly to appear in court later in January 2017. A Lot of evidence  about the case was lost when he was shot. That is why Toby James Nelham is being accused as the mastermind behind the assassination.  

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48 minutes ago, Paruk said:

I would be pissed off if somebody owes me 8 million baht and drives around in a Porsche living like that. First pay me back, sh&tsack, before you get yourself a Porsche to show off.

They were partners in crime in Thailand before Toby Nelham  moved to Cambodia. to escape justice in Thailand.


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5 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I don't know the details.

but if was to write a mystery novel I would have the british guy  in Thailand as the local drug distributor, the alleged killer or killers in Cambodia as the enforcers, and  thai and Cambodian police as the masterminds.

but of course, I am only supposing a crime story with no facts to back that up.



Is this a conspiracy theorist forum...ridiculous:coffee1:

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47 minutes ago, Rough Rider said:

Yeah. Looks like you only know quater of the story. maybe you need to read less comic books if you want to comment on the story.


Read all there is to read on it. 


It it was a #%€$ up from start to finish. 


As to comic books, they make more sense than your post. 

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of bversethe mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?



The police, In any country, don't publish their  methods chapter and verse.  It's not necessary, and may be counter productive.

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7 minutes ago, brianj1964 said:

this is getting hilarious now, 6 HOURS ago the wife claimed he had confessed in another stisryline then it was said the UK had declined his extradition, and now hes making his way to thailand to be tried, its like an episode of CSI vegas, wheres Grissom?

This Is the press....not the police.  They write what they think will make good reading/viewing, and any resemblance  to reality Is no more than a coincidence.

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:


Because they were trained by Det Sgt Joe Friday whose favourite saying was "Just the facts Ma'am" and modified to the RTP system of "Just the alternative facts Ma'am and if you don't have any we can always make some up on the spot".


Larry Kent

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18 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Not sure how killing the guy will get the 8 mill back, either.


kneecapping maybe.... then he can go down to the bank in a wheelchair., but killing him?

One of the reports said that the murdered guy was the one owed B8M.  That would  make more sense, but these are press reports, and I commented on the reliability of the press earlier.

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