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Backpackers - can't live with them, can't kill them

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Had a slckpacker check out of the missus guesthouse a week back... he wanted to change to another guesthouse to be closer to his friends and demanded his advance payment of 130 baht to be refunded.  Talk about tight.


 If it was me I would have told him to go away in short jerky movements, it irrated me greatly as check out is 12 noon. He approached the office at 3pm.  The missus gave him the refund and told me later that its not worth the effort to argue with these bums.


I tend to disagree but then its not my place.....

3 hours ago, CMKiwi said:

Had a slckpacker check out of the missus guesthouse a week back... he wanted to change to another guesthouse to be closer to his friends and demanded his advance payment of 130 baht to be refunded.  Talk about tight.


                 Backpacker scroungers , living on sweet F/A .. 

                 People  Thai  prefer spenders ,  aka   sex tourist , good for the  thai economy .

               Actually , i only came to LOS   for affordable  sex.  

            Of , course , there are the  righteous brigade , who came to LOS , for ??


There has been a whole series of photos like these posted on the police line account over the last 6 weeks. I believe they arrested one girl who was trying to get on top of the songtaew before it approached some bridge somewhere.


I find it funny how some people like to complain about backpackers.

It's a great way to see the world and interact with local people as well as other travellers around the world. 


Been there, done that and still wish to do it. 


When it comes to public transportation.. this was one of the best train trips I have made. The train eventually derailed at Devil's Nose in Ecuador, but it was mostly just entertaining. 



Lived on Khoasan for a while.  There are some delinquents, but the vast majority are not.  Actually other than the woman shown hanging out of the songthaew, find most backpackers today uptight bores.   They stay in their own little groups and offer little in the way of conversation. 


Backpackers today are few and far between. Those who happen to carry a backpack, computer and cell phone, airline tickets or electric toothbrush do not qualify.

14 hours ago, elektrified said:

There has been a whole series of photos like these posted on the police line account over the last 6 weeks. I believe they arrested one girl who was trying to get on top of the songtaew before it approached some bridge somewhere.

We all passed successfully through the world of living dangerously years ago. Some were not so lucky. In some ways this stage in life weeds out the wheat from the chaff. I think I could term myself as chaff but suddenly had an epiphany  and learned which way the wind of life was blowing. Its an accumulated instinct. 

1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

Lived on Khoasan for a while.  There are some delinquents, but the vast majority are not.  Actually other than the woman shown hanging out of the songthaew, find most backpackers today uptight bores.   They stay in their own little groups and offer little in the way of conversation. 

How people can forget that they were once young?


Backpackers are mostly decent young students travelling and learning the world on a budget and many of them will be our next leaders.  Justin Trudeau, the present Prime minister of Canada, came here when he was 18, also Margaret Trudeau before him travelled to Thailand.  I have seen both by coincidence.


I am certain that when he is meeting with Thailand representatives, all is experience of Thailand is coming back and Thailand has generally a special place in their heart.  Who only wants old grumpy rich tourists?

2 hours ago, oilinki said:

I find it funny how some people like to complain about backpackers.

It's a great way to see the world and interact with local people as well as other travellers around the world. 


Been there, done that and still wish to do it. 


When it comes to public transportation.. this was one of the best train trips I have made. The train eventually derailed at Devil's Nose in Ecuador, but it was mostly just entertaining. 


Most of the blokes here wouldn't have even known about Thailand or where it was if it wasn't for backpackers 40 plus years ago.Trail blazers that did the hard yards,including myself.

16 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Most of the blokes here wouldn't have even known about Thailand or where it was if it wasn't for backpackers 40 plus years ago.Trail blazers that did the hard yards,including myself.

Hate to disappoint you but it was the GIs on RandR  who put Thailand on the map and many come back to visit or live here. 

10 minutes ago, moe666 said:

Hate to disappoint you but it was the GIs on RandR  who put Thailand on the map and many come back to visit or live here. 

I doubt the GIs went to Phuket as a largely deserted island in the early 70s or many other out of the way places that are now firmly on the map. There is rarely absolute truth, many factors combined to put various countries and areas on the map, bacpackers were important in many of them.

2 hours ago, oilinki said:

I fenndinit funny how some people like to complain about backpackers.

It's a great way to see the world and interact with local people as well as other travellers around the world. 


Been there, done that and still wish to do it. 


When it comes to public transportation.. this was one of the best train trips I have made. The train eventually derailed at Devil's Nose in Ecuador, but it was mostly just entertaining. 


I suppose getting stoned/wasted In Khao San Road qualifies as 'Interacting with local people'???


It's not just foreign backpackers riding songtheaws like that.  I've seen Thais riding like that also.. as many as three hanging off the back of a yellow songthaew I was in, going north from Chiang Mai to Chiang Dao. The inside was packed with them even crunched up on the floor between the packed benches

 And I've even seen them on the roof of the songtheaw going down Huay Kaew Road in Chiang Mai...    Not unusual to see. It ain't just western backpackers...

52 minutes ago, yimlitnoy said:

How people can forget that they were once young?


Backpackers are mostly decent young students travelling and learning the world on a budget and many of them will be our next leaders.  Justin Trudeau, the present Prime minister of Canada, came here when he was 18, also Margaret Trudeau before him travelled to Thailand.  I have seen both by coincidence.


I am certain that when he is meeting with Thailand representatives, all is experience of Thailand is coming back and Thailand has generally a special place in their heart.  Who only wants old grumpy rich tourists?

      Yeah... Jihadi Justin Trudeau backpacked the world and went to Thailand and lots of other countries when he was in his late teens and early twenties...    Daddy's millions payed it for him.  He became a weed smoking part time high school drama teacher... and now runs Canada like it's his personal property. 

     And his weed smoking mother who screwed around with Mick Jagger and maybe screwed Fidel Castro of Cuba, travelled to India and Thailand in the hippy days...  (if you compare pictures of a younger Castro with Justin Trudeau and put a beard on Justin Trudeau.... there is a striking resemblance to Castro. Funny thing is...  he was born round nine months after Margarets trip to Cuba and her meeting with Castro.)

    Wonderful people....  5555555

9 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

He and The Donald should get along just fine then


   We'll see.   Trudeau is supposed to fly down to Washington D.C. on Monday and have a meeting with President Trump at the White House.  

                    I expect Trump to give him a blast.  Trudeau is still a kid..still wet behind the ears.... and it's difficult to tell when he's stoned and when he's straight.... and he's never had to meet a payroll in his life.  Hopefully Trump will set him straight...  

1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Will Melanoma be there too?

      Huh ? ? ?    Oh....  I see... it's supposed to be funny...   okay...  55555555 ;)

13 hours ago, Mousehound said:

Isn't there anything in the world more worth while we can all moan about? 

Well now, if TV only posted worthwhile topics; there would be nothing to kibitz about.

1 hour ago, yimlitnoy said:

How people can forget that they were once young?


Backpackers are mostly decent young students travelling and learning the world on a budget and many of them will be our next leaders.  Justin Trudeau, the present Prime minister of Canada, came here when he was 18, also Margaret Trudeau before him travelled to Thailand.  I have seen both by coincidence.


I am certain that when he is meeting with Thailand representatives, all is experience of Thailand is coming back and Thailand has generally a special place in their heart.  Who only wants old grumpy rich tourists?

Who only wants the grumpy rich tourists? Do I really have to answer that; you don't know?


 Getting excited about an overloaded songtaow with someone hanging out the back?!!

That is plain ridiculous and is only done because the Thai’s want to find something to be outraged about. They have been doing that for going on 20 years now. If the expats here want to do so also, you should realize that the majority of Thai make no distinctions between backpacker antics and you and  never have

Shock, Gasp horror!!

It is true to, if you have been blind enough not to see it, better get back to the Leo

17 hours ago, elliss said:

It's a nice easy country to live in.  That's all.  I don't do the sex-pat thing but bear no grudges against that do.  But not everyone here, is here for that stuff.

                 Backpacker scroungers , living on sweet F/A .. 

                 People  Thai  prefer spenders ,  aka   sex tourist , good for the  thai economy .

               Actually , i only came to LOS   for affordable  sex.  

            Of , course , there are the  righteous brigade , who came to LOS , for ??



What is it can't you stand people enjoying themselves now. Have you got that old and bitter that you have forgotten how to and how you did enjoy yourself. Lighten up if you don't like people ignore them. Don't get so wound up you'll have have a heart attack.

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