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Is Starbucks for Thais or Westerners?

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53 minutes ago, theoldgit said:

Of course we should, but do classes have to take place in a restaurant, are there no such things as classrooms?
I'll bow to your experience, but isn't it distracting to hold classes in a restaurant or indeed to do your homework there, indeed is it even fair?

It's not ideal.  But it's not easy to find places to do private classes, and as they pay me 2,000 an hour we can afford to study in Starbucks!

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20 minutes ago, blazes said:

Whenever I see these selfish snowflakes doing their "homework" I always go and sit at their table, using one of the (maybe two or three) free chairs around the table.  They don't like it, and give you a dirty "<deleted> you doing here, a$$hole" look, but there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.

I would do exactly the same if it was a teacher "teaching" his or her chicks.

It could benefit you as maybe you would be able to learn something!

6 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

These chronic posts I read bashing SBUX just crack me up. Wherever you go the place is near full to overflowing. They must be doing something right. Reminds me of so many 'sour grapes posts' about other consistently successful businesses, like the Apple, the New England Patriots, or McDonald's.  Some people just aren't happy unless they're bashing people or groups with massive success, thinking they're elevating themselves by hating on what so many people enjoy, as though they're above it all. SBUX hasn't fooled the world, they dominate in a food service category they helped create. The large scale retail food marketplace is highly competitive and very efficient. If they weren't outperforming the competition, SBUX would be contracting instead of expanding. If you want to drink coffee acquired at a local roaster, or a different chain, that's cool. But please stop with all this SBUX is crap stuff...it is so tired and boring.

Can you say Free WiFi     Lol 

53 minutes ago, boike said:


Just because a place is full doesn't mean it's good. It's a hype and free Internet attracts a lot of ppl.  It's crap and overpriced.
KFC and McDonald's are packed every day but that doesn't mean that it's good or healthy. And this has nothing to do with USA bashing because I visited my relatives at least 3 times a year and I love it.

Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk


Hype?  It's been a raging success since before it went public in 1992. That's twenty five straight years, with the only setback coming when they drifted away from their core business of providing coffee drinks. KFC, MCD and SBUX do a great job in their sector of the market. Their food products sell by the billions because it tastes good to millions of people every day. [I also very rarely spend money any of these establishments. I never referenced the USA and I don't know why you brought it up. Your response regarding health isn't relevant]. This doesn't change the fact that millions of people voluntarily buy their food products. If it tasted like sh*t they would go out of business. Lots of restaurants fold every single day. They have thousands of franchises all over the world. Their food tastes good. People buy it. By the boatload.

4 minutes ago, ToddinChonburi said:

Can you say Free WiFi     Lol 

Good one, Todd... It is all part of the atmosphere. It is no accident that perk is included in the SBUX experience.


Thailand may be an anomaly but I've visited SBUX in almost every Asian country where they exist and they are all filled with locals even in the expat centric cities. This does not include airports naturally. So I would say ultimately the hope is for the local market although everyone is welcome. They also were a client of mine so I'm sure of the strategy.


(By the way, Maun Jai beans are grown here in Thailand and they make an excellent strongish home brew -- even in my cheap Tfal 4 cup coffee maker. Get the beans ground for drip. )


Starbucks Iced Americano 130B for the large, my preferred local Thai independent coffee shop 40B same size and better quality, average 4-5 a week over a year is a  20k+ saving and supporting the little guy!

1 minute ago, Lt Frank Bullitt said:

Starbucks Iced Americano 130B for the large, my preferred local Thai independent coffee shop 40B same size and better quality, average 4-5 a week over a year is a  20k+ saving and supporting the little guy!

40B?  That's outrageous!

10 hours ago, robertthebruce said:


Say what you like about "Starbucks" , but at least you get Zero percent fat Milk, and a Skinny Muffin...


and no signs of Carnation Milk....


suits me....., as Thailand is the land of Sugar, Syrup,........, so it's hard to find the above....

I find plenty of coffee shops in Thailand for decent brewed coffee, but I don't use milk and sugar.


The only problem I see is the coffee shops haven't learned that Westerners drink coffee in the mornings too. Most of the coffee shops around here don't open until afternoon, So, on the odd occasion I am out in the morning, I know a lovely little Thai-Chinese restaurant which makes good strong brewed coffee and minced pork patties (almost like American breakfast sausage patties). So, I order two soft-boiled eggs, two pork patties, two pieces of toast, and two cups of coffee.



4 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

A couple of years ago I read that Starbucks were changing their logo from Starbucks Coffee to just Starbucks. I think it was for good reason. If you love coffee you're not gonna go to Starbucks 

My Words:  Starbucks is for people who have no idea of coffee.


I think you'll find that the greater majority of these ''teachers'' are no more than transients wandering around with laptops and  eking an existence from their teaching activities. However there are a few rarities who are excellent teachers among them so let us not tar all with one brush


We often get them dropping in at our office offering their  linguistic and web design services etc  to us so as we will be able to improve our international legal services to foreigners, they are indeed somewhat surprised at the fact our receptionists has a  far higher standard of English  and I T skills than they do 


receptionists is an ex Cheltenham Ladies College educated girl,  family member and her birthright,  like mine is, Thai English, English Thai.


I do enjoy inviting them into my office where the walls are displaying images from our U K office and images of myself and our  partners in  our full

 U K  court rig.


Often results in coughs and splutters over a coffee and a prompt departure.  


So many of these people still think we are primitives  and they for a fee can and will educate us., In truth in many cases it is the other way round. Starbucks or the office and the faults show.




I can't stand Coffee, but as mentioned can hack it in "Starbucks"...


Arabic Coffee , the smell is lovely but the taste is vile.....


I am a Big Fan of "Starbucks"  and always hunt one down wherever I am...


Feee Wi Fi , Clean comfortable surroundings , Washrooms, Magazines, choice of zero Percent Milk, no Carnation Milk....., and of course "Skinny Banana Muffin"...


All,sounds good to me....

My Words:  Starbucks is for people who have no idea of coffee.

In much the same way as McDonald's is for people with no idea of food.

What they both offer is cleanliness and consistency, which most people (Coffey snobs included) appreciate.
9 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

These chronic posts I read bashing SBUX just crack me up. Wherever you go the place is near full to overflowing. They must be doing something right. Reminds me of so many 'sour grapes posts' about other consistently successful businesses, like the Apple, the New England Patriots, or McDonald's.  Some people just aren't happy unless they're bashing people or groups with massive success, thinking they're elevating themselves by hating on what so many people enjoy, as though they're above it all. SBUX hasn't fooled the world, they dominate in a food service category they helped create. The large scale retail food marketplace is highly competitive and very efficient. If they weren't outperforming the competition, SBUX would be contracting instead of expanding. If you want to drink coffee acquired at a local roaster, or a different chain, that's cool. But please stop with all this SBUX is crap stuff...it is so tired and boring.

Successful marketing and fads don't mean a product is good it just means people consistently fall for advertising bombardment and an intense need to be part of a group.  History has shown that corporations will continue to profit from the feeble minded regardless of product quality.  


In much the same way as McDonald's is for people with no idea of food.

What they both offer is cleanliness and consistency, which most people (Coffey snobs included) appreciate.

Indeed the coffee is a very small part of Starbucks' appeal and its success.

Overpriced and poor value for money. I have to be desperately in need of a coffee fix before I'll enter a Starbucks. Black Canyon is infinitely superior.

4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It's not ideal.  But it's not easy to find places to do private classes, and as they pay me 2,000 an hour we can afford to study in Starbucks!

If they pay you 2000 baht an hour, you could rent a place to hold your classes instead of denying paying customers of Starbucks a seat at which to drink their coffee.

4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

It's not ideal.  But it's not easy to find places to do private classes, and as they pay me 2,000 an hour we can afford to study in Starbucks!

Those who sit around public tables over a drink for 3 hours is pretty selfish. In most countries the staff are trained to go up after a certain time and ask if they'd like another drink as customers are waiting to sit but not here in Thailand.


Limit WiFi too i say Starbucks in Vietnam have an internet code on the till receipt and I think it's about 40 minutes then have to buy another drink to get the new code.

If they pay you 2000 baht an hour, you could rent a place to hold your classes instead of denying paying customers of Starbucks a seat at which to drink their coffee.

There are plenty of seats and we pay for our coffee. Much of Starbucks' success in Bangkok is its appeal to students. I've yet to see someone denied a seat!
Those who sit around public tables over a drink for 3 hours is pretty selfish. In most countries the staff are trained to go up after a certain time and ask if they'd like another drink as customers are waiting to sit but not here in Thailand.
Limit WiFi too i say Starbucks in Vietnam have an internet code on the till receipt and I think it's about 40 minutes then have to buy another drink to get the new code.

Actually they do sometimes. I would have no problem in customers being required to make purchases every hour or so. I buy extra shot coffees to keep me alert while trying to coach students to band 7 IELTS.
1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:


There are plenty of seats and we pay for our coffee. Much of Starbucks' success in Bangkok is its appeal to students. I've yet to see someone denied a seat!

Actually they do sometimes. I would have no problem in customers being required to make purchases every hour or so. I buy extra shot coffees to keep me alert while trying to coach students to band 7 IELTS.


I stand corrected. Other posters were suggesting that they've seen teachers and their students denying patrons of seating. If that's not the case, apologies.

6 hours ago, nikmar said:

Judging on the last time I was in Starbucks I would say it's exclusively for teachers and their students.

No, it is for yuppies and want to bes. Never crowded there. They sell nice cups. Maybe their main Business?!

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