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The Thread Of Love!


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All my favourite posters are banned :o

yes and how boring is that as its all the cats with the get up and go in them. :D

Especially this cat....


well, if you walked around with an orange peel on your frigging head you'd get banned as well. :D

oh well <deleted> happenns. :D

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1) Thomas Merton

2) The Gentleman Scamp

3) Everyone else ...except Butterfly.

hahahaha... sorry, I just find it amusing that for someone who joined around 10 weeks ago would cite people who haven't been around for 10 months or more as their favorite posters...

Spend a lot of time reading old, old threads from the archives, eh? :o

Not a personal dig... hey, if you can resurrect yourself again on thaivisa, all the more power to you.


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i second the vote for britmav. (can i do that as a mod?).

not only is he kind and considerat in his posts, but he is a fine example of a real gentleman in real life too. :D

The Rules of the thread

This thread is designed for us to show how much we AGREE with or entertained by other members.

It is NOT for us to rant or complain about members we don't like.

Please try to be fair, and DO NOT include any moderators or any member that you have met in person.

If the moderators can't follow the rules what chance the rest of us. :o

(BTW I would've voted for you Donna if it hadn't been outside said rules)

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oops! that will teach me for being in a hurry when leaving work!

OK. in that case, i would have to vote for KanWin. Never met him, never PM'd him, but i like his photos, and i like his respect for the king and the country he chooses to live in.

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I like all the posters on tv (well okay, there are 2 that I dislike!). This is the best forum I have ever been on for its range and diversity of posters.

A few of special mention (sorry if I forget anyone)

Kayo, he's a good laugh with a wicked SOH.

Bambina, she is just so helpful, especially in the Thai food section, we have exchanged many recipes.

Glauka (has not been around for a while) A very sincere 'latin' lady.

Khun Yak, he's a wind-up merchant!

Soph, funny and incisive.

Patsycat, always posts pissed!

Thaibebop, didn't like him at first but got to know him, he's a cool dude.

There are many others but that's all I can think of now - sorry if I missed off any of my friends on tv, but you know who you are.

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I like all the posters on tv (well okay, there are 2 that I dislike!). This is the best forum I have ever been on for its range and diversity of posters.

A few of special mention (sorry if I forget anyone)

Kayo, he's a good laugh with a wicked SOH.

Bambina, she is just so helpful, especially in the Thai food section, we have exchanged many recipes.

Glauka (has not been around for a while) A very sincere 'latin' lady.

Khun Yak, he's a wind-up merchant!

Soph, funny and incisive.

Patsycat, always posts pissed!e

Thaibebop, didn't like him at first but got to know him, he's a cool dude.

There are many others but that's all I can think of now - sorry if I missed off any of my friends on tv, but you know who you are.

Suegha likes the ladies!!

No-one likes me!!

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I like all the posters on tv (well okay, there are 2 that I dislike!). This is the best forum I have ever been on for its range and diversity of posters.

A few of special mention (sorry if I forget anyone)

Kayo, he's a good laugh with a wicked SOH.

Bambina, she is just so helpful, especially in the Thai food section, we have exchanged many recipes.

Glauka (has not been around for a while) A very sincere 'latin' lady.

Khun Yak, he's a wind-up merchant!

Soph, funny and incisive.

Patsycat, always posts pissed!e

Thaibebop, didn't like him at first but got to know him, he's a cool dude.

There are many others but that's all I can think of now - sorry if I missed off any of my friends on tv, but you know who you are.

Suegha likes the ladies!!

No-one likes me!!

Oy, dan sai kid! I enjoy your posts and you're a friend of mine. I just did the list off the top of my head, hence the copious apologies!

And if you check, you'll find I have equal amounts of ladies and gents. :o

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I like all the posters on tv (well okay, there are 2 that I dislike!). This is the best forum I have ever been on for its range and diversity of posters.

A few of special mention (sorry if I forget anyone)

Kayo, he's a good laugh with a wicked SOH.

Bambina, she is just so helpful, especially in the Thai food section, we have exchanged many recipes.

Glauka (has not been around for a while) A very sincere 'latin' lady.

Khun Yak, he's a wind-up merchant!

Soph, funny and incisive.

Patsycat, always posts pissed!

Thaibebop, didn't like him at first but got to know him, he's a cool dude.

There are many others but that's all I can think of now - sorry if I missed off any of my friends on tv, but you know who you are.

:o The truth is out!! Well, I'm glad I won you over. :D

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lots..Guesthouse (learn a lot), Old Croc, BKKmadness,qualtrough, terry57, laulen, taxexile, occasionally even Rambo, Gracy(GracelessFawn), BambinA. The fights between Donz & others...lots of others all good.

Disagree with you Terry57 on humour..you got a great sense of humanuir but doesn't mean all posts have to be humourous, that's your speciailty let others fill the other niches, room for all old son.

A post from Ulyusses G re sad situation was most honest/moving this year (my opinion).

All good (gosh I need to get a life).

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UG - will make it up to CM one of these days and hunt the lad down. (bring tornado)

Terry57 (warped and might not be right about everything, but gives a good laff)

BKKMadness - don't agree everything, but loves a good debate, like myself.

Bambina - personable and good heart

Moog - can piss you off and have you in stitches in a matter of seconds.

Heaps more.....

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So there’s me tinking after I got a PM from (you know who. K.O. sssshhhhhhh) Kan not mention (as per the rules by 2long,) as I met him and is a very dear friend of mine, popped into this Fred. :D

Donna thank you every much for your kind and warm words about Kan Win. :bah:

This one is for you:-


As a moderator, but only on the “Photography and the Arts” that excludes myself as well, me tink, The Colonel will now take over.

The Colonel ;)

As a member of “The Never Ending Story” one would like to meet all of you, should you pass by my way, at a weekend in Kan. (Kanchanaburi).

Hopefully will be down south in February, if the good Lord is willing, meet up with you there, should you wish, that is. :D

Will be going east from Bangers& Mash in March to Patters, once again, meet up with you there, should you wish, that is. :D

:o And last, but not least “I Wish You Where HereK.O. from The Colonel and his side kick Kan Win. Love you lots. :o

Merry Christmas to you all. :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win

P.S. Where is the “Candle in the Wind” UP2U? also miss Tomy from years ago. :D

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