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[360 Video] How plastic is spoiling Thailand's beautiful waters

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TAT wouldnt have to scrape the bottom of the tourist barrel if the government cleans up the rubbish problem.  Zero tolerance and heavy fines for littering.  Tax on plastic bags to encourage people to carry reusable bags and not put items in 3 plastic bags.  Heavy fines on any resort or organisation caught dumping rubbish.  Its not hard.  Just do it!

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Its very dissapointing. A shift in attitudes is needed. Any Government clean up etc will only reinforce the current mindset. ie: someone else will clean that up, its not my problem. limiting plastic bags and fines will help but not much until the basic Thai attitudes change. 

I think an advertising campaign that taps into the Thai nationalism and Buddhism, ie: guilt.

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I live in Kata and regularly 'clean' the part of the beach where we go each day.


The c**p that is left behind  by some of the tourists is unbelievable.


Until more people of ALL nationalities become more aware of the destruction they cause to our planet this problem will persist.


I always take a shopping bag with me and decline a plastic bag for just a couple of items.

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