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Trump's team in disarray, U.S. Senator McCain tells Europe


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18 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

McCain; sir, you're getting old and dotty.  You have the guts to speak out against Trump, but not forcefully enough.  It's like, if there was a razor blade in your soup, and you sucked it down and it slashed your throat, you might say, "that soup had something in it which irritated my throat."


The US needs people with backbones.  People who can stand up to Trump in tangible ways.  Be real.  

You have a valid point. Where is there any other "reds" aka Republicans defending The U.S. constitution or American way of life? The reds are only interested in power and money like their sleazy leader.

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9 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

I think it is the other way around, McCain hates trump for saying he's not a war hero.


I think trump is far too smart to "hate" anyone, as hate does shape ones behaviour.

Compared to McCain, President Trump is a role model for a warm human being generous to friends and foes alike.

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9 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems! For once McCain try to bring solutions to problems instead of complaining so much. Who the hell do you think you're fooling?


Pack it in Mccain....go home and stay home....play with your grandkids...USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!

Luckily enough we have a youthful President in Donald Trump who is only 47 and still able to enjoy younger ladies' attentions.

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9 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

You have a valid point. Where is there any other "reds" aka Republicans defending The U.S. constitution or American way of life? The reds are only interested in power and money like their sleazy leader.

I think all politicians are only interested in power and money.  Sadly!

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29 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Note: Draft Dodger Trump. It might be genetic b/c his Father was also a draft dodger.


I hope the lunatic Trump spends the rest of his life in a "padded cell." 


And both McCain's father and grandfather were Navy Admirals.


Ultimately McCain may be judged as being on the "right side" of the Trump "fiasco" early?

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10 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

I think it is the other way around, McCain hates trump for saying he's not a war hero. I think trump is far too smart to "hate" anyone, as hate does shape ones behaviour.

McCain is a grown man. He's survived tougher times than Trump will ever experience.  McCain isn't so weak that he would 'hate' anyone for saying something incredibly immature and stupid about him.  In sharp contrast; Trump is to 'smart' what a turtle is to skydiving.


9 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems! For once McCain try to bring solutions to problems instead of complaining so much. Who the hell do you think you're fooling?

Pack it in Mccain....go home and stay home....play with your grandkids...USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!

Typical Trump-fan drivel.  When any entity or person comes forth to tell the truth about Trump's many failings, Trump and his fans do the only thing they're capable of:  denigrate the messenger.  They did it with DiNero, with the most respected and largest newspapers in the US, with lauded celebrities like Streep, with Mexico, with the Pope, .......the list is long, and grows every day.

That's bratty little kid mentality.  Message to Trump and his fans:  GROW UP !

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10 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems! For once McCain try to bring solutions to problems instead of complaining so much. Who the hell do you think you're fooling?


Pack it in Mccain....go home and stay home....play with your grandkids...USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!

LOL really? Have you listened to Trump i.e. "it's no fair, so unfair, very unfair; bad, very bad, not good, and last but not lease "bigley."  Talk a/b a cry baby. Sounds like a 4th grader in the playground.  Hey cry baby in charge: Life is not fair. But perhaps your privileged background didn't allow you to learn that. 


And while I'm at it "tough guy" how many fights/ real physical altercations have you ever been in - to your statement "I'd like to punch him in the face." Come on over I'll offer my fact to ya anyday. I'm no "spring chicken" either cry baby. 

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An interesting point made by Keith Oberman:  Trump never had a pet dog (or any pet animals, for that matter). It's like there's a hole in his soul.   Notice, he often refers to people he doesn't like as "dirty as a dog" or "worse than a dog" etc. etc.  


    A bit further off topic, but one of Trump's many knee jerk edicts (he's always talking about lessening regulations)  ......is rescinding legislation on dog food.  It might sound silly, but hundreds of pet dogs get poisoned or killed annually from inferior dog food.  Don't expect Trump to care.  He thinks dogs are despicable.  

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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:

USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!

Unfortunately what it's got is a vain, spoiled brat who can't help himself, especially when he "shoots from the lip".


Furthermore Trump is a proven liar and there are many examples of that for all to see, then of course there is the fact that you have a businessman who has filed for bankruptcy protection around six times in his life and who used immigrant labour on some of his projects in the early 1990s because he wouldn't have to pay them the full rates – – by the way he settled out of court on that.


Then of course you have his campaign trail rhetoric regarding the fact that he is an honest man although the above may well show otherwise, but he did specifically say that he did not believe in "settlements" and that there would not be any, so he then "settled" the dispute regarding the Trump University, out-of-court for $26 million.


Then you have his "backflips" and "about turns" with regards to his statements, just as if he didn't know what he was talking about in the first place, and I believe that to be the case.


What his ardent supporters cannot see is that he is no more than a showman, a man of low intelligence who inherited wealth and a man who has no idea of the art of negotiating or diplomacy. Negotiating for him is an, "I win/you lose" scenario and unfortunately that does not work in international politics.


As for keeping jobs in America, then I have no problem with that, provided the bigger picture is looked at and of course provided he doesn't get his T-shirts made overseas in China because they're cheaper – – oops, another faux pas by the vain, fake tanned, thinning haired, overweight showman.


I can only hope that this man gets impeached because of his continued association with his businesses, or that ironically he suffers a heart attack which puts him out of contention, this despite his five-minute, one page "health assessment" by his friendly doctor – – what a joke!

Edited by xylophone
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5 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Unfortunately what it's got is a vain, spoiled brat who can't help himself, especially when he "shoots from the lip".


Furthermore Trump is a proven liar and there are many examples of that for all to see, then of course there is the fact that you have a businessman who has filed for bankruptcy protection around six times in his life and who used immigrant labour on some of his projects in the early 1990s because he wouldn't have to pay them the full rates – – by the way he settled out of court on that.


Then of course you have his campaign trail rhetoric regarding the fact that he is an honest man although the above may well show otherwise, but he did specifically say that he did not believe in "settlements" and that there would not be any, so he then "settled" the dispute regarding the Trump University, out-of-court for $26 million.


Then you have his "backflips" and "about turns" with regards to his statements, just as if he didn't know what he was talking about in the first place, and I believe that to be the case.


What his ardent supporters cannot see is that he is no more than a showman, a man of low intelligence who inherited wealth and a man who has no idea of the art of negotiating or diplomacy. Negotiating for him is an, "I win/you lose" scenario and unfortunately that does not work in international politics.


As for keeping jobs in America, then I have no problem with that, provided the bigger picture is looked at and of course provided he doesn't get his T-shirts made overseas in China because they're cheaper – – oops, another faux pas by the vain, fake tanned, thinning haired, overweight showman.


I can only hope that this man gets impeached because of his continued association with his businesses, or that ironically he suffers a heart attack which puts him out of contention, this despite his five-minute, one page "health assessment" by his friendly doctor – – what a joke!

You refer to a quote which is incorrectly assigned to my good self.

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17 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

I think it is the other way around, McCain hates trump for saying he's not a war hero.


I think trump is far too smart to "hate" anyone, as hate does shape ones behaviour.


More like Trump doesn't have the attention span required to really hate someone.

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17 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems! For once McCain try to bring solutions to problems instead of complaining so much. Who the hell do you think you're fooling?


Pack it in Mccain....go home and stay home....play with your grandkids...USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!


this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems!

Reminds me of Trump.


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On 2/18/2017 at 1:43 AM, xylophone said:

True enough and this particular clown is dangerous and a problem being is that he doesn't know how stupid he is...........he has the IQ of a pickled squid.


To the folk who voted for him, "forgive them lord for they know not what they do".

Why do insult pickled squids soo?? what have they done to you? Not cool man , not cool


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On 2/18/2017 at 1:48 AM, thai3 said:

What has Mcaine ever done apart form carving out a career because he was captured by the VC?

Another disgusting cowardly statement. Do you sit there trying to offend as many people as you can?  You can't come up with an intelligent  statement so you  engage in character assassination. You can vomit your inane cowardly comments because of people like McCain putting their lives on the line for you.  


This man volunteered for service in a terrible conflict. Did you?

This man put his life on the line to protect you. Have you ever done that?

This man was instrumental in  effecting campaign finance reform,  helping to make the US electoral system better. What have you done?

This man has worked diligently on behalf of his state and his country. What have you done? You sit on your butt in Thailand and you have the audacity to snipe?

This man has championed multiple  causes that directly benefited people. What have you done that made as big a difference?


And here you come with your guttersnipe comment to malign a man who is more man and more  decent than you will ever be. How any US patriot can stand by and  not be disgusted by your comments is beyond comprehension. Shameful. 


Edited by geriatrickid
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17 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

This man volunteered for service in a terrible conflict. Did you?

This man put his life on the line to protect you. Have you ever done that?

This man was instrumental in  effecting campaign finance reform,  helping to make the US electoral system better. What have you done?

This man has worked diligently on behalf of his state and his country. What have you done? You sit on your butt in Thailand and you have the audacity to snipe?

This man has championed multiple  causes that directly benefited people. What have you done that made as big a difference?

blind bigotry

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Republican Senator contradicts his President who tells the world his Administration is running perfectly! Who you gonna believe? Trump is very trustworthy and honest, so all should believe him (said with the utmost sarcasm humanly possible).

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