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Sweden asks the U.S. to explain Trump comment on Sweden


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How The Myth Of "No-Go Zones" In Sweden Took Hold Among Right-Wing Media:


From Birmingham to Malmo, no go? The following comment below the article sums up accurately:

"Even the most rabidly racist and Islamphobic Brits know that the idea of a Birmingham as a no-go zone is laughably ludicrous, and that there are no areas being run as 'countries within countries' by sharia courts. Looking at the Hungarian pamphlet I can also confirm that the south east of England has no such areas either. Some of those red dots are in the Home Counties, for goodness sake, LMAO. So I hope that can help us all remember that this is all nonsense spread by idiots with either a circulation to keep up (i.e. to make money) or an agenda to spread (which always seems to make them money), or fearful people whose insecurities and daftness are being exploited."

Pamphlet showing supposed "no-go zones" across Europe - being distributed ahead of a referendum on refugee quotas:



Meanwhile, Trump uses FOX news as his 'source of media truth' to cheers from his easily spooked and mostly under-educated followers while he feeds his needy & insecure ego with their devotion. Seen this movie before and it doesn't end well.

Edited by sujoop
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12 minutes ago, fruitman said:


Again you turn the facts upside down matey...Trump relies on the news from the professional reporters from FOX, not the other way around.

I think you are missing the point.  News is not a good source for intelligence.  The US has some of the best intelligence agencies in the world.  He should use them, not Fox news! LOL


But then again, he's said he doesn't need intelligence briefings. LOL  Very bizarre.

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Why doesn't Trump get his facts from the US intelligence agencies?  Getting his facts from Fox News is just bizarre.

because he doesn't read.

he can read.... if he has to.... publicly... and especially got some practice on it.... but more essentially.....

he is 'The TV President' not for being the star of The Apprentice TV show.... but because that's how he spends his spare time when not eating or playing golf.... he's always been a gigantic loner.... and you know of course, reading is a social activity... not the actual reading, but what follows... sharing, discussing.....

Trump is kind of Thai.  all about face.  and went to a military school....


Edited by maewang99
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7 hours ago, webfact said:


"You look at what's happening last night in Sweden," Trump said. "Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible."

Trump speak and the alternate truth at its finest. When your talking to the converted (reminds me of the mad monk here) you can say anything and that puts Trump right in his element. SAD

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43 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I think you are missing the point.  News is not a good source for intelligence.  The US has some of the best intelligence agencies in the world.  He should use them, not Fox news! LOL


But then again, he's said he doesn't need intelligence briefings. LOL  Very bizarre.

Well if FOX spreads fake news like  terrorist attacks in Sweden that whole company should be shut down. Or is it normal for them to fool the americans and no big deal?

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5 hours ago, Get Real said:

In general the information of Sweden and that they take in to many people every year is correct. There is also right that there is a big problem because of that.
It has reached a size or enormuos proportions which they can´t handle. And the ship is sinking fast.

Why just pinpoint Sweden. Problems in the world are running rampant most recently Trump winning the presidency. I wonder if Trump could rhythm off the names of all the countries in the world. Teleprompter please.!!

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1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

is it fake news that Swedish people seem to agree with President Trump?

Not only was the information false but let's see what the former PM of Sweden has to say about that... 



“Sweden? Terror Attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound,” 

Lol. I think that sums it up. That's from former Swedish PM Carl Bildt.


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7 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Why just pinpoint Sweden. Problems in the world are running rampant most recently Trump winning the presidency. I wonder if Trump could rhythm off the names of all the countries in the world. Teleprompter please.!!

As far as this goes, Fox didn't spread fake news. They just did a show, Trump saw it, and in the bigoted object that is his mind, he understood it to be a news report about an incident that happened that night.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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40 minutes ago, fruitman said:

Well if FOX spreads fake news like  terrorist attacks in Sweden that whole company should be shut down. Or is it normal for them to fool the americans and no big deal?



Hence, President Pantsonfire.



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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

As far as this goes, Fox didn't spread fake news. They just did a show, Trump saw it, and in the addlepated arena that is his mind, he decided it was a news report about an incident that happened that night.

Was it a show on Sweden??

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

That much I believe he got right. And since for him we should set the bar very low, let's give him credit for that.

I never discriminate. Sometimes I give likes to people that I do not like no not right disagree with thats better. Old grannie said never hate people just dislike their ways. Geeze I wish there was a dislike button here. For the sake of disclosure I am not talking about you. I think your a good poster. 

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15 minutes ago, fruitman said:

Well if FOX spreads fake news like  terrorist attacks in Sweden that whole company should be shut down. Or is it normal for them to fool the americans and no big deal?

It wasn't fake.  It was about problems in general in Sweden, not about a specific attack that just happened.  As Trump said. 


Even Trump admits his mistake:



My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.


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6 hours ago, Credo said:

It is extremely dangerous when the President of the United States starts spreading mis-information.   There is a lot at stake, not to mention the credibility.    What if he decides to say something like N. Korea or Iran launched a bomb (instead of a missile test)?    What if he watches a movie and decides it's true?


I have no idea how the diplomats and embassies are going to deal with this nut case.   

Fake president

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:




That is way too many syllables for him to use.


It was "dog-whistled", so I would bet most of the attendees left the rally thinking there was a terrorist incident in Sweden Friday night.




Never remember.


Bowling Green stands with Sweden

Fake president

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41 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Why just pinpoint Sweden. Problems in the world are running rampant most recently Trump winning the presidency. I wonder if Trump could rhythm off the names of all the countries in the world. Teleprompter please.!!

You are right, that the problem is all over the world, except in the countries that can´t offer them something. Isn´t it funny how they can plan where to go all the time, considering that they have to run quick and leave everything behind.

However, the problem in Sweden is a little bit over the top. What they ones though they had control over, has turned into something that today is their worst nightmare.

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4 hours ago, alanrchase said:


I would not be at all supprised if there was at least one attack per day on a woman by a non- Muslim man in Sweden. Same is probably true in most other countries. Daily reports of Thai men attacking women.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


I'm sure you are correct, at least one attack...but since I currently live in what has become a " exiting, many facet, multicultural meltingpot" as our goverment and media describes the rapid detoriation of my society, let me enlighten you.

The number of sexual assaults by foreign men, muslim or not, are off the scales and the media is doing their outmost to supress that fact.

Before the influx of a huge mass of men and "Boys" the word gangrape was unheard of, ordinary people could go to community swimmingpools without being harassed, the Police didn't have a special code referring to the perp's origin as a refugees (since, again it's in use to obscur the truth). 

We didn't have 55. No go zones inhabited by people claiming to seek shelter from war and showing their gratitude by torching cars and throwing rocks at ambulance and the firebrigade meanwhile they complain that Sweden was not all that they expected. No condos, no cars, no girlfriends........maybe a new name for Sweden should be "Titanicistan"..The iceberg is sighted, but still full steam ahead... 

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4 minutes ago, currynamnam said:

I'm sure you are correct, at least one attack...but since I currently live in what has become a " exiting, many facet, multicultural meltingpot" as our goverment and media describes the rapid detoriation of my society, let me enlighten you.

The number of sexual assaults by foreign men, muslim or not, are off the scales and the media is doing their outmost to supress that fact.

Before the influx of a huge mass of men and "Boys" the word gangrape was unheard of, ordinary people could go to community swimmingpools without being harassed, the Police didn't have a special code referring to the perp's origin as a refugees (since, again it's in use to obscur the truth). 

We didn't have 55. No go zones inhabited by people claiming to seek shelter from war and showing their gratitude by torching cars and throwing rocks at ambulance and the firebrigade meanwhile they complain that Sweden was not all that they expected. No condos, no cars, no girlfriends........maybe a new name for Sweden should be "Titanicistan"..The iceberg is sighted, but still full steam ahead... 

I assume you're Swede.  So is it really that bad?  I've never been to Sweden, so I'd have to rely on people who are actually from there to get their take on what's really going on.  But I can tell you that if you just listen to Trump and his alt right brigade, you'd think that the USA was already overrun with criminal illegal immigrants, poverty everywhere, no jobs to be found, crime and drugs all over the place, America taken over by Mexicans, blacks and Jews, blah blah, blah.  In reality, America is nothing like that. 

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24 minutes ago, Get Real said:

You are right, that the problem is all over the world, except in the countries that can´t offer them something. Isn´t it funny how they can plan where to go all the time, considering that they have to run quick and leave everything behind.

However, the problem in Sweden is a little bit over the top. What they ones though they had control over, has turned into something that today is their worst nightmare.

So nice to sit here in Thailand watch things unfold from afar. Sometimes I have nightmares where I dream that I am young again working to the drumbeat of the new world order. My g/f keeps telling me I talk in my sleep saying "Help help help"

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19 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I assume you're Swede.  So is it really that bad?  I've never been to Sweden, so I'd have to rely on people who are actually from there to get their take on what's really going on.  But I can tell you that if you just listen to Trump and his alt right brigade, you'd think that the USA was already overrun with criminal illegal immigrants, poverty everywhere, no jobs to be found, crime and drugs all over the place, America taken over by Mexicans, blacks and Jews, blah blah, blah.  In reality, America is nothing like that. 

Yes I am, and yes it is that bad. What I stated previously would label me as a neonazi by the PC establishment, and I assure you I'm not. Just saying what I see...

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39 minutes ago, currynamnam said:



The number of sexual assaults by foreign men, muslim or not, are off the scales and the media is doing their outmost to supress that fact.

Your own government statistics belie your claims.



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8 hours ago, the guest said:

As per usual the Swedes are in denial that their country is broken. The press seem to conveniently leave out the names of suspects of crimes. The Swedish Police admitted that they can no longer control law and order. The main problem areas are Malmo, and Angered where high concentrations of immigrants now live. 


Not just Sweden. Recently in the UK there were several violent assaults and violent robberies in and around London. All of the police forces were asking for witnesses to contact them urgently in each case. Yet no description of the attackers, including those who stabbed a man because he refused to give them a cigarette, were released. Surely they'd get more witnesses, including after the event who saw where they went or could ID them if they released a description? Go figure why they don't.

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50 minutes ago, currynamnam said:

I'm sure you are correct, at least one attack...but since I currently live in what has become a " exiting, many facet, multicultural meltingpot" as our goverment and media describes the rapid detoriation of my society, let me enlighten you.

The number of sexual assaults by foreign men, muslim or not, are off the scales and the media is doing their outmost to supress that fact.

Before the influx of a huge mass of men and "Boys" the word gangrape was unheard of, ordinary people could go to community swimmingpools without being harassed, the Police didn't have a special code referring to the perp's origin as a refugees (since, again it's in use to obscur the truth). 

We didn't have 55. No go zones inhabited by people claiming to seek shelter from war and showing their gratitude by torching cars and throwing rocks at ambulance and the firebrigade meanwhile they complain that Sweden was not all that they expected. No condos, no cars, no girlfriends........maybe a new name for Sweden should be "Titanicistan"..The iceberg is sighted, but still full steam ahead... 


But in Sweden, and many other EU member states. this type of comment would get you in deep trouble. Regardless of reality we all must keep up the PC pretense that it's a utopia and that the richness of multicultural immigration, lawful or unlawful, has and is contributing to that richness. We are so lucky to be living in such enlightened times with such wonderful leadership and globalization.


And if you dare to say otherwise, no matter the reality, you will indeed face scorn.

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9 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Your data shows an uptick in sexual assaults on men. According to The Internet, these are immigrant men being raped by white supremacist neo nazis. "It's not gay if you do it to a muzzie" said one perpetrator, according to irrefutable internet sources.


I was given this info first hand via mailing list from a guy/gal/bot I met on Facebook. TRust me, I know what I'm talking about. You won't get this from the MSM as it's being suppressed by the secret PC police paid by Soros.



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