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Sweden asks the U.S. to explain Trump comment on Sweden


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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He clearly said "look what happened LAST night".  Referring to problems with immigrants.  He then admitted he made a mistake.  His rhetoric is almost always misleading.  Or just plain false.

yes. BUT this doesn't mean that the media are allowed to misquote.



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5 hours ago, teko said:

'It is extremely dangerous when the President of the United States starts spreading mis-information.'
Are you for real Credo, what US President has not spread mis information. Boy Bush and his band of war mongering sicko's weren't bad at it were they.

Errrr yes they were and it led to .................an extremely dangerous situation. So dangerous in fact it has been directly responsible for the deaths of Millions of people. Now TRUMP is taking it to a new level. He is gonna have his 'glass pit' if it's the last thing he does (which it won't be as he and his little piggies will be safely tucked away in Cheyenne Mountain).


Didn't Nostradamus prophesize that the stupid will take over the world (well he didn't but it's as good fake news as any). Steven Bannon is absolutely determined to bring down MSM and make the alt right the accepted form of media input. Fascism with cyber support! The administration are already considering plans for 100 000 national guard to be used to go and pluck illegal immigrants from their homes and places of work.  The national guard will be hunting Mexicans or Muslims. The illegals would have to be shipped to temporary camps to await processing. If those images do not send a chill down the spine of every European or Jew they sure should. Thank GOD my Grandfather died many years ago thinking the sacrifices made by him and his friends were to make a world free that would never allow such atrocities again. I am sure there are a few 100 year olds around the world that shed tears at the moment when they see the evil Trump take to the podium.


Trump inventing stuff when he stands and talks is just the beginning. We are being put through the desensitising phase now, when this will happen so frequently we become more accepting of it and then the insidious plan will be unrolled. Think about it, a few days ago the administration sent a 'poll' to Trump supporters asking them to help bring the media into line !!!!! What line exactly? The line that only reports good things about Trump. A media they want the same as Saudi, N Korea, China. We talk about another banal comment from Trump but the plan of him and Bannon is so much more wicked.

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2 hours ago, ballpoint said:

I never said that, just quoted it. Now everyone will think I'm some sort of turnip whisperer. 

Hey your one of the good guys. Be a elephant whisperer. If your a turnip whisperer they will say your as dumb as a turnip? Sorry skip that. 

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One important thing should be noted, that now Putin has changed his approval of Trump to dis-approval. Russia's media is currently starting to mock Trump.


Let's see what kind of information they will release about Trump to get him removed from the presidency once Trump is doomed to be useless for Putin.



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Putin may turn on trump yes but don't expect him to release the hard core Kompromat easily. Having that on him will likely be more useful than releasing the waterworks. Also Putin is never going to admit being involved in getting trump elected as that hurts himself.

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34 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Errrr yes they were and it led to .................an extremely dangerous situation. So dangerous in fact it has been directly responsible for the deaths of Millions of people. Now TRUMP is taking it to a new level. He is gonna have his 'glass pit' if it's the last thing he does (which it won't be as he and his little piggies will be safely tucked away in Cheyenne Mountain).


Didn't Nostradamus prophesize that the stupid will take over the world (well he didn't but it's as good fake news as any). Steven Bannon is absolutely determined to bring down MSM and make the alt right the accepted form of media input. Fascism with cyber support! The administration are already considering plans for 100 000 national guard to be used to go and pluck illegal immigrants from their homes and places of work.  The national guard will be hunting Mexicans or Muslims. The illegals would have to be shipped to temporary camps to await processing. If those images do not send a chill down the spine of every European or Jew they sure should. Thank GOD my Grandfather died many years ago thinking the sacrifices made by him and his friends were to make a world free that would never allow such atrocities again. I am sure there are a few 100 year olds around the world that shed tears at the moment when they see the evil Trump take to the podium.


Trump inventing stuff when he stands and talks is just the beginning. We are being put through the desensitising phase now, when this will happen so frequently we become more accepting of it and then the insidious plan will be unrolled. Think about it, a few days ago the administration sent a 'poll' to Trump supporters asking them to help bring the media into line !!!!! What line exactly? The line that only reports good things about Trump. A media they want the same as Saudi, N Korea, China. We talk about another banal comment from Trump but the plan of him and Bannon is so much more wicked.

Media control is seriously dangerous and of course smacks of Goebbels. One problem is that the average level of knowledge has gone down and many people have difficulty picking out lies from genuinely held opinions. There is so much obvious bias particularly with American news feeds. I'm not sure how this can be properly controlled but monopoly ownership (Murdoch) is obviously a bad idea. Certainly we should have recourse to the law more easily for libel. But I guess we just have to vote with our feet. I really do not understand how anyone can buy The Express or The Mail (are they sold in brown bags?).  At least the BBC has to attempt balance. It must be difficult at times and they certainly got the Thai protests wrong a couple of years ago.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Putin may turn on trump yes but don't expect him to release the hard core Kompromat easily. Having that on him will likely be more useful than releasing the waterworks. Also Putin is never going to admit being involved in getting trump elected as that hurts himself.

I'm expecting release of some details of Trumps investments or similar. Something to push him out, but not to make him sing.


Putin would next talk to president Pence who is more stabile than Trump. The other reason to get Trump removed is his close circle, especially utter nutcase Bannon.   

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5 minutes ago, oilinki said:

I'm expecting release of some details of Trumps investments or similar. Something to push him out, but not to make him sing.


Putin would next talk to president Pence who is more stabile than Trump. The other reason to get Trump removed is his close circle, especially utter nutcase Bannon.   

Yes, Trump is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, but the people in the background are not. VERY dangerous situation. I just hope the much vaunted constitution continues to protect not just Americans but the rest of us as well ?

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10 minutes ago, dogpatch55 said:

Trump  does not  know what the hell he is talking about most of the time..  He is not playing with a full  deck


Its even more bizarre than that: he's holding UNO cards, but thinks he's playing poker on chess board in the middle of a WWE wrestling ring.



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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Putin may turn on trump yes but don't expect him to release the hard core Kompromat easily. Having that on him will likely be more useful than releasing the waterworks. Also Putin is never going to admit being involved in getting trump elected as that hurts himself.

I'm not so sure.  It seems to me that any compromising material that Putin may have is fast being degraded and unless Trump makes a sudden recovery all bets will be off.  I can see Mother Russia putting it all out there as he rubs his hands in glee with a hearty Muahahaa.  The clock will reset with a major public slap in the face for the Americans.


Comic book stuff I admit, but when you consider some current realities...

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.....another time in American history the Japanese Relocation camps was represented as Trump would like Terrorist/Spies/Unloyal ... These were American Citizens.


The twisted profiteers and biased politician fresh with A bomb desires to repay the Pearl Harbor attack....resemble many of today's lackeys from Trump Inc.


Yes check those coming but those who have been approved no need to show who da man is...milller time is over...

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Sweden claims to be a humanitarian super power.....has anyone ever heard anything more ridiculous? And the left wing controlled media has clearly done a pretty good job brainwashing swedish people to believe all that nonsense . I'm quite sure that swedes will thank mr trump for adressing  this issue, once they wake up from their state of delusion.

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1 minute ago, chopin2 said:

Sweden claims to be a humanitarian super power.....has anyone ever heard anything more ridiculous? And the left wing controlled media has clearly done a pretty good job brainwashing swedish people to believe all that nonsense . I'm quite sure that swedes will thank mr trump for adressing  this issue, once they wake up from their state of delusion.

I believe I have just read something more ridiculous -- your post here. No evidence provided - just empty accusations.

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Here he goes again. 
Doubling down on the hateful and stupid.
The "fake news" didn't say that. They said trump made an incorrect statement at his Mussolini style rally in Florida. trump, man baby as usual, refuses to simply acknowledge he confused something he heard on Fox News and described it incorrectly.
This is the main "information" for the leader of the "free" world. Fox News television. And he can't even get that right!
Be very afraid. Many people trying to force him out as he doesn't belong there, but it won't be easy.


    Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!


Edited by Jingthing
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7 hours ago, simple1 said:

As an example, in the tab reporting on rape and sexual assault it shows an increase in reported crimes of 0.2% from 2005 to 2014 which clearly demonstrates there is not the large increase of this type of crime paralleling the increase in the immigrant population. In other reports which being a Swede you would assuredly know how to source, very clear that overall the majority of crimes are committed by those born to Swedish nationals (75% of the population). There is a proportional high rate of offending by foreigners / recent migrants, but nowhere near the percentage of crimes committed as claimed by so many "right of centre" groups.


Your claim of 55 no go zones in Sweden has been debunked by the Swedish government as well as others.





Yes, 2005-2014...The big influx started after 2014.

And as you say, debunked by the Swedish GOVERMENT! 

They are quite partial in this matter.  By the way, have you visited Sweden lately, or do you draw your conclusions from the media perhaps? 

Another fact from BRÅ...as early as 2013 more than 33% of prisoners in Swedish jails was born outside of Sweden... How about them Apples. 

Edited by currynamnam
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The President of the US has no business talking about other countries.   The US has enough problems of its own and discussing a non-event in another country is a deflection.    While he was talking about attacks in Sweden, there were major terrorist attacks in Pakistan and Somalia.   


The enemy is not Islam.   It is terrorism.   Sweden's situation is Sweden's problem.   It has nothing to do with the US.   

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6 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Wrong.  The government fully accepted that immigration from EU countries needed addressing and that is why Cameron went to Brussels to try to negotiate greater controls.  Or maybe you are referring to "mass immigration" from other countries outside of the EU.  How far do you want to go back?  Britain recruiting in India and the Caribbean?


We can all be selective and quote spurious figures to try to prove a point.  You believe what you want to believe and only seek statistics to back those beliefs.  Actually we all do that.

The government fully accepted that immigration from EU countries needed addressing and that is why Cameron went to Brussels to try to negotiate greater controls.  

Too little (Cameron got nothing on EU immigration) too late.


We can all be selective and quote spurious figures to try to prove a point. 

The figures I referenced are not "spurious" simply because they highlight inconvenient truths which a Swedish Government seemingly bent on cultural self-extinction would rather ignore.


Brexiters, you clearly need reminding, did not ask for a ban on immigration from inside or outside the EU, just the perfectly reasonable right to control the numbers and quality of arrivals.


Only those "progressives" who push multiculturalism at any price to the indigenous population should have been shocked at the referendum result. That it also rocked the Government and the mass media simply illustrates how out of touch the Establishment has become with the mass of ordinary working people.

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11 hours ago, currynamnam said:

Yes I am, and yes it is that bad. What I stated previously would label me as a neonazi by the PC establishment, and I assure you I'm not. Just saying what I see...

Yes if you disagree with the "system" they try and label you. I can still remember and shudder hearing that statement "Your either with us or against us" Our options and opinions mean less every day. 

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I believe I have just read something more ridiculous -- your post here. No evidence provided - just empty accusations.

If you believe things are all that rosy in the areas of Sweden where the Muslim immigrants from the last couple of years has settled why don't you go there and have a look for your self? Most ethnic Swedes are leaving these areas now, why do you think that happens? As a Swede myself I am feeling betrayed by the Red-Green government who thinks just like you.

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