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Sweden asks the U.S. to explain Trump comment on Sweden


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43 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

So nice to sit here in Thailand watch things unfold from afar. Sometimes I have nightmares where I dream that I am young again working to the drumbeat of the new world order. My g/f keeps telling me I talk in my sleep saying "Help help help"

So true, but we have our fair share of dysfuction here too. LOL

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7 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

I talk to Swedes every day, and they say that Donald tells the truth and that the Swedish government has it,s head where the sun never shines.


6 hours ago, banglassie said:

and let me guess you live in Pattaya,,,,

No, he's the guy you see in Tescos sometimes, shouting at the root vegetables.

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1 minute ago, ballpoint said:

I talk to Swedes every day, and they say that Donald tells the truth and that the Swedish government has it,s head where the sun never shines.

The Swedes do not have the  market corned in this regard and with the problem world wide quite a few countries should import elephants their <deleted> are bigger and room for all. 

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

The Swedes do not have the  market corned in this regard and with the problem world wide quite a few countries should import elephants their <deleted> are bigger and room for all. 

I never said that, just quoted it. Now everyone will think I'm some sort of turnip whisperer. 

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Love the way all the Trumpsters rush to make excuses for their boy.  Anyone getting "information" from Fox News needs to get real and try actual news sources that are not "fake news".


Trump has no sense of reality and it is just another case of blurting out his stupid vitriol.  Still it gives us all a good laugh, even the news readers in Europe can't keep a straight face when reporting it.  Trump has become the worlds greatest buffoon and (thank goodness) there are very few now who still believe his bullsh*t.

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The programme that Trump refers to was made by Ami Horowitz who had earlier claimed that there were Muslim no-go zones in Europe and the UK.  This was total nonsense and Horowitz was forced to admit he was wrong and apologised.  He never had much credibility but after that he lost all  of it.  Still that doesn't matter to Fox and the people who will swallow this rubbish hook line and sinker.

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49 minutes ago, currynamnam said:

Really... Where in the BRÅ report does it say that? 

As an example, in the tab reporting on rape and sexual assault it shows an increase in reported crimes of 0.2% from 2005 to 2014 which clearly demonstrates there is not the large increase of this type of crime paralleling the increase in the immigrant population. In other reports which being a Swede you would assuredly know how to source, very clear that overall the majority of crimes are committed by those born to Swedish nationals (75% of the population). There is a proportional high rate of offending by foreigners / recent migrants, but nowhere near the percentage of crimes committed as claimed by so many "right of centre" groups.


Your claim of 55 no go zones in Sweden has been debunked by the Swedish government as well as others.





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32 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Love the way all the Trumpsters rush to make excuses for their boy.  Anyone getting "information" from Fox News needs to get real and try actual news sources that are not "fake news".


Trump has no sense of reality and it is just another case of blurting out his stupid vitriol.  Still it gives us all a good laugh, even the news readers in Europe can't keep a straight face when reporting it.  Trump has become the worlds greatest buffoon and (thank goodness) there are very few now who still believe his bullsh*t.

vit·ri·ol - cruel and bitter criticism  (example:  see quote)

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Well, they would, wouldn't they. Just as successive governments in the UK remained in denial about the consequences of unfettered mass immigration until the Brexit referendum vote forced them to face the grim reality.


The figures you reference cover only one year and have been sanitised (as they always are from Swedish government sources) to the point of making them meaningless for the purposes of any discussion about the influence of immigrants on a society once regarded as the safest for women and most civilised in the world.


Here's a very different perspective on what has been going on, covering a much longer period and without the multicultural blinkers in place:


"Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa."


Now read on. . . https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape

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1 hour ago, currynamnam said:

Yes I am, and yes it is that bad. What I stated previously would label me as a neonazi by the PC establishment, and I assure you I'm not. Just saying what I see...


Funny. We get information from a person actually LIVING in the country and others tell him not to believe his eyes. Believe the government stats and media, they have no reason to massage stats or lie about the crimes occurring in the country after all. 

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I'm with Trump on this one.


Trump never claimed there was a terrorist attack in Sweden, he meant the imported criminality, and that's how I immediately understood it when hearing him talk.


Most media are doing fake news claiming he lied about a terrorist attack in Sweden, when he never actually said that.

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5 minutes ago, bkkgriz said:

Funny. We get information from a person actually LIVING in the country and others tell him not to believe his eyes. Believe the government stats and media, they have no reason to massage stats or lie about the crimes occurring in the country after all. 

That makes sense. Believe an anonymous poster about whom we know nothing but what he  or she tells us and with no way of judging the truth of it  or believe a government that's been repeatedly judged to be one of the most honest in the world. Clearly what you say makes sense.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

That makes sense. Believe an anonymous poster about whom we know nothing but what he  or she tells us and with no way of judging the truth of it  or believe a government that's been repeatedly judged to be one of the most honest in the world. Clearly what you say makes sense.


Not good viewing for the easily triggered.

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

That makes sense. Believe an anonymous poster about whom we know nothing but what he  or she tells us and with no way of judging the truth of it  or believe a government that's been repeatedly judged to be one of the most honest in the world. Clearly what you say makes sense.

"honesty" is relative.

you will find that the Swedish government has mostly been very honest about facts that fit well into their leftist agenda.

for example, no problems at all to find statistics about hate crimes committed by the extreme right and information about discrimination and racism. when the perps aren't on their usual suspects list, things go "underreported" to say the least.

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31 minutes ago, manarak said:

I'm with Trump on this one.


Trump never claimed there was a terrorist attack in Sweden, he meant the imported criminality, and that's how I immediately understood it when hearing him talk.


Most media are doing fake news claiming he lied about a terrorist attack in Sweden, when he never actually said that.

Sorry, but here's exactly what he said.  Either a lie or he doesn't know what he's talking about.  Either way.  It's not good.  And definitely NOT fake news.





"We've got to keep our country safe," he said. "You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris."


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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Sorry, but here's exactly what he said.  Either a lie or he doesn't know what he's talking about.  Either way.  It's not good.  And definitely NOT fake news.



from your link:


The President clarified his remarks Sunday, posting on Twitter that his statement "was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNewsconcerning immigrants & Sweden." The tweet confirmed suspicions of many that Trump's remarks stemmed from Tucker Carlson's show Friday night, in which the host interviewed Ami Horowitz, a filmmaker who has tried to tie Sweden's taking in of asylum seekers to increased violent crimes in the country.


There was no talk of a terrorist attack, the only thing is that he said "last night" - yet many news outlets quote Trump about a "terrorist attack in Sweden", using quotes, as if he said that when in fact he didn't.


I agree that the toxic rhetoric he used was misleading, but wrongly reporting about what he really said is also wrong.


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1 minute ago, manarak said:

from your link:


There was no talk of a terrorist attack, the only thing is that he said "last night" - yet many news outlets quote Trump about a "terrorist attack in Sweden", using quotes, as if he said that when in fact he didn't.



Now who's distorting things. What Trump entirely said was  "You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?"

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Can not be fake news, he got it from a reliable source... 



                                                                                                                                        The Trump Tower Gazette :tongue:

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Now who's distorting things. What Trump entirely said was  "You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?"

so point out to me please where exactly he said anything about an attack or about terrorism, rather than about "problems with crimes committed by immigrants"


as I wrote above, " I agree that the toxic rhetoric he used was misleading, but wrongly reporting about what he really said is also wrong. "

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actually, this is good reporting:




While speaking about keeping America safe he mentioned the major terrorist attacks in Nice, Paris and Brussels – and in the same sentence he pointed out an unspecified event in Sweden Friday evening.

that's exactly, 100%, spot-on.


I underlined the truthful reporting for those who can't anymore recognize something as such.

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10 minutes ago, manarak said:

from your link:


There was no talk of a terrorist attack, the only thing is that he said "last night" - yet many news outlets quote Trump about a "terrorist attack in Sweden", using quotes, as if he said that when in fact he didn't.


I agree that the toxic rhetoric he used was misleading, but wrongly reporting about what he really said is also wrong.


He clearly said "look what happened LAST night".  Referring to problems with immigrants.  He then admitted he made a mistake.  His rhetoric is almost always misleading.  Or just plain false.

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51 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Well, they would, wouldn't they. Just as successive governments in the UK remained in denial about the consequences of unfettered mass immigration until the Brexit referendum vote forced them to face the grim reality.

Wrong.  The government fully accepted that immigration from EU countries needed addressing and that is why Cameron went to Brussels to try to negotiate greater controls.  Or maybe you are referring to "mass immigration" from other countries outside of the EU.  How far do you want to go back?  Britain recruiting in India and the Caribbean?


We can all be selective and quote spurious figures to try to prove a point.  You believe what you want to believe and only seek statistics to back those beliefs.  Actually we all do that.

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