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Sweden asks the U.S. to explain Trump comment on Sweden


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The President of the US has no business talking about other countries.   The US has enough problems of its own and discussing a non-event in another country is a deflection.    While he was talking about attacks in Sweden, there were major terrorist attacks in Pakistan and Somalia.   


The differences between Sweden and the US are enormous.   Many of the people entering Sweden are doing so without any screening.   Refugee/Asylum seekers to the US are largely screened well in advance of any invitation to resettle.    Of those illegals coming from Mexico, they can and are deported.   Many entering Sweden cannot be deported.   


The enemy is not Islam.   It is terrorism.   Sweden's situation is Sweden's problem.   It has nothing to do with the US.   



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Swedish police officer Peter Springare's recent Facebook post where he states the majority of crime he deals with comes from non-ethnic Swedes.


See also Swedish Police Chief Stephen Jerand, who advised all women not to go out after sunset because they are likely to "be raped" or "something more terrible":


Edited by katana
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The last terror attack in Sweden happened in 2010 , and we had a terrorist attack  in Norway in 2011 and the man was a right wing nazi, and killed 80 teenagers, some of them muslims. 


Both Norway and Sweden tries to help people in need from all over the world , unfortunately there are a few bad apples among them.   But no bombs and suicidal IS attacks yet , maybe because both Norway and Sweden have a welfare system that actually works. 


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6 hours ago, currynamnam said:

Yes, 2005-2014...The big influx started after 2014.

And as you say, debunked by the Swedish GOVERMENT! 

They are quite partial in this matter.  By the way, have you visited Sweden lately, or do you draw your conclusions from the media perhaps? 

Another fact from BRÅ...as early as 2013 more than 33% of prisoners in Swedish jails was born outside of Sweden... How about them Apples. 

As per usual those of the right of centre claim unproven conspiracy theory to support their ideology as opposed to referencing factual info such as the following quoting late 2015 figures.


The newspaper revealed that from October 15th to the end of January Swedish police were called out to deal with a total of 537,466 incidents – which means that the number connected to refugees makes up less than one percent of the grand total.




When comparing conviction rates between Swedish born nationals & foreigners who are charged with offences, foreigners are convicted at up to 20 times the rate of locals, why is that?


EDIT: Below is an article that is more articulate than me, but makes similar points based upon Swedish government statistics



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15 hours ago, manarak said:

because he did.


he referenced an event in Sweden when in fact nothing special had happend.


The media did not misquote. You must not have watch his full speech. He was talking about what happen in Brussels and Paris, which were terrorist attacks. Then he said look what happened last night in Sweden.


So if you take into consideration his whole speech, he lead viewers to believe that he was talking about a terrorist attack in Sweden. But in his clarification tweet, he said he was referring to a Fox News reporting that was aired "last night". How would the viewers know he was referring to a Fox News reporting.


He is either very bad at public speaking, does not filter his thoughts, thinks everyone should think like him or all of the above.

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3 hours ago, alanrchase said:

And while Trump is pointing out problems in other countries what is going on at home? 48 bomb threats of Jewish centers in the last month, bomb plot against Target stores. Can't pin any of that on Muslims so no problem.

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Trump has not come out to condemn those actions and call for unison among the country. Instead he is taking every opportunity to bash immigrants / outsiders. He has time to tweet about his daughters business products being dropped, but not bomb threats. What a president.... leaders should bring people together not apart. He is playing a very dangerous game.

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On 2/20/2017 at 9:33 AM, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Maybe my former home government should ask them selves why the world looks down on them now?

I have yet to meet any outsider look down on Swedes, perhaps they don't know the local immigration problem that local Swedes like you are experiencing. Actually the only other outsider that looks down on Sweden is Trump. 

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16 minutes ago, mike324 said:

I have yet to meet any outsider look down on Swedes, perhaps they don't know the local immigration problem that local Swedes like you are experiencing. Actually the only other outsider that looks down on Sweden is Trump. 

Which is kind of sad because Trump used to claim that he was of Swedish descent.  Maybe he resents being outed?

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3 hours ago, mike324 said:

Trump has not come out to condemn those actions and call for unison among the country. Instead he is taking every opportunity to bash immigrants / outsiders. He has time to tweet about his daughters business products being dropped, but not bomb threats. What a president.... leaders should bring people together not apart. He is playing a very dangerous game.


He is a white supremacist leader and he is bringing all the white supremacists together. That's not presidential. That's just "precedential"— as in following a certain National Socialist precedent.


When he cannot soak up adulation, all he does is lash out at critics. I have yet to see him address any single criticism on its merits/demerits. Just a blanket lashing out at all criticism and scapegoating of critics.



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"Two Swedish police officers were interviewed in the film. Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström answered questions about how weapons are becoming more accessible. Horowitz also asked the officers about how crime has spread through cities. But the police officers now say that their answers were taken out of context, and are very critical of how their comments were portrayed on Fox...The excerpt they showed doesn’t say anything, we answered a different question. We don’t stand behind what he says. He is a madman.”
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20 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

If you believe things are all that rosy in the areas of Sweden where the Muslim immigrants from the last couple of years has settled why don't you go there and have a look for your self? Most ethnic Swedes are leaving these areas now, why do you think that happens? As a Swede myself I am feeling betrayed by the Red-Green government who thinks just like you.

Riots today




But hey, Trump does not know what he is talking about 






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On 20 February, 2017 at 11:12 AM, thai3 said:

Unfortunately the Swedish cops are so PC they do not dare to record the ethnicity of the criminals. 

One of these coppers had enough and wrote a tell all Facebook post in which he exposed how nearly all the crime he's been investigating the past week had a muzzlim at the heart of it. Went viral…..but obviously, according to anti trump folks, it didnt happen.

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20 hours ago, Credo said:

The enemy is not Islam.   It is terrorism.   Sweden's situation is Sweden's problem.   It has nothing to do with the US.   

Ever heard of a trojan horse?


Also, ever heard of the saying that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it?

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Massive coverup by press and politicians on Islamic violence in Europe. Left in Europe terrified trueth will come out before elections this year. 




Why would any country want politicians who lie like this. Trump = Truth

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6 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Massive coverup by press and politicians on Islamic violence in Europe. Left in Europe terrified trueth will come out before elections this year. 




Why would any country want politicians who lie like this. Trump = Truth

It's not being covered up, just hyped by a certain group for political purposes.  Trump has been proven to lie.  You are ignoring the facts.


Good facts here:





"In general, crime statistics have gone down the last (few) years, and no there is no evidence to suggest that new waves of immigration has lead to increased crime," Selin said.


If we look specifically at sex offences, which the Fox News segment highlighted, there were 18,100 sex offenses reported to the police in 2015, down 11 percent from 2014, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.


The number of rapes reported decreased 12 percent between 2014 and 2015, to 5,920, the agency reported. The council noted that in Sweden, when a single case is reported, every incident associated with the case is also reported as an offense during the same year.




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8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Ever heard of a trojan horse?


Also, ever heard of the saying that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it?

Have you ever heard of reading and comprehending?   


Who and what people are allowed to immigrate to a country is up to the country.   I am in no way in favor of mass immigration or open borders.   I have no problem with limiting the kind and number of people admitted to a country to ensure safety and security for everyone.   But Islam is not the enemy.   Terrorism is.   



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11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

One of these coppers had enough and wrote a tell all Facebook post in which he exposed how nearly all the crime he's been investigating the past week had a muzzlim at the heart of it. Went viral…..but obviously, according to anti trump folks, it didnt happen.

If Trump cannot trust the truth from the Swedish government, its law enforcement or some American news media, and sees what he might think as conflicting information from individuals claiming inside or secret knowledge of high Muslim/migrant crime rates in Sweden, why does he not rely on America's 16 intelligence agencies to give him the truth? Particularly now that he has appointed the new National Security Advisor to the National Security Council?


I fear that Trump wants only to hear that which fits his base supporters and perhaps his own entrenched ideology. And to that end he will not pursue or confirm the truth. The end result is he continues to unnecessarily divides Americans and their allies.



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