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Video: Thai driver takes the biscuit for mad driving - but gets his just desserts!

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4 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

I like how everyone slows down, has a wee look and then drives on.

I would too. Zero sympathy for clowns like that.

I would have stopped, gave him a good beating, something to remember, because those idiot cops won't do anything because he is Thai, just a slap on the wrist, maybe, just maybe.  Nothing will ever change in this backward country.

2 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

Sadly this video does nothing to improve road safety in Thailand.

What it is a  racist attack designed to reinforce prejudices about Thai people.

there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country.

What WOULD help road safety is an intelligent analysis of WHY and HOW this incident took place.

Man, one needs a bulletproof vest to write such an answer on Thaivisa :smile:



Been in a minivan driving like this once - till I shouted at the driver from the back seat "DO YOU WANT TO KILL US ALL"?


That snapped him out of his trance & he realized he was on a highway, not playing GTA. All the other passengers were shit scared too, but being Thai, would say nothing.

2 minutes ago, Gerard052 said:

I would have stopped, gave him a good beating, something to remember, because those idiot cops won't do anything because he is Thai, just a slap on the wrist, maybe, just maybe.  Nothing will ever change in this backward country.

I would have stopped, gave him a good beating

Assuming of course that he's not high on yaba and has a big machete or gun in his car, or he's not bigger and stronger and a much better fighter than you.

1 minute ago, DekDaeng said:

Been in a minivan driving like this once - till I shouted at the driver from the back seat "DO YOU WANT TO KILL US ALL"?


That snapped him out of his trance & he realized he was on a highway, not playing GTA. All the other passengers were shit scared too, but being Thai, would say nothing.

Tried that once on a mini bus trip to the airport, the driver just grinned and ignored me.

33 minutes ago, giddyup said:

It is a sad reflection on many of the TV members that they are prepared to comment on a subject about which they know so little that they aren't even aware of their own ignorance of the topic.


So true in your case.

many trolls or should it be Deer on this topic

2 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

Sadly this video does nothing to improve road safety in Thailand.

What it is a  racist attack designed to reinforce prejudices about Thai people.

there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country.

What WOULD help road safety is an intelligent analysis of WHY and HOW this incident took place.

If you would remove your freakin pink glasses maybe you should see what is going on in this retarded country.  You said" There are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country"  I would like to know what type of drug you are using.  Thailand is # 2 in the world for road accident per capita and they try hard to become # 1.  Maybe you don't read the news, may be you are illiterate, whatever the case maybe you don't seem to know what is going on in this country, maybe you should crawl back in your hole and wait for the grand finally. 

Just now, Lobber said:

come on guys just face up to the facts, the vast majority of Thai drives cannot drive and respect other drivers.

There only seems to be one ostrich with his head buried in the sand, so no need for the plural.

1 hour ago, djayz said:

Until the police seriously clamp down on this kind of driving, the general attitude isn't going to change here. 

People will always do what they want if they believe they can get away with it. 

In many other countries, people caught driving like this would lose their driving licence/or be issued points (e.g. in the EU) and probably receive a hefty fine in addition to this. 

Here, you pay a copper a few Baht to look the other way and you're on your way again. There is simply nothing in place to deter such poor driving behaviour. 


@ Mr Deer, this is by no means a "racist" issue. Look at the statistics.

Thailand has the second highest number of road deaths per annum. Why is that? A lack of proper training, testing and policing - and all of that just so that people don't "lose face" by failing an exam or being reprimanded on the roadside for dangerous driving. 

I am not sure why people keep quoting second in the world, when it is clearly number one, the first apparently is Lybia (sp) with a constant civil war going on, plus death count in Thailand is taken as death at the scene not death in ambulance or in hospital later, you take these factors out, then Thailand would most definitely take the gold, and yes Mr Deer is a f..ing idiot or a troll. 


Unfortunately the guy videoing it showed just as much recklessness trying to keep up with him just to get the latest you tube scoop and with his wife and child in the car as well.

It appears that there was no serious injury but it could have been much worse. This is for Thai society to pull their heads in a wake up to what they are doing and for government to enforce road rules.

Quite frankly they should all be ashamed of themselves. Caviet . yes I know there are foreigners out there that behave badly and the same goes for them :)

drive safe

7 minutes ago, giddyup said:

I would have stopped, gave him a good beating

Assuming of course that he's not high on yaba and has a big machete or gun in his car, or he's not bigger and stronger and a much better fighter than you.

You are probably right, many of them carry guns because they are spineless and they don't want to lose face.  Very seldom they go one on one because they are yellow, gutless, you try to fight one, you have ten of them on your back and they will use sticks, bottles, whatever they can lay their hands on.  A couple of years ago 2 Russian guys were confronted by 13 Thai, the Russians didn't really win at the end but sent 7 of those cowards to the hospital.  In my book it was a job well done by the Russians.

3 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

I am not sure why people keep quoting second in the world, when it is clearly number one, the first apparently is Lybia (sp) with a constant civil war going on, plus death count in Thailand is taken as death at the scene not death in ambulance or in hospital later, you take these factors out, then Thailand would most definitely take the gold, and yes Mr Deer is a f..ing idiot or a troll. 

Because they use dead or accident per capita, that is why they are supposed to be # 2 but they are trying their darnedest to become # 1. 

42 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Drive this style in a western European country and you will loose the driving license for a long time and face a hefty fine.

Drive this style ANYWHERE and your death-wish just might granted before you even have the CHANCE to lose your license and get a fine. Russian-roullette at the wheel. 

3 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

Sadly this video does nothing to improve road safety in Thailand.

What it is a  racist attack designed to reinforce prejudices about Thai people.

there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country.

What WOULD help road safety is an intelligent analysis of WHY and HOW this incident took place.

"there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country".

Rubbish, then why are there so many road fatalities in Thailand every day?

3 hours ago, giddyup said:

You are a prime example of someone who refuses to see the wood for the trees.

You are right, too many farangs in this country are wearing pink glasses, or refuse to admit whatever is really going on in this country.  I have been coming to this country for 15 years, 6 months at the time, I read the country's papers, I keep my eyes and ears open.  Don't need to be an Einstein to figure out what is really on, people just have to remove their pink glasses.

2 hours ago, SABloke said:


I'd better tell my Thai friends that Alan Deer says they're racist for complaining about the shocking standard of driving in Thailand.

"Racist" the most overused word in recent times that has totally lost meaning.


Don't worry Alan Deer is on cheap drugs anyway, may as well just ignore his comments because he is totally clueless.

2 hours ago, Shagnasty said:

I take it that you sight restricted (challenged) and do not drive! 

As previously stated Thailand is number 2 country in the world for deaths per 100,000 people and has been in the top 5 for years. The problem is never addressed, there are no Traffic Police to  monitor driving and apprehend dangerous drivers, no licence points system leading to disqualification after a number of offences, you do not lose your licence for being found guilty of DUI (except in exceptional circumstances where your actions killed at least 5 people), red lights mean nothing and the level of driving skill is appalling. The 'driving test' is a joke etc etc etc. You are the ill informed expat and your ridiculous comments and statements will do nothing to help the cause for safer roads and better driving standards in Thailand for everyones benefit, Thais, Expats and Visitors alike.

I agree 200%. Spot on.

1 hour ago, luk AJ said:

This is not scientific American nor Science News but TV

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

That is self-evident.


It reminds of the the movie a Yank at the court of King Arthur.


Take as a whole this thread embodies all that is wrong with road safety - not just here but in the rest of the world...... it is fair to assume that many here have a driving licence - of some sort - and many have been driving for years, but they almost to a man have no idea whatsoever about road safety.

There is the assumption that they must be excellent drivers and everyone else is an idiot...when they have an "accident" (there is no such thing) it is due to an "understandable slip" on their part or the other person's fault....the fact that they see it is terms of blame just underlines how far they are from truly understanding what road safety is all about.


those who spend there time using false syllogisms to reinforce there confirmation bias about driving in Thailand are in reality just pursuing their own racial prejudices.

if they took the time to really study the subject they would realise how trite their observations are.

1 hour ago, giddyup said:

You are wasting your time trying to convince A Deer with facts or logic, he only keeps repeating his mantra that only he has a grasp of the real traffic problem in Thailand, yet offers no explanation as to what that is.

You are absolutely right and A.D. is synonymous of a..hole.  


These tossas who weave in and out of traffic are a hazard at the best of times- at least he didn't kill anyone (this time).

8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Nothing unusual here, just a normal day on the Bangkok roads.

Jup. As posted a 1000x already: from oxcart to turbo diesel in 2 generations.... 

Ps. I wonder if the driver will blame the "rain"............

7 hours ago, AlexRich said:

He thinks he's in a computer game! What an idiot.

Wrong. He think he's in Thailand. Anyway. No problem. As long as you have a certain picture on the wall and know the national anthem you are fine and good citizen! Farlang no understand.......

2 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

It is a sad reflection on many of the TV members that they are prepared to comment on a subject about which they know so little that they aren't even aware of their own ignorance of the topic.

my guess is it is Dunning Kruger effect...

because people went to school they think they know about education

because they've been in hospital they think they know about healthcare and 

\because they drive a vehicle they think they know about road safety.....


sadly this couldn't be further from the truth - it is patently obvious that many here mistake personal experience and anecdote for the real assessment of the situation, when in actual fact all that is happening is confirmation bias and this video is a classic example of that.

I repeat what has been mentioned by another poster, the video in question was provided by a thai national not an expat.

I fail to see that your comments are any different than those posted by others.


8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Nothing unusual here, just a normal day on the Bangkok roads.

Not only on Bangkok roads.  Anywhere in Thailand, variations on this type of reckless passing and weaving can be seen daily.  That is why so many of us have dash cams.  In the western world this mode of driving would be somewhat unusual unless being pursued by police.  In Thailand, unfortunately it is too often just SOP.


BTW, I had to Google "Dunning Kruger effect."  Apparently it is just a fancy way of saying that "the deluded idiot driver thinks he is an ace driver when in fact he's an incompetent dangerous idiot behind the wheel."  Or: Emotional and cognitive immaturity at it's most dangerous worst!   TIT!

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