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Two men arrested after Canadian tourist attacked with machete

Jonathan Fairfield

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3 hours ago, exalll said:

Wow ... when did he get charged with her murder?  And why did this not hit the headlines?  When he was charged with "reckless driving causing death" it was all over the news, but with such a dramatic upgrading of the charges, not a murmur.  I blame all these false news sites.



Who knows what is true nowadays but the charge death through recklessness or a murder charge given the circumstances are harsh. But the point to be made is that Thai laws are odd at times and self defense would probably not work as a defense even if the guy had a blade out.

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On 2017/2/21 at 7:03 AM, chickenslegs said:

In summary...

The two thieves could have killed him but, quite reasonably, only used the minimum force necessary to achieve their aim.

However, the Canadian was foolish to inflame the situation by coming to the aid of his girlfriend, causing the escalation of an otherwise amicable transaction.

Damn Canadians - always causing trouble!


"Damn Canadians -always causing trouble"-  could you please me more clear on this phrase? I mean more details - or is this a blanket statement that covers all Canadians? Please, I am walking around in a daze after reading that statement.

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22 hours ago, tropo said:

It doesn't matter what you want to call the weapons they used. If they have been serious about killing him, they could have managed quite well with what they had.


The Canadian would have been smart to hand over the gold necklace and wish them well. What was he thinking? How stupid was that?- an unarmed 68-year-old gent going after 2 knife/blade wielding Thais. 



IF...as in if ......you where confronted with a machete or large knife or a gun, then Yeah, I am certain most people would back off and just cooperate as that wold be the smart thing to do.

However, if the altercation begins with an attempt to snatch the purse and or valuables and there is no weapon observed in the beginning of the criminal action, but part way through the resistance to the criminal action the perpetrator(s) quickly pull out a weapon and faster than you realise and quicker than you can back off.....well...you will most like get hurt even if you were now trying to get away from the nut case that is seemingly hell bent on hacking at you with crazy rage.

But definitely, if some desperate individual or nut case for that matter is waving a large knife or machete in your face or in very close proximity and threatening to use it while attempting to snatch your hand bag or what ever...then best to just throw them the bag or hand over what ever they are trying to snatch.

Possibly, they may have been attacked at the same time being robbed and had no choice really and suddenly forced to turn defensive before he had a chance to distance himself from the nut case brandishing a deadly weapon. 

"It all happened so fast"..... is usually included in the explanation as to "what happened" 


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22 hours ago, mercman24 said:

all thais i know wear gold , they never seem to get attacked,  why should not a farang. wear gold, not sure if Ms King is thai or not. these low lifes need harsh  sentences, its the law that needs shaking up. and they have already got prison form, how about 3 strikes and your out for starters


" his girlfriend King Kukaew "


She would presumably be Miss Kukaew, not Ms King, and obviously Thai by her name.

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17 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Hopefully they get 5 years for each robbery. 25 years imprisonment would be good for this scum.


This is not the US. They are out in a few months. 


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10 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Feel sorry for the wives of those members that don't seem to have any balls in their drawers. Has it not crossed your minds that the guy was simply reacting to his wife being attacked and probably couldn't give a F about the chain? One has the hindsight and comfort of time (i.e. being sat in their armchair to muse over this); someone jumps you in the street, you have neither. I am sure the Canadian would have happily handed over the friggging chain had he that hindsight. Get over yourselves.

Get over ourselves? Your taking the piss, so you suggest the best course of action for a 62 year old is to take on the crims with a machete hahaha. Work well in this case didn't it? Silly old prick is lucky he's not dead. Problem with TV and Thailand in general is there are far too many armchair, black OPs  Steven Seagal wannabes who think they know how they would react in any situation when in reality couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag. Members here talking about I would just whip out my knife or gun or bare handed and just sort these mother <deleted> out have been watching too many movies. Not to mention the fools who said I would rather die than let myself get mugged.. Sounds tough when you write it down. Did you ever consider that acting aggressively could escalate the situation exponentially particularly when facing two desperate crims with a machete and no compunction about using it. Nobody knows how they will react in that situation but people that sit in their armchairs and dream about how big their balls are whilst imagining what they are going to do are the ones most likely to shit the gear when things go South IMO.

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5 minutes ago, starky said:

Get over ourselves? Your taking the piss, so you suggest the best course of action for a 62 year old is to take on the crims with a machete hahaha. Work well in this case didn't it? Silly old prick is lucky he's not dead. Problem with TV and Thailand in general is there are far too many armchair, black OPs  Steven Seagal wannabes who think they know how they would react in any situation when in reality couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag. Members here talking about I would just whip out my knife or gun or bare handed and just sort these mother <deleted> out have been watching too many movies. Not to mention the fools who said I would rather die than let myself get mugged.. Sounds tough when you write it down. Did you ever consider that acting aggressively could escalate the situation exponentially particularly when facing two desperate crims with a machete and no compunction about using it. Nobody knows how they will react in that situation but people that sit in their armchairs and dream about how big their balls are whilst imagining what they are going to do are the ones most likely to shit the gear when things go South IMO.

sounds like the voice of experience.

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15 minutes ago, Grubster said:

sounds like the voice of experience.

Maybe, maybe not. My experience does tell me that blokes that want to harp on about how hard they are generally are the weakest <deleted> in the room/ forum.

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1 minute ago, starky said:

Maybe, maybe not. My experience does tell that blokes that want to harp on about how hard they are generally are the weakest <deleted> in the room.

Very true and those who talk about those blokes fit the same mold.

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3 hours ago, madusa said:

"Damn Canadians -always causing trouble"-  could you please me more clear on this phrase? I mean more details - or is this a blanket statement that covers all Canadians? Please, I am walking around in a daze after reading that statement.

Please read my post again. This time read it in the context of the post I replied to.

Canadians are not known for their aggressive behaviour (well, maybe the hockey players).

I was being sarcastic - jeez.

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10 hours ago, heybuz said:

i understand women wearing jewellery,but men what does it do for you ,make you look pretty ,or look at me i've got one of these, who cares.


I understand why women and men wear jewelry and to me it is archaic, a relic of ancient primitive tribal civilizations we would study in anthropology classes.  Sure, show off that you have money and impress the opposite sex.  I get it.  Sure wear expensive stuff in a poor country and set yourself up for robbery and theft or mugging and beatings.  Seems like a silly and unnecessary risk to me.  I prefer to wear my $10 USD Wal Mart digital watch that keeps superb time, wear no name shirts, etc.  Nothing wrong with buying quality walking shoes, or comfortable clothes.  I have done the Hollywood California scene, stayed at Chuck Norris's house, been to the Emmy Awards.  It is fun to dress up and go out.  But in everyday life and in a poorer country and out late at night wear anything expensive just makes one a target.   I prefer to invest my money and can live or travel to wherever I want when ever I want.  To me that is a better use of resources than some piece of jewelry. 

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9 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

I understand why women and men wear jewelry and to me it is archaic, a relic of ancient primitive tribal civilizations we would study in anthropology classes.  Sure, show off that you have money and impress the opposite sex.  I get it.  Sure wear expensive stuff in a poor country and set yourself up for robbery and theft or mugging and beatings.  Seems like a silly and unnecessary risk to me.  I prefer to wear my $10 USD Wal Mart digital watch that keeps superb time, wear no name shirts, etc.  Nothing wrong with buying quality walking shoes, or comfortable clothes.  I have done the Hollywood California scene, stayed at Chuck Norris's house, been to the Emmy Awards.  It is fun to dress up and go out.  But in everyday life and in a poorer country and out late at night wear anything expensive just makes one a target.   I prefer to invest my money and can live or travel to wherever I want when ever I want.  To me that is a better use of resources than some piece of jewelry. 


Just to put this into perspective, the 1 baht gold chain is worth a tad over 20k at today's gold prices. A large number of Thais and most foreigners walk around with cell phones worth at least that much. It's no sign of wealth, and most certainly not ostentatious.


Also, this is not a "poor country" as you are putting it. There's plenty of wealth on display here and the Thais do like to show it off.

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12 hours ago, uchibenkei said:

We know after the fact that they were going for the necklace.  He didn't know that as it was happening. All he knew was armed men are attacking his girlfriend. Maybe it's a kidnapping or assassins.  He didn't have time to think.  His fight or flight instincts took over and he fought rather than leave his girlfriend alone.  That's not foolish in my opinion.  It only seems that way to us now because we have the luxury of knowing what he couldn't have known.


You state you don't know what happened, yet you seem certain about what he knew and what he didn't know. You said: "He didn't know that as it was happening. All he knew was armed men are attacking his girlfriend."


I don't know anything for certain either, but I'm assuming he did know it was a necklace snatching. I'm also assuming that the Canadian immediately took an aggressive posture, at which point he was accosted with blades. Maybe he watches a lot of TV or is ex-military or a karate champion.

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On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 4:08 PM, ocddave said:

I think the only answer is to get your own weapon, make sure you bring a gun to a knife fight though, then the ending to this story would have been poetic justice.


On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 4:38 PM, ocddave said:

I guess the alternative is being a victim, and sitting in a hospital with machete wounds...or better yet, a morgue. I would rather live to tell the story, then to just become another statistic, "foreigner killed again".....forgotten tomorrow.

Yes most families look foward to packing their holiday shotgun , fits nicely in the aeroplane seat by the window.

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On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 4:38 PM, ocddave said:

I guess the alternative is being a victim, and sitting in a hospital with machete wounds...or better yet, a morgue. I would rather live to tell the story, then to just become another statistic, "foreigner killed again".....forgotten tomorrow.


On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 4:38 PM, ocddave said:

I guess the alternative is being a victim, and sitting in a hospital with machete wounds...or better yet, a morgue. I would rather live to tell the story, then to just become another statistic, "foreigner killed again".....forgotten tomorrow.

Well I sincerely doubt that you walk around with a gun in Thailand , so really you are just mouthing off.

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13 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Well if anyone attacks me and I don't have the chance to run, I will just let them kill me. but it is all unlikely as IMO. Thailand is one of the safest places

to walk about in when your sober and minding your own business and not out and about in a tourist location in the early hours of the morning.

Some of these posts are bordering on hysteria , how many muggers wish to kill their victims , not very many is the answer.

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On 21/02/2017 at 9:58 PM, spiderorchid said:

Message to most people. Do not flaunt your wealth. Especially trinkets of gold and other small volume but high wealth objects. Wear bling. You can hand that over quite easily to low life criminals who probably don't know the difference 

And never use your mobile phone in public. 

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7 hours ago, tropo said:

Just to put this into perspective, the 1 baht gold chain is worth a tad over 20k at today's gold prices. A large number of Thais and most foreigners walk around with cell phones worth at least that much. It's no sign of wealth, and most certainly not ostentatious.


Also, this is not a "poor country" as you are putting it. There's plenty of wealth on display here and the Thais do like to show it off.

It is by most measures a poor country.  Walk down Soi Bukhao and tell me how many of those bar girls, small shop owners, coffee shop wait staff have $50,000 USD saved up or invested. 


    Of course some Thais like to show it off.  I find it particularly distasteful for a supposed Buddhist people.   It is certainly their right to wear what they want, and show off to their neighbors, less well off countrymen, etc.  They can accept the consequences of wearing jewelry that serves no functional purpose.  it does not keep you afloat, it does not keep one warm or cool, it does not feed you, etc.  Buy and wear as you like.  As for phones, most are ridiculous and people got along fine with out them before and could do so again.  Simple voice and text works fine.  Apps are cool, but many people fall prey to the subscription economics, peer pressure, etc.  and get the gadgets just because, and many blow a good part of their pay on the toys.  To each their own.

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

It is by most measures a poor country.  Walk down Soi Bukhao and tell me how many of those bar girls, small shop owners, coffee shop wait staff have $50,000 USD saved up or invested. 


    Of course some Thais like to show it off.  I find it particularly distasteful for a supposed Buddhist people.   It is certainly their right to wear what they want, and show off to their neighbors, less well off countrymen, etc.  They can accept the consequences of wearing jewelry that serves no functional purpose.  it does not keep you afloat, it does not keep one warm or cool, it does not feed you, etc.  Buy and wear as you like.  As for phones, most are ridiculous and people got along fine with out them before and could do so again.  Simple voice and text works fine.  Apps are cool, but many people fall prey to the subscription economics, peer pressure, etc.  and get the gadgets just because, and many blow a good part of their pay on the toys.  To each their own.


The main takeaway from your assessment of women is that you don't understand them very well. 


There's only one use for jewellery - showing it off. If you don't do that, there's no point having it... they may as well just buy bullion and lock it in their safe. My wife also wears her (tiny) 1 baht gold necklaces and other jewellery and I like her to wear it. Why? It looks nice and that's why we bought it. I complain if she doesn't wear it. 


LOL to going down Soi Buakhao to find bargirls with $50,000 saved up or invested. How about you go to some decent subdivisions instead. 

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Thailand is possibly the safest family oriented tourist destination in all Asia. But, if you are into drugs and owe money to traffickers you may not survive. If you display wealthy trinkets in unsavoury areas late into the night, become obnoxious when you are drunk or stoned or make yourself a stand alone target you will find that Thailand is no different than anyone else in the world.

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