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The Thai Education System is Failing its Students


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9 hours ago, jonclark said:

I understand your point. But the chinese have a far more complicated language like the japanese and koreans and that does not limited their education system.




The language of education isnt the problem its the lack of direction  from those in charge. Absolutly no plan or interest  to develop or fix the system other than bland throw away nonsense.      How true... self serving, name on a building more important....


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I'm always confused on this topic. I know that ****most**** farlang do not agree with a clear minority view.  

only a few find something negative to say.
a very few.
when it comes to schools and education... most farlang share the belief that buildings with a flagpole, plus classrooms and some books on a shelf in a "library room" and lots of children and young adults in school uniforms is education. 

maybe even that the uniforms are essential... they reinforce that everyone should be ****listening**** to the same material... and it helps visually because otherwise the weight of evidence provided by a sign that says "Rohng Reeyahn".... just wouldn't work... we are visual creatures. and it is after all a centralized national system...... so everyone ****listening**** and learning in the same way is a good thing. it serves them later throughout life.

but the big thing... is that for many of the school attendees, they must listen in a required 2nd language that is not their "local language" but more importantly..... quite..... shows no sign of having evolved as a language for literacy.... for instance, is all but spelled phonetically.... unlike any other tonal language.

but that makes it's very easy to learn!!!! to speak and listen to.... in a world that is.... getting smaller and where AI..... is making leaps we will all be able to see soon.....ummmmm..... I think there is a flaw.... in my logic here...... let me get back to you on this.


You're not the only one confused now...
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As the usual article on education is crap, even the teacher is afraid to say what the real problem is. You have a system where the admin, teachers and anyone else associated with the School system was TAUGHT BY THE SAME SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! Testing has shown >80% of teachers have failed in the subjects they teach. You can blame the students all you want but look at it from their perspective, would you care if this is what you were given ? Its the blind leading the blind. And please save the money argument for laughs as Thailands largest ministry budget is the ministry of education so there is no shortage of money to fix things.

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12 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Sorry but stones and glass houses are the only things that spring to my mind here!

I have no problem with my moral values, what I do at work and how I behave around my students and what I do on my free time in a place where my students shouldn't be present are 2 different things and frankly my moral values and behavior have changed with me growing older (40). I don't condemn others for drinking, smoking or using "working girls" but today I neither drink nor smoke and it's more than 3 years sins I had a "lady for the night" because my values in life have changed!

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4 hours ago, Hereinthailand said:

As the usual article on education is crap, even the teacher is afraid to say what the real problem is. You have a system where the admin, teachers and anyone else associated with the School system was TAUGHT BY THE SAME SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! Testing has shown >80% of teachers have failed in the subjects they teach. You can blame the students all you want but look at it from their perspective, would you care if this is what you were given ? Its the blind leading the blind. And please save the money argument for laughs as Thailands largest ministry budget is the ministry of education so there is no shortage of money to fix things.

A good example... we have 3 Thai teachers teaching English in the college, neither of them can use English. They are better than me in parts like grammar with bending verbs and so on but they have huge problems with putting basic sentences together and neither of them can verbally communicate in English... basically they use Google translate and then ask me to proof read when they need to make documents in English and they use Thai when they speak with me.


I'm not NES but I passed the CPE already 20 years ago and I use English language in all forms and varieties, I even translated English to English between a UK citizen and an American... NES to NES!?

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I think one of the major barriers to improvement is:


Thai culture is all about appearance and it is so much easier to spend money on "capital projects", where the new library or kitchen or whatever can be seen in a relatively short time, rather than to invest is improving the quality and numbers of teachers which is much more long term and a much more difficult project.


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This is basicly old news.  I can remember headlines shouting that the Thai educational system is failing it's students 10 and 15 years ago.  So really, it's no secret.  The issue seems to be more of a total lack of caring and complete inaction by the Thai authorities.


So this begs the question, why?   The only answer that springs to mind is that this is the way the ruling class wants it.  Dumb, ignorant, illiterate peasants are much easier to control than smart, educated, literate citizens.

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On 3/2/2017 at 10:33 AM, bangkok101 said:

i question the qualifications of the teachers. Many times I hear teachers are volunteers, do these volunteers possess the qualifications to teach?

How many "teachers" are genuinely qualified to teach? Thai English teachers who can't speak English. Foreign "English teachers" who are not teachers but merely native English speakers. The label "teacher" is used by many who are not qualified and couldn't themselves pass a legitimate teaching exam requirement. 

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On 3/3/2017 at 4:10 AM, Get Real said:

It´s totally clear that the education system is failing and prohibiting studens to develop great skills in their choosen areas. However in many case the studens are also failing the system by disregarding what they actually can learn. There is still no solution, and the fact that stands is that all is wrong.

The latter was foreseen by Lee Kuan Yew over 45 years ago. That's why Singapore has never had free education, only subsidised cost in education.


He said, "that, that is free has no value in the eyes of the receiver".


I first thought he was talking about free sex...

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2 minutes ago, trogers said:

The latter was foreseen by Lee Kuan Yew over 45 years ago. That's why Singapore has never had free education, only subsidised cost in education.


He said, "that, that is free has no value in the eyes of the receiver".


I first thought he was talking about free sex...

If you think that Thailand has anything approaching free education in practice, I suggest you have a number of conversations with Thai parents from working class to upper middle class and see how much they have to contribute one way or another to their children's schools.


There are many reasons for the poor performance. If I had to pick one, I would go for the "lack of oversight". Thai schools are not subject to external inspection. The fear of a negative report and potential removal of the school's administration is a very strong motivating factor. It is not present in Thailand. In fact schools are extremely hostile to any outside oversight or interference.

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12 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

If you think that Thailand has anything approaching free education in practice, I suggest you have a number of conversations with Thai parents from working class to upper middle class and see how much they have to contribute one way or another to their children's schools.


There are many reasons for the poor performance. If I had to pick one, I would go for the "lack of oversight". Thai schools are not subject to external inspection. The fear of a negative report and potential removal of the school's administration is a very strong motivating factor. It is not present in Thailand. In fact schools are extremely hostile to any outside oversight or interference.

The largest expense I see is buying that motorcycle.

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3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

If you think that Thailand has anything approaching free education in practice, I suggest you have a number of conversations with Thai parents from working class to upper middle class and see how much they have to contribute one way or another to their children's schools.


There are many reasons for the poor performance. If I had to pick one, I would go for the "lack of oversight". Thai schools are not subject to external inspection. The fear of a negative report and potential removal of the school's administration is a very strong motivating factor. It is not present in Thailand. In fact schools are extremely hostile to any outside oversight or interference.


3 hours ago, trogers said:

The largest expense I see is buying that motorcycle.

You might want to speak to parents of children at "free" government schools, particularly Mathayom schools. To get into the more academic "free" government schools takes a compulsory donation (in 6 figures) to the alumni association plus annual payents.


Add to that the extra requests for fees for "special" uniforms, bags, "voluntary" extra-curricular activities and you will see education in Thailand is anything but free.


I urge you to do your research. Just looking at kids riding motorbikes to school tells you nothing at all.

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2 minutes ago, Briggsy said:


You might want to speak to parents of children at "free" government schools, particularly Mathayom schools. To get into the more academic "free" government schools takes a compulsory donation (in 6 figures) to the alumni association plus annual payents.


Add to that the extra requests for fees for "special" uniforms, bags, "voluntary" extra-curricular activities and you will see education in Thailand is anything but free.


I urge you to do your research. Just looking at kids riding motorbikes to school tells you nothing at all.

Everyone wants to get into prestigious schools for free...but alas, they are prestigious for a reason...and that reason costs money from private pockets over the decades...not government money.


But, pure free government schools are a plenty...with no need of donations to enter...but we know the limited resources available in them...

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8 minutes ago, trogers said:

Everyone wants to get into prestigious schools for free...but alas, they are prestigious for a reason...and that reason costs money from private pockets over the decades...not government money.


But, pure free government schools are a plenty...with no need of donations to enter...but we know the limited resources available in them...

"Pure free government schools" are not a plenty. This is the official stated position but not the actual reality for the families of students studying Mathayom (12 - 18). If you believe that, we will have to disagree. Through one means or another, there are considerable costs.

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6 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

"Pure free government schools" are not a plenty. This is the official stated position but not the actual reality for the families of students studying Mathayom (12 - 18). If you believe that, we will have to disagree. Through one means or another, there are considerable costs.

There are, M1 to 6. I don't know what is (12-18) ages? But they are provincial schools many tens of km from provincial cities.

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1 hour ago, trogers said:

There are, M1 to 6. I don't know what is (12-18) ages? But they are provincial schools many tens of km from provincial cities.


Do you have children in a Thai Government school or is it all hearsay that forms your "informed" opinion?

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Not to worry. With kids everywhere spending most of their time exchanging narcissistic crap on their smartphones, in a few generations the entire world will be populated almost entirely by human morons and run by robots.

Who programs the robots, Aliens?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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On Wednesday, March 01, 2017 at 11:49 PM, trogers said:

Only half the students turned up...


The other half was too busy with their extracurricular activities on their motorcycles, experimenting with sex and drugs...

I did the same thing as kid and came out ok. I liked sex and drugs. In fact i still like it the drug being alcohol now and not E. Same same but different. Old moaners dont understand that drugs are fun if u can handle them. Sex too. The thai educational system is a farce though...

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1 hour ago, hanuman2543 said:


Do you have children in a Thai Government school or is it all hearsay that forms your "informed" opinion?

I have no kids. But I have lived and farmed in Ubon in a village of over 200 households and have followed the developments of some children of a friend and those of her relatives.

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50 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

I did the same thing as kid and came out ok. I liked sex and drugs. In fact i still like it the drug being alcohol now and not E. Same same but different. Old moaners dont understand that drugs are fun if u can handle them. Sex too. The thai educational system is a farce though...

Yes, a 15-yo nephew of a friend could also handle Yaba and was also pushing it...was fun when it lasted...


Now, he is getting hooked on cigarettes to counter the withdrawal symptoms of Yaba, and has to report for weekly urine tests...


PS: His older brother also thought he could handle sex and had his fun. Got married at 17 because he got the girl pregnant. Didn't complete M6 and had to work to support his family.

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The children are the future of any nation.


To deny your children a decent education is a utter disgrace.


To deny them an education, so that the "elite" can continue to run this country and increase their already considerable bank balances, is a f***ing utter embarrassment to this nation.


This nation has no future, it's a third wold backwards hell hole.


This nation could and should be one of the worlds leading nations.

Edited by MorristheRunt
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2 hours ago, bobbymack said:

There is basically no hope because even the apparently educated people in power are as "thick as two short planks". 

educated people in power ?

The only education that lot have had is in propaganda (telling lies) and corruption, so I guess your right

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1 hour ago, MorristheRunt said:

The children are the future of any nation.


To deny your children a decent education is a utter disgrace.


To deny them an education, so that the "elite" can continue to run this country and increase their already considerable bank balances, is a f***ing utter embarrassment to this nation.


This nation has no future, it's a third wold backwards hell hole.


This nation could and should be one of the worlds leading nations.


This nation has a lot of potential and future and is certainly no backwards hell hole. You clearly have no idea how living in a real third world countries is like.

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6 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:


This nation has a lot of potential and future and is certainly no backwards hell hole. You clearly have no idea how living in a real third world countries is like.

This nation has the potential to be great, it never will be, because the people in power don't want the "common man" to be educated and thus allowing the status quo


So this remains a backward nation....tragic

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10 hours ago, trogers said:

Yes, a 15-yo nephew of a friend could also handle Yaba and was also pushing it...was fun when it lasted...


Now, he is getting hooked on cigarettes to counter the withdrawal symptoms of Yaba, and has to report for weekly urine tests...


PS: His older brother also thought he could handle sex and had his fun. Got married at 17 because he got the girl pregnant. Didn't complete M6 and had to work to support his family.

U obviously missed the #If u can handle them# part. I have no kids, no aids, no prison, never 1 conviction not even a parking ticket. But then i have a brain and higher than average intelligenge. Sex is great. Drugs can be great too. And 40% or so of adults in my country uses valium or antidepressants....

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