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Uighur IS fighters vow blood will "flow in rivers" in China


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Uighur IS fighters vow blood will "flow in rivers" in China

By Michael Martina




Paramilitary policemen stand in formation as they take part in an anti-terrorism oath-taking rally, in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China, February 27, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer


BEIJING (Reuters) - Vowing to plant their flag in China and that blood will "flow in rivers", a new video released this week purportedly by the Islamic State group shows ethnic Uighur fighters training in Iraq, underscoring what Beijing sees as a serious threat.


China is worried that Uighurs, a mostly Muslim people from western China's Xinjiang region, have gone to Syria and Iraq to fight for militant groups there, having travelled illegally via Southeast Asia and Turkey.


Islamic State claimed responsibility for the killing of a Chinese hostage in 2015, demonstrating China's concern about Uighurs it says are fighting in the Middle East.


Hundreds of people have been killed in Xinjiang in the past few years, most in unrest between Uighurs and the ethnic majority Han Chinese. The government blames the unrest on Islamist militants.


The Iraqi arm of Islamic State has released a half-hour long video purportedly showing Uighurs training, as well as some images from inside Xinjiang, including Chinese police on the streets.


One shot that shows Chinese President Xi Jinping gives way to flames in front of a Chinese flag.


"Hey, brothers! Today, we are fighting with infidels across the world! I'm telling you this: 'Come and live here! Stay strong!'," one of the fighters says, according to Uighur speakers who analysed the video for Reuters but who asked not to be identified.


"We will certainly plant our flag over America, China, Russia, and all the infidels of the world," it says.


In another scene, a chant in Uighur says: "Our land of sharia has been constructed with spilt blood." It then shows pictures of martyrs indicated as "al-Turkistānī", or men from Turkestan, the name many Uighurs use for Xinjiang.


One of the men speaking has an accent from Yarkand, close to the old Silk Road city of Kashgar in Xinjiang's southern Uighur heartland, one of the people who reviewed the video said.


Another fighter refers to the "evil Chinese Communist infidel lackeys".


"In retaliation for the tears that flow from the eyes of the oppressed, we will make your blood flow in rivers, by the will of God!" he says.


The video was released this week by the U.S.-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant groups online.Reuters was not able to independently verify the authenticity of the video.


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Wednesday he was not aware of the video and had not seen it.


"But one point is very clear. We oppose any form of terrorism and proactively participate in international cooperation to crack down on terrorism," Geng told a daily news briefing.


"We have long said that East Turkestan forces are a serious threat to China's security and we are willing to work with the international community to jointly crack down on East Turkestan separatist and terrorist forces," he said.


The government says foreign militants have stirred up tensions in Xinjiang, where it says it faces a determined campaign by separatists who want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan.


However, many rights groups and exiles doubt the existence of a coherent militant group in Xinjiang and say Uighur anger at repressive Chinese policies is more to blame for the unrest.


China denies any repression in Xinjiang.


(Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Robert Birsel and Paul Tait)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-02
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1 hour ago, Scott said:

Given how the Chinese deal with dissent, I believe there will be blood, but I am not so sure of whose blood it will be.  


There won't be any use in those Muslim jihadist terrorists going on about "their human rights" whilst screwing other people's.


China won't treat them like the West does. No where near.

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30 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


There won't be any use in those Muslim jihadist terrorists going on about "their human rights" whilst screwing other people's.


China won't treat them like the West does. No where near.

In fact, China pretty much treats the entire Uighur population badly. Go China!

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

Why doesn,t China just go in there with troops and wipe these ar*eh*les off the face of the world ? They might get some initial critics, but the civilized world would understand.

Xinjiang briefly had independence in 1949, but was quickly absorbed into the PRC. Xinjiang is the largest region in China with a significant  Chinese security presence for  many years. As with Tibet, Han Chinese have been systematically occupying the region & crushing the local culture. Han Chinese now represent more than 40% of the regional population. 


If the report is accurate it is very unfortunate ISIS has now managed to establish a presence in the region, which can only lead to death and misery for many innocent Muslims and non Muslims.

Edited by simple1
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44 minutes ago, jgold said:

South of Thailand, south of Philippines and now west China, everywhere muslims are they cause trouble with other ethnic groups. 

Yes, it's the Muslims' fault that China is colonizing them. Just as it's the Buddhists' fault that China is colonizing Tibet.

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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, it's the Muslims' fault that China is colonizing them. Just as it's the Buddhists' fault that China is colonizing Tibet.

Or that it's the Muslim Malay-Thais that Buddhist Kingdom of Siam colonized the Islamic Kingdom of Patanni.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which was a predominantly Muslim state until India absorbed it.


Jammu and Kashmir issue is complex. Mainly non Muslim, the population has been displaced by Muslims moving in from Pakistan.

That's to the best of my knowledge but if you have serious links I'll be glad to read more.

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3 minutes ago, AGLV0121 said:


Jammu and Kashmir issue is complex. Mainly non Muslim, the population has been displaced by Muslims moving in from Pakistan.

That's to the best of my knowledge but if you have serious links I'll be glad to read more.

Jammu and Kashmir had a Muslim majority (77% Muslim by the previous census in 1941[12]). 


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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, it's the Muslims' fault that China is colonizing them. Just as it's the Buddhists' fault that China is colonizing Tibet.

Yes and much of the US used to be Mexico, in Texas they still have to abide by US law, No difference in China. Follow the laws in the country you live in or suffer the consequences, simple as that. Muslims generally don't like infidel laws and want to live under their own laws. Doesn't work like that and never will. Unless of course if they out populate you then you WILL live under their laws.

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2 hours ago, Grubster said:

Yes and much of the US used to be Mexico, in Texas they still have to abide by US law, No difference in China. Follow the laws in the country you live in or suffer the consequences, simple as that. Muslims generally don't like infidel laws and want to live under their own laws. Doesn't work like that and never will. Unless of course if they out populate you then you WILL live under their laws.

Well, if you believe that might makes right, then Tibetans or Uighurs have no right to resist the Chinese. And by the same token Native Americans had no right to resist colonization by settlers.

And can you provide the data that show Muslims living in countries where they are a minority mostly don't obey or want to obey the laws of that country? I'm sure you wouldn't make such an assertion without data to back it up. 

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

77% Muslim by the previous census in 1941

Right. But read on [from Wikipedia which is not an exellent reference and could improve much]


>>> Jammu and Kashmir is the only state in India with a Muslim-majority population. Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and a few Christian, Jain, and Zoroastrian communities were once natives and made up a vast majority of the whole Kashmir province, as well as neighboring states, and ancient and modern northern half of what is today India and Pakistan, but because of economic changes, political tension, military involvement, and foreign extremists resulted in vast majority of the followers of these religions to settle in the growing and advancing neighbouring regions and major cities in India over the years, often during no present borders or records.[92][93][94] Hindu pandits were specifically affected in this region due to their status in the local society.[95][96][97][98]


It says for a variety of reasons they left. This means they left a void.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which was a predominantly Muslim state until India absorbed it.

I think Kashmir is still mostly muslim. When the Brits divided the Indian country into India and Pakistan in order to avoid further conflict, many Hindis and Muslims were left in limbo. Being in a religion but being a minority now in a newly created country. There are many Muslims in India and they stay there for economic and freedom reasons. Most Hindi fled Pakistan due to constant persecution from Muslim intolerance.So India did not absorb Kashmir, it always was part of India 

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Oh dear they have really bit off more than they can chew this time ! great now they will receive the justice they deserve at long last ! LoL ! insulting and threatening china is not a very wise idea at all they will be dealt with very harshly not like the softies in the west ! they came a cropper in Russia as well and got what they deserved quite honestly ! so go for it china you have my support give them what for with all your ancient skills and a few modern ones great.

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16 hours ago, abab said:

I wish that China teaches to the weak world what we must do to muslim terrorists: open their bellies or dismember on public places !



That barbaric behaviour is what the Japanese did to pregnant Chinese women during their occupation of China during WWll. Are you really suggesting to turn the clock back to that time?

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Well no I don't but one good turn deserves another that all I am saying ! you need to fight fire with fire and if you are not capable of that and are weak then the enemy will prevail ! which is what is happening in Europe and the rest of the world at the hands of these terrorists because laws allow them to pursue their quests without service punishment ! let the punishment fit the crime in my opinion ! and certainly they wouldn't dare attack Japan because they know what would happen and so do we ! It seemed to work in Russia at the very beginning Putin saw to that good for him I say ! pity we did not adopt the same policy it would have saved a lot of lives.

I am aware what happened to women at the hands of the Japanese during WW11 and also POW,s as well but don't pat yourself to hard on the back because neither the Americans not the English were without their side of cruelty if you know your history ! that is not necessarily in the history books that you read at school either most events are re written or brushed under the carpet you may notice to suit them selves ! there is a black side to every country my friend. thanks for your post interesting point view I look forward to seeing more.

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On 3/2/2017 at 5:29 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, it's the Muslims' fault that China is colonizing them. Just as it's the Buddhists' fault that China is colonizing Tibet.


There are, however, notable differences in their respective approaches, when it comes to resisting (as it were...) the PRC.

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23 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

I think Kashmir is still mostly muslim. When the Brits divided the Indian country into India and Pakistan in order to avoid further conflict, many Hindis and Muslims were left in limbo. Being in a religion but being a minority now in a newly created country. There are many Muslims in India and they stay there for economic and freedom reasons. Most Hindi fled Pakistan due to constant persecution from Muslim intolerance.So India did not absorb Kashmir, it always was part of India 

It's clear you know very little about what happened in the breakup of India. Millions of Muslims fled to what is now Pakistan to escape the brutality of their Hindu compatriates. Neither Hindus nor Muslims had anything close to a monopoly on sectarian violence.

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14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's clear you know very little about what happened in the breakup of India. Millions of Muslims fled to what is now Pakistan to escape the brutality of their Hindu compatriates. Neither Hindus nor Muslims had anything close to a monopoly on sectarian violence.

Millions of Muslims still live in India. How many hindi still live in Pakistan? How many Non Muslim can live in nearly any Muslim country? I do know about a little of what happened in the break up of India. It was not pretty for either religion. But to suggest that India absorbed Kashmir when Pakistan and Kashmir were always a part of the former Indian empire is ludicrous. I think most muslims living in India may not be totally content but it is far better than the bloodshed of rival muslim factions in Pakistan and the mayhem in Bangladesh.  

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7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Millions of Muslims still live in India. How many hindi still live in Pakistan? How many Non Muslim can live in nearly any Muslim country? I do know about a little of what happened in the break up of India. It was not pretty for either religion. But to suggest that India absorbed Kashmir when Pakistan and Kashmir were always a part of the former Indian empire is ludicrous. I think most muslims living in India may not be totally content but it is far better than the bloodshed of rival muslim factions in Pakistan and the mayhem in Bangladesh.  


Not that it's really on-topic, but which "former Indian empire" would that be? Especially intriguing when coupled with "always". 

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


Not that it's really on-topic, but which "former Indian empire" would that be? Especially intriguing when coupled with "always". 

I think the former Indian Empire would include India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Probably had ties to the former small countries north toward Tibet as well. Prior to that it expanded to all parts of the South East Asian peninsular. Remnants are still in Bali and close islands. A huge Indian/Buddhist structure remains in Jogjakatar  (sorry about the spelling). Indian Brahmans are still used in Thai royal ceremonies. And Sri Lankan and so on. The Chams in Vietnam were influenced by India as was the huge city of Siem Riep in Cambodia. And Laos and Myanmar.

 It was the colonial country of India that was divided up by the Brits. Not the empire of Islam.      

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3 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I think the former Indian Empire would include India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Probably had ties to the former small countries north toward Tibet as well. Prior to that it expanded to all parts of the South East Asian peninsular. Remnants are still in Bali and close islands. A huge Indian/Buddhist structure remains in Jogjakatar  (sorry about the spelling). Indian Brahmans are still used in Thai royal ceremonies. And Sri Lankan and so on. The Chams in Vietnam were influenced by India as was the huge city of Siem Riep in Cambodia. And Laos and Myanmar.

 It was the colonial country of India that was divided up by the Brits. Not the empire of Islam.      

And Kashmir was part of India.

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7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I think the former Indian Empire would include India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Probably had ties to the former small countries north toward Tibet as well. Prior to that it expanded to all parts of the South East Asian peninsular. Remnants are still in Bali and close islands. A huge Indian/Buddhist structure remains in Jogjakatar  (sorry about the spelling). Indian Brahmans are still used in Thai royal ceremonies. And Sri Lankan and so on. The Chams in Vietnam were influenced by India as was the huge city of Siem Riep in Cambodia. And Laos and Myanmar.

 It was the colonial country of India that was divided up by the Brits. Not the empire of Islam.      


There was no one former "Indian" empire, as such. Not all of these empires (or kingdoms) were in control of the same territories. Different dynasties and rulers came and went, and by the time the "Brits" got involved, things were already fragmented. With regard to the "always" reference - there were others who controlled the area which is the modern day Pakistan (the Persians and Alexander the Great, for example). As for local Muslim rule - the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire are rather well known instances.










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