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Thai Girl Commits Suicide Leaving 2 Month old Baby Alone

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Thai Girl Commits Suicide Leaving 2 Month old Baby Alone

By Danny Boy -



Another Suicide leaves 2 month old baby crying on bed


PATTAYA: -- At around 6:00pm on March 2nd, Pattaya police and emergency services were called to a small guest house in Naklua were a young Thai girl had committed suicide.


Arriving at the scene, police found the body of the 22 year old, who had been working at a local karaoke bar in Pattaya. She was laid on the floor and had severe bruising around her neck, as well as cuts to the inside of her wrist.


A local who found the body told police that the victim had used a clothes hanger to hang her self.


Friends of the victim told police that her boyfriend had been working in Rayong, the victim was the jealous type who often accused her boyfriend of cheating on her.


It was also discovered that the victim had left behind her 2 month old baby, who was found lying on the bed, crying for attention.


The body was taken away by paramedics for a full examination before police had a chance to take any photo’s for evidence. The baby was taken into care, and the father has been contacted.


Source: http://pattayaone.news/en/thai-girl-commits-suicide/

-- © Copyright Pattaya One 2017-03-03
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Strange the body was removed prior to Police (Taking photos ) no crime scene preservation ? Usually a Dr is called and Rescue don't miss their chance to take photos ! Something very strange about this one I would say !!!!!

Arriving at the scene, police found the body of the 22 year old,

The body was taken away by paramedics for a full examination before police had a chance to take any photo’s for evidence As quoted !


I may be getting old and cynical but ..." the father has been contacted" and my first thought is ...good luck with that. Hope to be proven wrong.




How sad is this...


22 years old, and now gone....poor girl......


as for the baby, hope she is cared for ...


so so sad, knocks your day reading this......



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5 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

I wonder why on earth people commit suicide...


If I was a 22 year old Thai girl with a 2 month old baby, a job in a Karaoke bar, living in a room like that then I would probably want to die too. Talk about no future.

4 hours ago, CharlieH said:

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4 hours ago, KittenKong said:


If I was a 22 year old Thai girl with a 2 month old baby, a job in a Karaoke bar, living in a room like that then I would probably want to die too. Talk about no future.

And still sex tourist think these girls are gagging for sex,

And still sex tourist think these girls are gagging for sex,

I pass a thousand girls on my walk from soi Buakhao to walking St and nearly all were dancing around laughing screaming for customers, big smiles so yeah most are gagging for sex, what else would you call it?
3 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

I pass a thousand girls on my walk from soi Buakhao to walking St and nearly all were dancing around laughing screaming for customers, big smiles so yeah most are gagging for sex, what else would you call it?


  Looking for customers to pay for their children ?

1 minute ago, bangkokorbust said:

They can go work in a factory like millions of others do. But we know gagging for sex and the 10 boyfriends goes way beyond needing milk and nappies lol

It's purely gagging

Honestly, they really are not "gagging for sex" 

That is their job, some of them are good at their job

They dont get into prostitution for the sex

They get into it for the rewards

Earning more than one night , than they would do in a week in a factory

Yes, they are "gagging for it" 

"Gagging " for a payday


Honestly, they really are not "gagging for sex" 

That is their job, some of them are good at their job

They dont get into prostitution for the sex

They get into it for the rewards

Earning more than one night , than they would do in a week in a factory

Yes, they are "gagging for it" 

"Gagging " for a payday


So your saying those girls never enjoy the sex? They are all forced into this horrible lifestyle.. You need to get out more. Not every customer is 70

They are also thieves and master manipulators.

A lot of these girls are extremely wealthy and own condos but still go out and spread the legs

Stop feeling sorry for them, most have several guys sending them money but do they go back to the farm and take care of the kids... NOPE

This young lady you assumed killed herself because of the sex industry? Your very naive.. It could have been post natal depression. Or any number of factors

2 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

So your saying those girls never enjoy the sex? They are all forced into this horrible lifestyle.. You need to get out more. Not every customer is 70

They are also thieves and master manipulators.

A lot of these girls are extremely wealthy and own condos but still go out and spread the legs

Stop feeling sorry for them

This young lady you assumed killed herself because of the sex industry? Your very naive.. It could have been post natal depression. Or any number of factors

Maybe they do enjoy  the sex , maybe they just pretend to do so, its not up to me to say .

A lot of these girls are not extremely wealthy , although some do have assets paid for by previous customers , most of them live by sex and food the next day

    I didnt state why I thought she killed herself , but, if she had some guy beside her, who had other  interests than sex and who was with her to bring up their child together , then , maybe, she wouldnt have suicided


Body removed before detectives could examine the scene, bruises around her neck, a jealous type boyfriend.  Sad that even the Thais seem to accept these quick conclusions that it is a suicide.  Sad that there can't be any advocates for the victims since nobody will disagree with the authorities or police and in general the people aren't allowed to even ask questions

I wonder why on earth people commit suicide...RIP young lady 

Obviously you have not known anyone with clinical depression. You have no idea the turmoil at times goes on in their minds. Sometimes the only escape from their disease, they believe, is suicide.

1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

Body removed before detectives could examine the scene, bruises around her neck, a jealous type boyfriend.  Sad that even the Thais seem to accept these quick conclusions that it is a suicide.  Sad that there can't be any advocates for the victims since nobody will disagree with the authorities or police and in general the people aren't allowed to even ask questions

No.  The girl was the jealous type and she suspected her boyfriend of cheating.  

9 hours ago, bangkokorbust said:

I pass a thousand girls on my walk from soi Buakhao to walking St and nearly all were dancing around laughing screaming for customers, big smiles so yeah most are gagging for sex, what else would you call it?


19 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

I wonder why on earth people commit suicide...RIP young lady 

 The following are quotes as I recall, from Doc Holiday to Wyatt Earp in the movie, 'Tombstone.'  "Some people are just not meant for this world."  "There is no normal life, there's just life."


 It is also alleged by medical and science experts that when people go off antidepressant pills suddenly, the chances of suicide are greater. As I recall that's even indicated in the drug insert warning.

9 hours ago, bangkokorbust said:

I pass a thousand girls on my walk from soi Buakhao to walking St and nearly all were dancing around laughing screaming for customers, big smiles so yeah most are gagging for sex, what else would you call it?


Gagging for money to raise their kids, look after their parents, pay rent on their little hovel of a room they share with a bunch of other girls.


On second thoughts they probably just wake up hoping they'll be squashed flat by some drunk, fat, old, sex tourist who won't care if the girl cums or even enjoys the sex.


Could have been a suicide but would not rule out murder in this case. R.I.P

14 hours ago, bangkokorbust said:

I pass a thousand girls on my walk from soi Buakhao to walking St and nearly all were dancing around laughing screaming for customers, big smiles so yeah most are gagging for sex, what else would you call it?

The thought of having sex with sweaty, fat, drunken white men must be a real turn on for these girls.  Let's not confuse the big smiles as lust, they are there because your money will buy them much more than working in the rice field.  Their motivation maybe varied but the target is the same. Your money and as much of it as they can get.  Good luck to them, it's a shitty job but lucrative.

1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

The thought of having sex with sweaty, fat, drunken white men must be a real turn on for these girls.  Let's not confuse the big smiles as lust, they are there because your money will buy them much more than working in the rice field.  Their motivation maybe varied but the target is the same. Your money and as much of it as they can get.  Good luck to them, it's a shitty job but lucrative.

The thought of sex with a fat old sweaty griping dry wife is worse. Give me the working girls who are fun and young and in return I will gladly share some money. If you don't like it up to you. But the sadest people on the planet are those that have a monopoly on virtue and morals. Usually they are afraid to try anything new so they preach to others to make themselves feel superior. We are all different with different needs. Live and let live. I don't care what you do so please don't care what me and other adults do whether we do it for pleasure or money or both. Amen 

The thought of having sex with sweaty, fat, drunken white men must be a real turn on for these girls.  Let's not confuse the big smiles as lust, they are there because your money will buy them much more than working in the rice field.  Their motivation maybe varied but the target is the same. Your money and as much of it as they can get.  Good luck to them, it's a shitty job but lucrative.

Gagging for sex is how they get the money. They are looking for sex, call it gagging or what ever you want but they have the sex first. They are not screaming for money that wouldn't work .

There are a lot of very average girls with decent guys and pretty girls with handsome guys so your naive if you think that all customers are big fat sweaty pigs and let me tell you not all of them take pigs

I've seen many instances they were brushed off

You people have to get out more and stop writing in clichés

1 hour ago, Wake Up said:

The thought of sex with a fat old sweaty griping dry wife is worse. Give me the working girls who are fun and young and in return I will gladly share some money. If you don't like it up to you. But the sadest people on the planet are those that have a monopoly on virtue and morals. Usually they are afraid to try anything new so they preach to others to make themselves feel superior. We are all different with different needs. Live and let live. I don't care what you do so please don't care what me and other adults do whether we do it for pleasure or money or both. Amen 


1 hour ago, bangkokorbust said:

Gagging for sex is how they get the money. They are looking for sex, call it gagging or what ever you want but they have the sex first. They are not screaming for money that wouldn't work .

There are a lot of very average girls with decent guys and pretty girls with handsome guys so your naive if you think that all customers are big fat sweaty pigs and let me tell you not all of them take pigs

I've seen many instances they were brushed off

You people have to get out more and stop writing in clichés

Well I certainly got both barrels there!  Clearly my post has hit a nerve here and there.  It wasn't meant to and I am all in favour of the pleasures of a bar girl as much as the next man.  I lived in Thailand for over thirteen years and before that in Hong Kong and Cambodia and enjoyed the girls in all those places.  However it doesn't take that long to see how the system works and I stopped kidding myself long ago that it was anything more than a financial arrangement (sometimes as a live-in one).  I exploited the girls for what I wanted and they exploited me for what they wanted.  A very fair deal all round as long as you don't kid yourself it is anything else.  I do feel sorry for the ATM guys who support their Thai bargirls from afar.  The clever girls will usually have two or more sending them money every month whilst pledging their undying love.  On the other hand there are those who are supporting their families and playing a straight bat.


Of course many men fall in love with their bargirls and when I lived there I knew quite a few who had settled down and had kids and were very happy.   I am married to a Thai and we have a teenage son.  She wasn't a bargirl but that isn't relevant. 

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