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Absent father...Custody?


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I have a stepdaughter aged 14. She is result of a one-night-stand my wife had with a guy from the UK (just before we met)....When the guy found out, that my now wife was pregnant, he left the building. Returned to the UK and has never been in touch since....BUT he is on the girls birth certificate as the father and she has his family name.....Not important for anyone really, until we decided to apply for a passport for the daughter.....I asked the question on another thread here, and the replies said, that my wife need to seek sole custody by the court.....My question is, can the father, who has never seen the child, be said to have custody over her?   No doubt if my wife goes to court, she will be awarded sole custody, simply because the guy has been absent for 14 years......BUT it is school holiday and we have promised the girl a trip abroad..., so time is of essence. Does the fact that Mr X is on the birth certificate give him custody? Or can a visit to amphur solve our problem?


Thank you


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Joc. No, the biological father has no parental rights and custody just because his name is on the birth certificate. Under Thai law, the mother of the illegitimate child has sole parental right and custody unless the biological father goes to court to be recognized as the legal father and ask for parental rights and custody rights.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, SiamBeast said:

The girl popped a kid outside marriage, from a one-night stand, without the father's consent and you married her?


Anyway as per Thai law she has sole custody on the child.

Yeah, how dare her body get pregnant without asking first!

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But, with or without you, she is entitled to a British passport, based upon her father.
That route might be easier than trying to get her a visa on a Thai passport.
Good luck!

Virtually impossible without the father to support the application. No British birth certificate etc...
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