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Can't Upload Attachments


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A couple of days ago I uploaded and posted an attachment without any problems - using the new format.

Yesterday I tried for ages to upload some pictures and kept getting the message "Server error"

Today I have tried again, I get no message, but after getting the flashing message "uploading.." for about 10 seconds, I get nothing. Again, I have tried several times.

In the past, even with very low bandwidth I could always upload, even if it took a very long time.

The attachments are less than 2 mb and I have suffient upload allocation remaining to cary out the process.

I have tried shift/Refresh. Still fails.

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?

Have you tried a much smaller attachement, like around 100K to see if you have the same problem? Also check your disk space availability under "My Controls" > "Manage your attachments" to see if you are running out.

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Well thyat'sreally starnge.

The only thing I can think is that somehow the system has not re-sorted my attachment allocation.

Yesterday, I was informed that I did not have sufficient space left to upload, so I deleted some old attachments and I am now told that I have used 39 Mb of 48 mb - so I should have around 9 mb available for uploads.

Has the system just frozen me out and not re-set my allocation, somehow?

Help please!!!

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OK Here's the deal.

The pic I'm trying to upload is 1.2mb I have tried several different pics of similar sizes and none will upload.

As you suggested, I tried a pic which was 116 KB and it uploaded successfully.

My reply box says:

Attachment space used 39.87mb of 48.83mb

Max. single upload size: 2mb

I still reckon that somehow the system hasn't udated me since I deleted some old attachments, as I did have a small amount of allocation left before I deleted some stuff - probably enough to upload 116kb.

Where do I go from here?

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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I appreciate Admin may be on holiday today, but I would really be grateful if maybe someone could look into this uploading attachment problem tomorrow.

I would like to post some pics on the Mercy thread, and also on the TV Pissup thread, but am unable to.

To recap, I still have 10 MB of available attachment space, I can upload a 116Kb pic, but nothing larger. I tried a 500kb pic earlier and that wouldn't upload.

I think my previous, almost full, capacity has not been adjusted even though I have deleted 10 mb of old attachments.

Thanks guys. :o

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Still can't upload unless the attachment is less than 115Kb

Still no solution?

George? - someone?

Help! :o:D

Same here Mobi...and I am using Firefox

Same here too Mobi... and I am also using Firefox.....

I upload the attachment, it says done, the Browsebox for uploading another one disappears, I check the Manage Current attachements and it says There are no items currently!

This is a BUG!

Mobi, where can you see your available attachement space???

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Hi George,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I too am using Firefox, and I just tried again using Internet Explorer. No Luck.

If it may help someone to solve my problem, here is the chronology of events:

1. I have uploaded many attachments previously with no problems

2. A few days ago I uploaded an attachment with no problems - this was since you upgraded the TV software.

3. About 2 days ago I tried to upload a 1.2 odd mb pic, and was told I only have around 200kb of upload space available. I checked and sure enough that was the case.

4. I went to my control panel and deleted around 10 mb of old attachments.

5. I now have around 10 Mb of available space, and I get this message in my attachment box: "Attachment space used 38.3mb of 48.83mb" So I should be OK now.

6. I have tried many times to upload, but nothing happens - after a few seconds of "uploading file" message, it fails. I have tried this with many different files, and even one of around 500 kb will not upload.

7. However, I have a file of around 200 kb and this WILL upload.

All this seems to suggest that even though I have deleted 10 mb of attachments, the system somehow still thinks I have used all my capacity as it will accept a very small file but nothing bigger. My bandwidth is very good (over 400 kpbs), but even in the days when it was very bad, I could always upload, even though it took a long time.

Someone out there help, please


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Still can't upload unless the attachment is less than 115Kb

Still no solution?

George? - someone?

Help! :D:D

Same here Mobi...and I am using Firefox

Same here too Mobi... and I am also using Firefox.....

I upload the attachment, it says done, the Browsebox for uploading another one disappears, I check the Manage Current attachements and it says There are no items currently!

This is a BUG!

Mobi, where can you see your available attachement space???

That's exactly what happens to me.

Sven, The message for available atachment space is between the "Attachments" heading and the "(Tick)Attachment system ready" on the left side of the screen when you open an "Add reply" box.

I would upload a pic of it - if I could :o

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Looks to be a browser version problem...

Been trying several things on several PC's in the last 30 minutes and it look like older browser versions (and even the latest netscape) are having problems with uploading attachements.

I've got failures with Netscape 8.0 and Firefox 1.0.7 ,exactly in the way Mobi describes. There is actually no uploading whatsoever happening, eventhough it says so...

No problems with IE 6.0.2900 and Firefox 2.0.

It's not PC related as I have one PC where the new explorer works, but the old firfox hangs...

For the firefox users, download the latest version here, and try if this solves your problem...


Only takes a moment to download, even for those poor iPSTAR usersb out there :o

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Not all is solved :o

I upgraded my problem firefox to version 2.0.

I'm now able to upload, bat any upload bigger then 300kb fails in the way svenivan describes.

The file actually gets transmitted to the server, the uploading message dissapears and then everything gets stuck...

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As of now still the same problem!

Upload limit is stuck at 300kB, I uploaded a 295kB file without problems, while a 306kB file locked the attachment console up...

Hi Monty,

Haven't tried the upgrade yet but I think my firefox version is quiet recent anyyway.

It wouldn't upload on Explorer either. But the first time I tried on Firefox, I could upload - but maybe the file was small - not sure.

I'll wait the latest upgrade from Thai Visa and try again

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As of now still the same problem!

Upload limit is stuck at 300kB, I uploaded a 295kB file without problems, while a 306kB file locked the attachment console up...

I try to upload a file that is 174kB and that is not working.

Attachments used is only 15 mB

Waiting for Huski to fix the BUG!

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As of now still the same problem!

Upload limit is stuck at 300kB, I uploaded a 295kB file without problems, while a 306kB file locked the attachment console up...

I try to upload a file that is 174kB and that is not working.

Attachments used is only 15 mB

Waiting for Huski to fix the BUG!

Still same problem! Maybe Huski gone for Christmasholidays?

:o:D :D

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