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Would you have paid the 4 Baht?


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7 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Yes, but probably less politely.


Something like, "OK Einstein, how on earth do you expect me to purchase a ticket if there is neither a ticket machine nor an office?".

Conductors collecting fees on board is quite normal. Getting this upset because a Thai wanted the farang to pay 4 baht is not so normal.

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Your joking right?


An Expat was killed here for arguing with a taxi driver over 30 THB.


And  he was an Executive with Caterpillar pulling down big dollars.


Are you a Cheap Charlie?


You better wise up or we will be reading your obituary.

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3 hours ago, smotherb said:

Conductors collecting fees on board is quite normal. Getting this upset because a Thai wanted the farang to pay 4 baht is not so normal.

<removed> allowing people to bully you cos of your race is not normal in my book, but each to their own.


Note that I would direct my venom at the bully, not the conductor.


Not that my comment was especially angry, it was simply intentionally sarcastic. Hardly fighting talk.

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15 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:



And I would have a few choice words for that lady in Spanish.  


I'm sure she would get the gist of it without understanding a single word.


Spanish is my go-to language for insulting people in Thailand. Never insult anyone in English.  Innocent schoolchildren might understand certain key words ?

Well maybe some people know Spanish as well. 


Nunca se sabe. ..

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I would have given her 20 baht just to see what she would do. 4 baht? I can't believe anything is that cheap. No farang pricing?

Yes !!
We need to insist on farang prices !

Let's see: 4 baht x 1000 % = 40 baht

Might get you ejected forcibly from a moving train but would be worth it to show solidarity with farang pricing !!
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On 09/03/2017 at 4:06 PM, ThaiWai said:

You handled it better than I would have.  I would have punched the busy body in the center of her face until there was nothing but a skull donut left.  But that's just me.


On 09/03/2017 at 6:14 PM, bangkokorbust said:

I would have beaten them both to a bloody pulp and let them decide was it worth the 4 baht

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk


On 09/03/2017 at 11:58 AM, bluebluewater said:

As soon as I heard the word 'farang' to start to pour outta her mouth I would have called her every ethnic name I could think of till she shut up, told her she was butt ugly, had a big mouth, and then told her she could FO as well.  Not yelling mind you but at whatever volume level she was at and I would have done it standing up.  They cower to power and fold in a heartbeat.   I would have made a big show of shaking hands with the conductor with a pat on the back as well just to show everyone else in the car that everything was just fine.  And when she started back again (and there is little doubt that she was not going to) I would have stood up and started all over as well. 

Amateurs, I would have taken a flame thrower to everyone in the train and then drove that sucker right through the station. 

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