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Thailand zoo forces orangutans to fight in boxing gloves and wear bikinis


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Zoo forces orangutans to fight in boxing gloves and wear bikinis

By Leah Bitsky



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This place isn’t monkeying around.


A Thailand zoo recently hosted an event featuring orangutans boxing as other apes stood outside the ring banging on drums and dancing in bikinis.


The wild display at Safari World has gotten mixed reviews over the years, but some argue it should be shut down.


“[Orangutans are] extremely intelligent, and the zoo was exploiting that,” said Samantha Fuller, a teacher from Boston living and working in Thailand. Fuller saw the show on a recent school field trip.


Full story: https://nypost.com/2017/03/10/zoo-makes-orangutans-battle-in-boxing-gloves-and-bikinis/


-- NEW YORK POST 2017-03-15


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I attended a travel conference a little over a year ago in Bangkok.  I guess it was highly contested as many of the travel agencies did not want it here due to the treatment of animals by Thailand.  This helps prove their point.  All for money and no consideration for the animals.






Study slams “cruel” animal tourist attractions

University of Oxford and World Animal Protection assert that three quarters of wildlife attractions are cruel



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What are they thinking  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can these Zoo's get any more stupid


Maybe they should put the zoo owner in the ring

With a Bikini on,  then put it on National Tv

Amazing Thailand


Edited by onemorechang
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In so many ways, one sees that Thailand is a good 50 years behind the rest of the civilised world (and that is being generous!).


Thailand, the land of Buddhism - whose founder would not even ride on a horse after he became Awakened, still less abuse, humiliate and/ or murder animals ...

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3 hours ago, Eligius said:

In so many ways, one sees that Thailand is a good 50 years behind the rest of the civilised world (and that is being generous!).


Thailand, the land of Buddhism - whose founder would not even ride on a horse after he became Awakened, still less abuse, humiliate and/ or murder animals ...

Pesky FOREIGN apes. Thai people no care...

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1 minute ago, helloagain said:

Thai visa by not stateing which zoo is not helping the animals shame on you thai visa. Call the police at least

Maybe their masters at the Nation didnt allow them... :coffee1:

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This has been going on for years just as described in the OP. Nothing new here sadly and there's been outcrys before but still it continues . Money ,simply is the driving force !! And orangutans are one of the worlds most endearing animals. Very very sad but in Thailand why should anyone be surprised anymore 

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