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Folks these dayz


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The other day I was at an unspecified airport and I didn't have a booked flight ticket, instead I was about to buy one.

Then much to my amusement, I realized that I had 3 bucks less in cash than what I needed to purchase the ticket. Since I didn't have any cards on me, cash was the only option. 

I thought, no problem it has happened to me many times that someone, either friend or stranger was in a similar situation and I have always been glad to help. So I figured, there must be someone at this packed airport with hundreds of people who has 3 dollars to help a brother out. Man, I was wrong. Not one person was interested to help. The moment money was mentioned, it was like being in an alternate reality where no such thing existed, lmfao. 

Eventually, I had a friend send me money via western union but I was simply amazed at the f%&ing behavior of people. 


Based on social media, Instagram Facebook and other things reserved for mentally challenged people, I thought everybody was rich. 

And how is it that everybody is interested in receiving but nobody wants to give? 




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19 hours ago, giddyup said:

Don't mind giving to someone deserving, orphanages etc, not some falang who can't pay for an air ticket.

We all run into issues at times. Thinking that someone is not deserving tells a lot about what u think of yourself.

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7 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Yes it is amazing to go to an airport and don't bring enough money, a card or a ticket. It is not really nice to blame other people for your own stupidity.

Nobody blamed anyone. Just shared my experience. Still learning to read I see.

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15 hours ago, jerojero said:

Expect begging to be acknowledged? Happened to you before? Clearly you're irresponsible, expecting total strangers to agree to your charity case.

It's not begging. It's called people helping each other out. Happens often. Well not in your world. 

Btw I am responsible. 

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15 hours ago, jerojero said:

Expect begging to be acknowledged? Happened to you before? Clearly you're irresponsible, expecting total strangers to agree to your charity case.

It's not begging. It's called people helping each other out. Happens often. Well not in your world. 

Btw I am responsible. 

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15 hours ago, Jdietz said:

I can 't imagine how this happened to you, seeing the cheery and fun attitude you seem to display everywhere. 

We've never met but u know my attitude. Tell me more

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On 3/19/2017 at 6:38 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Most people who ask strangers for money do it regularly and lie about the reasons why. Too bad when it is actually legit and no one will listen. :ermm:

Do you have any data to back that up?


Out of interest, when you do give money to help someone, why do you do it?

I do it because they may be in need, and I would like to see them able to carry on their life not hobbled by a trivial shortage of funds.  Whether I have misread the situation, and they are in fact a scurrilous rogue pan-handling on the generosity of the naive is a matter of a few pennies only.  Their dishonesty is less important to me than my willingness to help a person in need.


That said, I think you should pay for what you want.  If you want more beggars, pay for them.  If you want more people to afford a bus fare home, pay for them.



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