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Healthy body - what medical tests to have?


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I'm working in Myanmar, where there is limited access to health check tests.


Next month, I will come to Bangok/Pattaya for a few weeks.  I want to get all relevant health tests done so that I (and my doctor) can assess if there are any issues etc.


I'm currently dieting and exercising to reduce my body fat, tone muscles etc. I


I had a full health check about 18 months ago in Phuket, which did not indicate any medical issues. I'm 58 years old.


The health tests that I'm planning are:


Testosterone/free testosterone (I have a generic low T level)


Prostate check, PSA level

HGH serum test

DHEA test

hemoglobin A1c test

IGF-1 test

Thyroid T3 and T4 test

Blood pressure of course...

Maybe heart check-up (I had these tests 18 months ago)


Are any of the above tests not required? What about other medical tests that I should have?


Just to note that I had a 'battery' of blood tests last year when I got a dengue-like high fever.  This included an HIV test. Everything was normal (the reason for the fever was never identified, even though I had tests for maleria, dengue and a host of other causes of fevers).


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Believe most doctors recommend colonoscopy at your age if not already done.  That can find things when still easily treatable - if costs or procedure a concern at least FIT stool test would probably be a good idea.

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2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Believe most doctors recommend colonoscopy at your age if not already done.  That can find things when still easily treatable - if costs or procedure a concern at least FIT stool test would probably be a good idea.

I can not recommend this too strongly, I had one a couple of years ago and had the results been properly evaluated it would have identified colorectal cancer at a very early stage, when it is easily treatable, if this is left to run unchecked  a person could wind up with a colostomy bag at best


I recently had a colonoscopy repeated at Chulalongkorn, with a two shot sedation, all very painless and well under 10,000, including biopsies, they have a clinic there that specialises in this


For me money well spent, try and learn by others experiences, not your own ! ! which has very much been my case and the harder way !


If a doctor says not necessary, suggest you just say thank you but I would still like to have it, at the end of the day your choice

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Hi Sheryl.  Yes, it was an 'older male' health check-up package at Phuket International Hospital, which included a heart stress test on a treadmill, ECG etc etc.  (I have the data with me on CD and ECG plots).  


Everything was all fine, with the exception of a PAD reading that was on the upper limit of the normal range.  The doctor didn't suggest any issues or lifestyle changes with that PAD reading.


And what is the reason for the IGF-1 and HGH tests?


The IGF-1 test was suggested by several members on this forum who said that I could be pre-diabetic.  I have absolutely no reason to think why this should be the case, so what I really mean is a test of blood sugar levels.  I imagine that with my diet of minimal sugar, lots of fruit and veg, I shouldn't be at risk of diabetes.


The HGH test is really associated with my low T levels. I have had low T all my adult life, and previously had T implants (in the UK, maybe 20 years ago).  As I approach 60 years old, I want to get an idea of where I stand re Testosterone and associated issues, so that I take the appropriate actions if required.


Sheryl, please do give me your good advice - I welcome your comments!



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There is no need for IGF-1 in someone with normal blood sugar. The HBac1 will suffice.


Stress test in aysmptomatic person without obvious risk factors and prior normal result would usually be every 2-3 years. So not necessary now but if you think it may be a while before you check up again, could.

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There is no need for IGF-1 in someone with normal blood sugar. The HBac1 will suffice.


Stress test in aysmptomatic person without obvious risk factors and prior normal result would usually be every 2-3 years. So not necessary now but if you think it may be a while before you check up again, could.

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10 hours ago, al007 said:


I recently had a colonoscopy repeated at Chulalongkorn, with a two shot sedation, all very painless and well under 10,000, including biopsies, they have a clinic there that specialises in this


Was that a government hospital price?  I was recommended to have one, but the Sukhumvit Hospital estimate was 25-30k.

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1 minute ago, cliffspab said:


Was that a government hospital price?  I was recommended to have one, but the Sukhumvit Hospital estimate was 25-30k.

Yes and maybe also the top cancer hospital in thailand, do not dismiss it because government, I doubt you will find better, of course you can spend far more I was even quoted over 50,000batt for the same thing

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3 minutes ago, al007 said:

Yes and maybe also the top cancer hospital in thailand, do not dismiss it because government, I doubt you will find better, of course you can spend far more I was even quoted over 50,000batt for the same thing

No, I wouldn't discount it all. I might investigate getting it done there instead.


My government hospital is Kluay Nam Thai.  Not sure how good that one is.


Ninja Edit: What sedation did you get?

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2 hours ago, cliffspab said:

No, I wouldn't discount it all. I might investigate getting it done there instead.


My government hospital is Kluay Nam Thai.  Not sure how good that one is.


Ninja Edit: What sedation did you get?

Look I live 6 hrs from BKK when you find a good and safe hospital stay with it 


They know what they are doing I have had five colonoscopies in the last year This one was the least painless, and an earlier two both had me screaming in pain, and another failed to diagnose the results, sedation was Dormicum 5.0MG and Pethadine 25mg both IV


You also need to ensure the preparation is good I had to take the evacuating liquid twice, once the evening before and again on the day of the procedure


My surgeon was DR Chucheep excellent, and a very key part of the procedure


If you want to talk PM me and I will give you my phone number

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...and an earlier two both had me screaming in pain


I thought that this type of procedure was painless, albeit a little uncomfortable.  Is there a specific reason why it was so painful? (I'm not keen on pain!)

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Not everyone has good experience with bowel preparation however - after going through this process in-patient at a government hospital (for a needed operation) I would not be exactly keen on going through that process for testing myself. They provided a shot glass of very foul tasting liquid after evening meal - first night was only unpleasant; but night before operation scheduled (not sure if same medication) I became very noxious and tried to get to bathroom to vomit but only made two steps and fainted.  This has never happened so very disconcerting - although felt fine after revived.  Other patients said same thing had happened to them - but doctors/nurses said nothing.  I later had operation at a private hospital and although had to drink several liters of not great tasting drink it was a huge improvement.

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27 minutes ago, simon43 said:




I thought that this type of procedure was painless, albeit a little uncomfortable.  Is there a specific reason why it was so painful? (I'm not keen on pain!)

Just make sure they put you out completely, neither painful or uncomfortable albeit more expensive !

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Just make sure they put you out completely, neither painful or uncomfortable albeit more expensive !


I think you can have sedation for this procedure ==> not a general anaesthetic but a local sedation where you are all but asleep.


If there is pain, maybe this is when the instrument has to be pushed past the bends in your colon, large intestine etc.


Anyway, it is certainly a recommended procedure for people of my age, so I'll ask about this when I attend the hospital.

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10 hours ago, al007 said:

Look I live 6 hrs from BKK when you find a good and safe hospital stay with it 


They know what they are doing I have had five colonoscopies in the last year This one was the least painless, and an earlier two both had me screaming in pain, and another failed to diagnose the results, sedation was Dormicum 5.0MG and Pethadine 25mg both IV


You also need to ensure the preparation is good I had to take the evacuating liquid twice, once the evening before and again on the day of the procedure


My surgeon was DR Chucheep excellent, and a very key part of the procedure


If you want to talk PM me and I will give you my phone number

Thanks sir, I may well PM you once I decide to go ahead with it.

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28 minutes ago, simon43 said:




I think you can have sedation for this procedure ==> not a general anaesthetic but a local sedation where you are all but asleep.


If there is pain, maybe this is when the instrument has to be pushed past the bends in your colon, large intestine etc.


Anyway, it is certainly a recommended procedure for people of my age, so I'll ask about this when I attend the hospital.


Iv'e had the procedure and was put out completely, just a light anaesthetic but put out none the less.

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4 hours ago, simon43 said:




I thought that this type of procedure was painless, albeit a little uncomfortable.  Is there a specific reason why it was so painful? (I'm not keen on pain!)

I share to try and help others as I have gained so much information from these forums


I have a very low pain threshold


My experience of the small private hospitals, like others I know has not been good, I say no more due to deformation laws


I believe the big government hospitals are generally a safer bet but much depends on the choice of consultant/doctor


On my two bad colonoscopies, the first was in KhonKaen, at a government hospital in town, when the consultant was trying to do a prostate biopsy, with only vaseline and anaesthetic cream on his finger with old equipment, after getting me screaming two or three times he gave up, I paid 10 batt  and that was too much, he told me not to worry, there was no problem, six weeks later in India Cancer was identified


I have had good experiences at the Srinarakin Govt hospital in khonKaen near the university


The second and worst was in Goa India, to convalesce, where I was having a second colonoscopy to confirm the extent of the growth, I had had prostate surgery in Dehli, when the two cancers were found, and whilst in Goa I went to another International hospital RG Stone for an opinion on surgery, their colonoscopy sect was closed so I was referred  to a convent village hospital with an apparent man with excellent reputation


I arrive, I wait in beautiful tropical gardens and invited into this old room, terracotta clay tiles on the floor and a concrete table


I am put on the table, no sedation, just some cream and they start , then I think they pump water into me from the bottom, then two bouncer sized gorillas start pummeling my stomach I am screaming, excreta and blood is every where, and this continues, my wife and all the clinic hearing my screams


I am told I can leave, blood dripping from my ass all covered a big mess, I can only just walk and hobble half way round the hospital to a room with a toilet and tap and my wife cleans me up, the results showed good clean pictures, and the cost under 1600 batt, what a horrendous experience never again


I arrived at the clinic walking and left in a wheelchair, and remained wheelchairbound for the next two weeks


My experience in Chulalongkorn by comparison a truly luxury experience, and TOTALLY painless, said by a man who hates and is scared by pain


As regards preparation at Chula powder mixed with water makes two litres , did the  2L night before and on morning of procedure 2L, was in hotel, kept in fridge made less unpleasant and a few sips of scotch to numb the taste was not nice but OK

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4 hours ago, cliffspab said:

It's the hospital named on my Thai social security. As far as I'm aware it's both government and private.


There is no such thing as being both government and private.


It is private.


Some smaller private hospitals agree to take SS. Usually these are ones which are otherwise not doing well.


You have some choice as to hospital under Social Security, though changes are only allowed I think twice a year.


It merits giving some thought to.

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27 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


There is no such thing as being both government and private.


It is private.


Some smaller private hospitals agree to take SS. Usually these are ones which are otherwise not doing well.


You have some choice as to hospital under Social Security, though changes are only allowed I think twice a year.


It merits giving some thought to.

But is it any good lol? It's right near where I live.

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20 minutes ago, cliffspab said:

But is it any good lol? It's right near where I live.

Look all simple stuff, if you can find many good recommendations  on your local hospitalmaybe ok,


You are correctly worried


You have been given some positive recommendation at sensible costs on Chulalongkorn 


So why take the risk


Chulalongkorn even have a brocure on this with prices in it 


Only you can decide


TV has a disproportionate amount of negative people, is my own humble and personal experience, and none of the good advice has been challenged


I told my local private hospital I was passing blood for two years, I even put it in writing, but I was stupid and did nothing because I liked the answer they gave me, I even haemoraged and lost 2/3 litres of blood, and I continued to ignore the warning signs, because doctors smiled and patted me on the back


Approx 10,000 baht plus a couple of days is cheep for peace of mind, stop procrastinating, tough love !!


Apologies if I am too outspoken, it is your life and up to you, I wish you good luck on whatever you do


I have just found half the brochure, the other bit had my appointment and was kept by the hospita58cfb18e552fe_CHULA1.jpeg.be63c045715fa688f4ae51dad3533f13.jpeg58cfb19c03738_Chula2.jpeg.52d8640a63525c1e3d49840347f6d5e2.jpegl

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  • 2 months later...

For the colonoscopy, be sure they anesthetize you well. I woke up in the middle of my last colonoscopy to terrible long lasting pain, and I was kind of in a state of paralysis so I couldn't tell them I was conscious and in pain as they continued the procedure. Nightmare 

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But what is causing your low T? You really need to know this.


It is generic.  My father also had low T levels and my young son is advised to have his T levels checked when he gets older.


I previously had T implants under my abdomen skin about 20 years ago. Nowadays, I rely on exercise and a good diet to boost my T levels naturally.  At my recent check up my T level was 400, which is a good improvement on previous checks a few years ago.  T injections were offered, but I decided to continue my health regime and check the levels again in about 9 months.


Low T levels can result in low upper body muscle, which is what I have (and what my father also had).  My regular gym programme is increasing that muscle mass, albeit very slowly.

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