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14 arrests of "influential foreign criminals" in Pattaya


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Clear Pattaya Mafia gang Find out the big legs of Russian HIV infected Playboy life  - Thairath


Who can resist a headline like this! Clearly a bunch of leg-over Larries.


Edited by Krataiboy
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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

A step in the right direction, these motley crew of organized crimes

who found refuge in a sunny, easy place to bland in and resume normal

life should be all rounded up and send back to cesspools they came from....

Seems to be the criteria, as in Gold coast, Marbella, Cyprus. Sunshine and lots of disposable funds.

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No names,nothing substantial,  yet when My best friend died Feb 15 and it was printed here his name, bank accts (2) and balances, pictures ,descriptions about money,jewelry,etc His whole life true and untrue.  What about these Mafia blood Suckers?

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As for criminals hiding out in Spain.. Spain is dead.. many are selling up - even more so now that the Euro is more or less on par with the pound - those who have already lost the best part of 50% on their property since 2007 are shipping out - the same for the crims (apart from the die hard Ronny Biggs folllowers and over 60's) I suspect that Thailand's an EASY switch from the costa del crime - they still drive up and down the costa's with billboards showing the faces of europe's most wanted! 

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5 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Hmmm, Strange, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere quite a while back that there were NO Mafia in Pattaya, it was in one of the local rags and spouted by either the Chief of Police or head honcho in immigration.


And yes I am very miffed that no Brits were arrested :cheesy:

Sure, no Mafia in Pattaya!

Also nowhere to be seen in Pattaya: Hells Angels, Bandidos and their Support Group Thailand.

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Pondering the situation of foreign mafia people, foreign loan sharks, etc.. I would think that more people would be willing or able to rat them out anonymously to the authorities or to the social media, and get their butts thrown out of the country.  Seems like it is very risky to do illegal things in a foreign country where one is probably there illegally.  Of course if one is well connected not much may happen, but still at some point and with enough pressure and publicity I would expect to see a lot of ratting out going on.  Borrow money from a foreign loan shark, don't pay, then work on getting him put behind bars or ejected.

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On 21/03/2017 at 0:54 AM, pegman said:

What I find troublesome is that the Isreali behind the failed WaterFront is walking around free. Is it not obvious that some back door dealings went on to get approval of this project? Hundreds of purchasers of this and his other failed developments are out huge sums. It certainly looks like fraud has taken place. 


He'll be running away soon.

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Who gets to decide who are the criminals in any given location in Thailand? The whole exercise seems too "staged" for me to take allegations detailed above seriously. I don't know why the media seems so eager to take anything the RTP says as gospel truth. International organisations with some credibility have labelled the RTP the "biggest criminal organisation in Thailand" in the recent past, yet here we find the media blithely repeating any claims about citizen/visitor residents an RTP spokesman cares to make, without any supporting evidence. Too much Playskool Cops, but people apparently want to swallow it all.

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On 3/21/2017 at 6:04 AM, Get Real said:

That´s a good sign! Pattaya has since long time been a place for the foreigners criminal activities in Thailand.


Nice to hear that you have a positive side to see things. If you do not see drugs and other criminal activities as an enough bad and a big problem, I do believe that there are others here that will. Maybe it was just that they didn´t follow your line in what was most important first!

Some people are never happy :stoner:

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6 hours ago, sandemara said:

Who gets to decide who are the criminals in any given location in Thailand? The whole exercise seems too "staged" for me to take allegations detailed above seriously. I don't know why the media seems so eager to take anything the RTP says as gospel truth. International organisations with some credibility have labelled the RTP the "biggest criminal organisation in Thailand" in the recent past, yet here we find the media blithely repeating any claims about citizen/visitor residents an RTP spokesman cares to make, without any supporting evidence. Too much Playskool Cops, but people apparently want to swallow it all.


6 hours ago, sandemara said:



Allow me to refresh your memory.


The group included 6 Russians several of whom were wanted on Interpol red notices or by police in Russia for involvement in narcotics and illegal money transactions.


Edited by JamJar
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The police are not arresting anyone,  although it looks that way and or reported as such by the media...... rather all those guys are there for a job interview to determine if they can be worthy business associates and work closely with the police and share the revenues and make plans about ways to generate more revenue together.

What..?......None of you people recognise a business meeting when you see one....lol




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On ‎2017‎-‎03‎-‎22 at 8:44 PM, 6thST said:

Why do the police allow them to were the mask over their faces why shouldn't we be allowed to see their faces????

Could be.......They all have bad breath...????

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14 E. Europeans in Pattaya ‘Mafia’ arrested, deported



PATTAYA:--Four Russian gangsters who set up shop in Pattaya have been arrested, along with ten other Eastern Europeans engaged in what immigration officials called “Mafia” behavior.


Immigration and Provincial Police Region 2 officials announced the planned deportation of the convicted drug dealers and extortionists wanted on Interpol “red notices” March 20 following their arrests over the past several months.


Aleksandr Danilov, 43, allegedly ran a Pattaya offshoot of the Russian Mafia in Pattaya, managing many underlings as he hid out on the Eastern Seaboard from drug-dealing charges back home. He entered Thailand on May 29, 2012 and had overstayed his visa by more than four years and seven months.


Kikhail Kriventsov, an alleged heroin dealer in Russian, was first captured in Loei Province in September last year and currently was nine months overstay on his visa.

Anton Filippov slipped out of Russia after a court conviction, visiting Thailand eight times, most recently on Feb. 1 on a 60-day tourist visa.


Read more:http://www.pattayamail.com/news/14-e-europeans-pattaya-mafia-arrested-deported-169061

-- © Copyright Pattaya Mail 2017-03-31
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