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FBI head confirms Russia election probe, says Moscow backed Trump


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On 3/23/2017 at 5:21 PM, beautifulthailand99 said:

Here's the sad tale of one of his die-hards who sang for him all over the US - with real hope in his heart. Who would have thought if you vote for a serial lying , sexual harraser , uber narcissistic billionare then what that's exactly what you get ! I reckon sooner  rather than later and Trump will quit first.



I hope - but doubt - he will quit; unless under impeachment or the money he's getting as POTUS dries up. It's always been a/b the money with this guy.... oh and feeding his narcissistic personality disorder.

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On 3/24/2017 at 2:08 PM, oilinki said:

^^ Pretty much what I and few others have been saying here for the past 1-2 years. :) 
Russia's aim is to weaken the western unity and therefore gain relatively more power to Russia.

True. Putin wanted Trump as top dog, and had Russian operatives working full time toward that end.  Putin may be having 2nd thoughts now.  HRC had always kept a tough stance on Russia, but at least she was 'devil we know' from a Russian perspective.   Trump could be 'the Devil we don't know'.  There's no doubt Trump and his buddies love Russia in every way, but Trump is such a bumbling dufus, that he could actually become a much bigger problem for Russia than HRC.  Here are some reasons:


>>>>   By further investigating Trump's (and his associates') borderline-treasonous dealings with Russkes, it can't help but shed light on Putin's (and his associates') shady dealings. 


>>>>   Money laundering is mentioned often, in regard to Putin&Associates / Trump&associates.  Perhaps most prominent is Trump selling a Florida property for many times its value to a Russian oligarch who needed to launder tens of millions of dollars.   It was the most expensive house ever sold in the US, and the selling price was several times the purchase price from 2 years earlier.  Plus, the Russkie buyer never visited the house before or since buying it.


>>>>   As the noose tightens around Trump and his corrupt buddies, Trump may try to distance himself from Putin by doing a military action against Russian interests.  


>>>>  Similar to the point above, Trump will likely create a calamitous event (perhaps similar to Hitler clandestinely bombing the Reichstad) .....in order to spook Americans - who will therefore rally around their leader.   It will also serve as a diversion, which Trump is so adept at.





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On 3/23/2017 at 7:04 AM, selftaopath said:

Who of any Fake President's defenders has any credibility?  Like the old adage points out: We surround ourselves with reflections of our own identity. 

"We surround ourselves with reflections of our own identity." 


Trump actually wants dumber people around him.  He said so in one of his books.  Dumber people are more likely to adulate him and are easier to manipulate.   Since Trump is already a dunce, then that doesn't reflect well on those he surrounds himself with - but we've seen that already - each time one of his spokespeople speak publicly.

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On ‎24‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 2:16 PM, Ramen087 said:

A feel good story for those who don't like Trump, for sure. However, may I ask what this story has to do with the investigation into the 2016 Presidential election and a connection to the Russian government?

Ok here something that does:



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2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

My Father always told me when you find yourself in trouble, stop digging! It seems Trump is digging deeper and deeper and he will not be able to dig fast enough soon. No wonder he is awake at 3am. It won't be long before he starts throwing out Presidential Pardons, he will try to give himself one as well.

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What will be in Trump's upcoming tweets?   The mind reels.  He's actually aiding investigations.  Case in point: when he complained about Obama tapping his wires (note: it was a 'person to person' accusation, not 'entity to entity', as reported in the media) - Trump thereby alerted FBI and others to look more closely at clandestine activity.   


More recently, Trump tweeted that everyone should watch a specific Fox 'newscast.'   In that 'newscast, a female reporter lambasted Ryan.    Conclusion:  Trump directed everyone to listen to a woman declaring something Trump was too chicken-shit to say.  

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On 3/24/2017 at 1:49 PM, craigt3365 said:


"He added that Russia's end goal is to foment chaos in the country."


Wouldn't say that's an "end goal". Seems to lack purpose. More like means to an end. Here's a reference point which may serve as a useful context.


Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia



Aleksandr Dugin's Foundation of Geopolitics




Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies “to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)” (p. 248).  “It is especially important,” Dugin adds, “to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S.  It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics…” (p. 367).


Aleksandr Dugin


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On 3/27/2017 at 7:03 AM, Andaman Al said:

My Father always told me when you find yourself in trouble, stop digging! It seems Trump is digging deeper and deeper and he will not be able to dig fast enough soon. No wonder he is awake at 3am. It won't be long before he starts throwing out Presidential Pardons, he will try to give himself one as well.

I relish the thought that this (IMO) traitor of democracy/decency/morality/ethics, will be gone. Preferable to a padded cell for the rest of his life. His defenders can live in ones without pads.

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                  If (House intelligence chief) Nunes recuses himself - it won't be enough.  It's alleged he's in bed with Flynn, Trump and others being investigated.  At the least, Ryan should boot Nunes off the committee and allow Schiff to become its chairman.  Schiff is apprised of what's going on and is a decent and fair-minded investigator.   Better than all that, would be an independent investigation, separate from Congress and the FBI, because even the FBI is subjective - as proven when Comey broke precedence (and acted unprofessionally and unethically) to hobble HRC's chances, 9 days before Nov' election.


                 Which one of Trump's many Russian-loving cronies will sing first?  It's known that, in a big investigation, the first insiders to tell the truth - wind up getting lighter sentences.  


          Note:  prez Bush's former ethics lawyer has been writing articles about this stuff recently, and uses the word TREASON numerous times.    That's a strong word, and it's getting used more often, all around D.C. as each day oozes by.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                  If (House intelligence chief) Nunes recuses himself - it won't be enough.  It's alleged he's in bed with Flynn, Trump and others being investigated.  At the least, Ryan should boot Nunes off the committee and allow Schiff to become its chairman.  Schiff is apprised of what's going on and is a decent and fair-minded investigator.   Better than all that, would be an independent investigation, separate from Congress and the FBI, because even the FBI is subjective - as proven when Comey broke precedence (and acted unprofessionally and unethically) to hobble HRC's chances, 9 days before Nov' election.


                 Which one of Trump's many Russian-loving cronies will sing first?  It's known that, in a big investigation, the first insiders to tell the truth - wind up getting lighter sentences.  


          Note:  prez Bush's former ethics lawyer has been writing articles about this stuff recently, and uses the word TREASON numerous times.    That's a strong word, and it's getting used more often, all around D.C. as each day oozes by.

At the least, Ryan should boot Nunes off the committee and allow Schiff to become its chairman.


Schiff is a democrat and can't be chairman because of that. Majority party has the chairman on house committees.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

At the least, Ryan should boot Nunes off the committee and allow Schiff to become its chairman.


Schiff is a democrat and can't be chairman because of that. Majority party has the chairman on house committees.

True. How about John McCain, he's a republican. It would be interesting to see WH's and some connected republicans' reactions if that were to be proposed...

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Just now, Gulfsailor said:

True. How about John McCain, he's a republican. It would be interesting to see WH's and some connected republicans' reactions if that were to be proposed...

Based on what McCain has been saying about Trump, it would not only be popcorn time, it would be fireworks time :)   

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3 minutes ago, Gulfsailor said:

True. How about John McCain, he's a republican. It would be interesting to see WH's and some connected republicans' reactions if that were to be proposed...

That said, since he is in the senate and not house, that might also not be possible. What are the investigating powers of the senate compared to the house?

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11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Weren't you a Trump fan, earlier on?

You must be mistaken me with someone else.  As most Europeans I can't stand the guy. 




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Is the smell from the swamp getting gut wrenchingly smelly enough yet?



Trump administration sought to block Sally Yates from testifying to Congress on Russia




Source is the Washington Post.



The Trump administration sought to block former acting attorney general Sally Yates from testifying to Congress in the House investigation of links between Russian officials and Donald Trumps presidential campaign, The Washington Post has learned, a position that is likely to further anger Democrats who have accused Republicans of trying to damage the inquiry.

According to letters The Post reviewed, the Justice Department notified Yates earlier this month that the administration considers a great deal of her possible testimony to be barred from discussion in a congressional hearing because the topics are covered by the presidential communication privilege

Well as Nunes has abruptly cancelled the hearings that were to include Yates and the other Intel personnel this week, then we remain in the dark...........for now. Not sure how much longer Nunes can survive and not sure why the Republicans are continuing to back Trump when he is clearly not only out of his depth, but more crooked than could have possibly been believed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

                    By looking closely at what Comey has said and done in the past 10 months, it's clear he's a partisan Republican.  Several of his important decisions have been subjectively geared to prop up Trump.  He's tarnishing the FBI's image and should be kicked out of office.   

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                        What has the House Intelligence committee done since the open hearing with Comey and NSA chief? It's been several weeks and they've done nothing, unless you count Nunes' ridiculous antics.  


                  Do Republican partisan ass-kissers think they're fooling the American public?  Ok granted, they're fooling the easily-duped Trump voters, but they're not fooling reasonable people, who comprise the majority of Americans.


                        Republicans think they can put up a smoke screen to shield the prez, and all Americans are supposed to fall for the ruse.  But it's an anti-American ruse, and we're not amused.   There's gonna be some big pay-back.  Either that, or the US is going to continue to slip down the slippery slope to mediocrity and increasingly become the laughing stock of the rest of the world.  


                   Already, if you mention Trump's name to any foreigner who follows the news, you'll likely get a roll of the eyes, a grinning wince, and some comment amounting to, "what a dunce that man is." 

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Republicans (on both house committees) are focused on leaks. Leaks are important but certainly not a priority, IMO.


Democrats on finding out what the Russians did.


Jason Chaffetz (House "Oversight"), after countless Benghazi and email "investigations", wants to get out of the swamp.


Some sort of independent prosecutor/commission is needed but that won't happen.


Hopefully the FBI will make some headway leading to indictments? It sounds as though they've got more than enough traitors lined up, some of whom will flip/sing and rat out others.



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There are some rumours that EU member states have intercepted concrete evidence for the Russian connections.


If we are lucky there will be major news released later on. Strong enough so that even republicans can't turn their heads away.

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An off topic deflection post about the possible Russian influence in the upcoming French election has been removed. There's probably a topic somewhere here in the World News section regarding the upcoming French election.  Please continue there. 

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                    Nunes is a slimeball that even a convention of slimeballs would call a slimeball.  He won't recuse himself (from the House Intelligence), but he will only 'step aside' for a little while. He's also slimming Ryan in the process.  Ryan already has so much slime dripping from him that I'm surprised he can walk down steps without sliding.   Republicans should face reality and rename their coven:  The Slimeball Party.  


                    At their well-financed (by corporations and lobbyists) new-nomenclature party, they can have a punch bowl filled with snot, and booger appetizers on the side, each with a toothpick.

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The Steele dossier just won't die. It keeps coming back stronger and stronger.


The court papers say Steele decided to pass on the information he had collected because it was “of considerable importance in relation to alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election”, that it “had implications for the national security of the US and the UK” and “needed to [be] analysed and further investigated/verified”.


UK was given details of alleged contacts between Trump campaign and Moscow



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On 3/21/2017 at 8:24 AM, boomerangutang said:

I watched the first part of the inquiry - it was long and drawn out.   No surprise, there were two factions among the inquisitors:  There were the Republicans (chairman and his majority of committee members, all old white men) who only cared about leaks.

The other side were Democrats (minority of members, women, blacks, whites) who were concerned about finding out who broke laws.



Dude, once again we read your "prejudice" toward old white men. 


What is your problem with "owm" I'm an old white man. You are an old white man. A great many TV members are in that same demographic.


Sounds like you are accusing us of breaking laws. Grow up!

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