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Trump dealt setback on healthcare plan as House puts off vote


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10 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Interesting analysis from a guy on TV.  Trump didn't go after this aggressively until it was determined he would not win.  He let Ryan handle it.  They are saying he should have been going after this back in November.  I guess golf was more important.


Also, he said those opposed to the bill weren't afraid of Trump.  He threatened them, personally, but they didn't cave in.  Which means Trump is toast in the future.  He can't bring people together.  Just push them apart.


Love this comment from John King.  If this is the best he can do, it's pretty bad.  If he can't get even his own party to go along with him, he's in trouble.  He said the democrats did a much better job getting the ACA passed than the current administration.  Saying it's a bad deal and lets kill it doesn't work. LOL

Polls favored single payer when Obama was elected but he wouldn't take on his own party members who where beholden to the health insurance lobby. It was a cowardly act and there could be Medicare for all today had he had a stiffer spine. Shouldn't be a surprise because liberals are a gutless bunch.

In Canada it took a provincial social democratic government to first enact single payer while fighting off a greedy doctor strike. Twenty years latter single payer went nationwide only because the social democrate party held the balance of power and forced minority Liberal Party government to pass Medicare or be booted from office. 

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14 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump was saying in interviews that the reason it failed was because they could 'not get one Democrat vote!' He seems to have forgotten the Republicans are in the majority and the reason the bill failed was because he could not get around 36 of his OWN side to vote for him.

Good point.  John King made an interesting comment.  Populist speeches given at political rallies are hard to turn into reality.  The masses love them, those in Washington?  Not so much.  They know the consequences.  Like the iPad promise here.  A complete failure. 

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Sorry it's you that needs to explain yourself isn't it. I am comparing Trumps attempt at introducing health care to Yingluck holding up an iPad during her campaign and saying 'every child will get one of these'. i.e. - a disaster. Or maybe a better comparison would just be that Trump would have been more at home on Yinglucks Government knowing he was in the mix to rob over 800 Billion baht from the country.

Sorry I'm not too up on current fascist  analogies. All I know is my step daughter received her tablet in Uthai. If you are referring to ฿ spent on farm subsidies she had nothing on your yank parties. American Farm Subsidies=$20B annually 


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33 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Interesting analysis from a guy on TV.  Trump didn't go after this aggressively until it was determined he would not win.  He let Ryan handle it.  They are saying he should have been going after this back in November.  I guess golf was more important.


Also, he said those opposed to the bill weren't afraid of Trump.  He threatened them, personally, but they didn't cave in.  Which means Trump is toast in the future.  He can't bring people together.  Just push them apart.


Love this comment from John King.  If this is the best he can do, it's pretty bad.  If he can't get even his own party to go along with him, he's in trouble.  He said the democrats did a much better job getting the ACA passed than the current administration.  Saying it's a bad deal and lets kill it doesn't work. LOL

I'm curious.  Do you think Trump really cared/wanted to replace ACA?  Or was he just going along with the Republicans?

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5 minutes ago, rijb said:

I'm curious.  Do you think Trump really cared/wanted to replace ACA?  Or was he just going along with the Republicans?

IMHO, he's getting rid of everything related to Obama.  He's vindictive and still feels hurt from the jabs at that press corp dinner.  It has nothing to do with what's right and wrong.  Just wants to go after Obama.  The Keystone pipeline is one, travel ban is another, Iran, ACA, etc, etc, etc.  What a mentally unstable person.


The Freedom caucus has already said they want government out of health care. Period.  They'll never go along with what Trump proposed....as flawed as it was.

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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Interesting analysis from a guy on TV.  Trump didn't go after this aggressively until it was determined he would not win.  He let Ryan handle it.  They are saying he should have been going after this back in November.  I guess golf was more important.


Donald never wanted to be president. He just wanted to win. Now that he is there, it is showing how much he just doesn't care to work at it. He just wants to do his own thing and get some great photo ops of signing mostly worthless Executive Orders. He would rather go out and campaign for 2020 among his (shrinking) adoring fans than do any actual administrative work. That is what lackeys are for (doing the deary day-to-day boring admin and management tasks), the great one has better things to do.


Keep at it orange one, soon you will be delegated to the footnotes of history as how not to govern.

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The fundamental difference is, most counties have a health care system, America has insurance against the risk of getting sick. Its nor healthcare reform, its insurance reform.

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New York Times and Washington Post reporters reveal Trump's reaction in first calls after health care bill pulled


"Before President Donald Trump spoke to the American people after the defeat of his proposed health care bill, he first reached out to two outlets he has previously referred to as "fake news."


"Moments after Trump and GOP leaders pulled their "Obamacare" repeal bill off the House floor on Friday, Trump spoke to The New York Times over the telephone, where he blamed Democrats and predicted the Affordable Care Act, which he referred to as Obamacare, will "explode."


"The Washington Post's Robert Costa wrote that Trump called his cellphone to inform him that the health care bill was dead."




"Fake News" until the Loser needs them.


Whatta putz...

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50 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Question to Trumpsters:  Are you getting tired of winning so much?

I do take pleasure in seeing House Speaker Paul Ryan take a hit.  He might be even more self-serving than Trump.

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How disastrous for Trump is healthcare collapse?


"There are 44 more Republicans than Democrats in the House of Representatives."


"The American Health Care Act was the first major piece of legislation pushed by the White House and the Republican-controlled Congress, a key political test early in the president's term, when he should be at the height of his power and party cohesion at its strongest."


"In spite of all of this, Mr Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan and the Republicans running Washington could not get the job done."




Who's to blame? :whistling:

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Fact Check: Trump’s Misleading Claims on the Health Bill Failure


"WASHINGTON — Reeling from a major blow to his legislative agenda, President Trump blamed Democrats on Friday after House Republicans rescinded their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He insisted it wasn’t an immediate priority anyway."


"Here is an assessment of his claims: "


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18 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If Trump had any real guts and wanted a universal healthcare system that would cover all Americans - he would go to a single payer system and expand the Medicare system to everyone. The cost would be handled by increasing the already paid medicare tax on one's salary slightly and make it free for the unemployed or those over 65. Instead of spending upwards of $25 Billion on a useless border wall and increase the American military budget -already the largest in the World- by another $54 Billion- he could use those Billions and put it toward real healthcare for Americans.  That is how you make a country great- not by robbing the poor to take care of the rich.

There is not a day that goes by when Donald Trump does not irritate millions of Americans and citizens of other countries with his complete lack of decorum; insensitivity; and utter incompetence.


Thank you. I could not have said it better. And the rejection of Trumpcare lite, by the members of his own party, may serve to illustrate to him that this is not an imperial form of government, but rather a functioning democracy, as much as that rankles him. There is little doubt, that like Tiny George II, he despises poor people. So, why give them benefits? His entire objective, is very similar to Little P., here in Thailand. Make sure the rich get ALOT richer, and make sure the poor get very little. 


I did like the elimination of the mandatory provision. Many Americans such as myself would have been impacted by that, and it was one of the weakest acts Obama committed while in office. We would have had to pay $3600 a year for not having insurance purchased from an American company. And if we did not pay, it would have been added to our US tax bill, or deducted from social security or our pensions. Ugly. Really ugly. Our local insurance would not have qualified, and the exemption for those that live overseas, was dependent on us paying income tax, within our local country of residence. It was a disastrous and highly deceitful clause, and Obama agreed to it. Insurance lobbying at it's worst. 

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Interesting analysis from a guy on TV.  Trump didn't go after this aggressively until it was determined he would not win.  He let Ryan handle it.  They are saying he should have been going after this back in November.  I guess golf was more important.


Also, he said those opposed to the bill weren't afraid of Trump.  He threatened them, personally, but they didn't cave in.  Which means Trump is toast in the future.  He can't bring people together.  Just push them apart.


Love this comment from John King.  If this is the best he can do, it's pretty bad.  If he can't get even his own party to go along with him, he's in trouble.  He said the democrats did a much better job getting the ACA passed than the current administration.  Saying it's a bad deal and lets kill it doesn't work. LOL

And his weekend golf trips to Florida cost U.S. tax payers 3 million each and every trip. This is the same hypocrite who bitched a/b Obama going on a few vacations? lol lol 

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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump was saying in interviews that the reason it failed was because they could 'not get one Democrat vote!' He seems to have forgotten the Republicans are in the majority and the reason the bill failed was because he could not get around 36 of his OWN side to vote for him.

Dumpster really has more than one screw loose i.e. "failed b/c not one Democrat vote." lol lol lol What a piece of work. 

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Argh.... lets build a wall... we'll make the Mexicans pay ? Oops... that's fijked!


argh... lets ban the Muslims ?Oops... that's fjiked,!


argh... lets screw with Obamacare ?.... oops.... that's fjiked!


argh... I know what the problem is... I'm overworked... time for a holiday! See y'all in three years.... lol

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Just now, farcanell said:

Argh.... lets build a wall... we'll make the Mexicans pay ? Oops... that's fijked!


argh... lets ban the Muslims ?Oops... that's fjiked,!


argh... lets screw with Obamacare ?.... oops.... that's fjiked!


argh... I know what the problem is... I'm overworked... time for a holiday! See y'all in three years.... lol

I think his real goal all along is tax reform.  Then, he can reap the benefits when he leaves this part-time job.

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yeah ****Trump**** has a setback.

Trump..... uuummm.........

what about the folks who now still have Obamacare... but with the "bonus" of an Administrator in Chief who wants it to fail horrifically....

and has promised to leave Medicaid and Medicare in their current state.... which are unsustainable maybe even for as little as 10 years out from here..... or sometime this summer....

but........ US expats are directly excluded from all ****3**** of these wonderful programs without even for the asking.  not indirectly, but directly. 



Edited by maewang99
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Just look at  some of the sites mentioned in the article, http://tmsnrt.rs/2n0ZMKf  for example.


The US has the shortest life expectancy of any advanced country--they are right down there with Mexico and Turkey--yet the US has the largest health care expenditure.


even a nitwit should see something is wrong--or is that another alternate fact or fake news

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1 hour ago, rijb said:

I think his real goal all along is tax reform.  Then, he can reap the benefits when he leaves this part-time job.

I'm all for tax reform.  But if Trump thought dealing with heath care was tough, wait until he tries to tackle that one.  He has no idea how to approach this.  Remember, he's a businessman with ZERO expertise in the public sector.  Completely different worlds.  As Trump is now finding out.  He sure pulled the wool over the eyes of those who voted for him.

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12 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

The fundamental difference is, most counties have a health care system, America has insurance against the risk of getting sick. Its nor healthcare reform, its insurance reform.

RIght. Let's pass legislation that compels every citizen to buy a product produced by the richest citizens. Bernie had this right. We definitely deserve the leaders we get too though, it's a pretty sad time obviously. Comparing people to those of generations ago I feel like people today lack backbones and brains, what a combo. 

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yeah ****Trump**** has a setback.

Trump..... uuummm.........

what about the folks who now still have Obamacare... but with the "bonus" of an Administrator in Chief who wants it to fail horrifically....

and has promised to leave Medicaid and Medicare in their current state.... which are unsustainable maybe even for as little as 10 years out from here..... or sometime this summer....

but........ US expats are directly excluded from all ****3**** of these wonderful programs without even for the asking.  not indirectly, but directly. 


Good reasons to have a wave election in 2 years and start to stop this madness. The lines are now drawn clearer now. It's between a quicker path to civilized single payer vs. just let the poor and sick suffer and die because that supposedly represents pure freedom.
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Sensible, humane advice on the best next steps that tragically you can get your booty trump will ignore. 



Okay, you lost. Now don’t sabotage Obamacare. Fix it.

Mr. Trump should not imagine that angry Americans will blame Democrats, who are totally locked out of power, if he presides over an unraveling of the system. Public reaction to the replacement effort, including in polls, showed substantial support for Obamacare and rejection of the Republican effort to destroy it.

A better option would be the one that Republicans have explored least: actually fixing the system’s flaws.




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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sensible, humane advice on the best next steps that tragically you can get your booty trump will ignore. 



I found it very interesting that this right wing trained doctor, now political commentator, who grew up in Canada while we were putting single payer in place says the American people's mindset now has an expectation of universal healthcare. There is a new FOX poll that has Bernie Sanders at 61% approval. Higher than any other politician. Maybe times are a changing.



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