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Trump tastes failure as U.S. House healthcare bill collapses


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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

I don't understand.

During the campaign when asked how he would accomplice the things he said her would .

Trump said: I dont want to reveal my strategy so they can defend against it. I am smart very smart, I will get them all in room and get it done!

So what was the problem? He could not get a room??

I think he has a few rooms.  He also said (I have just watched the clip ) that if you cannot do a deal with a politician there is something very wrong with you.  Well Donald for once I think you are correct and yes there is something very wrong with you!  Of course you blame the democrats but ignore the republicans who also voted against you.


Whether Obamacare is a good or a bad thing is fairly irrelevant here.  It is the fact that Trump has yet again failed to deliver.  The sooner the moron is gone the better.

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The problem with having a mouth that can't be controlled and an ego that loves the attention is that you will inevitably be called out for all your lies.  The world is not only watching but also listening Mr Trump and your continual lying and denials show us all what sort of person you really are.

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3 hours ago, atyclb said:



not many like the ama these days regardless of party affiliation

If that were true they[congress] would be making nursing stations legal to give you medicine for common illnesses, performing routine blood tests, fixing minor cuts, scrapes, burns, etc.  We could also have therapy centers that do not require a doctor visit. Many common prescription drugs could be moved to non prescription. None of this is happening and probably never will. Remember the GOP fought tooth and nail to make health care a for profit industry rather than a basic right.

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

People will blame him, but that is because they hate him.

There are, of course, plenty of reasons to hate Trump, one of which is that he is a rich spoiled hissy-fit throwing cry-baby. Or is that three reasons?

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A must-read from ex-Republican Josh Barro

The Republican healthcare plan just failed because Trump is bad at making deals


We know from what we've seen of Trump's tax returns that he lost a great deal of money in the 1990s and that he was making a great deal of money by the mid-2000s. Not coincidentally, over this period Trump shifted the focus of his professional endeavors away from businesses that were heavy on dealmaking and toward businesses that were heavy on marketing, particularly arrangements in which he would rent his name to somebody else who was actually in the business of developing real estate...

And Trump's lack of talent for dealmaking is going to be a major liability for him in office.


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Deal making requires an understanding of how to build rapport.
It could be a billion dollar deal however if you feel the other person is a rude narcissist then all of a sudden that deal gets a whole lot harder.

Threats never work in deal making. Trump is not up to deal making and he proved it with a ridiculous ultimatum.

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Why can't everyone just accept, like the 2 Travel bans , it was just a crap piece of legislation

Democracy only works if there is a consensus

Pretty obvious that if the Republicans couldn't come up with a plan in the last 7 years they sure couldn't come up with anything decent after just two months

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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10 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

The healthcare reform setback is going to have a greater impact on how successful tax reform will be than most people realize. That's because healthcare reform provided disproportionately huge tax breaks for upper income brackets (payroll tax recision) which were not immediately obvious. No doubt, these tax cuts escaped the attention of many of Trump's 'Joe Six-Pac' supporters. 


It is going to be a lot harder to hide such inequities in a tax reform bill. It will all be out in the open for all to see. Trump's hope is that by tossing out nickels and dimes to the proletariat, no one will notice or care that the rich are benefiting to the tune of millions and billions of dollars. But the American people are waking up, even if, sadly, belatedly. The Republican party is in the process of discovering that if there's one thing the American people hate about its government more than inaction and gridlock, it's a government which doesn't have the people's best interests at heart.

Let's hope you are right.  I for one certainly do but there is an old adage about never underestimating the stupidity of the average person.....  (Well not exactly that but something near enough......)

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I suppose what hurts and the real reason behind Trump wanting to do a way with it, is it is called Obama Care.


In the US where the national sport is "Sue Your Doctor" of course it is going to cost an arm and a leg for medical care.

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1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

Failure of this horrible bill was best thing that could happen and Trump saw that. 


He walks away from a bad deal and The DEMOCRATE Obamacare blows up. 


He he gets to say we tried to fix it but Nancy Pelocy would not help. 


Political genious. 

It might be genious but it sure as **** ain't genius. He's tanking in the ratings and rightly so. Even his support base is having second thoughts.



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Although I am a Trump supporter I am glad this healthcare scheme got shot down. My understanding is that Trump was trying to pass medical insurance costs down to the individual states and if this bill had succeeded, many states would have been left with gaping holes in their budgets. This would have necessitated States raising taxes on their constituency. I would like to see finally, although it is highly unlikely, for insurance companies to have to dip into their sizeable till to cover associated costs of medical insurance and take on more risk. Also, it would be nice but  very doubtful that Trump could get the pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment to rein in their costs. I guess I can dream but greed seems to be the predominant factor at play here.

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13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It wasn't Trump's bill. It was the GOP's bill, so it was they that blew it. Sure, Trump promised reform, and he pushed for it, but it wasn't up to him, in the end. 

People will blame him, but that is because they hate him.

The body that will come off worst in the real world is the GOP. They railed against it for 7 1/2 years, and when they got the chance to change it, failed big time.

Yeah, sure.


Trump even threatened GOP opposition of the bill, stating he was fully behind it, and he would campaign against those who were against it and up for election next year. He vowed they would lose their seats because his followers will do what he says and vote them out. However, I'll wager Trump will have fewer followers by next year.


Whoever heard of a decent president/manager/leader who threatened members of his own party/company/group just because they disagreed with him?  Like a spoiled little rich kid--oh, sorry didn't mean to profile him.


I think Trump got confused; he seems to think he is still doing a reality TV show; You’re Fired!

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2 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

Pretty obvious that if the Republicans couldn't come up with a plan in the last 7 years they sure couldn't come up with anything decent after just two months


Vox is really nailing the spectacular AHCA bill defeat today, so I am going to keep on quoting them. 


House Democrats explain why they think Republicans keep failing on health care




House Democrats have a theory for why Republicans failed spectacularly in their attempt to pass a new health care bill filled with longstanding Republican health care policy ideas.  [It’s] because Congress already did so — way back in 2010. It’s now called Obamacare.


“They’re now realizing, maybe for the first time, that we took all of their best ideas and put it in the Affordable Care Act. And now they have nowhere else to go,” Kind said of congressional Republicans in an interview on Thursday afternoon.



You might want to follow Ezra Klein on Facebook for more of these analyses.

Edited by attrayant
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1 hour ago, watgate said:

Although I am a Trump supporter I am glad this healthcare scheme got shot down. My understanding is that Trump was trying to pass medical insurance costs down to the individual states and if this bill had succeeded, many states would have been left with gaping holes in their budgets. This would have necessitated States raising taxes on their constituency. I would like to see finally, although it is highly unlikely, for insurance companies to have to dip into their sizeable till to cover associated costs of medical insurance and take on more risk. Also, it would be nice but  very doubtful that Trump could get the pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment to rein in their costs. I guess I can dream but greed seems to be the predominant factor at play here.

What he was really trying to do was give a big tax cut to the wealthy who are now paying a surtax to help subsidize the cost of insurance for those who can't afford to pay the full premiums.  This was really a tax cut bill disguised as a health care bill.

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As some of you may have read, Trump is denying that he ever promised that the repeal and replacement of Obama would take place quickly.

Here is an article that links to the multiple recorded times that Trump said just that.


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Just now, funandsuninbangkok said:

Failure of this horrible bill was best thing that could happen and Trump saw that. 


He walks away from a bad deal and The DEMOCRATE Obamacare blows up. 


He he gets to say we tried to fix it but Nancy Pelocy would not help. 


Political genious. 


A truly deranged spin attempt right there. Delusional at best.


"Failure of this horrible bill was best thing that could happen and Trump saw that."

"Political genious."



"He he gets to say we tried to fix it but Nancy Pelocy would not help."

Right. Having a Majority in the House by 44 couldn't cut it.

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Trump tried to burn down Obamacare. He set his hair on fire instead

It was a humiliating defeat, which Donald Trump tried to blame – unbelievably – on the Democrats (sub-title)


"Were Trump the deal-making genius his ego tricked himself into believing he was, he would never have taken up this healthcare venture. A recent Quinnipiac University poll found that only 17% of Americans approved of Trumpcare."


"Trump’s poorest and least educated supporters had much to lose and nothing to gain from the legislation."


"Far from upholding the most basic protections for the working-class, the Trump administration has, instead, evolved into one of the most rightwing in recent memory."





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What he was really trying to do was give a big tax cut to the wealthy who are now paying a surtax to help subsidize the cost of insurance for those who can't afford to pay the full premiums.  This was really a tax cut bill disguised as a health care bill.

Actually, obamacare or aca requires that 85 percent of all revenue be towards medical costs and not for executive compensation.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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Trump gets tamed by Washington

The businessman president finds after the defeat of health care reform that legislating isn't as easy as making real estate deals. (sub-title)


"The businessman president, who sold himself to tens of millions of disillusioned voters last year as the only outsider who could tame a broken capital, ended his first confrontation with lawmakers overmatched, outmaneuvered and ultimatelyempty-handed."


“We learned a lot about some very arcane rules,” Trump said in the Oval Office soon after the defeat of his effort to undo President Obama’s health care law."


"It was actually the most basic fact of Congress that set Trump back: the majority rules."



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I feel so sorry for the US now. At a time when they need to unite against many global threats, one party decides to attack the poor. The fact this bill was defeated even before it reached the house shows that some politicians have testicles. Because their future is probably ruined by the current incumbent. I feel sorry for these people who have some moral decency.

Democratic countries are a society. Society looks after its citizens. It does not condone bludgers, it tries to instil a belief to each individual to contribute to the well being of all citizens. Yes it is pie in the sky if the education is not taught. But there needs to be a base you can work from. Bludgers need to be hunted down, people in need of help should be helped by community and Federal assistance until they can contribute once more. I am not US, but I believe that to be the foundation of your constitution. 

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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It wasn't Trump's bill. It was the GOP's bill, so it was they that blew it. Sure, Trump promised reform, and he pushed for it, but it wasn't up to him, in the end. 

People will blame him, but that is because they hate him.

The body that will come off worst in the real world is the GOP. They railed against it for 7 1/2 years, and when they got the chance to change it, failed big time.

No, people will blame him because he kept going to rallies and saying on camera that he was going to repeal and replace that law, that it would be "easy", that he'd do it "immediately" and that the replacement plan would be "terrific", would cover "everybody", that "nobody would lose coverage" and that it would be "cheaper and better health care", and that he would "negotiate better deals with Big Pharma". This is all on camera, and said multiple times to his own constituents.

So every single thing he told them turns out to be untrue (surprise). And everything he thought turns out to be false (surprise). And now you're surprised that he's getting blamed? Tell me, did you think that the proposed plan (which Trump endorsed and pushed hard to get passed) would have met Trump's promises? If Trump meant what he said, then why was he willing to go to the wall for this plan that would clearly put 14-24 million people out of health care and which would eliminate all the basic provisions that the Obamacare plan had?

As for the GOP,  they spent 8 years trying to prevent anything Obama did from happening, and being quite explicit about it. I suppose that must be very difficult to do, because rather than using those 8 years to build consensus among their own people and craft a replacement plan that proves the private sector approach to health care could work and then sell it on its merits to the public, they were revealed to have nothing in their back pockets, no consensus, and no serious plan that would do what they said and just tried to use the opportunity to kill health care and give the rich a massive tax cut. So yes, the GOP have been revealed to be exactly what we "Libtards" have been saying all this time. How do you feel about their performance?

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As usual, Bill Maher gets right to the point...


[Following Donald Trump’s epic fail to impose Trumpcare on the country, even with full GOP control of Congress, Bill Maher urged the president’s supporters to finally admit what much of the country already knows – that Trump is a conman who promised his voters the world during the campaign without any real intention of delivering it.]


[“The Trump approach to health care was never going to be ‘repeal and replace’,” Maher said. “It was always ‘bait and switch’.”]


[“I know you real Americans hate being called stupid, but you gotta meet me half way and stop being stupid,” Maher said. “You Trumpsters didn’t elect the next Reagan … you elected every cheap huckster who you should’ve known was full of s*** because he was always promising the moon – everything is always foolproof and 100 percent.”]




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Though I'm very happy the GOP/trumpcare bill was shot down, it's very important that people understand the reason is not because it would have deprived millions of insurance or that it was a massive tax cut for the highest earners. It was withdrawn because a group of GOP congressmen thought is too liberal and did not fit with their agenda of small government regardless of its impact on the US population. 


This is were we are today, stuck with 2 branches of government controlled by a party with serious ideology issues within itself. It is likely that Trump and the GOP moderates (which does not include Ryan) are going to have to have support from  Democratic moderates in order to get anything done. This is going to cause the Tea Party (and Fox news,  etc) fits as any cooperation with democrats is considered treason. 


This is very likely the beginnings of the breakdown in the current (and very shortlived) 6th party political system and hopefully an alignment between moderates of both parties to effect a rational, anti-populist coalition that can bring some sanity to US politics.


I say this with very little belief it will come about. The Conservative entertainment media is way too profitable to stand idly by and let rational thought, interaction and comprise  between political factions become the norm again.



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On Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 6:23 AM, atyclb said:


whether it was hillary, bernie or trump as president, at 2 months in office it seems astoundingly absurd to make a statement " little doubt which one history will be kinder to."

Just my opinion , but one I am very confident of .☺

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