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What do you like most about Thai girls?


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4 hours ago, CLEVERTREVOR said:

First is an infectious smile ,,, 30 years ago all the Thai girls were slim , even after children ,,, Unfortunately now with dairy, soft drink and deep fried everywhere things are changing !!!

Thai girls age so well ,,, even at 50 years old can be eye pleasing and fun )))

Hygiene and grooming ,,, Clean and fresh )))

OK !!! The Biggie for me is the respect for age ,,, particularly upcountry ,,, Always helping to look after and respect the aged )))

Now I'm 65 young , but the respect is a 2 way street , I feel 35 and am treated as such )))

Thai girls can live with and Love an older partner ( Thai or Westerner ) ,,, Who of course is also a provider )))

Thai girls can be younger in the mind , illogical , reactionary and late ,,, I Love them all )))


They and others show a admiration and respect that you don't necessarily get in America.And once and awhile she'll say thank you for loving me which to me is quite humbling .

Edited by riclag
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Very simple : Access and Availability to ALL their feminine charms.

Seriously,  If you live jn a place like Saudi Araba or Pakistan or any country where there is no or very little access or availability to female companionship then you may not want to live there in that respect.

Meantime the women here, over all, are very charming and very friendly and very feminine and a good percent of them are attractive.

There is an air of femininity and charm about them that any man would like while a lot of foreign women like them also.



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27 minutes ago, Kabula said:

Initially shy, most beautiful with long dark hair, fit, stylish; but beware of love bombing and gas lighting!  Both being psychological terms. 


Many women today worldwide, are forced to be better dealers from financial responsibilities.


Buyer beware and ask questions like if they have any friends left, and how they get along with family members.  


If they discarded all their friends and family, perhaps their own children, your next! 

SHY!? Really ?  No that's ARROGANCE! O

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15 minutes ago, Ryder88 said:

SHY!? Really ?  No that's ARROGANCE! O

With the 10's perhaps, as everyone wants to be their friends!


The 10's are the worse as many are narcissists and what we perceive as arrogance, is actually a discard as their supply is currently full!


Many years ago my dad told me to forget about the beautiful women and concentrate on a plain lady with a good heart and a soul.   He also said, "some are more exciting than others."


Naturally, I didn't listen and I have been paying the price ever sense.  :sad:


I've lived here for 11 years and it's my opinion that most Thai ladies are shy,  because many don't speak English fluently. 


If you ask them, they will agree.  


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38 minutes ago, Thainess said:

When they pick up their 500 baht salary for the night, walk out of my front door, close it and leave. Nothing beats that. Bliss! Peace!

I'm sure the 10 minutes they spent prior is up there too:-)

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9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I honestly believe that before I could speak and understand Thai- I liked the country and people much more because I could never see the reality of certain situations nor understand the act that was being performed. I still love it here- warts and all- but sometimes ignorance is bliss. Just a thought.

Interesting comment you gotta have a couple of clear examples to add to that though, please.

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12 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I don't know but why don't you start if off and we'll see how it goes?

Its going to be off topic better wait posting about Thai lady boys till someone makes a new thread.but if u come home more often with a ladyboy after a night out instead of a girl than probably u like them more then girls.

Edited by Destiny1990
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