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Sorry, taxis: Uber will not suspend services in Thailand


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This is a case where public will and the laws of supply and demand will conquer. Same as supermarket chains which are resisted whenever they seek to expand, killing local businesses etc, offering internet shopping. If people want it and it provides a better than existing service it will operate, legally or illegally. Only resisted in Thailand because no one has found a way to start the flow of brown envelopes from Uber or its drivers, and the mafia are whingeing about the competition. Anything better than the taxi/songthaew/yuk tuk racket we have in CM and I am sure in Pattaya/Phuket as well. Traditional drivers need to wise up and jump on the Grab/Uber bandwagon, the world has changed!

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43 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

This is a case where public will and the laws of supply and demand will conquer. Same as supermarket chains which are resisted whenever they seek to expand, killing local businesses etc, offering internet shopping. If people want it and it provides a better than existing service it will operate, legally or illegally. Only resisted in Thailand because no one has found a way to start the flow of brown envelopes from Uber or its drivers, and the mafia are whingeing about the competition. Anything better than the taxi/songthaew/yuk tuk racket we have in CM and I am sure in Pattaya/Phuket as well. Traditional drivers need to wise up and jump on the Grab/Uber bandwagon, the world has changed!

Samui is pretty small. And their taxi mafia is ridiculous. I think it will be very risky for uber drivers there. If uber opens there i think they will have a really tough time recruiting drivers. 


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Again Uber. I bet they were happy that the government agreed to see if a service such aa Uber can be incorporated into the law.


Of course the understandable request to seize service until this investigation was concluded is now being denied by Uber.



Arrogant and extremley stupid. If I were the Thai government, the investigation would be called off and cracking down on Uber would be in full swing by now. It seems repect of the law, and respect of partners (in this case the Thai government) is deemed nlt necessary by Uber.


I think that alone speaks volumes of the kind of people concerned...

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13 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Again Uber. I bet they were happy that the government agreed to see if a service such aa Uber can be incorporated into the law.


Of course the understandable request to seize service until this investigation was concluded is now being denied by Uber.



Arrogant and extremley stupid. If I were the Thai government, the investigation would be called off and cracking down on Uber would be in full swing by now. It seems repect of the law, and respect of partners (in this case the Thai government) is deemed nlt necessary by Uber.


I think that alone speaks volumes of the kind of people concerned...

You're right.


But, instead of cracking down on uber they should improve public transportation and beat uber that way while at the same time making the masses happy.


Let's pretend that they managed to shut down uber completely tomorrow using section44 or something. Would that really be in the best interest of thailand? The taxi maffia would celebrate, but what about the rest of the people?


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I agree too. And here lies the real problem. The gov is not able to force the laws and rules. It's only a chaos. If uber says, we don't care if we are illegal in Thailand or not, that's a loss of face for the authorities. I really hope, that they will go hard against uber and force the regular taxi drivers to use their meters.

If they force Uber out, there's no incentive to fix the 'Taxi Mafia' problems.

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Ok, sad (but not suprised) to hear that. I hope that taxis start to behave or they will definitely lose their customers to a better service. 
It's also quite disturbing that they go after Uber so hard now,, yet they allow the taxis to behave badly.. Maybe it's just the typical "crackdown" style of law enforcement... they already had their crackdowns on taximeters.. now it's ubers turn ... 

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

The "taxi mafia" pays the piper.
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I've ordered an uber 5 times in Bangkok, and cancelled the last 4 in a row because the stupid driver always calls me to ask for directions to my location.
Or to apologise that he missed the turn and will be stuck in traffic for "5 minutes" which turns into 20 before I cancel.

I once had a good Uber experience getting across Bangkok, but used a standard meter taxi to return and the price was within 20฿ of being the same.
Not worth the hassle unless I'm getting refused by all the meter taxis.

In places like CM, Pattaya or Phuket however, I can see the appeal of using Uber all the time.

Who cares if their business practices are not always respectable or commendable, who are you comparing them with?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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23 hours ago, fruitman said:

ATT has brand new Prius cars, very clean, they work by gps, have their speed published on the roof all the time and are cheaper than normal taxi's...you can also call them.


Their drivers are perfect, not selfish and all goes by metre.


Don't know for chiang mai. It's All Thai Taxi....

ATT are the same price as other taxis if hailed in the street, they're normal metered taxis as far as fares are concerned.


The cars were only new when they were new, a couple of years ago and that is the same for all taxis, many normal taxis are brand new also.


You're right, no fare will be refused, open the door, get in, tell the driver where to go and he or she takes you there.  They won't blast you with the radio and they won't try to have an unwanted conversation with you.

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23 hours ago, hobz said:

I think Uber provides better insurance than the normal taxis. Google is your friend.

How can they when they are all illegally carrying fare paying passengers and are not registered as such.  Google has nothing to do with it.

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On 27/03/2017 at 5:01 PM, jybkk said:

Oh this 'uninsured' argument is <deleted>. Given the choice, I'd rather go in a safe uninsured vehicle than an unsafe insured one.


That's a great plan if you're the only vehicle on the road and you can guarantee that your Uber will never be involved in an accident, otherwise it's just ridiculous.  Who says a Uber car is safer than a taxi anyway?

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