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Illegal booze and cigarettes "flooding across borders" in wake of proposed tax increases


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1 hour ago, brakar said:

For over 50 years ago my chemistry teacher showed how one can tell the difference between alcohol and methanol. Alcohol burns with a blue flame while methanol burns with a green flame. I've never tried it myself, but maybe someone else can confirm it?

Sorry, no. The only accurate test for methanol vs ethanol is with a gas chromatograph. Bear in mind illicit spirit is not pure methanol, it's ethanol adulterated with methanol at varying levels, depending on the greed of the seller.

Possibly your chemistry teacher was on the wrong track anyway. Copper salts give a green flame colour, and copper is used in wine and spirit manufacture to remove sulphur compounds.

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Well, I do very frequent border crossings at the Friendship Bridge number 1 between Nongkhai and Thanaleng. On Macha Bucha I saw not one, not two but three Thai-plated police vehicles in full regalia driving straight into the back of the duty free shop area on the Lao side. 

A normal car can only get across if original papers, power of attorney and an international transport permit can be presented; furthermore the temporary export of the vehicle is limited to 30 days (for whatever reason that should be). The integrity and sovereignty of a state would strictly forbid police or army vehicles crossing into neighboring countries. 

The mind boggles when thinking what these cars were doing there with open trunks and some men looming around the vehicles wearing dark sunshades, amulet necklaces the size of a motorbike chains  and (empty) weapon holsters. 

In short, having crossed that bridge hundreds of times - over the last 21 years it is there - I honestly  NEVER EVER saw any booze carried or smuggled into landlocked Laos. On the Thai side there is not even a duty free shop whereas landlocked Laos (i.e. everything sold there most likely came across Thai territory under bond) features literally dozens of tax free outlets. 

I leave it up to the distinguished reader to figure out why and if the gents in green carry on with their interesting  tax plans (to pay for i.e. the three submarines) then the number of the shops will double and triple. For the time being the (Lao duty paid) booze costs approx. 40% of the Thai price - the writing is on the wall! 

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10 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

I would not dare to drink illegal spirits - I fear (methanol) . Look what it does in eastern europe or in Russia: it kills hundreds.  And thousands loose their eyesight. What a horrible thinking to wake up blind after a binge-drinking-party with smuggled booze.

Long time ago, we learn on school the M from methanol is the M for Murder in contrast to  ethylalcohol.

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Been to Cambodia many times, but I'm seriously dubious about the authenticity of their high brand cigarettes, even when bought in a legitimate premises. On my previous visit to my last one, I bought a large carton x10 of Marlboro Lights from a well-established supermarket store in Phnom Pehn thinking they'd be legit, especially as I'd bought a similar carton before from the very same shop and they'd been absolutely fine. But this time, when I opened up one of the packs on my return for a good old smoke in my Thai residence, there was something not quite right about the flavour, strength and general feel of the cigarette. It tasted unusually weak, almost - dare I say - like sawdust and they had an odd aftertaste. Immediately sensing something wrong I decided to toss the entire carton in the bin, having read of poisonous fake ciggies from China laced with arsenic and whatnot. Of course this surprised me, as I thought I was playing it safe by buying them in a proper supermarket store and not off the back of a moped or in a market bazaar. All I'll say is, buyer beware.

Edited by Senior Player
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2 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


"the world would be a better place, with no booze, cigarette's, or similar vices"seriously?

Only for you and the rest of your holier than thou followers, old chum

By the way, the next Salvation army meeting, is Tuesday,at the William Boothe Hotel, soi 6,Tambourines and soap boxes optional.Oh, and the dry cleaners called and said your uniform will be ready next Monday.:intheclub::violin::burp::kiss01:

Quit picking on ezzra if you check his stats he has way more likes than you and posts as well. ezzra is an institution here and as such deserves a modem of respect. Learn at the feet of the masters. 

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Just been researching this topic and it seems most counterfeit whisky comes from Malaysia. There have been many raids in Thailand including this one in Bangkok recently. The police say that although there was counterfeit whisky about in Thailand it was only on a small scale and that if you bought a bottle of whisky in Thailand that it would be rare to end up with a counterfeit bottle.

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50 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Quit picking on ezzra if you check his stats he has way more likes than you and posts as well. ezzra is an institution here and as such deserves a modem of respect. Learn at the feet of the masters. 

You mean a ' Modicum' of respect I believe, but at the same time I do not like some people saying that I should live my life the way that they would prefer, if I want to smoke, drink, fornicate & take drugs that is entirely up to me, I hasten to add that I don't do drugs apart from Nicotine and Alcohol but fornicate as much as I can for someone my age.


I respect your opinion elgordo38, but I don't need other peoples values rammed down my throat, and ezzra would be better off starting his or hers own righteous thread so other like minded folk can follow him if they so desire. 

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I bought a liter of alcohol in Mexico once for a dollar.  Brought it back to Cali and put it the kitchen cabinet.  It smelled like paint thinner.


Lo and behold, my roommate had a party and some numbskull actually drank up my booze.


I heard it tasted awful and they threw up. ?


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I made a Cambodia visa run years ago. Bought a bottle of Smirnoff's and a carton of cigarettes. I started pissing blood from the vodka, and after one cigarette - realizing they were made from camel poop - I couldn't even GIVE the rest away!

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How many countries have tried to gouge their citizens either by taxing a product to death or calling it illegal ? Boot leg whiskey and Cigarettes... The plan to stop the boot legging and their tax scheme will not work as long as their are neighboring countries willing to sell for half or 1/3 the Thai price.  I would prefer a world where people let others do their own thinking instead of some strong arm nanny state declaring something is now illegal or gonna cost you just because we said so and need your tax money.. The states did the same thing with huge tax increases on tobacco products so cigarettes from Mexico has seen a large increase in sales as the products are either bought in Mexico or are smuggled in and sold to their USA Mexican distributors for resale.. Every border town I have ever been in had someone selling cartons of cigarettes for 20$ (or less) instead of the taxed US brands who wanted as much as 50$ for a carton.. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, sorry do not know about California but the other states darn sure did.. Sometimes I wonder if some of this stuff is to keep the jails/coffers full and the police busy because it will not stop ? 


Sure it would be a better world if alcohol was never had before driving or drinking one's self into liver and kidney failure.. Smokes and weed and the war on both just opens the door for smugglers and mafia type operators..


Kinda like in the states when they declare a war on something.. Who seems to gain the most, the for profit prison system or all the money that goes for enforcement ? The states banned alcohol once upon a time... That did not work and created legionary crime figures.. Governments are not totally stupid now with all the examples available so they start tax increases on stuff they frown upon. Pretty soon the product or the vice is out of reach for all but the very rich which are probably controlling the market anyway in many countries.


Also you just open the door for the corrupt.https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/22/us/alcohol-tobacco-firearms-cigarettes-millions-secret-bank-account.html?_r=2.


When I was in the mid east one of the royals had the "illegal to others" Alcohol import business (flown in on one of his private jets) which he and his distributors profited from greatly. 


Then you have stories like the following where a guy is shot nine times at his home and the police lied about the whole affair until a pesky home security camera's recording caught the real bad guys who turned out to be the cops




I really do not care for myself for I do not partake of any of this stuff. Not a drinker, smoker, or druggie. But I really am sorry for citizens of any country when the government thinks they can legislate morality... That is and should be done through education and the heavy hand of the government enforcers should only be used with serious oversight  ...  Sorry kind of a rant

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14 hours ago, ezzra said:

I'd venture an opinion that if tomorrow as if by magic, there will be no

booz or cigarettes and similar vices , the world will be a

better place to live in....


Yup, in an ideal world which this most certainly isn't, just look at prohibition in the US in the 1920's, what a rip roaring success that was........... for the likes of Al Capone etc.

Banning or putting the prices up to prohibitive levels on anything just creates a black market where the void is filled by criminals, and I include drugs in that statement. 

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11 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

I have seen bottles of spirits on shelves in Bangkok Bars that I know you can only purchase duty free and not from local suppliers. So where they come from and whats in them is anyone's guess.


In some of the cheap Bars if I drink my favourite spirit I can feel my lips burning. I suspect this is blended methanol or similar. It makes me sick the next day if I stupidly drink too much of it. Never happens with the good stuff.


Does anyone know if there's a way to test to methanol? A test kit maybe? 



i have 2 profesional stills back in oz. 

its common knowledge there to always throw away the first 50ml that comes out because its the methanol.

methanol has a slightly lower boiling point  so there for it comes out first . to put it in laymans terms. 

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I will try to be nice about this. What a childish remark. "he has more likes than you" yeah, and my dad is bigger than your dad.ner ner na nerner.

Ezzra is an institution here, well, to post that, you belong in an institution. Please understand, this is a forum where a modicum of free speech is allowed. I am allowed to say what i want to a degree.If i disagree with a posters opinion, i am allowed to say so.So if you arent Ezzra's dad, or girl friend, i suggest that he get on line and speak to me direct.Obviously you are the head of the Ezzra fan club.This is a forum where we post our opinions, to have someone jump to the defence of another, is very school boyish and immature.

Do you have no thoughts of your own.

Ezzra's world does not necessarily reflect every body else's.

So,i suggest you have your seconds, call on my seconds and we will meet on a common somewhere and satisfaction will be obtained, i suggest you choose pistols, because your use of the verbal blade is not very sharp.

Consider your self having had a  virtual glove slapped around your gob.

We meet at dawn.


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4 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

You mean a ' Modicum' of respect I believe, but at the same time I do not like some people saying that I should live my life the way that they would prefer, if I want to smoke, drink, fornicate & take drugs that is entirely up to me, I hasten to add that I don't do drugs apart from Nicotine and Alcohol but fornicate as much as I can for someone my age.


I respect your opinion elgordo38, but I don't need other peoples values rammed down my throat, and ezzra would be better off starting his or hers own righteous thread so other like minded folk can follow him if they so desire. 

GT, I completely endorse your remarks, and was about to say something similar.

But you got there first.  Congrats.  KK Dave was spot-on in my view, and should not be denigrated.  Cheers, UW.

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19 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

I would not dare to drink illegal spirits - I fear (methanol) . Look what it does in eastern europe or in Russia: it kills hundreds.  And thousands loose their eyesight. What a horrible thinking to wake up blind after a binge-drinking-party with smuggled booze.

Yes. If you're "binge-drinking" you want to stick to the name-brand stuff. I mean, you don't want to screw up your old body with knock-offs.

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22 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

Nothing new here, the fake spirits and fags have been plied for years. I wonder if they tax Viagra the copy trade in that will increase as well.

And probably does more damage to your health than cigs and booze combined.

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The making of counterfeit booze is very prevalent here in Thailand, I think you have a better chance in other SE Asian countries of getting genuine products as their tax is much lower, hence less profit to be made counterfeiting. Buy the cheap brands they don't counterfeit those as much.

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21 hours ago, sahibji said:

how tragic that people are chancing their lives for petty savings - a more suitable alternative will be reduce the drinking amount to offset the rise in costs. shady products can harm lives - sooner we understand that the better.

Did you not see the post here last year about the places in Thailand refilling bottles of genuine booze with crap. You don't see the bars here breaking the bottles when they are empty which I believe used to be law in the States and might still be, I'm not sure on that but it was standard practice in the bars around me.

 I would guess you would have less than a 50 50 chance at genuine expensive booze in a bar here.

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As an owner of 2 bars in Patts for some 5 years, we never even thought about refilling bottles with fake spirits.The spirits that are bought at most wholesalers, are sold with plastic caps in the neck to make it easier to pour into the measures.These caps are not easy to remove and get damaged when one tries. Any under cover cop, on that venture, would notice if the bottle pouring was minus the cap as it would be more quicker and even more messier when poured straight into a glass.He would be looking for that and would then ask the cashier, where the booze was purchased.The other reason was that we would never,even at the chance of making a few more baht, sell fake stuff to out customers. Some of our customers were a bit hot on what was $#it and what was real.The guys could always tell the difference between Gilby's gin and vodka, to that of Larios and Smirnoff/Stoly.

The only thing we did do once was get given a bottle of Gordons, which we transferred to a Larios bottle because we werent allowed to be selling it.Still the same price tho'It went the same night.

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On 28.3.2017 at 2:28 AM, fruitman said:

The price is not 30% cheaper but MUCH more.


Cigarettes in the no-man's-land between cambodia and thailand costed 130 baht for a carton of 10 packs.


Fake alcohol also was much cheaper there.


I don't want to drink that stuff,  one can get blind from it. If thai bars sell it als the real thing they deserve a severe punishment for it...Making people blind is worth some years in jail imo.

The same in Laos, a box of 10 packs of local cigarettes is available for 40'000 kip = less than 5 US$.

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22 minutes ago, AloisAmrein said:

The same in Laos, a box of 10 packs of local cigarettes is available for 40'000 kip = less than 5 US$.

Are those any good? The ones from cambodia taste like burning hay.


They also have beer Lao which is good.

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On 28/03/2017 at 6:22 AM, ukrules said:

This has absolutely nothing to do with proposed increases which will come towards the end of the year.


Are we really supposed to think that they're buying them now to stockpile for the next 8 months or so ? I don't think so.


End of the year? Prices rose dramatically here on Phuket just one day after the announcement. Are they profiteering do you think?

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5 hours ago, fruitman said:

Are those any good? The ones from cambodia taste like burning hay.


They also have beer Lao which is good.

Yes, good quality. Better then the local brands in Thailand.


Beer Lao is the best beer in whole South-East Asia.

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