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Do you offer alm food to monk?


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3 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:


religion, being supported by tradition, needs no evidence...ritual rules peoples lives even in western 'civilized' places...and the opprobrium to those who don't follow tradition can be harsh regardless of where they live..


not that I support the above, just an observation...


westerners in asia are excused as we are presumed to be ignorant of local tradition...but I would venture to say not so for asians living in the west...'freedom and responsibility' and etc...





Well at least you dont support it..................female genital mutilation a  result of  religion and tradition, scientific method would not produce this and many other archaic and barbaric practices. Science is the best way forward, if it hadnt been for this method i dread to think what the world would be like now.

Giving alms is the tip of the "obey conform" mentality religion imposes on people backed up with peer pressure and offer of eternal life or re birth for conforming.

Does this really mean Im callous? I dont think so but its not for me to judge.

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8 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

hmmm, read posts again. Think you were quite clear in your informing on your thoughts and your "I Love Jesus" seems  clear enough.

Did u c the Atheist  bit? and do you know what sarcasm is? hence the shiny new avatar

My old avatar used to read "too stupid to understand  science? try religion" but after having it for 2  years it was deemed offensive.

Does that explain better?

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18 hours ago, kannot said:

No, and why anyone does is  beyond me

They are just lazy people who think they are above you and expect to always get first choice of seat

on buses, BTS, MRT etc. there is no way I will move for any of them. 

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16 hours ago, Blablaboy said:

If Buddha and his disciple do not train our generosity, where do we learn on how to not attach too much on our money and possession?

Maybe in the past it was like that.  And, maybe there are some good true Monks here in Thailand.


But, the temples and monks in my area are not like that at all.  They just want more money to make the temples bigger, build new buildings, buy new trucks and get mobile phones.


I hear my village temple demanding people bring the monks more EXPENSIVE alms, saying that the more expensive things they bring the better!!!


They have parties to raise more money to buy land, parties with alcohol, drunk people, dancing sexy girls.  How is this the Buddha way, how is that showing people how to live?


I see a monk driving a car, buying food in the afternoon from local shop.. still in his orange robes. 


10 years ago my village temple was traditional and peaceful.  The monks walked out early morning to collect alms.  They were humble.  Now they tell people to bring the food to the temple... they are too lazy to go out walking.  They spend the day listening to loud Thai Country music. 


I don't think Buddha would even say that there should be temples, parties, expensive phones, cars, houses.  He says to have a simple life free of materialistic things.  This is not what is happening now.


So, no I don't give them alms.  They are fat and rich, not working and lazy...  and exploit the poor, skinny, hardworking villagers... they are like a parasite.

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2 minutes ago, true word said:

Where do you come up with nonsense, even if it is practiced it still rare.

You cannot base an argument on such!?

so its not a "tradition" then?

Guess these  200  million dont count eh 


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17 hours ago, kannot said:

Maybe  Buddha  should have gotten a  job instead of relying on others generosity

Some people even if you provide them with lots of clues not just one they still insists on arguing simply because they don't want to admit to the truth which they already know.   like who in the world needs to provide evidence that God exists?

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I think there is a lot of confusion concerning "buddhism".


There is European buddhism, a philosophy  based on what was allgedly said by a dissident prince from India. Probably there is not much correlation between what the man said and what was written down 400 years later, but never mind, many of the thoughts are very valuable, even if they contain a fundamental flaw.


(that flaw happens to be the opposite of the flaw in western philosophies, but I don't want to go off topic).


And there is Thai buddhism, a business model developed by men in orange that prey on superstitious people.


Because of my good heart  :smile: I might give "alms" to poor philosophers, but not to business men.



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2 minutes ago, true word said:

So, you call Thai Buddha monk who begs food for his daily survival a business man?

In what country do you live?


In Thailand it is normal for the poor people to bring the "alms" to the monks in their palaces.

And even if some monks take the trouble of going out to ask, they are hardly trying to "survive" (your word).


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1 hour ago, true word said:

Some people even if you provide them with lots of clues not just one they still insists on arguing simply because they don't want to admit to the truth which they already know.   like who in the world needs to provide evidence that God exists?

Nobody has yet but pls be the first

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7 hours ago, kannot said:

Female genital mutilation is a tradition to in some countries, because something is a tradition doesnt make it good and as  far as Im concerned all religions (inc  Buddhism) are pretty grim. It doesnt take a genius to work out how you should life your ,life.

A lot of tradition is nothing  more than "peer  pressure".........................listen to how the  villagers talk about my "Blackheart Wife " who doesnt give to the temple in her hometown whilst  those wanting to earn big  face throw money at them even though I know they havent got  it, the worst offender being one of her Brothers........the same Brother who wanted to buy her  land off her and expected it would be given to him free despite agreeing to pay for it and her driving from BKK to Loei and when she got there he gave a big  song and dance routine how he (you guessed it) had  no money...............the other two family members did though

Its interesting to see the  variations in how " religion" is enforced, in The  Uk Christians do almost nothing, Islam  calls you to prayer but here they appear on your doorstep daily................

Sounds like you need yoga or a tread mill and at least 60 minutes on it. Maybe way to much TVF as well. Chill out! Maybe smoke a bone. 

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50 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Sounds like you need yoga or a tread mill and at least 60 minutes on it. Maybe way to much TVF as well. Chill out! Maybe smoke a bone. 

why? I spend most of the day laying concrete in 36c heat a  tread  mill would be childs  play

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1 minute ago, sipi said:

Yes, and I do. But that is another story.

That is very nice of you, but the economist in me says: what you give to monks, you can not give again to poor people. It is a matter of choices.


And the rebel in me says: there are things that the poor people need more than food.

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2 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

That is very nice of you, but the economist in me says: what you give to monks, you can not give again to poor people. It is a matter of choices.


And the rebel in me says: there are things that the poor people need more than food.

How do you define "poor people" without being patronising?

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2 minutes ago, sipi said:

How do you define "poor people" without being patronising?

Poor people are people who can not afford decent education for their children, who do not have enough money for health care or reasonable housing, who have no safety buffer for a rainy day, etc.

Do you think this is patronizing?

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1 minute ago, oldhippy said:

Poor people are people who can not afford decent education for their children, who do not have enough money for health care or reasonable housing, who have no safety buffer for a rainy day, etc.

Do you think this is patronizing?

Totally different topic to the op.

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4 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


But you asked a question, and I answered it.


And to come back to topic I repeat: what you give to monks, you can not give again to poor people.


But what you give to the "poor people" the economist in me says you can't give to the "poorer people". 

And even when you give to the "absolute poorest people" it is still none of your business if they eat it or feed it to the chickens once you have handed it over.

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2 minutes ago, sipi said:

But what you give to the "poor people" the economist in me says you can't give to the "poorer people". 

And even when you give to the "absolute poorest people" it is still none of your business if they eat it or feed it to the chickens once you have handed it over.

You are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Where did I say that it is of my business what they (monks or poor people) do with it?

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2 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

You are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Where did I say that it is of my business what they (monks or poor people) do with it?


I answered the question. Yes I give them food.

Other than that I don't give a toss.

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28 minutes ago, digger70 said:

Monks in other countries are self sufficient,they grow veggies,have cattle, make beer grow fruit.they never come begging.

Spot on comment. They are too busy building temple extensions to raise any crops. Most temples are like a Tesco carpark, all concrete.

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