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Selling up and leaving Thailand


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It has been some time since my last post on here.

I have been granted a 1 year Business Visa for Cambodia. I was surprised literally how much easier it was to obtain than the cumbersome visa situation I have endured for so long in Thailand. 

I can work legally, I do not need to setup a company, hire Thai directors or lodge funds with a bank.

Seriously Thailand, get back in the game or you will be kissing the arse of the Chinese forever.


I have finally sold my place in Hua Hin to a very reasonable young chap from Russia.


This brings me nicely to the point of my post.


I first came here in 2002 and have spent a huge amount of time making the most of this great country. I have had some extremely good memories which I would not trade in the world.

Although in the past 2 years or so, I have not enjoyed myself here as much as I could have and maybe thats on me, who knows.


But I do not wish to sour my memories and so I decided its time to take those dreams, thoughts and ideas and try somewhere new.


Cambodia seems like the obvious choice.  They say it is like Thailand used to be, well thats great because I love the old Thailand.


Bon Chance everyone.



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I don't blame you, op. This protectionism likely harks back to their fortunate, non-colonial days and not being shown the way. Still love it here, but it does get old in the tooth after a time, and yes it has changed hugely (in the last few years especially). All the best.

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People go on and on about Cambo - nice for a visit but I'm not sure I'd want to live there. Phnom Penh is a dump, standards of healthcare are much poorer than Thailand, streets are not as safe to walk around, the whole place is a dirty and dusty construction site, etc.

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Living on the Cambodian border we spent 8 to 10 weeks a year in Cambodia, we love the place. There are many things better in Cambodia, but Thailand is far better when you need a hospital (a experience I never want to repeat).


I have noticed over the last 2 years many of the westerners I know in Cambodia are thinking of moving to Thailand, The grass is always greener.


Good luck autanic I hope it works out. 

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cambodia sounds great on paper but long term living there is much different.

i tried it for 9 months living in pp, sihanoukville and finally siem reap (until my lease expired) and wont be returning anytime soon.
i was living quite well also, if i had been on a budget it would have been much worse, probably would have lasted 4 months tops.


there is a good reason why the visa is so easy there. it's not a mistake that it is. think about it.

my major gripe was being harrassed every time i stepped out the door, literally, by moto dop taxi driver scumbags who had this crap eating smile on their faces and dont know what the word no means. do you want to live like that?

Edited by JimCrane
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I have been here for nearly 11 years, and I am off soon to relocate back to UK.  I echo the OP's post.  My main reason for leaving is my 4yo son's education, about to start Primary School.  I have been far more focussed on the negatives here the last couple of years and how they might impact on him in time, such as the drug dealer next door who has been banged up twice in four years, and his motley crew..... and I live out in the sticks.


It is certainly not the Thailand of 11 years ago I am sad to say.



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7 hours ago, daveAustin said:

I don't blame you, op. This protectionism likely harks back to their fortunate, non-colonial days and not being shown the way.

Yes, because those countries that had the good fortune to be exploited by the British , such as India, have hardly any bureaucracy at all.




At the beginning of the 18th Century, India's share of the world economy was 23%, as large as all of Europe put together. By the time the British departed India, it had dropped to less than 4%.

The reason was simple: India was governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain's rise for 200 years was financed by its depredations in India.

By the end of the 19th Century, India was Britain's biggest cash-cow, the world's biggest purchaser of British exports and the source of highly paid employment for British civil servants - all at India's own expense. We literally paid for our own oppression.






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2 hours ago, JimCrane said:

cambodia sounds great on paper but long term living there is much different.

i tried it for 9 months living in pp, sihanoukville and finally siem reap (until my lease expired) and wont be returning anytime soon.
i was living quite well also, if i had been on a budget it would have been much worse, probably would have lasted 4 months tops.


there is a good reason why the visa is so easy there. it's not a mistake that it is. think about it.

my major gripe was being harrassed every time i stepped out the door, literally, by moto dop taxi driver scumbags who had this crap eating smile on their faces and dont know what the word no means. do you want to live like that?

Well it is not for the timid or the faint of heart like yourself.  Been here for a number of years.  Am more tolerant of things in Cambodia than here in Thailand.   Really cannot relate to your post at all.  Am not bothered in Cambodia at all.  Been doing business here without much worries.  It has some good resources and the cost of living and ease of visas make it attractive.  While not working in other parts of Asia, it makes a fine and really fun second home, like Thailand use to be. 

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What annoyed me about cambodia amonst many other things is for example  while having a dinner motorbike drivers even coming up to the dinner table asking if i going to need a taxi??Than when i stand up hell breaks loose while i try walking back to my hotel kindly telling a bunch of taxi guys no thank you no thank you.Helloo Siam Riep.

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About two years ago I got fed up with all the Thai B.S. so I packed up and moved to Mexico. I was back in Thailand two months later. I was instantly reminded of why I left in the first place, but with a newfound appreciation. I've visited Cambodia a few times, I recommend you don't burn any bridges for getting back to Thailand. Best of luck to ya!

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Indeed life in Thailand has changed quite a bit in the last five years or so, some things for the better, many not. I certainly have changed too, coming with age I suppose, my personal life has seen some changes as well, hence decision was taken to move back to the roots and start back home from where I had left for Asia some 25 years ago. It will be a challenging move and not easy to adjust, but I look forward to. Hence my positive attitude should help and get me accustomed again to the new old environment.

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Don't think OP researched Cambodia to well and it appears that he hasn't even been there.


Hopefully he is not making his move by relying on TV posts.


There are are a lot of pro Cambodia and anti thailand threads around but the difference is those posters are actually still in Thailand or back home in the nanny state.


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57 minutes ago, quandow said:

About two years ago I got fed up with all the Thai B.S. so I packed up and moved to Mexico. I was back in Thailand two months later. I was instantly reminded of why I left in the first place, but with a newfound appreciation. I've visited Cambodia a few times, I recommend you don't burn any bridges for getting back to Thailand. Best of luck to ya!


what was wrong with Mexico?


I haven't been there since 2005 so things could've changed for the worse.

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I'm always curious whether a move a few miles over would accomplish the same purpose as a relocation across a border.  That also applies to the guys who move to Thailand (or wherever) because they don't like "back home".


Then there's the guys that absolutely beam that living in a nice one bedroom Thai apartment is so much cheaper than that 4 bedroom, 3 bath monstrosity they sold to get the heck out of wherever.  And that street food is so much cheaper than the sit down restaurants back home.


With the exception of health care, I think I could live just as cheaply back home (USA) as I do in Thailand.  I'd have to be frugal, and I'd be living in a mini-home in the boondocks, but that really wouldn't be much of a step down from living where I don't have any access at all to some of the things I miss about back home.  Family, skiing (snow and water), pro sports, wilderness fishing, concerts, and on and on...  Plus, I can make a few bucks doing the EBay thing or some consulting, without raising the ire of the authorities.


Obviously, it depends on whether you can find what you enjoy in Thailand.  Being that I don't drink, and don't chase women for sport, that pretty much leaves me in the cold for half of Thailand's appeal to most guys.  I can see why some guys think this is heaven, though.  And I'm a believer in "wherever I go, there I be".


Back to the OP,  have you considered trying a different lifestyle somewhere other than Hua Hin?   Not that Cambodia wouldn't be fine- on that I don't have a clue.  I do suspect it has it's own peculiarities though.  I'm asking more out of curiosity than as advice.  I'm contemplating a move myself soon as my job winds down.  I could stay in Thailand on a retirement plan, but...


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i just relocated back to nz after 10 years in thailand. it is actually quite good here. free schools and medical are excellent, probably would have stayed in thailand if i didnt have the kids to be honest. i made it to cambodia before i left and i dont think i would move there untill it gets to the level that thailand is at now. god knows what thailand will be like by t

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7 minutes ago, dogpatch55 said:

Thinking  of going  to Cambodia next time  I  go back  to  Thailand,  to  see  what  its like..   Anyone  thought of  moving to  India???????


Have you been to India?

Probably the last place on earth I would want to live

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10 hours ago, dbrenn said:

People go on and on about Cambo - nice for a visit but I'm not sure I'd want to live there. Phnom Penh is a dump, standards of healthcare are much poorer than Thailand, streets are not as safe to walk around, the whole place is a dirty and dusty construction site, etc.

The place is a shit hole agreed.

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i just relocated back to nz after 10 years in thailand. it is actually quite good here. free schools and medical are excellent, probably would have stayed in thailand if i didnt have the kids to be honest. i made it to cambodia before i left and i dont think i would move there untill it gets to the level that thailand is at now. god knows what thailand will be like by t

Sadly, there is a strong possibility that when Cambodia is like Thailand is now, Thailand will be like Cambodia is now, at least in a political sense.

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For me , i recommend Sri Lanka, i dont really know why not more forigners come there. Its more westernized cos of 500 years of colonies of portugese,dutch,british, And state works, People can speak english and you can live a normal western life , still with a 2600 year old buddist herritage. Which they are very proud of and respect. Not sleazy sex selling all over the place like thailand. (sorry) i needed to say that cos its not fun with family to walk around and get offered pussy all day long .


And the woman looks great too, i really suprised why not more europeans goes to Sri lanka, alot of sweds now germans,  I guess still people are scared of the war? no the war is over. and the infrastructur is good, internet is really good everywhere.  


And cos of the mix race herritage you can even find thai looking woman if you miss them !! LOL. U can find all colors and faces trust me . I moved back to Sweden after 7 years and i had really not high expectation cos to high standard in Sweden ;)  But i was not dissapointed at all. I had my love stories for sure. 


i did a search for sri lankan wedding on google here is some pics.









Prathibha 60.jpg

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2 hours ago, dogpatch55 said:

Thinking  of going  to Cambodia next time  I  go back  to  Thailand,  to  see  what  its like..   Anyone  thought of  moving to  India???????

yup been to India 10 times and lived there for 1 year (for work) a really shit place full of dirt and squalor but some very nice people - pity them 

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