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Govt bans redshirt to hold memorial activities on April 10


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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Judicial coup - 555! Get real <deleted>.


Thaksin was illegally occupying the office of caretaker PM when he was removed. And ironically delaying an election. Not that he was entitled to be running things then. He certainly wasn't in any hurry.


It was the Puppet Yingluck regime run by Thaksin in charge when Boss ran the policemen over. Didn't notice the PTP regime falling over themselves to expedite this case to a judicial conclusion either. 


The point is rich, influential, real hiso, powerful well connected social elites are untouchable - regardless of which clan, gang or group they support. Only minions and second tiers get punished in reality.

2010!  Check who was in office then!  Check how that person got into office!  Then try to reply with an informed post.


If rich, influential, real hiso powerful well connected social elites are untouchable, then why is Thaksin in exile and Yingluck fighting criminal charges? 


I'll spare you the need to answer, it's because they don't have an army that topples governments whenever it suits them, writes and tears up constitutions at will, and, most important, grants themselves amnesty for all their treason.

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On 31/03/2017 at 4:36 PM, clockman said:

Which war did he fight in. All those campaign medals?

He got those medals just as a US serviceman would. One for passing recruits, for being able to fire a rifle, joining a corps, being posted overseas to a non conflict area, passing a physical fitness test and so on. Why else do you see US servicemen with huge boards on their chest, only about 3 at the top really count

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4 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

When you start lying to yourself you have a serious problem inside your head, you all know what has been going on for decades yet do nothing about it but moan. Its your bed you made it, just "lie" in it or move on to better pastures.

Believe it or not things have changed just a wee tad since the good general took charge of an unstable murderous group of Democrats. And things have changed for the better. Long promised infrastructure projects are being commissioned, swamps are being returned to water holding ponds, old drains, elec poles and culverts are being replaced. Thailand is not ready for so called democracy, they were always ruled and this junta seems better equipped to rule than the two dud political parties. If you seriously want to talk about politics and democracy I suggest you concentrate on Britain, Scotland, France and my good old mates the US, China and Russia. After you have sorted their problems out, please feel free to fix up Thailand.  

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The redshirt boss (a certain former PM) had a thing about making trouble on Songkran, remember the promises of a "black Songkran"?  Some sort of preoccupation there.  Maybe one of his role models was Scrooge.



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21 minutes ago, bendejo said:

The redshirt boss (a certain former PM) had a thing about making trouble on Songkran, remember the promises of a "black Songkran"?  Some sort of preoccupation there.  Maybe one of his role models was Scrooge.



It does not matter any more, it is long gone past history. Adapt, respect the current rules, accept that change has occurred  and enjoy. It is not your country to worry about anyway

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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

Believe it or not things have changed just a wee tad since the good general took charge of an unstable murderous group of Democrats. And things have changed for the better. Long promised infrastructure projects are being commissioned, swamps are being returned to water holding ponds, old drains, elec poles and culverts are being replaced. Thailand is not ready for so called democracy, they were always ruled and this junta seems better equipped to rule than the two dud political parties. If you seriously want to talk about politics and democracy I suggest you concentrate on Britain, Scotland, France and my good old mates the US, China and Russia. After you have sorted their problems out, please feel free to fix up Thailand.  

"Thailand is not ready for so called democracy..."


So called democracy?  You can call any "democracy" a "so called democracy". England/Britain/United Kingdom spent centuries evolving into a so called democracy.  If you examine the history of the United States from the Declaration of Independence in 1776 through the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution and the political/ideological battles between the Republican and Federalist Founding Fathers that went into the early nineteenth century to eventually evolve into a pragmatic balance of ideals and popular will, tempered with constitutional checks and balances, you'll conclude that it's a miracle that the US evolved into a so called democracy.  As bad as that was, it was better than the French Revolution, that went from monarchy to democracy to anarchy to monarchy again in a generation.  So called democracy is not a quick and easy thing.


However so called democracy does not arise from military coups.  It is not a gift from generals.  Since 1932 Thailand has averaged a coup every seven years, a new constitution every four years, and had one elected PM to finish his term in elected office.  A so called democracy will not happen in Thailand until democracy is allowed to become entrenched and mature without a military coup. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

"Thailand is not ready for so called democracy..."


So called democracy?  You can call any "democracy" a "so called democracy". England/Britain/United Kingdom spent centuries evolving into a so called democracy.  If you examine the history of the United States from the Declaration of Independence in 1776 through the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution and the political/ideological battles between the Republican and Federalist Founding Fathers that went into the early nineteenth century to eventually evolve into a pragmatic balance of ideals and popular will, tempered with constitutional checks and balances, you'll conclude that it's a miracle that the US evolved into a so called democracy.  As bad as that was, it was better than the French Revolution, that went from monarchy to democracy to anarchy to monarchy again in a generation.  So called democracy is not a quick and easy thing.


However so called democracy does not arise from military coups.  It is not a gift from generals.  Since 1932 Thailand has averaged a coup every seven years, a new constitution every four years, and had one elected PM to finish his term in elected office.  A so called democracy will not happen in Thailand until democracy is allowed to become entrenched and mature without a military coup. 

And you call the US circus election a democracy. That is not a so called democracy, because real democracy is about the rights of individuals to create a government, not big business, not political cronyism, not huge political donations to influence an outcome, not hiring foreign agencies to interfere. I could go on. Most of the US population does not vote because they know that so called democracy in no way affects the popular opinion. 

Thailand has been ruled for thousands of years before phoney US democracy was installed on them after WW11. It has been a disaster and most Thais with the exception of the money grabbers do not care for US democracy. US money grabbers are screaming now that they are out of the cut. Most Thais are happy that there is no more empty promises, no more mayhem, no more murders and civil disobedience, no more US finger pointing and interfering in domestic affairs. In fact if the US does not kowtow to Thailand, you silly CIA supporters may be out of the mix altogether. China and Russia are making overtures and the US is on the nose. I was reprimanded for buying a Kubota tractor one month ago by the locals. Why did I not buy a Yanmar? Do you get my drift, your country stinks and you guys have caused it. Take a look at Trump and his new pal, the Egyptian President. Trump said it is best to focus on common problems than interfere in domestic politics. You should follow your supreme leaders advice and let Thailand deal with its own domestic affairs. 

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2 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

And you call the US circus election a democracy. That is not a so called democracy, because real democracy is about the rights of individuals to create a government, not big business, not political cronyism, not huge political donations to influence an outcome, not hiring foreign agencies to interfere. I could go on. Most of the US population does not vote because they know that so called democracy in no way affects the popular opinion. 

Thailand has been ruled for thousands of years before phoney US democracy was installed on them after WW11. It has been a disaster and most Thais with the exception of the money grabbers do not care for US democracy. US money grabbers are screaming now that they are out of the cut. Most Thais are happy that there is no more empty promises, no more mayhem, no more murders and civil disobedience, no more US finger pointing and interfering in domestic affairs. In fact if the US does not kowtow to Thailand, you silly CIA supporters may be out of the mix altogether. China and Russia are making overtures and the US is on the nose. I was reprimanded for buying a Kubota tractor one month ago by the locals. Why did I not buy a Yanmar? Do you get my drift, your country stinks and you guys have caused it. Take a look at Trump and his new pal, the Egyptian President. Trump said it is best to focus on common problems than interfere in domestic politics. You should follow your supreme leaders advice and let Thailand deal with its own domestic affairs. 

Here we go....the US doesn't meet your standard of democracy (why not give us your definition of democracy and tell us which countries meet it), democracy was installed on Thailand after World War 11 (eleven?), Thailand has been ruled for thousands of years....(check your history), etc.  Your tractor reference makes no sense, but nothing in your post does.


You invent facts as well as Trump.  You also dodge the issue; repressive military rule won't make Thailand a better place.

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