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I read the below article recently and I would like your comments on it. I'm studying various aspects of buddhism and your comments will be appreciated.


Buddha's teaching corrupted in Thailand by temple building and idol worship

Re: "The great Buddhist schism in Thailand", Opinion, November 10.

The Venerable Phra Mettanando is correct when he says that Thai Buddhism needs a radical reform, and no reform is better than to educate the people about the doctrine of Shakyanuni Buddha. Most Thai people are not aware that during the Buddha's lifetime teaching of the Dharma, he did not want to construct a monument to his mission. This is contrary to today's extensive building of temples, of Buddha statues, the grandeur and splendour of which appears to measure the respect and homage paid to the great philosopher in return perhaps for his blessing of good health and fortune.

Quite a number of monks and people also are not aware that the Buddha repeatedly reminded his followers not to resort to fortune telling and spiritual worship. In order to convey and teach the inconceivable Dharma of Shakyanuni Buddha there must be Buddhist disciples with a high level of cultivation and virtue to carry out the task. Perhaps this is the only circumstance when an ecclesiastical body is needed to verify those who are qualified to teach the Dharma to the public. Recently the setting-up of a Chinese Buddhist university in Taiwan by a venerable monk to teach the Buddha's doctrine is an example of how to bring up a band of teachers who know what they are teaching.

With the true and proper Dharma propagated, hopefully there will be more places for learning the Buddha's philosophy, both for monks and the general public. Eventually, resources for the building of temples for the sake of worship and merit making can be directed to more useful purposes. And Buddhists will be able to take the proper path to attain nirvana.

Yingwai S


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I read the below article recently and I would like your comments on it. I'm studying various aspects of buddhism and your comments will be appreciated.


Buddha's teaching corrupted in Thailand by temple building and idol worship

Re: "The great Buddhist schism in Thailand", Opinion, November 10.

The Venerable Phra Mettanando is correct when he says that Thai Buddhism needs a radical reform, and no reform is better than to educate the people about the doctrine of Shakyanuni Buddha. Most Thai people are not aware that during the Buddha's lifetime teaching of the Dharma, he did not want to construct a monument to his mission. This is contrary to today's extensive building of temples, of Buddha statues, the grandeur and splendour of which appears to measure the respect and homage paid to the great philosopher in return perhaps for his blessing of good health and fortune.

Quite a number of monks and people also are not aware that the Buddha repeatedly reminded his followers not to resort to fortune telling and spiritual worship. In order to convey and teach the inconceivable Dharma of Shakyanuni Buddha there must be Buddhist disciples with a high level of cultivation and virtue to carry out the task. Perhaps this is the only circumstance when an ecclesiastical body is needed to verify those who are qualified to teach the Dharma to the public. Recently the setting-up of a Chinese Buddhist university in Taiwan by a venerable monk to teach the Buddha's doctrine is an example of how to bring up a band of teachers who know what they are teaching.

With the true and proper Dharma propagated, hopefully there will be more places for learning the Buddha's philosophy, both for monks and the general public. Eventually, resources for the building of temples for the sake of worship and merit making can be directed to more useful purposes. And Buddhists will be able to take the proper path to attain nirvana.

Yingwai S


That's a letter to the editor, not an article. Personally I think it shows a lack of understanding of the cultural context for Buddhism in Thailand. I suspect the letter writer has an axe to grind that has little to do with any valid critique of Thai Buddhism, and more to do with promoting Chinese Buddhism.

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The buddhism here is certainly very different from when I spent a few years in Mongolia and got to know some of the Tibetan and Mongolian monks.

I've never met a Thai (including some very educated and intelligent monks) that knows why all the Buddha images depict him with long ear lobes, my thought on this is because the Thais give money mainly because they believe they will receive a greater ammount back (either financially or "luck"). Thus the idea of wealth and getting is a positive thing here - thus why shouldn't the temples show it off.

This is not inline with what I saw in Mongolia, but then again this is amazing Thailand and it's a different type of Buddhism.

But I have no thoughts on Buddhism generally here as I don't know and the Thais don't like opinions that disagree with their way of doing things, so I don't have any.

My wife goes to one of the big famous temples regularly and I don't see a positive effect on her and I choose not to go with her, as I get nothing from it (emotionally, kharma, I don't know what, but I don't). When I lived in Mongolia I did spend some time at the temples and I thought that I benefitted from it.

Just my ignorant thoughts.... :o

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I read the below article recently and I would like your comments on it. I'm studying various aspects of buddhism and your comments will be appreciated.


Buddha's teaching corrupted in Thailand by temple building and idol worship

Re: "The great Buddhist schism in Thailand", Opinion, November 10.

The Venerable Phra Mettanando is correct when he says that Thai Buddhism needs a radical reform, and no reform is better than to educate the people about the doctrine of Shakyanuni Buddha. Most Thai people are not aware that during the Buddha's lifetime teaching of the Dharma, he did not want to construct a monument to his mission. This is contrary to today's extensive building of temples, of Buddha statues, the grandeur and splendour of which appears to measure the respect and homage paid to the great philosopher in return perhaps for his blessing of good health and fortune.

Quite a number of monks and people also are not aware that the Buddha repeatedly reminded his followers not to resort to fortune telling and spiritual worship. In order to convey and teach the inconceivable Dharma of Shakyanuni Buddha there must be Buddhist disciples with a high level of cultivation and virtue to carry out the task. Perhaps this is the only circumstance when an ecclesiastical body is needed to verify those who are qualified to teach the Dharma to the public. Recently the setting-up of a Chinese Buddhist university in Taiwan by a venerable monk to teach the Buddha's doctrine is an example of how to bring up a band of teachers who know what they are teaching.

With the true and proper Dharma propagated, hopefully there will be more places for learning the Buddha's philosophy, both for monks and the general public. Eventually, resources for the building of temples for the sake of worship and merit making can be directed to more useful purposes. And Buddhists will be able to take the proper path to attain nirvana.

Yingwai S


That's a letter to the editor, not an article. Personally I think it shows a lack of understanding of the cultural context for Buddhism in Thailand. I suspect the letter writer has an axe to grind that has little to do with any valid critique of Thai Buddhism, and more to do with promoting Chinese Buddhism.

Aside from having a pesronal agenda, is there any element of truth in what he claims in his letter? Please explain.

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It's easy to say that buddhists are not doing what the buddha said to do, that Christians are not doing what Christ said to do, that Moslems aren't doing what Mohammed said to do. Far better to ask what did Buddha, Christ and Mohammed suggest might be beneficial to do in one's life and to give it a try.

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It's easy to say that buddhists are not doing what the buddha said to do, that Christians are not doing what Christ said to do, that Moslems aren't doing what Mohammed said to do. Far better to ask what did Buddha, Christ and Mohammed suggest might be beneficial to do in one's life and to give it a try.

Very wise..Thanks!!

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