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Amazing Thailand! Stunning lady boys stars of the show as army recruitment begins


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8 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

They are not men, these are ladies. They shouldn't have to join the men's regiment they should be put in the women's regiment. How can you have these girls sleeping in the same barracks as a 100 horny teenagers? They will be sexually harassed. From the photos you can't tell at all that these girls used to be male. My favourite is this one. It's a lucky man that gets a date with her.


Using the same argument, how can they sleep in the girls barracks ? It could cause quiet a stir in the communal showers if they still have their bits.

Edited by Peterw42
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No, I've changed my mind. This one has stolen my heart.
"How are you my pretty?"
"What's your name?"
"Oh, sorry Georgina"
"Which do you prefer Bic or Gillette?"
"My what big hands you've got"
"Chin up darling"


Edited by tukkytuktuk
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2 minutes ago, clockman said:

Why are so many men, becoming a women? This society should be concerned about this. Genetics, food.?

Yes thats the bigger question, in the west you are male or female, gay or straight, or a combination of those four. Thailand, you can add a couple more genders and 127 extra sexual orientations.

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I'm not inclined toward the third gender. But this one and his/her university uniform friend look pretty cute. And it would seem, from the text comment below, that they have already had their bits removed/replaced.

Not necessarily. Depends on what guidelines they are using to make that determination

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Not necessarily. Depends on what guidelines they are using to make that determination

That's true, though I would assume a traditional sex change operation having been done would be the most likely criteria.


If they were just basing that kind of judgment on boob jobs, then they'd been letting most of the LBs off the hook -- well, except perhaps the ugly one with the mustache!  :smile:

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There aren't more homosexual men now as there was 100 years ago. The difference now is it's acceptable to be gay.
1 in 7 people are gay. Why do people make such a fuss. In Thailand whether your gay or straight you can only hold hands in public, nothing more. So its not in your face.

You are what you are. Live, love life. It is in my opinion women's homophobia that causes the most damage. Making crude jokes just cause she can't get any.
I dont think that's true. Possibly a majority of people have some of kind of gay sex experience but those that identify as exclusively gay is closer to 2 or 3 percent. That's still a lot of people.

The Thailand Ladyboy thing is different issue than gay identity. There appears to be a very long standing cultural aspect in that.

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15 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I'm not inclined toward the third gender. But this one and his/her university uniform friend look pretty cute. And it would seem, from the text comment below, that they have already had their bits removed/replaced.



Recruiting officers got a tough job....lol...or perhaps they mean't 'gender'.

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39 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

That's true, though I would assume a traditional sex change operation having been done would be the most likely criteria.


If they were just basing that kind of judgment on boob jobs, then they'd been letting most of the LBs off the hook -- well, except perhaps the ugly one with the mustache!  :smile:

I'm no expert on this but my presumption is that most transgender women that do the big cut do it somewhat later in life than recruitment age. Either way, you do not know whether or not the Thai authorities use the big cut as their only criteria and that's a fact until you can actually provide evidence of that. 

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Just now, Thongkorn said:

Even if the person has had the two snips one snap and bobs your Anty operation. They are still regesterd on thire ID card as male

I think that's still true in that Thai law does not allow changing gender on I.D. cards or passports. 

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