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Hiatal hernia + 3 fractured vertebrae = pain/fear for life


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In my experience, in Thailand they usually keep you overnight - including at government hospitals and for patients covered under the national health schemes, wherein there is no possible financial benefit for the hospital in doing so (in fact the opposite).


Thailand tends to be many decades behind the West in terms of what can be done in- vs. out-patient. Even simple cataract surgery often entails an overnight stay  for Thai patients here. Of course, in the West it was the high cost of hospitalization that pushed the movement towards day procedures.

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2 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Actually I have had two done in Thailand and both involved overnight stay for observation - just taking off pressure band from wrist involves about six or more hours and if any procedure involved you will be on monitoring equipment in an ICU/CCU room for the night.  This was at Vejthani Hospital here in Bangkok.


Query where in Thailand you were in/out in 4 hours and if this was wrist entry? 

It was thigh entry and carried out at Bumrungrad Hospital.


However, day admission is normal as this is a very simple procedure.  Unless there are complications or bill padding, why an overnight?


Looking at other medical issues in Thailand, they seem to enjoy padding bills and keeping expats in longer than necessary.


The following links are from various sites. As can be seen, day admission is standard but overnight can happen under certain circumstances. Just pointing out that a straightforward angiogram does not need an overnight stay.






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Well, thank god they kept me overnight for my surgery so the nurse was there in the morning to stick that catheter in! Otherwise I guess I'd have died from burst bladder or something.

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6 minutes ago, JSixpack said:

Well, thank god they kept me overnight for my surgery so the nurse was there in the morning to stick that catheter in! Otherwise I guess I'd have died from burst bladder or something.

For a simple angiogram?


Why did you need a catheter or were there other issues?

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

For a simple angiogram?


Why did you need a catheter or were there other issues?


Is a simple angiogram "surgery?" I'm on topic. Talkin' hernia, man.

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Just now, JSixpack said:


Is a simple angiogram "surgery?" I'm on topic. Talkin' hernia, man.

Had no idea you were talking about a hernia "man", it would have helped if you had said so and the previous posts were about an angiogram.

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

Had no idea you were talking about a hernia "man", it would have helped if you had said so and the previous posts were about an angiogram.


As you were talking about angiogram, that's why I made it a point to say surgery. Sorry you couldn't pick up on that. I really should simplify my posts further.


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You never mentioned hernia and for all we know, you could be confused about what surgery is.


Not my fault that you cannot explain yourself correctly..


P.S Angiogram is a surgical procedure. It is invasive.

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1 hour ago, Flustered said:

You never mentioned hernia


As I didn't need to, as my point could well apply to other types of surgery as well.



and for all we know, you could be confused about what surgery is.


No, it turns out that you're merely confused about what surgery is and need things simplified for you.



P.S Angiogram is a surgical procedure. It is invasive.


Invasive doesn't necessarily mean surgery. It's a bit more complicated than that, you see. :smile:

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A flaming post has been removed.


This thread  was started by an OP with serious  medical issues which are not yet resolved, and it therefore must stay open. Any attempts to derail it or use it as a springboard for taking pot shots at other posters will not be tolerated. . :post-4641-1156693976:

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Did the OP get his blockage cleared?  The internal pressure created by such a block can seriously mask other symptoms, and in the medium to longterm it can poison your system to the extent of diminishing your ability to think sensibly.  Plain water helps by diluting the poisons as well as lubricating the bung.


It's easy to criticise a patient who is struggling with multiple symptoms from several issues. What was needed  (in my case) was a project to alleviate some of the simpler issues like constipation, so that the more complex issues could be seen  by specialists.  That kept costs under control and prevented me wasting expensive consultancy time on an issue that was at least partially fixeable with over-the-counter preparations.  It also gave me time to get into a better life-style and diet regime, which needs to be maintained whether you're feeling ill or not.  Taking care of your body is something only you can do - albeit with advice and hands-on maintenance from experts in specific topics. 



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Hi. I will update soon.  Thanks for comments.  Deerculler, I have been taking Sheila's advice.   It's complicated. I also have to think for myself.  Being able to get to the doctor that is recommended is not always possible without a waiting weeks...  so I went to Vejthani to get tested right away for my heart as it seemed to be urgent.  There are also complex insurance concerns.


I  saw the orthopedic surgeon Sheila recommended and he is waiting for me to get an MRI and I am waiting to save enough money for the MRI.


I also had an appointment with Dr. Piyapan the G.I.that Sheila recommended on May 1st.   His conclusions warranted another opinion which I have yet to get as I have been forced to focus on the urgent heart/breath crisis I am having.  He didn't think an endoscopy would show anything and said I should first fix my fractured vertebrae problems and  lose weight and then we can discuss g.i. options.    This left me essentially where I have been left for 6 months, tests, appointments, guesses with no real diagnosis and no treatment and daily suffering with a very limited restricted life.


Also, I have contacted the hospital about the pulmonary specialist Sheila recommended and I am trying to get an appointment now.


I just got the news yesterday that the insurance company said they will not cover the angiogram test needed to check for artery blockage.  My insurance agent and I are pushing the company.  They responded with a request for 3 signed copies of an authorization form to get medical records in order to check if it is pre existing or not. So, I can do nothing else on that now as I cannot afford the heart tests at this time.




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1 minute ago, sailorjon said:

Hi. I will update soon.  Thanks for comments.  Deerculler, I have been taking Sheila's advice.   It's complicated. I also have to think for myself.  Being able to get to the doctor that is recommended is not always possible without a waiting weeks...  so I went to Vejthani to get tested right away for my heart as it seemed to be urgent.  There are also complex insurance concerns.


I  saw the orthopedic surgeon Sheila recommended and he is waiting for me to get an MRI and I am waiting to save enough money for the MRI.


I also had an appointment with Dr. Piyapan the G.I.that Sheila recommended on May 1st.   His conclusions warranted another opinion which I have yet to get as I have been forced to focus on the urgent heart/breath crisis I am having.  He didn't think an endoscopy would show anything and said I should first fix my fractured vertebrae problems and  lose weight and then we can discuss g.i. options.    This left me essentially where I have been left for 6 months, tests, appointments, guesses with no real diagnosis and no treatment and daily suffering with a very limited restricted life.


Also, I have contacted the hospital about the pulmonary specialist Sheila recommended and I am trying to get an appointment now.


I just got the news yesterday that the insurance company said they will not cover the angiogram test needed to check for artery blockage.  My insurance agent and I are pushing the company.  They responded with a request for 3 signed copies of an authorization form to get medical records in order to check if it is pre existing or not. So, I can do nothing else on that now as I cannot afford the heart tests at this time.




All above are Thailand prices Sailorjon,there are alternatives

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ted.  you dog!  I want to go to India. First, let's see if insurance will pay the bills here.  I should know this week.  If not,  www.jetradar.com will be visited after I confirm the cost for the procedure, flight and hostel in India.    I'd love it!  Practically housebound 6 months.   Med trip to Malaysia didn't result in any recreation though.  flat on bed.  this is the way it is for now.

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43 minutes ago, sailorjon said:

ted.  you dog!  I want to go to India. First, let's see if insurance will pay the bills here.  I should know this week.  If not,  www.jetradar.com will be visited after I confirm the cost for the procedure, flight and hostel in India.    I'd love it!  Practically housebound 6 months.   Med trip to Malaysia didn't result in any recreation though.  flat on bed.  this is the way it is for now.

Yeah right, I'm a dog.   couple of things sailor, its monsoon season out there right now, nothing like it ,rain day in,day  out, not that that stops anything, but flights are curtailed etc, but as said its only 2 hours away.

                             Hotels are cheap in Calcutta, not much to see either, but get all your cancer scans, blood , stress tests etc. its cheap, up the ass  600 baht last time, but I sent you a couple of ideas,  The Christian hospital there, maybe, plus that diagnostic centre too, there all on the web, Skype them, or email, tell them your problems and let them get on with it, get an idea on pricing tho, you can always get them down,  another one I like there, The Ruby  hospital seems a good efficient hospital    stay away from health touristy type hospitals,smaller ones are good, anyway  good luck


get flexi return Tix  u do not know how long there   e visa about $50 to $60. m  Get all your medications there too,    now they are cheaper than cheap

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I guess there is no way to vet the doctors first or get a recommendation as to who is a good doctor to see... re  the indian hospitals.


Did you see that hospital I found before?  Did you think that is too much a big, touristy kind of facility?


For the christian hospitals I saw 'mercy hospital' and 'mission hospital'

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28 minutes ago, sailorjon said:

I guess there is no way to vet the doctors first or get a recommendation as to who is a good doctor to see... re  the indian hospitals.


Did you see that hospital I found before?  Did you think that is too much a big, touristy kind of facility?


For the christian hospitals I saw 'mercy hospital' and 'mission hospital'

You will never get a bad experience there, they are all honest and efficient and talented, speak excellent English, even though a bit flat.   The Desun you found, yes will be ok, that is where I was heading for .for my op (prostate) but cut foot on way there,and changed direction,but they will be geared up for foreigners still will be OK tho, try one that does not tout for business, Yes the Mercy is a good one to try,spend a couple of days there,taxis cheap  about 800 baht all in,all day ,give him a couple of extra bucks he will give you a few tips.  Superb place for treating your never ending ailments.,far cheaper thanThailand,much better experience too, shock to system foreign land,but get a few bottles of Haywards 5000 8% beer down you and you'll become one of them overnight

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Perhaps if he does not go there .  :saai:

You can have a bad experience anywhere.

1 hour ago, teddog said:

You will never get a bad experience there, they are all honest and efficient and talented, speak excellent English, even though a bit flat.


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56 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Perhaps if he does not go there .  :saai:

You can have a bad experience anywhere.


Its a shock to the system anywhere in Thailand, pricing and treatment wise.


    India ain't no Thailand for sure when medical matters are of concerned, too many choices though,  if I was SailorJon choose ' diagnostic centres calcutta'   a host will come up pref with prices, least will have a starting point, if MRI wanted probably there and then ,problem  is hospital you choose will also have diagnostic tools also so having to pay twice, cheap enough tho

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3 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Perhaps if he does not go there .  :saai:

You can have a bad experience anywhere.





It is important to do your research and choose doctors and hospital with care. Simply going to India and assuming that because it is in that country all will be well, would be extremely foolish.

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Thanks all.  I'm not an infant, I understand there are risks everywhere and no guarantees.  You try to load the dice in your favor, perform due diligence, bow 3 times to the ancestors and hope for the best.  All in all, India sounds like the best chance for a shot at quality treatment at a low price I might be able to pay. Especially given my very unsatisfactory experience for the last six months with the predatory medical practices in Tland which has left me poorer but not any better, not even diagnosed! 


having said that, i  called desun today and got prices that seem too good to believe.  I will follow up.  Asked about cost for angiogram.


9700 rupees = 5100 baht = 150 $

I believe in bangkok we're talking $1000 u.s. and up

If true, this is not a small gap.  This is reason to fly now. I may even put them in my will.


The next part, seems reaaaaally hard to believe but I'm open to all miracles at this point.   I asked if that included all costs:   [again, not to belabor the point, ok fkit, let's belabor the point:  tland hospitals have taken every opportunity to avoid strenuously giving an honest answer to that question and then add on boocoo extras after its done.  They operate like low level shakedown artists that usually operate in alleys and darkness, I will need a stenchoscopy to get the smell of them out of my nose]


ahem...  the staffer said:  yes, includes all costs.


The next part, seems reaallly, reaally hard to believe and I would understand if he mispoke but the rest was correct .. but I asked about,, what if angioplasty is necessary ....    

... and the staffer said:  it is included in that price


ok, we'll see.  I will follow up.   


and.  thinking I should also try to get the g.i. procedures done at the same time if i have the money I called back and asked the cost of endoscopy and colonoscopy.


1800 rupees endoscopy   947 bt / $27

2800 rupees colonoscopy   1473 bt / $43


in bkk, I believe these procedures average about  $400 - 800 u.s.  each.  and:

  • The package price is for the endoscopic screening only; excluding the following services.
    • Anesthesia for colonoscopy
    • Physician’s Fee
    • Hospital fee
    • Laxative/Castor oil for colonoscopy
    • Medication fee
    • Pathology charges
    • Physician’s consultation before the screening date.
    • Sedation for undergoing the Gastro-Colonoscopy
    • Tissue cutting


So. Let's see.  I've been doing a slow burn about my experiences here while watching Donald Trump and the republicans destroy health care hope in usa. Perhaps the old world will lead the way for the 99%. Namaste.






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The angiogram cost cannot pissibly include stent placement (if needed) because the stent devices themselves are quite expensive.


Before rushing into angiogram see a pukmonary specialist since if there is a lung problem that would account for the shortness if breath then angiogram may not be needed.





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                           Better price here,600 baht with results.   These hospitals are not miles apart,but close together,you can ask them too,if problem found which hospital they recommend without buying the hospital,think they may get the message


Believe angiogram at Desun around 4,500 baht,but do a search 'angiogram Calcutta'


Genesis Hospital


East Kolkata Township (Full Address)

Colonoscopy : Rs. 800.00
Colonoscopy (With Biopsy) : Rs. 1200.00
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19 hours ago, Sheryl said:

The angiogram cost cannot pissibly include stent placement (if needed) because the stent devices themselves are quite expensive.


Before rushing into angiogram see a pukmonary specialist since if there is a lung problem that would account for the shortness if breath then angiogram may not be needed.






Yes does seem cheap price Sailor,but better quality Indian made stents are worth taking a look at. 

As Sheryl states you may not need angiogram, try this, only a roadside clinic, can do it straight from the airport, if they find anything can always upgrade to a hospital,search  'pulmonary calcutta' will find a few


Pulmonologist in Kolkata, India
Address: 264 C, Rash Behari Ave, Topsia Road, Park Circus, Ballygunge Place, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019, India
(Eid al-Fitr)
Hours might differ
Tuesday    9:30AM–8PM
Wednesday    9:30AM–8PM
Thursday    9:30AM–8PM
Friday    9:30AM–8PM
Saturday    9:30AM–8PM
Sunday    Closed
Suggest an edit
Phone: +91 33 2440 1779


do not keep telling them how cheap they are compared to Thailand/US, it only encourages them to put prices up,see the Densun has drfted up slightly too

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That sound good, thanks.  Question, teddog.  When you went to India hospital, did you make an appointment first from thailand for the consultation or just walk in when you arrived?  For some reason, when I called desun about g.i. costs and asked do I need appointment she took my thai telephone number and said she would call me.  Which seems unlikely.


I don't tell them how cheap their prices are...


If the lung check reveals something that is the primary cause of the shortness of breath crisis condition that will be a relief [hopefully not deadly serious diagnosis though...] and perhaps treatment will follow...  However, it still seems wise to get the heart checked for arteriosclerosis.   The indicators and tests I have gotten already suggest a problem.   There are multiple conditions operating simultaneously in my poor, maltreated body.  It's not just an either/or thing, right?


Sheryl, do you or anyone else here know exactly what procedures the pulmonary doctor is likely to do to check for lung/chest problems that might be connected to the shortness of breath?   tx.


Lastly, in this forum, how do you snip a piece of a comment to add to the comment you are going to write..  like on your comment     'On ...,,.,, Sheryl said'..

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1 hour ago, sailorjon said:

That sound good, thanks.  Question, teddog.  When you went to India hospital, did you make an appointment first from thailand for the consultation or just walk in when you arrived?  For some reason, when I called desun about g.i. costs and asked do I need appointment she took my thai telephone number and said she would call me.

t     'Lastly, in this forum, how do you snip a piece of a comment to add to the comment you are going to write..  like on yo comment ...,,.,, Sheryl said'..


Quote and reply,using delete


Sailor,probable accept u there and then, Was going where u wanting to go to,but cut my foot earlier in week, stayed where I was and went to nearest hospital,  but they had 18 urology surgeons operating throughout the day ,huge place


 Put skype on phone or laptop  can make calls there then, forget Desun for GI  , use Genesis, half price,but need to clear pipes before GI  2 packs of porridge from pharmacy,1 at 4pm   other at midnight, will send u away if not clear .  Get flop house somewhere close to airport  200 baht taxi, hotel maybe 400,  use as base  do not use airport taxi after drop,but battered taxi,bit smart airport taxi.  ATM prob no use at airport Sailor,outside OK   need to get rupees, bank just outside exit door by AA booth  get cash on card  cheap  prob 5 thousandish baht,change big notes for small ones at coffee shops all around,need small change as taxi will not have any

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