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Hiatal hernia + 3 fractured vertebrae = pain/fear for life


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3 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

Yes, but the impaction will usually be within finger's reach (lower end of it anyhow). It is in the colon that stool hardens.


Regarding the insurance company letter:


1 - Apparently your height is incorrectly recorded on one of the hospital records. If you are 5 feet 4 inches that is about 164 cm.  It is NOT 168 cm. Suggest you clarify to them your actual height. It makes a difference as 148 cm is quite short and whatever your weight, at that hieight you'd likely be morbidly obese.


2. I beleive you aid that the check up showed only pre-diabetes? You need to clarify that to them and also that it was a new finding.


3.They want records from the US to be abel to have something that substantiates how long you have had your SOB and possible heart problem. It is irrelevant that you never provided those to the hospitals in Thailand, the point is they are looking for documentation of your prior state of health.


I suggest you reply to them as per above. I very much doubt they will pay for the angiogram, since your SOB did predate the policy and heart disease takes years to develop. but it may help preseve your policy as from the tone of the letter the whole thing may be in peril. Witholding or mis-stating information is grounds to void an insurance policy.



1.  ok.  I told the broker.  I'm 5'4".    It should be listed on all the many hospital records at the many bkk hospitals I've been to the last months.  They check every time.

2. one doctor said diabetes.  the other said pre-diabetes.  They can check with the hospial.  I told them it was a new finding, I think i made that clear when I said i didn't declare it on the application because it was just diagnosed last month.

3. It's relevant to me. I don't think the sob did predate the policy.  The acute shortness of breath symptoms started after April 10 when the policy began.   not before.

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7 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


Exactly correct. 


If you believe that going back to the GI doctor yo usaw before and telling him the laxatives he prescribed did not work and asking to be examined for possible impaction will not work, then see a different doctor. Though I believe the part about fix the spine and loose weight first was in regard to your request for hh repair, not the constipation. He gave you medication for that, it did not work but he does not know that as you never went back.



It seems these medical professionals should tell the patient these facts when they recommend endoscopy and colonoscopy.     That they would not be useful when constipated.


I have no faith in that doctor giving a shit about me.  The h.h. condition and or g.i. intestinal blockage, I explained the symptoms and that I was looking for help.  for a diagnosis and treatment.  Telling me to fix the back and lose weight first does not fit that description. I'll think about it.   I really really think I have wasted my time, my money and damaged my health seeking care in thailand.

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Just now, sailorjon said:

It seems these medical professionals should tell the patient these facts when they recommend endoscopy and colonoscopy.     That they would not be useful when constipated.


I have no faith in that doctor giving a shit about me.  The h.h. condition and or g.i. intestinal blockage, I explained the symptoms and that I was looking for help.  for a diagnosis and treatment.  Telling me to fix the back and lose weight first does not fit that description. I'll think about it.   I really really think I have wasted my time, my money and damaged my health seeking care in thailand.

.....and your mind.  End it Sailor, you hit the nail on the head'not giving a shit' Damned liars too,if I was on my deathbed I would not want any of them within a mile of me

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11 hours ago, sailorjon said:

It seems these medical professionals should tell the patient these facts when they recommend endoscopy and colonoscopy.     That they would not be useful when constipated.


I have no faith in that doctor giving a shit about me.  The h.h. condition and or g.i. intestinal blockage, I explained the symptoms and that I was looking for help.  for a diagnosis and treatment.  Telling me to fix the back and lose weight first does not fit that description. I'll think about it.   I really really think I have wasted my time, my money and damaged my health seeking care in thailand.


Well then see a different doctor, whether here or in India. Checking for fecal impaction is neither complicated nor expensive.

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19 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


Well then see a different doctor, whether here or in India. Checking for fecal impaction is neither complicated nor expensive.

Don't think Sailor has the wherewithal or stamina if he attempts India , shame really, no good the merry-go-round in Thailand,only picking his bones.

 Maybe sailor has reached the end of the line, only two options, back to US ,live in trailer park  .Florida,but he can check into ER there, yes consequences.  or fly back with BA, stop over in London,  become ill,too ill to travel get fixed up and deported.


He could try colon irrigation, probably where he lives now could do it


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The OP seems to have a problem focusing on and prioritising his problem(s). 


As he is, I believe,  in Bangkok it might be an idea for him to consult with the English qualified and English speaking GP Dr Donna, I am sure she could assist in identifying and prioritising the issues and directing the OP with a referral letter to appropriate specialists if required. It would be necessary, if this idea appeals, for the OP to disclose his financial/insurance situation so the GP could direct him toward affordable facilities. 

I am unsure if links are allowed here but a google search for 'medconsult bangkok ' will bring up the necessary contact details.

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O ye of little faith.  What is the plural of 'ye'?   I will get there.   And as far as focusing on priorities perthperson, I have tried but been spun in a different direction by the medical staff I consult everytime.  Really, if you know the whole story then, like me, you would swear you are being punked.  As soon as one condition shows itself to be the priority and I seek treatment, no treatment is offered and then the next condition becomes the acute one.  Enough blame the victim for rotten system that has not been helpful.


teddog or anyone if you have information on the airasia premium flex ticket, I am confused and the airasia customer service could not answer either.   I am trying to book a ticket today roundtrip, each way offers the flex add on for a fee.   If I am only concerned about the return trip date needing to be changed I assume I only need to add on the flex option for the return flight.  Isn't that so?


If you know this, appreciate your answer.


And how do I find Dr. Donna?

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It would seem the easiest and cheapest condition to address first would be possible fecal impaction.  Sailorjon, you saw a GI doctor, but did that doctor actual perform a digital rectal exam and press down on your abdomen to feel for hardened masses?  So often here in Thailand, the doctors perform tests and "fly by the numbers" rather than actually touching patients.




It would seem that if a GI doctor found a fecal impaction during a physical exam, that doctor could ask the nursing staff to administer an enema since you have said you lack the ability to give one to yourself.  


As you can see from the link I provided, some of the symptoms of severe fecal impaction mimic cardiac or pulmonary problems.

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" And as far as focusing on priorities perthperson, I have tried but been spun in a different direction by the medical staff I consult everytime. 


Judging by the length and verbosity of this thread it was not the  medical staff doing the spinning !  :smile:  ( No offense intended! Just a simple observation) 

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Just now, perthperson said:

" And as far as focusing on priorities perthperson, I have tried but been spun in a different direction by the medical staff I consult everytime. 


Judging by the length and verbosity of this thread it was not the  medical staff doing the spinning !  :smile:  ( No offense intended! Just a simple observation) 

I was just about to post that this has been going on since April and the OP is no further down the road than he was then.


Lots of very good advice and information given but no progress.


12+ weeks with this problem?


Something not right.

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5 minutes ago, NancyL said:

It would seem the easiest and cheapest condition to address first would be possible fecal impaction.  Sailorjon, you saw a GI doctor, but did that doctor actual perform a digital rectal exam and press down on your abdomen to feel for hardened masses?  So often here in Thailand, the doctors perform tests and "fly by the numbers" rather than actually touching patients.




It would seem that if a GI doctor found a fecal impaction during a physical exam, that doctor could ask the nursing staff to administer an enema since you have said you lack the ability to give one to yourself.  


As you can see from the link I provided, some of the symptoms of severe fecal impaction mimic cardiac or pulmonary problems.

Nancy, that doctor, surprisingly, did gingerly touch my basketball hard abdomen for a few seconds and listened to it and declared there was air in the abdomen but offered no solution or explanation though i asked.  He gave laxatives and told me to see if that solves the problem, to have my back fixed and lose weight and then check back.    It seems I have to decide what procedure might give some clues and insist on getting it done somewhere.

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5 minutes ago, NancyL said:

So often here in Thailand, the doctors perform tests and "fly by the numbers" rather than actually touching patients.

An interesting viewpoint. I would argue that many consult a Dr.with a preformed concept of what they want/need and seek to pressure the doctors into providing whatever it is.


The only time I consulted a doctor here I was properly examined, respected and very well treated. 

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2 minutes ago, sailorjon said:

Nancy, that doctor, surprisingly, did gingerly touch my basketball hard abdomen for a few seconds and listened to it and declared there was air in the abdomen but offered no solution or explanation though i asked.  He gave laxatives and told me to see if that solves the problem, to have my back fixed and lose weight and then check back.    It seems I have to decide what procedure might give some clues and insist on getting it done somewhere.

Well, the laxatives didn't work.  That's the first step in trying to correct fecal impaction.  The second step is manual removal, then enema, etc per the link I provided.  It's your responsibility to return to the doctor to let him know the laxatives didn't work and it's time to escalate the treatment.


Just because he also said to have your back fixed and lose weight doesn't mean that you have to complete all three tasks before you check back with him.  


He's not clairvoyant.  As far has he knows, his prescription of laxatives solved the problem.

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6 minutes ago, perthperson said:

An interesting viewpoint. I would argue that many consult a Dr.with a preformed concept of what they want/need and seek to pressure the doctors into providing whatever it is.


The only time I consulted a doctor here I was properly examined, respected and very well treated. 

No doubt that happens  a lot.  See rashomon.    There's a thousand stories in the city.   This is what my experience has been.

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6 minutes ago, perthperson said:

An interesting viewpoint. I would argue that many consult a Dr.with a preformed concept of what they want/need and seek to pressure the doctors into providing whatever it is.


The only time I consulted a doctor here I was properly examined, respected and very well treated. 

You say you've consulted a doctor just once.  I've had much more experience and often assist older people in Chiang Mai who are in hospital.  The private hospitals like to bring in a variety of specialists to "consult" on a case when it's evident the patient has insurance and/or money.  I've seen many situations where 4 or 5 doctors will come into a patient's room during the day and introduce themselves as a specialist in a certain area, look over some lab or test results, ask the patient how he feels and then a billing for a physician's consult (up to 2000 baht) shows up on the final bill.  It's not clear if these doctors consult with each other and it can often be difficult to receive any written report of their findings.  

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Just now, NancyL said:

You say you've consulted a doctor just once.  I've had much more experience and often assist older people in Chiang Mai who are in hospital.  The private hospitals like to bring in a variety of specialists to "consult" on a case when it's evident the patient has insurance and/or money.  I've seen many situations where 4 or 5 doctors will come into a patient's room during the day and introduce themselves as a specialist in a certain area, look over some lab or test results, ask the patient how he feels and then a billing for a physician's consult (up to 2000 baht) shows up on the final bill.  It's not clear if these doctors consult with each other and it can often be difficult to receive any written report of their findings.  

Again interesting but anecdotal. In my experience the patient/insurance company has to agree to any expenditure prior to it being incurred. 

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2 minutes ago, NancyL said:

Well, the laxatives didn't work.  That's the first step in trying to correct fecal impaction.  The second step is manual removal, then enema, etc per the link I provided.  It's your responsibility to return to the doctor to let him know the laxatives didn't work and it's time to escalate the treatment.


Just because he also said to have your back fixed and lose weight doesn't mean that you have to complete all three tasks before you check back with him.  


He's not clairvoyant.  As far has he knows, his prescription of laxatives solved the problem.

Well, as I explained to him and he could see from my records I had already been taking laxitives for months for this problem without results.        I came that day to get direction toward a diagnosis and treatment and got the same failed pharmacological treatment and, yes, in my opinion a complete disregard for the priority of the probable intestinal source of the most distressing problem [at least until I start having shortness of breath attacks anyway] and my desire to take some action on it... instead suggesting I focus on the back  and losing weight.     It's like a guy that has a heart attach because he eats crap for 40 years comes to the hospital hoping they will save his life and they say , oh your weight and diet is what caused the crisis. change your diet, lose weight and come back and we'll try to help you then.

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3 minutes ago, sailorjon said:

Well, as I explained to him and he could see from my records I had already been taking laxitives for months for this problem without results.        I came that day to get direction toward a diagnosis and treatment and got the same failed pharmacological treatment and, yes, in my opinion a complete disregard for the priority of the probable intestinal source of the most distressing problem [at least until I start having shortness of breath attacks anyway] and my desire to take some action on it... instead suggesting I focus on the back  and losing weight.     It's like a guy that has a heart attach because he eats crap for 40 years comes to the hospital hoping they will save his life and they say , oh your weight and diet is what caused the crisis. change your diet, lose weight and come back and we'll try to help you then.

Was this a GI doctor?

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It was a GI specialist at Chula.


But clearly the OP was not happy with him and is unwilling to return to see him. As it was just one visit I don't think much loss in changing doctors.


Besides Dr Donna there is also an American GP here at Mission Hospital and feedback on him from TV members has been very good. To rule out a fecal impaction you do need a GI specialist.  Here are his details, I think consultation will be around 600-800 baht




Bring CT report and if possible CD with you when you go, that you had a CT of abdomen which was negative except for hh is important info.







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Yes, a GI doctor.       


And, really, all stories are anecdotal.. what's your point?   Anecdotes are suspect?   Your story is anecdotal also.  So? This pattern Nancy talks about is something I have experienced as well.  And it is infuriating.   They recommend more and more tests and more and more consultations to rack up the bill.   When I went for the complete heart check at Vejthani and the doctor said your heart is fine but had no answer  as to the shortness of breath, he referred me to 3 or 4 other doctors to see.   Urgently, today, he said I must see the 'diabetes' doctor [endocrinologist] and I did and he reiterated what the first doctor said about the blood tests indicating diabetes and proceeded to show me charts and graphics ala 'the food  pyramid' to explain to me what are carbohydrates and the value of fiber.    The front desk staff descended on me like vampires trying to set me up appointments that day with three other specialists.   

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Thanks Sheryl, I will check it out.   Yes, I asked one of them about a possible blockage in the intestinal track because it seems to point to that doesn't it.   That doctor said the CT scan would have shown it.  It was abdominal CTscan , to reveal the hiatal hernia


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3 hours ago, sailorjon said:

O ye of little faith.  What is the plural of 'ye'?   I will get there.   And as far as focusing on priorities perthperson, I have tried but been spun in a different direction by the medical staff I consult everytime.  Really, if you know the whole story then, like me, you would swear you are being punked.  As soon as one condition shows itself to be the priority and I seek treatment, no treatment is offered and then the next condition becomes the acute one.  Enough blame the victim for rotten system that has not been helpful.


teddog or anyone if you have information on the airasia premium flex ticket, I am confused and the airasia customer service could not answer either.   I am trying to book a ticket today roundtrip, each way offers the flex add on for a fee.   If I am only concerned about the return trip date needing to be changed I assume I only need to add on the flex option for the return flight.  Isn't that so?


If you know this, appreciate your answer.


And how do I find Dr. Donna?


Yes just return, pity you had to go monsoon season, about October more flights are put on, just now its getting battered by rain , so fewer aircraft.    Few airlines Spice, Indigo(not bad Indigo)  AA .  No leather shoes , rubber, everything wet


      Take your time, but need Idea how u are going to proceed, look at Tripadvisor for things to do, pubs etc,  leave the Marble Palace alone tho.   Get your skin checked over for pre cancer , prob about 100 baht treatment ,squirt out of the purple can .  See about made to measure shirts good quality cotton/linen  about 400 baht each, hearing aids,...Widex,Seimens etc at fraction of Thai prices,same as tooth implants,and eye surgery if you want ,if like me you needed prostate operation  21,500 baht there,  cheap ,but put skype on phone/tablet  u will need to make calls,big bag for return  the pharmacy prices are cheap


you will have to ask taxidriver where cheap places are I have no clue in Calcutta, but I know Mother Theresa's place there,bet you cant wait to see her place  lol     Ct scan about 700 baht    MRI  I guess the same

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3 minutes ago, teddog said:

Yes just return, pity you had to go monsoon season, about October more flights are put on, just now its getting battered by rain , so fewer aircraft.    Few airlines Spice, Indigo(not bad Indigo)  AA .  No leather shoes , rubber, everything wet


      Take your time, but need Idea how u are going to proceed, look at Tripadvisor for things to do, pubs etc,  leave the Marble Palace alone tho.   Get your skin checked over for pre cancer , prob about 100 baht treatment ,squirt out of the purple can .  See about made to measure shirts good quality cotton/linen  about 400 baht each, hearing aids,...Widex,Seimens etc at fraction of Thai prices,same as tooth implants,and eye surgery if you want ,if like me you needed prostate operation  21,500 baht there,  cheap ,but put skype on phone/tablet  u will need to make calls,big bag for return  the pharmacy prices are cheap

Whoa, Teddog.  On a budget here. It's the last shot at treatment before broke except for very small monthly income.  Unless I can do a gofundme I suppose.  I think I will be able to return to India again in the future for the future body reconstruction efforts.   It all sounds promising though.  in fact, before this medical wakeup call I had planned to use money for teeth, I am in dire need and as we know that is another profession that takes no prisoners when it comes to cost and there is not much in the way of insurance.    I have skype everywhere.  As to the current plan.  I am looking at possible liftoff on july 10.  I think i need to make a decision to book the flight now to get early booking savings rather than continue waiting for Pacific Cross to tell me if they will pay for anything here.  So, perhaps, book 10th to the 14th or 15th I guess with flex ticket on return.  I think I will try to go to Pulsar for lung tests first.  I will call Genesis again to confirm I can walkin and inform them of constipation status, need for fecal impactation determination, and after they can advise on colonoscopy or not.  And, of course, the other main reason for the trip: to Desun for Angiogram to see exactly what is the state of my heart.   Do I have heart?  or do I not.   


I'm not worried about the rain, I love it and in fact I have just made a long overdue and wanted purchase for my aching arthritic ankles and bought some Keen newport H2 sandals which are boat sandals perfect for monsoon season puddle running.   It's an extravagance but necessary. Their support extends my ability to get around immeasurably.  I seriously doubt i will have the nrg or breath for much sightseeing but it sure would be welcome.   when I made the trip to Penang to see the doctor there, 9 days and I couldn't get out of the guesthouse room.  Weak as kitten and 10 minute walking and im gasping,.   I feel better now but it keeps changing.  Before the malaysia trip also better, back not hurting as much but as I started the airport ordeal of walking, standing etc.  the fractured vertebrae started to pain with a vengence every step a knife stab.  I'll see how it goes.

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Try the Christian(mercy) hospital too,think thats more a general hospital,   yes get teeth done there ,just keep the taxi guy day to day, I stayed at the eastiny when there, not bad close to airport


Pulsar is a small place,very small and basic,but will give a clue at very small cost

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22 minutes ago, sailorjon said:

Cannot see picture  but do not think so  about 900 a night     ill pm you if I see it,get somewhere near a pub    Must do, barber shop  get cut throat razor shave  about 15 baht,really good


do not forget visa


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4 hours ago, Flustered said:

I was just about to post that this has been going on since April and the OP is no further down the road than he was then.


Lots of very good advice and information given but no progress.


12+ weeks with this problem?


Something not right.

Yes, well.  Please tell what I've done wrong.  And for some of these problems it's been much longer than since April, fractured vertebrae - since dec 16, hiatal hernia - feb 17 I think...     and why don't any of the doctors say 'hey, this has been going on way to long somethings wrong here  instead of go lose weight and call me back?  

I appreciate the posters advice, I'm usually very good at being a consumer and comparing services etc. , but this is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.  your sick or injured, weak in pain and then you have to trust hospitals and doctors and experts because for you to get up to speed on medical issues your faced with is a daunting task when at peak performance condition.  of course, having money pressures makes it harder.  If I was not one of the many with little money, I suppose I would go to bumrumgrad and say check me in, give me the best doctors and tests and not leave until things were diagnosed and treated.

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