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Trump unleashes military strikes against Assad airbase in Syria


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I guess the Russians would have warned the Syrians then.

Yeap. Nevertheless, the strike made a statement that needed to ne made. No matter how much the America-haters - who've long marginalized themselves - will mindlessly condemn it. (As they do everything the US does.)
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1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

Yeap. Nevertheless, the strike made a statement that needed to ne made. No matter how much the America-haters - who've long marginalized themselves - will mindlessly condemn it. (As they do everything the US does.)

It certainly made a statement, but am not sure what type of statement spending 100M USD on bombing an effectively empty airfield made. I will continue condemning Trump until he is in jail, in a nursing home or whatever other method it requires to get him out of the most important political office in the world.


There is absolutely no doubt that today ISIS are better off than they were yesterday.


Did Trump carry out an act of war without going to congress? Hmmm now where is that constitution thing again.

Edited by Andaman Al
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9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Really good question.  Why would Assad do this?  Another good question, why has Assad killed over 200,000 of his own people?  That is mind boggling to me.

assad is doing what saddam was doing. controlling his country and maintaining relative peace. you want to get rid of Assad then there will be another mess like Iraq. we only know democracy because it is all we have ever experienced but the system does not work for everyone.

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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Did Trump carry out an act of war without going to congress? Hmmm now where is that constitution thing again.

He's within his rights....


The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.



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Many posts have been hidden which violate forum rules.  Please, links to credible media sites only.  Posts containing links to fake news or conspiracy theory websites will be removed and members will be warned/suspended.  There are plenty of sites out there that cater to this type of stuff.  Ours is not one of them.  2 members are now on posting suspensions due to this.


And please stay on topic.  This isn't about events that occurred many years ago.  Stick to the topic.

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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Assad started this mess. Syria will be better off without him. The opposition won't allow him to start. 

Actually, the citizens that revolted against Assad started it. Did they expect Assad to roll over and give them the government?

His father massacred thousands of rebels, so they should have known what the response would be.

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6 hours ago, thaihome said:


Do you honestly believe that that sending 59 cruise missiles against an airbase that you warned ahead of times to avoid any Russian causalities is some sort of "notice that somethings won't be tolerated"? As Russia will replace any damage please explain how this actually hurt Assad?


Sending a couple of cruise missle to his residence might be a message, but this is just propaganda. 




Perhaps a "message" to China or Nth Korea.

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10 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

In case you missed it, there already is anarchy and a civil war. The forces  who have opposed Assad and who have been most effective against ISIL were sympathetic to the west. Instead, your position has allowed Iran, Hizbollah, Russia and ISIL to do as they please.

IMO the present conflict is a rebellion, not a civil war. Lebanon was a civil war.

Should Assad fall, the civil war will be between the present opposition groups to seize power.


As for my position allowing ........................

LOL. I can't influence anything.

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25 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Actually, the citizens that revolted against Assad started it. Did they expect Assad to roll over and give them the government?

His father massacred thousands of rebels, so they should have known what the response would be.

And why did the citizens revolt?  That's the spark. 




That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb , was killed after having been brutally tortured.


The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war.



Both Assad and his farther are brutal dictators.  The world would be better off without them.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

And why did the citizens revolt?  That's the spark. 



Both Assad and his farther are brutal dictators.  The world would be better off without them.

The world is full of brutal dictators. If it was the job of the west to remove them, western countries would be in a perpetual state of war. In many cases they are there with the support of western governments. 

BTW, Assad's father died. That is how he became leader.

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22 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

And why did the citizens revolt?  That's the spark. 



Both Assad and his farther are brutal dictators.  The world would be better off without them.

You don't say that about the Arab rulers who we are 'great mates' with?  or NK who really do deserve to be bombed?  Mugabe?  you think Syria would be better off without Assad?  it would spiral into madness same as Iraq etc.  I also hear some US nutcases like McCain calling Putin a 'dictator' you want war with them too?  and what about China???  let's bomb them ALL?   take over the World?  I mean America's the perfect country right?  Policeman of the world

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23 hours ago, darksidedog said:

The Americans would seem to have some information on where the planes took off from, that launched the chemical strike.

50 Missiles is a lot, so I guess the idea was to render the place completely unusable again.

Finally, someone that understands what has been reported. 

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So did the fraudulent POTUS benefit from the airstrike or not? And along with were these the right choice of weapons? Interesting...


Donald Trump owns stock in the Tomahawk missiles he used in Syria



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6 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

You don't say that about the Arab rulers who we are 'great mates' with?  or NK who really do deserve to be bombed?  Mugabe?  you think Syria would be better off without Assad?  it would spiral into madness same as Iraq etc.  I also hear some US nutcases like McCain calling Putin a 'dictator' you want war with them too?  and what about China???  let's bomb them ALL?   take over the World?  I mean America's the perfect country right?  Policeman of the world

This topic isn't about other Arab rulers.  Nor Mugabe, nor China.


5 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Finally, someone that understands what has been reported. 

Interesting analysis:




A US defense official says intelligence shows a Russian drone flew over the hospital in Idlib that was treating victims of the chemical attack, prior to the site being later bombed by an unknown aircraft.
The Russians operate drones in the area routinely so the Pentagon cannot be certain the drone operator even knew what was happening, but the drone was a Russian asset. The US military has a variety of classified technical means to determine who is operating aircraft in the region.



And then there's this:


Russia was warned of the attack before it took place. Nevertheless, Chance pointed out, Russia did not choose to use surface-to-air missiles systems in place in Syria that are "fully capable of intercepting cruise missiles if they so choose to" which, he said, "implies a degree of tacit Russian consent to the strikes."




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1 minute ago, Silurian said:

So did the fraudulent POTUS benefit from the airstrike or not? And along with were these the right choice of weapons? Interesting...


Donald Trump owns stock in the Tomahawk missiles he used in Syria



That's the problem with Trump as President, you're never sure his real intent because he has very little credibility (from constantly lying about everything under the sun).  Could it be his financial interests?  Or deflection from the Russian investigations?  A deal with Putin to show that Trump is not a tool of the Kremlin?  Who knows?  But 59 missiles is not going to change anything.  We'll have to wait and see what happens next.

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23 hours ago, Rob13 said:

Who makes the cruise missles and whats trumps holdings in that company?Photo by Cuttlefish source http://www.flickr.com/photos/cuttlefish/4969726052/

Putin, Assad, and Trump are so deceitful I believe this is a hoax. I would not be surprised if all three devised this entire drama to divert attention from Putin and Russia’s involvement in Trump being elected. This is merely a smoke screen. Think a/b it… Assad doesn’t care a/b Syrians, neither do Putin or Trump. Assad wants Russia’s UN veto power and protection. Putin wants another country to control. Trump wants investigations to end/go away so he can use The Presidency for his/his family/his friends financial benefit. 

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On 07/04/2017 at 8:50 AM, steven100 said:

well done Mr Trump .........   a good decision,  if we are lucky enough one might hit Assad's palace by accident  :shock1:

Why? It amazes me our world leaders want to betray the only man and the only country who has stood fast against the tide of mediaeval religious fanaticism. Assad wants to rid his country of Islamic extremism, let him do it. Assad is the legal president of an independent nation with a clear aim and confidence to deliver it. You may think him a monster, but history teaches us you remove one monster and another horror will come in its place. 

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23 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

News reports are saying the US followed the planes from the time they took off until they landed.  Saw the strikes.  And then bombed those airbases.  About time.

Didn't the news also say no damage was done to any of the runways? So where's the damage. And U.S. alerted the Russians who are co-existing with Syrian military. I'd bet the Russians told Assad the news, or maybe just viewing them exit the airbase abruptly gave a hint. 

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23 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No easy answers.

Exactly, and in my opinion, none that turn out well for anyone.

If the US bombs Assad out of power it will be a civil war between all the opposing rebel groups. If it sends in troops, it will be worse than Iraq.

Fake U.S. President already sent US troops into Syria.... right?

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12 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Didn't the news also say no damage was done to any of the runways? So where's the damage. And U.S. alerted the Russians who are co-existing with Syrian military. I'd bet the Russians told Assad the news, or maybe just viewing them exit the airbase abruptly gave a hint. 


Reports I've read the airbase is pretty well damaged. As far as the Russians being warned, could be some conspiracy or ulterior motive or an effort to minimize Russian damages and casualties to keep  them from making  retaliatory strike.


Cold War rules of Russians and Americans not in direct battle against each other still apply. A warning would help along those lines.

Edited by Rob13
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20 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

Why? It amazes me our world leaders want to betray the only man and the only country who has stood fast against the tide of mediaeval religious fanaticism. Assad wants to rid his country of Islamic extremism, let him do it. Assad is the legal president of an independent nation with a clear aim and confidence to deliver it. You may think him a monster, but history teaches us you remove one monster and another horror will come in its place. 

Assad is trying to keep himself in power.  He openly supported ISIS before this war.  They got involved with the rebels and now he's fighting them.  Saying Assad is the only world leader that standing against religions fanaticism is wrong.  Way wrong.

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16 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Didn't the news also say no damage was done to any of the runways? So where's the damage. And U.S. alerted the Russians who are co-existing with Syrian military. I'd bet the Russians told Assad the news, or maybe just viewing them exit the airbase abruptly gave a hint. 

Read the news.  Even Syrian news is showing videos of the damage.  Plenty of info out there showing this.

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8 hours ago, Credo said:

At a minimum, I hope this is the end of the use of chemical weapons.   

I am not a Trump fan, but he has put the region on notice that somethings won't be tolerated.   Hopefully, North Korea is paying attention.   

                         The more I think about the topic, the more doubts I have - about whether it was Assad (or one of his commanders) who ordered the strike.   Was it a rogue pilot who had a personal vendetta?   Interestingly, it's reported that Syrians are ambivalent about the sarin attack and the US response.   That's pretty sad in itself, if they've become so innured/calloused - tho not outlandish, considering the duration and severity of the conflicts there.


                    It appears all the US has, to prove sarin attack, is satellite data of plane(s) taking off from that Syrian air base - and supposedly flying the deadly mission.   How reliable is US data, and can we trust what the US prez says?   The answer to the question about Trump is easy:  NO.   


                    Starting in 2014, Russia was a major player in the effort to eradicate sarin gas from Syria.  It apparently didn't do a good job.   The world took Russia's assurances that it was doing its job.  The job wasn't well done.

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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


                    It appears all the US has, to prove sarin attack, is satellite data of plane(s) taking off from that Syrian air base - and supposedly flying the deadly mission.   How reliable is US data, and can we trust what the US prez says?   The answer to the question about Trump is easy:  NO.  


The US will never release all the info it has with regards to how it tracked the planes/drones involved in these attacks.  No nation would.  It's sensitive info and classified.  Though it is shared with other world leaders.  Who are now lining up behind the US with regards to the attack.  If they didn't believe the data, they wouldn't support the bombing.


The US data is highly reliable.  You can research this easily.  If Trump lied, too many would be calling him out on it.  That hasn't happened so far other than a few nutters like Ron Paul. LOL

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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Read the news.  Even Syrian news is showing videos of the damage.  Plenty of info out there showing this.

Syrian jets take off from air base U.S. missiles struck

Reuters reporting Syrian planes are taking off from the  airbase again after the cruise missile strike.
Another source stating some Syrian planes and some external taxi ways hit but runway more or less intact.

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2 minutes ago, sujoop said:

Syrian jets take off from air base U.S. missiles struck

Reuters reporting Syrian planes are taking off from the  airbase again after the cruise missile strike.
Another source stating some Syrian planes and some external taxi ways hit but runway more or less intact.

Well, since Trump gave  the Russians advance notice of the attack, how surprised should we be?

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