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Three killed as truck drives into crowd in Swedish capital - media

Jonathan Fairfield

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10 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Such as when members of another ethnicity/religion brutally invade your country and over a period of decades take it over completely and make you feel worthless. Sound familiar?


Anti-western jihad  such as this attack in Sweden and the one at Westminster is a direct consequence of this loss of cultural pride, this thorn in the flesh. The Muslim community is seething with low self-esteem because of the root conflict. There is only one solution. I can't say what it is here because people will start screaming 'this thread is about Sweden, not about...' but unless that root issue is addressed, attacks like this one will continue.

You still haven't explained what this "international cultural justice" entails. Yes, I understand that the coalition forces invaded Iraq on a folly, a lie, a pretence, but how has this made the entire Muslim population feel "worthless"? Did they feel worthless when the western NATO allies put a stop to Muslim ethnic cleansing in Bosnia?


Look, this Swedish attack, much like the London one and the next forever onwards,  has been carried out by followers of Islam who have a certain goal. Their goal isn't to divide people of different faiths, their goal is to install a worldwide Caliphate and replace all other beliefs using terror, bombs, and whatever means necessary. Europe is now seen as a soft target. The more successful these attacks become, the more will join in to achieve their ultimate goal. You do yourself no favours by being a water-carrier for these people by blaming everything on the Iraq/Kuwait conflict, or Palastine, or whatever. Islamic terrorism's goal is a European Caliphate. Getting warmer? Sound familiar?

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28 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So the muslims in Sweden are on course to take over the country completely? I see this kind of nonsense over and over again.  Apparently Muslims are some kind of superhuman beings who can take over a country despite being in a small minority.  And this despite the fact they suffer from low self esteem.  It's hard to find an exact number but from what I could gather there are about 20 million muslims in western Europe and about 140 deaths from Muslim terrorists in 2016. That comes to about 7 death per million muslims or .7 deaths per 100,000  which is the way homicide statistics are usually reported. Clearly, Western Europe is doomed!

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove by throwing around inconsequential numbers. Sweden has a very small population: 9 million. How many of those are from the original Nordic stock I don't know, maybe only about half now?  Considering that Sweden has such a low indigenous population itself, they're ripe for a takeover. Denmark, too. I think there's is only 6 million. Clearly, these Nordics have very small families. Doesn't take a mathematical genius to workout they'll be outbred and outnumbered as the hosts of their own countries in a decade or two, especially with the influx of the Muslim Brotherhood. Europe is only doomed if you oppose the idea of a Caliphate. If you don't, then you would clearly think the opposite.

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44 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So the muslims in Sweden are on course to take over the country completely? I see this kind of nonsense over and over again.  Apparently Muslims are some kind of superhuman beings who can take over a country despite being in a small minority.

What an astoundingly ignorant comment. Whilst the video is not Sweden it gives a clear message the objective is to "take over".




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1 minute ago, Senior Player said:

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove by throwing around inconsequential numbers. Sweden has a very small population: 9 million. How many of those are from the original Nordic stock I don't know, maybe only about half now?  Considering that Sweden has such a low indigenous population itself, they're ripe for a takeover. Denmark, too. I think there's is only 6 million. Clearly, these Nordics have very small familhe idea of a Caliphate. If you don't, then you would clearly think the opposite.

How is this takeover going to happen? Will the Muslim navy be unloading immigrants on the beaches? Right now the muslim population of sweden is 4.6 percent.  So, you're saying in a decade or 2 the muslim population is going to explode to 50 percent. It's no wonder you think numbers are inconsequential. Are demographics inconsequential in your world too. Apparently so. You might want to look up how the Muslim fertility rate drastically declines when muslims settle in the west. Somehow, though, I think you'll find that inconsequential, too.

I suspect you're also entirely ignorant about polls taken of Muslims in respect to their opinion of ISIL.

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2 minutes ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

What an astoundingly ignorant comment. Whilst the video is not Sweden it gives a clear message the objective is to "take over".




The object of whom?  Those muslims are a scientifically selected sample of the Muslim population? And again, tell me, how militant can a population of 20 million be when they can only chalk up 140 deaths in one year?  This is your idea of war?

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12 hours ago, thaihome said:

I would like to point out that some 260+ people will die this year in Sweden from traffic accidents  (one of the lowest rates in the world), more alarming is the over 60 that will die from drowning. Between traffic deaths and drowning that is almost one person per day. 


I am certainly not defending somebody intentionally using a motor vehicle as a murder weapon  but only trying to put this particular event in some sort of perspective and show how international coverage of these events may cause some people to be susceptible to confirmation bias in their attitude to muslims and immigrants. 


What utter garbage!

People die every day, all over the world, from a variety of causes. To use selective and unrelated statistics about traffic accidents and drowning in the context of one terrorist attack in which 4 people have died and many injured is totally ridiculous.

The international coverage of the events in Sweden, Belgium, France, Tunisia, Germany and the UK (to name but a few!!) does not cause "confirmation bias" to any attitude toward muslims and immigrants - it informs people that the extremists among the muslim religion will regularly attack, kill and maim with no end in sight.

Any opinions formed by individuals are purely as a result of these terrorist atrocities, not the reporting of them.

If you seek any reason for alleged "confirmation bias" towards muslims - look solely at the acts of the terrorist extremists, these protagonists of violence toward fellow muslims and other innocent parties alike.

Edited by 14Stevie
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Nearly every week or more frequently, attacks like this or stabbings or a bomb blast or and we KNOW...everybody KNOWS...that it is some Islamic/Muslim scum or group of these backassward, moronic <deleted> that did it.


Even those that claim they don't automatically jump to that obvious conclusion KNOW that they assume this to be the case...and are lying if they claim otherwise...PERIOD! Facts are facts and BS can be smelled a mile away. 

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22 minutes ago, 14Stevie said:

What utter garbage!

People die every day, all over the world, from a variety of causes. To use selective and unrelated statistics about traffic accidents and drowning in the context of one terrorist attack in which 4 people have died and many injured is totally ridiculous.

The international coverage of the events in Sweden, Belgium, France, Tunisia, Germany and the UK (to name but a few!!) does not cause "confirmation bias" to any attitude toward muslims and immigrants - it informs people that the extremists among the muslim religion will regularly attack, kill and maim with no end in sight.

Any opinions formed by individuals are purely as a result of these terrorist atrocities, not the reporting of them.

If you seek any reason for alleged "confirmation bias" towards muslims - look solely at the acts of the terrorist extremists, these protagonists of violence toward fellow muslims and other innocent parties alike.

Once again, there are 20 million muslims in western europe. In 2016 about 140 people died from Muslim Terrorist attacks. This boils down to 7 people per million or .7 per 100,000 muslims.  If you think that this constitutes a serious threat, then I advise you to stay indoors and make sure your residence is all on one floor. You're in more danger from stairs than you are from terrorists.

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17 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Nearly every week or more frequently, attacks like this or stabbings or a bomb blast or and we KNOW...everybody KNOWS...that it is some Islamic/Muslim scum or group of these backassward, moronic <deleted> that did it.


Even those that claim they don't automatically jump to that obvious conclusion KNOW that they assume this to be the case...and are lying if they claim otherwise...PERIOD! Facts are facts and BS can be smelled a mile away. 

I assumed this was a muslim <removed>, but i still think islam is a peaceful religion, because pretty much all muslims are normal people just like you and me. If not we would see attacks like this every day.

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14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Once again, there are 20 million muslims in western europe. In 2016 about 140 people died from Muslim Terrorist attacks. This boils down to 7 people per million or .7 per 100,000 muslims.  If you think that this constitutes a serious threat, then I advise you to stay indoors and make sure your residence is all on one floor. You're in more danger from stairs than you are from terrorists.

If I am knocked down by a car that is normal modern day life, if a "religious" guy wants to take me out cos his "book" says so, well that ain't on....ONE life taken by these nutters is ONE too many, they have family and loved ones who KNOW how they were taken out and will never forget how...


I do wonder why those "controlled" by a religion move to a country with a religion totally different....Hmmmmm, perhaps their god up there ain't happy about that...For sure they can say "We go there to convert them"....But they don't, they milk the freebies and drink beer and other stuff.......They may get their own khama from above....

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5 hours ago, hobz said:

Why are there not more attacks like this in Europe? 

It's so easy to get a vehicle and ram it into a crowd and there's supposedly millions of terrorist muslims everywhere in Europe? Are they all cowards or is it simply because 99.99999% of all muslims are actually peaceful? Someone know?

Do you realise how much work Scotland Yard and similar security agencies around Europe are 

working behind the scenes to prevent such attacks from occurring, 12 in the UK alone last year.

One attack is one too many, and if it weren't for the efficiency of the security service around Europe 

there would be far too many, and it could have been you as a victim maimed or killed on our streets.


There are over 3000 radical muslims on Scotland Yards watch list in the UK alone, think about how many

there are amongst the 500, 000 population of Europe and that may give you an answer to your pathetic

leftists questions.

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7by7 is right.

15 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Unfortunately, it does happen. As I said in the Westminster topic; it does seem that these vehicular attacks are on the increase in Europe; whilst organised, pre planned attacks are declining. One explanation for this being the increasing success of the security services in identifying and preventing attacks involving groups using explosives or weapons before they happen. That success doubtless being due in part to intelligence gathered from within the Muslim community.


Far easier for an individual to hire, steal or hijack a vehicle than for an individual or group to obtain explosives or guns and transport them to the target without detection.


But just as I and my fellow Brits were not cowed by the IRA, Europeans today should not be cowed by these terrorists; if we are, then the terrorist wins!


Vigilant, yes; cautious, yes.


But we will continue with our usual daily routine and not be cowed!


The terrorists want to spread hate, division and fear. Don't let them; don't help them.

Absolutely spot on!  7by7 thank you.

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6 minutes ago, sotsira said:

Do you realise how much work Scotland Yard and similar security agencies around Europe are 

working behind the scenes to prevent such attacks from occurring, 12 in the UK alone last year.

One attack is one too many, and if it weren't for the efficiency of the security service around Europe 

there would be far too many, and it could have been you as a victim maimed or killed on our streets.


There are over 3000 radical muslims on Scotland Yards watch list in the UK alone, think about how many

there are amongst the 500, 000 population of Europe and that may give you an answer to your pathetic

leftists questions.

Don't you mean our pathetic leftist arithmetic? 3000 radical muslims in the UK and how many deaths did they manage to chalk up last year?  Would that all our enemies were so incompetent.

And Scotland yard stopped them from committing crimes? I'm pretty sure conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime.  How many of these dangerous radicals were arrested and prosecuted?

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24 minutes ago, hobz said:

I assumed this was a muslim <removed>, but i still think islam is a peaceful religion, because pretty much all muslims are normal people just like you and me. If not we would see attacks like this every day.

A typical leftists response who won't acknowledge the root cause of the problem and want's to concentrate on the good peaceful muslims that are just as much the victims as you and me.

You really need to dig your head out of the sand and wake up to reality.


This is the type of attitude that will contribute to an escalation of these barbaric attacks!

It's already happening, and will become more frequent as time moves on.

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3 minutes ago, sotsira said:

A typical leftists response who won't acknowledge the root cause of the problem and want's to concentrate on the good peaceful muslims that are just as much the victims as you and me.

You really need to dig your head out of the sand and wake up to reality.


This is the type of attitude that will contribute to an escalation of these barbaric attacks!

It's already happening, and will become more frequent as time moves on.

Actually, what can contribute to an increase in these attacks is the kind of over the top reaction of people like you. Attention and being taken seriously as a grave threat is exactly what these people want.  And they're finding plenty of dupes.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Don't you mean our pathetic leftist arithmetic? 3000 radical muslims in the UK and how many deaths did they manage to chalk up last year?  Would that all our enemies were so incompetent.

And Scotland yard stopped them from committing crimes? I'm pretty sure conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime.  How many of these dangerous radicals were arrested and prosecuted?

The prisons are already filling up with them to the point where they are now controlling them and 

using them to radicalise other inmates by force and violence.


The 3000 on the watch list unfortunately have to commit the crime first before they are prosecuted and lets not forget the ones who are not on the radar, like Khalid Masoud, how many more like him are there

is anyones guess.

You can try and defend the undefendable, but sooner or later your gonna need to come up for some air

so remove your head from your ass. 

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, what can contribute to an increase in these attacks is the kind of over the top reaction of people like you. Attention and being taken seriously as a grave threat is exactly what these people want.  And they're finding plenty of dupes.

Doubt it......Religious nuts are just smoldering in any society, just waiting to make a decision, get killed and lose my earth bound loved one or get to a zillion up there......A tough one for those who follow a zillion year old book written by "who"...

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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, what can contribute to an increase in these attacks is the kind of over the top reaction of people like you. Attention and being taken seriously as a grave threat is exactly what these people want.  And they're finding plenty of dupes.

What over the top reaction? 

I'm saying it how it is, it's called the truth, or is that something your too cowed to face?

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Just now, sotsira said:

The prisons are already filling up with them to the point where they are now controlling them and 

using them to radicalise other inmates by force and violence.


The 3000 on the watch list unfortunately have to commit the crime first before they are prosecuted and lets not forget the ones who are not on the radar, like Khalid Masoud, how many more like him are there

is anyones guess.

You can try and defend the undefendable, but sooner or later your gonna need to come up for some air

so remove your head from your ass. 

On my side there's math.

On yours there are nonsensical statements like "The 3000 on the watch list unfortunately have to commit the crime first before they are prosecuted". What exactly are they waiting for?  Their closeup?

And such statements as "sooner or later your gonna need to come up for some air so remove your head from your ass." are the kinds of things people who find reason basically uncongenial to their nature come up with. You've got nothing.

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17 hours ago, englishinsiam said:

The friends of peace and tolerance strike again. Well i for one am rapidly losing what little tolerance i had for them.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I've already lost it, total lowlife scum of the earth. ???

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1 minute ago, sotsira said:

What over the top reaction? 

I'm saying it how it is, it's called the truth, or is that something your too cowed to face?

Clearly your idea of the truth is whatever arouses your flight/fight response. Here a real example of the truth. There are 20 million muslims in Western Europe. In 2016 140 people died in Muslim terrorist attacks. That .7 murders for every 100,000 muslims. You are in more danger from falling down stairs than you are from a Muslim attack.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Clearly your idea of the truth is whatever arouses your flight/fight response. Here a real example of the truth. There are 20 million muslims in Western Europe. In 2016 140 people died in Muslim terrorist attacks. That .7 murders for every 100,000 muslims. You are in more danger from falling down stairs than you are from a Muslim attack.

So your daughter is ONE who gets taken out by a religious nut....What are your thoughts....?

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Clearly your idea of the truth is whatever arouses your flight/fight response. Here a real example of the truth. There are 20 million muslims in Western Europe. In 2016 140 people died in Muslim terrorist attacks. That .7 murders for every 100,000 muslims. You are in more danger from falling down stairs than you are from a Muslim attack.

So it's OK if we have a few more killed off by Muslim terrorists as long as the percentages are low. What kind of person are you?


Try telling the families of those murdered by these terrorists that it's OK because it is a small percentage of Muslims doing the killing. How many have to be murdered before you say it's not OK?


On the other hand, I suspect your posts are nothing more than an attempt to inflame the situation and cause outrage and grief on this forum.

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Just now, transam said:

So your daughter is ONE who gets taken out by a religious nut....What are your thoughts....?

So your daughter is taken out by a drunk? What are your thoughts? Wipe out all people who drink too much? Another case of emotionalism overriding thought processes.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Clearly your idea of the truth is whatever arouses your flight/fight response. Here a real example of the truth. There are 20 million muslims in Western Europe. In 2016 140 people died in Muslim terrorist attacks. That .7 murders for every 100,000 muslims. You are in more danger from falling down stairs than you are from a Muslim attack.

You really are deluded when you state statistics as a measure of peoples lives!

One death is one too many, 140 in a year obviously means nothing to you, what a

pathetic stance you take, you really should be ashamed of your silly ass! 

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

So it's OK if we have a few more killed off by Muslim terrorists as long as the percentages are low. What kind of person are you?


Try telling the families of those murdered by these terrorists that it's OK because it is a small percentage of Muslims doing the killing. How many have to be murdered before you say it's not OK?


On the other hand, I suspect your posts are nothing more than an attempt to inflame the situation and cause outrage and grief on this forum.

It's no more ok than people being killed by drunk drivers. Maybe we should institute capital punishment, imprisonment or exile for anyone who drinks to excess?

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2 minutes ago, sotsira said:

You really are deluded when you state statistics as a measure of peoples lives!

One death is one too many, 140 in a year obviously means nothing to you, what a

pathetic stance you take, you really should be ashamed of your silly ass! 

Does that only apply to people killed by terrorists or does it apply to people killed by drunk drivers, a much larger group? Or how about victims of industrial accidents? Again, a much larger group.

This silly notion of one death from anything is one too many would mean that all our resources and more should be devoted to trying to stop untimely deaths from whatever source. The resources deployed should be proportionate to the threat, not to the level of irrational fear and hatred.

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So your daughter is taken out by a drunk? What are your thoughts? Wipe out all people who drink too much? Another case of emotionalism overriding thought processes.

ANSWER my question.................Don't duck out.......If your daughter was taken out by one of these religious nuts what would be your thoughts ..?

Edited by transam
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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Does that only apply to people killed by terrorists or does it apply to people killed by drunk drivers, a much larger group? Or how about victims of industrial accidents? Again, a much larger group.

This silly notion of one death from anything is one too many would mean that all our resources and more should be devoted to trying to stop untimely deaths from whatever source. The resources deployed should be proportionate to the threat, not to the level of irrational fear and hatred.

You are definitely trying to inflame and wind members up.


Comparing drunks and industrial accidents to terrorists is beyond the pale. This thread is about the tragic deaths in Stockholm due apparently to to an Uzbekistan immigrant Muslim terrorist.


How you can condone Muslim terrorist murderers is beyond me unless of course you support their beliefs.

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