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Advantages & disadvantages changing retirement to Thai Wife

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 Advantages & disadvantages changing from retirement to thai wife

Any similarity to brochure dated  3/12/2008 and requirements purely accidental

Some clauses not required and others added

Must have signed 40 sheets of paper, some in Thai(English not available)


This office never answers their phone or reply to emails


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My position is I have  the 400.000 plus for over 3 months


Due to the much reduced exchange rate  my pension works out 7000bt short


They demand I must have 800 000bt so I added 10.000 to my BKB account yesterday

to bring thee total up. but of course that has not bee there foe 2 months?? 



Can anyone positivly say I must have the 800 000 for Thai wife. My understanding was NO????

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4 minutes ago, ttl said:

Can anyone positivly say I must have the 800 000 for Thai wife. My understanding was NO????


13 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Only 400k baht in the bank for 2 months or 40k baht income.


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Thanks Ubonjoe.  That was my understanding


Can you post Immigrations 1 page folded brochure for discussion dated  3/12/2008

giving Thai wife requirements


It is due for an update surely. after 9 years ,any has many mistakes,omissions  and poor English 

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3 minutes ago, ttl said:

Can you post Immigrations 1 page folded brochure for discussion dated  3/12/2008

giving Thai wife requirements

That would be well out of date. I posted a file download link earlier that has info.


2 minutes ago, ttl said:

anks  Joe   they   seem unable to find the little word     " OR"

What do you mean. Were you thinking it was 400k in the bank and 40k baht income. It is certainly or.

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Ubon Joe , always respected your replys , this file is one i made up after all the confusion regarding marriage extensions ,2 months deposit first year , application , then 3 months there after ,BUT i hasten to add this is what the office in Udonthani request , ( also depends on how they feel that day , )   ( IT IS DEFINATELY 400,000bht  or 40,000bht per month income  for extension based on marriage , That's in reply to the original poster) , 

requirements for Extension of visa based on marriage.odt

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15 minutes ago, billy54 said:

Ubon Joe , always respected your replys , this file is one i made up after all the confusion regarding marriage extensions ,2 months deposit first year , application , then 3 months there after ,BUT i hasten to add this is what the office in Udonthani request , ( also depends on how they feel that day , )   ( IT IS DEFINATELY 400,000bht  or 40,000bht per month income  for extension based on marriage , That's in reply to the original poster) , 

requirements for Extension of visa based on marriage.odt

My list if made up from what I have when I do my extension and reports of what was needed at some other offices.

The rule clearly states the 400k baht needs to be int the bank for 2 months for the extension based upon marriage. The 2 (60 day is actually what the rule states) and then three months is only for an extension based upon retirement.

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57 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:



Remember when the rule was 40K income, but some or all of that income could come from the wife? This was a number of years ago. I think that only lasted a few months and was changed. There was a glimmer of hope I could stay home and live off my wife's income, then her pension:)

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5 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Remember when the rule was 40K income, but some or all of that income could come from the wife? This was a number of years ago. I think that only lasted a few months and was changed. There was a glimmer of hope I could stay home and live off my wife's income, then her pension:)

That was for about 2 years from 2006 to 2008.

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Just now, ubonjoe said:

That was for about 2 years from 2006 to 2008.

Thanks..it was longer than I thought. I wonder if anyone was grandfathered under that system? Do you know why the rule was changed? It doesn't seem unreasonable to include family income. I guess Thai men and the foreign wife's have their own rules. It should be all the same for everyone. 

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56 minutes ago, billy54 said:

Ubon Joe , always respected your replys , this file is one i made up after all the confusion regarding marriage extensions ,2 months deposit first year , application , then 3 months there after ,BUT i hasten to add this is what the office in Udonthani request , ( also depends on how they feel that day , )   ( IT IS DEFINATELY 400,000bht  or 40,000bht per month income  for extension based on marriage , That's in reply to the original poster) , 

requirements for Extension of visa based on marriage.odt

Is taking the witness along vital even though you have their ID

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4 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

Is taking the witness along vital even though you have their ID

That depends upon the immigration office you go to and not all offices want a witness. I would say most offices do not want witnesses.

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14 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

The big advantage of the extension based upon is the lower financial requirements. Only 400k baht in the bank for 2 months or 40k baht income.

You can also get a work permit and work with an extension based upon marriage.

A few extra documents, and photos needed for the application based upon marriage. Having to go back to get the extension stamp after 30 days. For most people those are the only complaints most people have.

I am on my 9th extension based upon marriage and cannot see any advantage in changing to an extension based upon retirement.

Here is my general list that can vary by office. Marriage Extension Requirements.pdf

So there is also no need for the hassle of getting a medical Cert or Police clearence

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Just now, BEVUP said:

So there is also no need for the hassle of getting a medical Cert or Police clearence

Those are not required to apply for an extension based upon retirement. Those are only required for a OA visa application at an embassy or consulate.

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I am on no six on marriage extension


Yes the paper work is a little greater


However as we know rules are always changing, and I believe we are safer with a marriage extension rather than retirement extension


The govt in its wisdom could make the requirements on the retirement, any time too onerous for many, I think they are unlikely to do this on the marriage extension as it would directly impact on Thai ladies

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12 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Thanks..it was longer than I thought. I wonder if anyone was grandfathered under that system? Do you know why the rule was changed? It doesn't seem unreasonable to include family income. I guess Thai men and the foreign wife's have their own rules. It should be all the same for everyone. 

There was no grandfathering. The police order (777/2551) allowed a year for people to adjust to the change.

Many suspect it was eliminated because people were abusing it by using a fraudulent income by using the wife's income based upon a false income statement to the tax office. I think it was actually a political decision since it was put into effect by different government (note started in 2006 and ended in 2008).

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I'm Legally married to a Thai citizen. After making a move from the farang ghetto to upcountry, I initially applied for a marriage visa. After I found out all the hoops I would have to jump through, I put the 800,000 in a Thai bank and got a retirement visa.  Since my 800,000 wasn't seasoned long enough at that point, I got the income statement from the US embassy. The only advantage I could see for the marriage visa is the 400,000 versus 800,000 baht in the bank. Like many things here in Thailand, I can't see the logic for retirement needing more money. Apparently they think that two can live cheaper than one.

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2 minutes ago, al007 said:

I am on no six on marriage extension


Yes the paper work is a little greater


However as we know rules are always changing, and I believe we are safer with a marriage extension rather than retirement extension


The govt in its wisdom could make the requirements on the retirement, any time too onerous for many, I think they are unlikely to do this on the marriage extension as it would directly impact on Thai ladies

Thanks Joe starting to get my head around it but have not gone in depth as it may be some time yet as the marriage way would be my choice as i dont see tying up double your money required (but people do)

Oh & 007 i some how dont think Immi will worry about your last comment as i just have to look around & see a lot of Thai women in some sought o situation


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2 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Like many things here in Thailand, I can't see the logic for retirement needing more money. Apparently they think that two can live cheaper than one.

The difference is humanitarian verses convenience. Also the wife can work to help support the family.

Also for retirement it can be for 2 people since the spouse can get a dependent extension without financial proof.

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Short list;


Marriage extension allows a work permit to be issued most places.

Marriage extension available for less financial means.

Marriage extension might be more acceptable to wife as she has added control.


Retirement extension issued immediately most locations.

Retirement extension does not require wife to obtain.

Retirement extension involves less paperwork for applicant.

Retirement extension is local decision so often an easier interview.

Retirement extension would likely be grandfathered at current rate if change made.


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15 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

My list if made up from what I have when I do my extension and reports of what was needed at some other offices.

The rule clearly states the 400k baht needs to be int the bank for 2 months for the extension based upon marriage. The 2 (60 day is actually what the rule states) and then three months is only for an extension based upon retirement.

Hi Joe, ( i totally agree ,but )  i did say this is what Udonthani immigration have requested in the past , and then someone else goe's in it's 2 months , so just to be safe at UDONTHANI further applications makes sure 3 months , one month is neither here or there ,but when they turn you away , & then have to apply for a 30 day extension ,or go over the boarder etc , that 30 day extra in the bank account is nothing compared to the hoops you will now have to jump through

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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

Is taking the witness along vital even though you have their ID

AT Udonthani i have always had to bring in the witness ,same witness for 9 years now , , before that i was on retirement visa extensions , please bear in mind this is Udonthani others may or may not require the witness to attend , so my advice would be take the witness as they could turn you away and then you have to go back AGAIN ,

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Ubonjoe, good list. Just thought I would add that when I went to get my last marriage extension at CW (about a month ago) I was told that the photos of myself and Mrs now have to be taken by a third party. Ours were all selfies. We weren't the only ones caught out. The lady was nice about it though and accepted the application but I had to come back the next day with some photos taken by our neighbour. I didn 't have to queue or anything, I just gave the pictures to the same lady and my wife didn't have to return. Just keeping us on our toes I guess. A camera with a timer would obviously be a work around.


The main advantage for me is that I can get a work permit on a marriage visa.

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13 minutes ago, jrward42 said:

Ubonjoe, good list. Just thought I would add that when I went to get my last marriage extension at CW (about a month ago) I was told that the photos of myself and Mrs now have to be taken by a third party. Ours were all selfies. We weren't the only ones caught out.

I can understand why selfies would not be accepted. The ones inside the house would need to show more than just you and the wife in it. Also it might be hard to do one showing the house number in it.

Our daughter does the ones inside the house. For the one showing the house number we get somebody to do it since it is a family photo.

Not that big a problem since it is only once a year.

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I have a retirement visa .  I had a marriage visa for about 10yrs , but though simple at the outset , became increasing over burdened with documentation .

Despite meticulously putting together all the documents required the previous year , there were always additional ones .  I lived about 3hrs drive from my designated immigration office , being made to return home and come again the next day was more than I could bear .  I would advise any man over 50yrs to get a retirement visa , which means you are a free agent in Thailand no matter what .  You can marry the girl of your choice at a village wedding , or just live together .  You do not need to have an Amphur wedding which is official and binding .  In the event that thing don't work out , you are free to pack your bags and walk out with no ties .  I am officially married , my wife worries about her health and dying before me despite being 24yrs younger .  On a marriage visa if the wife died I would have to leave the country , with my retirement visa I can continue to live in our home , or move away if I prefer .

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3 minutes ago, Toscano said:

On a marriage visa if the wife died I would have to leave the country , with my retirement visa I can continue to live in our home , or move away if I prefer .

You would not have to leave the country. The extension would remain valid until it expires. Plenty of time normally to change to retirement or another type of extension.

Only one time out of 9 extension have I had to get a document from the house I didn't have with me. That happened when they had a major staff change. I really cannot see how they could come up with something more than I ready supply now.

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