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Video: Screaming Thai woman has a bad hair day in argument over driving test regulations


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All dressed up for the occasion thinking it was just going to another cat walk day.
Had a similar experience last Thursday, accompanied a friend who went to renew their licence.
Lots of worried faces going into the exam room. lots of disappointed faces coming out when they hadn't achieved the minimum 45 required points. Felt sorry for my friend, I'd been sitting outside 7 hours with his g/f chatting, he did ok all day but only got 44 points in the exam   Ouchhhh !

They said sorry you failed, you'll have to come back & try again. Seems they've got tough this time.


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I have not met a Thai with Bipolar and that's something you would not wish on anyone. I had a gf diagnosed with that many years ago. She could cry for 12 hours plus and not speak one word to me in that time and then be happy again for days at a time. But she could never get so angry like this lot. She could not go nuclear in Nano seconds.



Edited by Toshiba66
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I believe Thais have more incidence of personality disorder than others simply based on the fact that anger is considered anathema to the country. People have to suppress their anger to get along in Thai society. However, once the anger is released it is almost out of control and the person cannot seem to grasp how to get themselves back on track.

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3 hours ago, onemorechang said:

I shudder to think what would have happened if she had boarded

 a United Air lines flight and kicked off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle:




Bring that bro to Thailand for her...

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I found sympathy with the cops for once and thought they handled it quite well by basically laughing at her- no better way to reduce a self important Princess down to reality.


A few years back I was up in the hills and one of our Karen drivers put a tiny little scratch on another vehicle with Bangkok plates in Mae Chaem. The driver went livid at  these Karen untermensch having the temerity to 'damage' his vehicle. He obviously thought as well that with falanags there he could milk it. 


Cops were summoned and the Sgt Maj's reaction was basically 'you farkin joking or what' which reduced Somchai's rants to a farcical level. They eventually settled for B1000. I peered at the tiny little scratch and said 'what- B1000 for that, what can I do for B5000', waving the notes about.


At this point all the cops completely lost it and burst out into paroxym of laughter, leaving Somchai's 'face' all over the floor.


As an aside, despite the mouth on her I'd be up her like a rat up a drainpipe!

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12 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Reminds me of when I broke up with my first gf here. She went nuts. As she was going nuts, I was thinking "I've only been with you for 2 months". 

Have seen that a few times. Its like when you think you have a winning lottery ticket but on second reading your one number out. 

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As said many times--name n Shame seems to be the only way with thais


Post that damn video up on youtube and let it be a reminder for a few years..:wai:


Then..just maybe--she will think twice before blowing as gasket next time...


The lesson will be repeated until it is learned--the hard way it seems with thais

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18 hours ago, onemorechang said:

I shudder to think what would have happened if she had boarded

 a United Air lines flight and kicked off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :giggle:


Classic! I like it! 

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All comes down to fear of failure because to 'Fail' anything in Thailand means loss of face.   It's the reason all Thai's would rather pay for anything rather than take any kind of test, which plays nicely into the hands of the thieves who exploit this 'failure' in Thai society !

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