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Putin says expects 'fake' gas attacks to discredit Syria's Assad


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Putin says expects 'fake' gas attacks to discredit Syria's Assad




Russian President Vladimir Putin talks to Italian President Sergio Mattarella during their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia April 11, 2017. REUTERS/Sergei Chirikov/Pool


MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia had information that the United States was planning to launch new missile strikes on Syria, and that there were plans to fake chemicals weapons attacks there.


Putin was speaking hours before U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was due to arrive in Moscow for talks with Russia's foreign minister and days after denouncing last week's U.S. missile strike on a Syrian air base as illegal.


Standing alongside Italian President Sergio Mattarella who was in Moscow for talks, Putin, when asked by a reporter if he expected more U.S. missile strikes on Syria, said:


"We have information that a similar provocation is being prepared ... in other parts of Syria including in the southern Damascus suburbs where they are planning to again plant some substance and accuse the Syrian authorities of using (chemical weapons)."


He did not offer any proof for that assertion.


Russia has defended the Syrian government, a staunch ally, against U.S. allegations it was behind the nerve gas attack in Syria's Idlib province last week which killed scores, saying there is no evidence to underpin such an allegation.


Putin said on Tuesday Russia would be urgently asking the global chemical weapons watchdog -- the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons -- to investigate the incident.


Speaking after Tillerson said earlier on Tuesday he hoped Russia would conclude it was wrong to align itself with the Syrian government, Putin said Moscow would tolerate Western criticism of its role in Syria but hoped that attitudes would eventually soften.


Putin's spokesman has said there are no scheduled plans for Putin to meet Tillerson on Wednesday, but Russian media have cited unnamed sources as saying that such a meeting will happen.


(Reporting by Denis Dyomkin; Writing by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Christian Lowe)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-12
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                               Trump and Putin are both liars.  Comparatively, it appears Putin is a bit less of a liar than Trump.  Not much of an accolade.


                    I just read the official White House assessment of the recent sarin attack.  It doesn't look convincing.  While two of the world's superpowers are grappling, and lesser powers (Syria, Iran, ISIS) are biting their ankles, it's the little people who get hurt. 

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Putin lost all credibility when he attempted to show how Ukrainian forces was responsible for shooting down the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine.  In the meantime Buk rocket launchers were seen withdrawing to Russian territory.

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A kleptocrat and a buffoon, both egomaniacs, running the two most powerful countries in the world.  Which country is better off with its leader at the helm. I honestly don't know.

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Of course Putin lies and of course Trump will also lie. War has nothing to do with "justice" or " saving people from a tyrant". Its all about money and power. Just look at Saudi Arabia, and how western " democracies" are turning a  blind eye... A good read i would suggest is "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu... Every war is based on deception...

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                   On some things, Trump is a quick learner.  He's now learned that dropping bombs in foreign Muslim places - increases his popularity.  He already knew that bomb dropping would divert Americans' attention from the Russia/Trump investigations.


                       Now, he and Bannon and Tillerson are probably looking at other places to drop bombs:  Nigeria, Congo, Uganda, N.Korea, Somalia, to name a few.  

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4 hours ago, xerostar said:

Putin lost all credibility when he attempted to show how Ukrainian forces was responsible for shooting down the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine.  In the meantime Buk rocket launchers were seen withdrawing to Russian territory.


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I am very concerned about where this is going. First he was completely in love with King Vlad. Now, heis threatening Russia, and backing them into a corner. Vlad is a killer and a thief. He does not care about his image, nor his reputation. The administration is behaving like that means alot to him. Where is this

going to lead? What is the outcome? Who will take the place of Assad, if we can get rid of him? Willit end up enabling IS? How do we follow up the bombing of the base, or was that a one off endeavor?
Does the US have what it takes to deal with conflicts in Syria, and N. Korea at the same time? In additionto Iraq and Afghanistan? 
I do not see any cohesive policy. I do not think they have one, for either front. Tillerson and Haley are on two completely different pages, and Spicer is  completely confused, saying one thing one day, and
something different the next, often at odds with both Tillerson and Haley. It is a bizarre thing to witness. My sense of this is that Trump was not ready for this, so quickly.
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia had information that the United States was planning to launch new missile strikes on Syria, and that there were plans to fake chemicals weapons attacks there.


He seems to have a firm grasp on the phrase "Alternate Truth" He has information to wow lets see it oh! top secret right. 

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Trump is sailing at a pace towards the abyss and Putin is helping to fuel the ship along the way.  I very much doubt that there would be a war between these two nuclear armed countries as it would mean the destruction of both of them.  In reality they both enjoy the chest thumping and inflated egos and that is probably as far as it will go

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9 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

yanks dont really care. they love it when their president bombs a foreign country, preferably in the middle east. trumps ratings increasing along with american patriotism. 

America-haters don't really care what nonsense dribbles out of their besotted pie holes these days.

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To say that all Americans  are bad is as stupid as saying that all Muslims are bad.  Good and bad in every case.  I have some brilliant American friends and my heart goes out to them at these difficult times.  I feel their embarrassment and their fear.

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To say that all Americans  are bad is as stupid as saying that all Muslims are bad.  Good and bad in every case.  I have some brilliant American friends and my heart goes out to them at these difficult times.  I feel their embarrassment and their fear.

Yes that is nice but honestly any president would likely have taken some military action in response to the gassing and the Obama not serious red line fiasco was an embarrassing fail.


Seeing occasional actions by demagogue authoritarian trump as not insane does not translate into supporting trump.



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                     Spidermike wonders where this will lead.  Of course, none of us know, but here's an educated guess:


               More US boots on the ground in Syria.  When the US started engagements in VN, it started with 'military advisers' and its idiotic spokespeople (MacNamara and Kissinger) kept grinding on about 'Domino Theory' where Soviet-style Communism would saturate the entire SE Asia.  Also, the pretense for starting that war was the Tonkin Bay Incident which was a mountain made out of a molehill.   That's just some of the similarities with what's going on in Syria now.   US involvement started with a Republican prez; Eisenhower.  It gained momentum with Kennedy, and then Johnson fell into it hook, line and sinker, even though he bellyached about not wanting to escalate.  


                    Trump doesn't have a strategy.  He's a reactionary who shoots from the hip.  He shoots before the pistol is out of the harness, and usually hits his foot.


                     Then there's N.Korea, where the stakes are 10X higher, because Kim has nukes and is itching to use them.    Oh, and back to the M.East, there's also Iran which doesn't take kindly to being bad-mouthed.


               Trump is to diplomacy and developing good relations, what a cat is to kitty litter.


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11 hours ago, dennnis said:

One does have to wonder what Assad would have to gain by killing approximately 80 civilians with gas.  It's like waving a red flag in front of a bull.  Conventional bombs would have had the same end effect if you wanted to kill innocent civilians.  Seems like just maybe we might find later he did not do this.  There is no doubt that the US has meddled too much in supporting rebels against Assad rather than fighting ISIS and that is going to cause a real mess if/when they topple Assad and then start fighting each other.  I personally think Assad would have every right to attack American troops there, IF he had the capability.  Seems to me the US has virtually declared war on Syria. We supported the toppling of Hussein in Iraq, Mubarak in Egypt, Gaddafi in Libya, etc. and just created a mess.  We don't seem to learn.

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Has there ever been a dominant power in the world that didn't abuse its power by taking whatever they wanted?  I don't see the USA taking countries over.  I think this issue and many other war issues are all about the manufacture and sale of arms. People and countries are insignificant to those making this money.

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