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U.S. unleashes 'mother of all bombs' for first time in Afghanistan


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6 hours ago, edwardflory said:

The US Congress ran the war in Nam, with so many "" restrictions "" the war was lost.


Let the Generals run a war, not a bunch of politically connected idiots ( Congress ), with ( in the case of the US ) the President having the last word - sorry to say that Mr Obama empowered ISIS - et al, with his running the military the way he and his advisors telling the military what to do, and, almost destroyed the US military with the monetary cuts.


War is mans greatest crime, except when used against evil

I spent four years Vietnam. I am well aware of the 'restrictions'; both those placed on us and those inherent within the Vietnamese forces. Certainly, it is difficult to drive a man out of his home, but I think the tenacity of the Vietnamese soldier had a great deal to do with our, shall we say, withdrawal.  Look at the overkill we had in ordnance, equipment, funding, and support for our soldiers and the lack of those same essentials for the Vietnamese soldiers.    

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It looks as if Donald has been looking in the toy box and spotted a big toy to play with. Then the generals found him somewhere to explode it and then everyone had some cakes and ice cream. Next week Donald will probably be looking in the toy box again to see what else he can find

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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

It looks as if Donald has been looking in the toy box and spotted a big toy to play with. Then the generals found him somewhere to explode it and then everyone had some cakes and ice cream. Next week Donald will probably be looking in the toy box again to see what else he can find

What's your problem with cake and ice cream?

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8 minutes ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

It is abundantly transparent that Trump is a man of his word. There could not of been a better elected president than Trump in these very difficult times.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. Now he's saying that China isn't a currency manipulator.

He promised better cheaper health insurance for everybody. Instead he backed a plan that would have massively cut the number of people covered and reduced what it covered. However it did massively benefit the 1 percent due to big tax cuts for them.

He promised not to get involved with Syria.

He promised to eliminate the Import Export Bank. He's done a 180 degree turn on that one.

His draft of proposals to reform Nafta is a massive climb down.

And there's so much more...




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6 hours ago, sirineou said:

36 isis killed for 16 million equals about half a mill  each. I know people who will do it for a lot less..A lot less.



How much is a life worth, much more than a half million. Now there wont be any casualties because we don't have to send in any troops to clear this area.

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 That's not the point. Of course life is precious, all life .  

The point is  Economics.  We did not defeat the Soviets militarily. we bankrupted them . If Isis/ isol/al qaeda /taliban/  or what ever is the name DuJour , is to achieve their goal  they need to take as down the same path. as they seem to be . and we seem to follow.


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On 14.04.2017 at 5:50 AM, webfact said:

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said recently that he needed several thousand more international troops in order to break a stalemate in the long war with Taliban insurgents.

And this is the beginning of the story


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Just for the record


The British had the Grand Slam bomb in WW2. 22,000lb 10,000kg


referred to as a medium bomb with Churchillian understatement. 67 were dropped on German targets from Lancasters.


Surprised American bombers can't carry a MOAB... 

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48 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Just for the record


The British had the Grand Slam bomb in WW2. 22,000lb 10,000kg


referred to as a medium bomb with Churchillian understatement. 67 were dropped on German targets from Lancasters.


Surprised American bombers can't carry a MOAB... 

Not quite the same type of bomb as it was ground penetrating rather than air bust and only had the explosive charge of 6.5 tons of TNT to the 11 tons of the MOAB.

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1 hour ago, Rdrokit said:

Not quite the same type of bomb as it was ground penetrating rather than air bust and only had the explosive charge of 6.5 tons of TNT to the 11 tons of the MOAB.

Yes but it is was 200lb heavier so there ?. Game of conkers anyone?

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