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FGM: Detroit doctor Jumana Nagarwala faces life in jail


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FGM: Detroit doctor Jumana Nagarwala faces life in jail


A doctor in the US city of Detroit has been charged with carrying out female genital mutilation (FGM) on young girls in what is believed to be the first case of its kind in the country.


Prosecutors said Jumana Nagarwala had been performing the practice on girls aged between six and eight for 12 years.


She was investigated after the authorities received a tip-off. If found guilty, she faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39597062

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-04-14
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2 hours ago, Thechook said:

Throw the key away.  Its just another barbaric stone age muslim custom.  These people have to realise they arent in thier backwards country and thier customs and traditions have no place in western society

FGM predates Christianity and is today practised as a cultural norm in some African Christian countries and overseas communities as well as some Muslim countries / communities, also by a few Jewish African communities.



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1 minute ago, simple1 said:

FGM predates Christianity and is today practised as a cultural norm in some African Christian countries and overseas communities as well as some Muslim countries / communities, also by a few Jewish African communities.



That still doesn't make it right though does it? Now if a full grown woman decides of her own accord to go ahead with a procedure like this, then that is her own decision.

Inflicting such a barbaric practice on young children is utterly unacceptable.

Burning witches at the stake was a cultural norm at one time. Civilised society has since moved forward. This practice needs to be stopped, and any who still do it jailed indefinitely.

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1 minute ago, darksidedog said:

That still doesn't make it right though does it? Now if a full grown woman decides of her own accord to go ahead with a procedure like this, then that is her own decision.

Inflicting such a barbaric practice on young children is utterly unacceptable.

Burning witches at the stake was a cultural norm at one time. Civilised society has since moved forward. This practice needs to be stopped, and any who still do it jailed indefinitely.

Did I state or inferred FMG is acceptable? NO. Just pointing out it's not an issue unique to the  Muslim world.


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Another insane act in the name of culture or religion. Some of the most barbaric and inhumane things done by people are because of religion. This one ranks way up there next to torture during the Inquisition.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

FGM predates Christianity and is today practised as a cultural norm in some African Christian countries and overseas communities as well as some Muslim countries / communities, also by a few Jewish African communities.



Oh, well that's OK then. So it's cultural and not barbaric. Thanks for the heads up on that....

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23 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Oh, well that's OK then. So it's cultural and not barbaric. Thanks for the heads up on that....

No it's not OK and it is barbaric, but most of the violence and mistreatment of people, whether women, children, ethnic minorities or whoever, is based on greed, nationalism, stupidity, racism and other very human traits. Blaming some of the less attractive human traits on established religion is simply a comfort to those who deny a deity and believe that exempts them from guilt for all the world's ills. Some of the worst records of barbarism belong to those states that have banned or suppressed religion ... and that includes the Nazis who worshiped ethnic purity and racial supremacy.



Edited by Suradit69
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I once did a little research on the issue and I noticed that about 10 percent of Iranian citizens engaged in this practice. It turns out that the 10 percent were Kurds. In fact, FGM is widely practiced by the Kurds.  Yet I suspect that somehow this won't disqualify them as crusaders for human rights.

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5 minutes ago, Thechook said:

I dont see the connection with sexual mutilation of young girls and babies with your sexual harrassment stats. Yes women get sexually harrassed in western cultures as in other cultures but the barbaric mutilation of a young girls sexual organs without her consent. It is pure evil and imagine having your apendix cut off so you cant get aroused.  Its purely designed so muslim men control their females.  I love my women to experience the same pleasures as I do, it makes it more exciting.  I respect women and this act shows total disrespect to women, they are not property and purely a vessel to cary a mans child

Why do Christian cultures practice FGM?

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1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

No it's not OK and it is barbaric, but most of the violence and mistreatment of people, whether women, children, ethnic minorities or whoever, is based on greed, nationalism, stupidity, racism and other very human traits. Blaming some of the less attractive human traits on established religion is simply a comfort to those who deny a deity and believe that exempts them from guilt for all the world's ills. Some of the worst records of barbarism belong to those states that have banned or suppressed religion ... and that includes the Nazis who worshiped ethnic purity and racial supremacy.



And this is why this foul procedure will never cease, too many apologists like this poster in the world. They pretend to condemn it, but then comes the but but part and all sincerity goes out the window. Mealy mouth.


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20 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Google is your friend as well as the link I provided in this topic. 

Well then I condemn christians for this barbaric act of mutilating females.  People like the pope should stand up and speak out against his people doing these atrocities against women.  This is why I hate religion, its barbaric inhumane.  Stamp out all religion and women wont be subjected to mutilation.  If Catholics are mutilating women it still doesnt make it right for this muslim woman to do so.

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2 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Well then I condemn christians for this barbaric act of mutilating females.  People like the pope should stand up and speak out against his people doing these atrocities against women.  This is why I hate religion, its barbaric inhumane.  Stamp out all religion and women wont be subjected to mutilation.  If Catholics are mutilating women it still doesnt make it right for this muslim woman to do so.

Agree with your sentiments, though don't agree the abolition of religion will wipe out cruelty against women or indeed cruelty against anyone.

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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Agree with your sentiments, though don't agree the abolition of religion will wipe out cruelty against women or indeed cruelty against anyone.

Religion is the biggest evil in the world.  All conflicts are based on religion.  Stamp it out and destroy it,  Atheists aren't killing in the name of an imaginary friend; they don't have one and live peacefully. 

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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

Yes, but why point that out? It'd be appreciated far more if you condemned this awful procedure which, although still carried out by some other religions, seemingly, is still largely a muslim thing.


My question is rhetorical, by the way, because I've never seen you criticise muslims for anything. You're an apologist extraordinaire and are as guilty in my eyes as the perpetrators of this medieval torture of little kids.


Unfortunately, I think you owe Simple1 an apology. While it has been accredited to Muslims the sad truth is that in many places Christians practice it way more.


For example in Niger it is 55% for Christians and only 2% for Muslims.

Regardless, it is an abominable practice, with absolutely zero health benefits. It is totally barbaric and should be stopped everywhere.

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TheChook: Not ALL religions. 'Organized' religion is the problem. There are some forms of worship which do not condemn anyone or anything (e.g. Shintoism in Japan, which is basically just a simple reverence for nature).

And, hey, look at Buddhism. You don't see them declaring death to all 'infidels', mutilating their children, stoning rape victims for 'adultery', or any of the other forms of madness that pertain to the mind-controlled victims of Black Cube worship...

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                             Let's face it, some parents just aren't qualified to procreate.  It's tough to discipline such things before they happen.   Similar to a man who regularly beats his children.  There are many such men, but it's tough to do much tangible about it before or during the time it's happening. Should we have a means test (around the time people get married), and thereby have the person's tubes tied, if they fail the test?   It sounds draconian, but if it saves kids from physical and psychic abuse, then I'm in favor of it.


                        Just one example of many I personally know:   I got to know a guy who grew up in Missouri.  He had 3 brothers and a sister.  He said his father beat the kids regularly - beat 'em so hard, he didn't quit until he was too tired out.   ....even the girl.   He would beat them for something like; taking a cookie from dad's personal stash.  Men like that should have their tubes tied at the first indication of serious abuse.  Women can be abusive also, and not just as enablers/excuse makers.   Another guy I know, who grew up in Oregon, said his mother would perform sexual acts on him when he was just a tyke, and his dad would look on grinning.  

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I am english and white and neering 80 in my long and enjoyable life i have had 5 different girlfriends who have had this done to them when they were about 7 or 8 all of them did not want it done then or now , all were black from africa , 3 Somali 1 Kenya and 1 from Serria leone all were from muslim families, all were black, several had girl children of there own, none had done this to their own daughters i am glad to say. I also lived in the caribean and aisa and never herd of it happening in those countries

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14 hours ago, Thechook said:

Religion is the biggest evil in the world.  All conflicts are based on religion.  Stamp it out and destroy it,  Atheists aren't killing in the name of an imaginary friend; they don't have one and live peacefully. 

I don't think the annihilation caused by Stalin or Mao was based on religion. The biggest evil in the world is us....we human beings. The world is a beautiful place; it's a pity about the people.

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15 hours ago, Thechook said:

Religion is the biggest evil in the world.  All conflicts are based on religion.  Stamp it out and destroy it,  Atheists aren't killing in the name of an imaginary friend; they don't have one and live peacefully. 


In my day at army rookie camp it was compulsory to attend 'religious training' conducted by the christian chaplain who kept trying to encourage open discussion. I asked the question 'who wrote the bible?'. I was marched quick smart to the commanding officers room and given extra yard and kitchen duties and extra laps around the camp every day for the rest of my time in rookie training.


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