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North Korea displays apparently new missiles as U.S. carrier group approaches


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North Korea displays apparently new missiles as U.S. carrier group approaches

By Sue-Lin Wong and James Pearson


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A man holds an umbrella over flowers as people gather to pay their respects at the statues of North Korea founder Kim Il Sung (L) and late leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang, North Korea April 14, 2017. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj


PYONGYANG/SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea displayed what appeared to be new long-range and submarine-based missiles on the 105th birth anniversary of its founding father, Kim Il Sung, on Saturday, as a nuclear-powered U.S. aircraft carrier group steamed towards the region.


A U.S. Navy attack on a Syrian airfield this month raised questions about U.S. President Donald Trump's plans for reclusive North Korea, which has conducted several missile and nuclear tests in defiance of U.N. and unilateral sanctions, regularly threatening to destroy the United States.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Kim Il Sung's grandson, looking relaxed in a dark suit and laughing with aides, oversaw the huge parade on the "Day of the Sun" at Pyongyang's main Kim Il Sung Square.


Goose-stepping soldiers and marching bands filled the square, next to the Taedonggang River that flows through Pyongyang, in the hazy spring sunshine, followed by tanks, multiple launch rocket systems and other weapons.


Single-engine propeller-powered planes flew in a 105 formation overhead.


Unlike at some previous parades attended by Kim, there did not appear to be any a senior Chinese official in attendance. China is North Korea's lone major ally but has spoken out against North Korea's missile and nuclear tests and supported U.N. sanctions.


The North has said it has developed and would launch a missile that can strike the mainland United States but officials and experts believe it is some time away from mastering all the necessary technology.


Weapons analysts said they believed some of the missiles on display were new types of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM).


North Korea showed two new kinds of ICBM enclosed in canister launchers mounted on the back of trucks, suggesting Pyongyang was working towards a "new concept" of ICBM, said Melissa Hanham, a senior research associate at the U.S.-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California.


"However, North Korea has a habit of showing off new concepts in parades before they ever test or launch them," Hanham said.


"It is still early days for these missile designs".


North Korea, still technically at war with the South after their 1950-53 conflict ended in a truce but not a treaty, has on occasion conducted missile or nuclear tests to coincide with big political events and often threatens the United States, South Korea and Japan.


It warned the United States that any provocation would be met with retaliation.


"All the brigandish provocative moves of the U.S. in the political, economic and military fields pursuant to its hostile policy toward the DPRK will thoroughly be foiled through the toughest counteraction of the army and people of the DPRK," the North's KCNA state news agency said, citing a spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army.


DPRK stands for the official name of North Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


"Our toughest counteraction against the U.S. and its vassal forces will be taken in such a merciless manner as not to allow the aggressors to survive."




KCNA said the Trump administration's "serious military hysteria" had reached a "dangerous phase which can no longer be overlooked".


The United States has warned that a policy of "strategic patience" with North Korea is over. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence travels to South Korea on Sunday on a long-planned 10-day trip to Asia.


North Korea's Pukkuksong submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) were also on parade. It was the first time North Korea had shown the missiles, which have a range of more than 1,000 km (600 miles), at a military parade.


Displaying more than one of the missiles indicates North Korea is progressing with its plan to base a missile on a submarine, which are hard to detect, said Joshua Pollack, editor of the Washington-based Nonproliferation Review.


"It suggests a commitment to this programme," said Pollack. "Multiple SLBMs seems like a declaration of intent to advance the programme".


Choe Ryong Hae, a close aide to Kim, addressed the packed square and reiterated the warning to the United States.


"If the United States wages reckless provocation against us, our revolutionary power will instantly counter with annihilating strike, and we will respond to full-out war with full-out war and to nuclear war with our style of nuclear strike warfare," he said.


China, North Korea's sole major ally and neighbour which nevertheless opposes its weapons programme, on Friday again called for talks to defuse the crisis.


China banned all imports of North Korean coal on Feb. 26 under U.N. sanctions, cutting off the North's most important export product.


China's national airline, Air China, weeks ago cancelled some flights to Pyongyang due to poor demand but it has not suspended all flights there, it said on Friday, denying a report by Chinese state broadcaster CCTV that all flights run by the airline between the two cities were to be suspended.


North Korea on Friday denounced the United States for bringing "huge nuclear strategic assets" to the region as the USS Carl Vinson strike group with a flag-ship nuclear-powered aircraft carrier steamed closer.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-15


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At a time when keeping your head down and your mouth shut, would be the wise move, North Korea seems happy to keep the sabre rattling going.

The Chinese not turning up for the parade is quite unusual. It suggests they may be adopting a different stance towards their neighbour, which does not bode well for Kim Jung Un. I fear this may get very messy.


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2 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

I doubt anything will happen within the next few days, but I also doubt that Kim will die of old age. The clock is ticking ever faster for the countdown of the end of North Korea.

The Kim clan has shown it's resolve to hold onto power by all means.

They are not hindered by any feelings toward anybody else  beyond the own clan, including their own people.

To keep onto power, they will gladly offer millions of death, if the power is lost the world can go to smithereens.



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Kim Jong Un is a fat public posturing fool. A huge windbag - "bring an annihilating strike". Little fatman wanting to be big fish in small pond (his own backyard). I do not think the U.S. will initiate a war with the regime but if the regime was to start a war with the U.S. then the regime will cease to exist! That is a fact whether we like it or not.


BTW, I am not a U.S. citizen or resident.

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And the funny thing is, the US approved the sale of the reactors to make it all possible in the first place. Deal was put together by Jimmy Carter, then later approved by none other than Bill Clinton.

But, no, it just wasn't expected that they'll ever be able to convert the reactors to produce weapons-grade plutonium. Gosh, no.

Folks, the whole thing is a setup, designed to create more war for more profit. Period.

Same as it ever was...

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5 hours ago, englishinsiam said:

The fruit loop will bring that region to war again. It's the brainwashed masses in NK i feel sorry for. Their access to the outside world is very strictly limited.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Brainwashed masses in the West as well. Brainwashed in a more refined and subtle way.

Let's hope for many more peaceful years to come.

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49 minutes ago, maximillian said:

Brainwashed masses in the West as well. Brainwashed in a more refined and subtle way.

Let's hope for many more peaceful years to come.

The problem being that they have not been peaceful years. Nth Korea sinking ships, artillery shelling Sth Korea islands, kidnappings and blatant statements that it intends to nuke the US and Sth Korea are not the actions and talk of peaceful years to come. Something has to be done. A myriad of talks, peace discussions, repeated breeches of UN peace and security resolutions, posturing, threats all backed up by a huge army,  outdated but serviceable navy and a nuclear weapons capability make this one track mind anti US country a very unstable and dangerous one. The carrot and stick approach has not worked. China is withdrawing and Russia is only mouthing off. All countries see North Korea as being very dangerous and it appears China and Russia will let the US have its way. US will in some way provoke Uncle Kim and the ground war may be brutal but short. Would not like to be holding the line right now.

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4 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

The problem being that they have not been peaceful years. Nth Korea sinking ships, artillery shelling Sth Korea islands, kidnappings and blatant statements that it intends to nuke the US and Sth Korea are not the actions and talk of peaceful years to come. Something has to be done. A myriad of talks, peace discussions, repeated breeches of UN peace and security resolutions, posturing, threats all backed up by a huge army,  outdated but serviceable navy and a nuclear weapons capability make this one track mind anti US country a very unstable and dangerous one. The carrot and stick approach has not worked. China is withdrawing and Russia is only mouthing off. All countries see North Korea as being very dangerous and it appears China and Russia will let the US have its way. US will in some way provoke Uncle Kim and the ground war may be brutal but short. Would not like to be holding the line right now.

Just as an aside, no one should discount the Sth Korean military. Their tai kwon do trained army, modern navy and airforce are superbly trained. Nth Korea still practices mass attacks, todays weapons will inflict massive casualties should they attack. The MOAB air burst/ fuel ignition bombs are just the right bombs for mass attacks. Hope it does not come to that

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35 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

The problem being that they have not been peaceful years. Nth Korea sinking ships, artillery shelling Sth Korea islands, kidnappings and blatant statements that it intends to nuke the US and Sth Korea are not the actions and talk of peaceful years to come. Something has to be done. A myriad of talks, peace discussions, repeated breeches of UN peace and security resolutions, posturing, threats all backed up by a huge army,  outdated but serviceable navy and a nuclear weapons capability make this one track mind anti US country a very unstable and dangerous one. The carrot and stick approach has not worked. China is withdrawing and Russia is only mouthing off. All countries see North Korea as being very dangerous and it appears China and Russia will let the US have its way. US will in some way provoke Uncle Kim and the ground war may be brutal but short. Would not like to be holding the line right now.

Blanket and unverifiable claims. Let's take the sinking of the Cheonan. So this hitech warship was destroyed by some crappy DPRK torpedo / mine / dunno but it must be their fault, from out of the blue? With all its sophisticated radar and sonar? What, were they all asleep at the time?


Unstable? With the same leadership and their descendants at the helm since 1948? How is that unstable?


Judging from your posting record, you are more anti US than they are. A sudden change of heart?


30 second soundbites or even more in depth analysis of up to 5 minutes are not what you should be using to form your opinions on this issue. Take some time to research for yourself both sides of the story.

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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

China has stopped all flights to pyongyang. 


Looks like it migt kick off soon. 


About time for the fat man to sing. 

All two Air Koryo flights per week or what?

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

China has stopped all flights to pyongyang. 


Looks like it migt kick off soon. 


About time for the fat man to sing. 

I think the reports said they had stopped most flights due to low passengers. An economic reason. But the reason no one wants to fly there is a clue. Who wants to fly into a potential war zone.

The US can use carbon bombs to neutralise comms and power, guided missiles to neutralise nuke depots and maybe Uncle Kim and cohorts, air burst MOABS and air fuel bombs on the Nth army hoards. I know nothing about anti Naval or airforce strategy. It may be one war the US can actually win as long as they do not occupy Nth Korea  

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8 minutes ago, baboon said:

Blanket and unverifiable claims. Let's take the sinking of the Cheonan. So this hitech warship was destroyed by some crappy DPRK torpedo / mine / dunno but it must be their fault, from out of the blue? With all its sophisticated radar and sonar? What, were they all asleep at the time?


Unstable? With the same leadership and their descendants at the helm since 1948? How is that unstable?


Judging from your posting record, you are more anti US than they are. A sudden change of heart?


30 second soundbites or even more in depth analysis of up to 5 minutes are not what you should be using to form your opinions on this issue. Take some time to research for yourself both sides of the story.

Well if you think I quote blanket and unverifiable claims, including the artillery attacks on Sth Korean islands from Nth Korea, that is only your opinion. Yes I am against US military aggression. But thinking as a US citizen that was constantly reminded by Nth Korea would unlease a nuke against them as soon as they could may make a normal citizen to think, maybe we should hit them first. You say you often go to Nth Korea and staunchly defend them, maybe you should send a message to Uncle Kim that his latest outbursts may waken a sleeping giant, and cause him a long time sleep, along with thousands of his mind broken patriotic service persons.  

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2 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Well if you think I quote blanket and unverifiable claims, including the artillery attacks on Sth Korean islands from Nth Korea, that is only your opinion. Yes I am against US military aggression. But thinking as a US citizen that was constantly reminded by Nth Korea would unlease a nuke against them as soon as they could may make a normal citizen to think, maybe we should hit them first. You say you often go to Nth Korea and staunchly defend them, maybe you should send a message to Uncle Kim that his latest outbursts may waken a sleeping giant, and cause him a long time sleep, along with thousands of his mind broken patriotic service persons.  

Show me once when I said I go often to North Korea and let's take it from there. I have never said any such thing and await your retraction.

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9 hours ago, hansnl said:

The Kim clan has shown it's resolve to hold onto power by all means.

They are not hindered by any feelings toward anybody else  beyond the own clan, including their own people.

To keep onto power, they will gladly offer millions of death, if the power is lost the world can go to smithereens.



You have to wonder who is included in the Kim Clan. Obviously Kim Jung Un had no problem killing his own brother.  Does not even seem to care about his own siblings.  Uncles, Aunts, cousins, brothers - all can go if need be.

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Just now, baboon said:

Show me once when I said I go often to North Korea and let's take it from there. I have never said any such thing and await your retraction.

Mate you said you had visited Nth Korea, in many posts. Because I mostly agree with your views, I take note of these things. You did state it, said the last time you visited was about 12 years ago. I would not know how to go back into Thai visa posts and retrieve your former posts but you did post it 

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

Mate you said you had visited Nth Korea, in many posts. Because I mostly agree with your views, I take note of these things. You did state it, said the last time you visited was about 12 years ago. I would not know how to go back into Thai visa posts and retrieve your former posts but you did post it 

I seem to remember you said that the people were not starving anymore

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5 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Mate you said you had visited Nth Korea, in many posts. Because I mostly agree with your views, I take note of these things. You did state it, said the last time you visited was about 12 years ago. I would not know how to go back into Thai visa posts and retrieve your former posts but you did post it 

Where did I say I visited frequently? I either did or did not say that. If you have no evidence (and you don't), I expect a full retraction.


Go to my username, click on that, and there are my posts to peruse at your leisure. 

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Ahh, so you did not go frequently, just occasionally? Be honest, I have no proof but I do know you said you knew all about Nth Korea because you had been there. To know all about a country, 1 visit does not cut it, so many times. You know you posted it, now that everything may go against you, you are in denial. Rapidly losing respect for you and I suggest others that have read your posts may feel the same way. 

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21 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Ahh, so you did not go frequently, just occasionally? Be honest, I have no proof but I do know you said you knew all about Nth Korea because you had been there. To know all about a country, 1 visit does not cut it, so many times. You know you posted it, now that everything may go against you, you are in denial. Rapidly losing respect for you and I suggest others that have read your posts may feel the same way. 

Where did I ever say I knew North Korea because I had been there? I didn't say that either. You aren't going to turn the tables on me despite your best efforts, so either put up or retract.

Tell you what, I shall even invite the rest of the readership to weigh in on your behalf, regarding your claims about me, but I shall expect an apology from your good self if they can't come up with anything.

If you want to call me a knob that's fine, but I do not take kindly to my integrity being called into question. 

Edited by baboon
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55 minutes ago, baboon said:

Where did I ever say I knew North Korea because I had been there? I didn't say that either. You aren't going to turn the tables on me despite your best efforts, so either put up or retract.

Tell you what, I shall even invite the rest of the readership to weigh in on your behalf, regarding your claims about me, but I shall expect an apology from your good self if they can't come up with anything.

If you want to call me a knob that's fine, but I do not take kindly to my integrity being called into question. 

Yes you did

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

Yes you did

If you want a false apology, here , you have it. I do not have the tech or ability to prove you right or me wrong. But I remember your posts and mostly I agreed with them.  Now I know you are not to be trusted and I wonder which mindset agency you work for. baboon has just splashed into a deep lagoon 

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