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Thousands at U.S. rallies demand Trump release tax returns


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3 hours ago, tuktuktuk said:

I don't think there's any legal obligation to release. Why release?  This ties up a lot of liberal energy that could be redirected to things where their efforts could yield fruit. Perhaps it's just a political diversionary tactic. Let them spin their wheels chasing an impeachment while he deconstructs the suffocating Obama legacy. 

"...deconstructs the suffocating Obama legacy."


Right.  How's that been going?  Repealing Obama Care, tax reform, the anti-ISIS alliance with Russia?


Along with being unqualified for the job, Trump is too unpopular to get these things done.  Failure to release tax returns is one of the reasons for his unpopularity.

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37 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Pointing out the need for an ethically challenged President to show greater financial transparency, not less, and identifying the hypocrisy of his failure to do so is well on-topic.

Presidents ethical! that is a joke right? :cheesy: That is one thing Politicians are not regardless of position.

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20 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"...deconstructs the suffocating Obama legacy."


Right.  How's that been going?  Repealing Obama Care, tax reform, the anti-ISIS alliance with Russia?


Along with being unqualified for the job, Trump is too unpopular to get these things done.  Failure to release tax returns is one of the reasons for his unpopularity.

I'm pretty happy. How about you?  Obamacare will repeal itself. I sure don't hear any talk about raising taxes. Isis- coming to us while dems encourage relaxed immigration restrictions. 


What encourages me are moves like clearing the way for Keystone XL and Dakota Access and gutting the EPA. 

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10 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

I'm pretty happy. How about you?  Obamacare will repeal itself. I sure don't hear any talk about raising taxes. Isis- coming to us while dems encourage relaxed immigration restrictions. 


What encourages me are moves like clearing the way for Keystone XL and Dakota Access and gutting the EPA. 

No, dude, ACA will NOT repeal itself.

trump can decide to aggressively sabotage it, but then he and the republican party will properly pay a high political price as they will be murdering so many Americans with such a disgusting, irresponsible, brutal tactic.

So go ahead, murder the sick and the poor but don't expect to hold on to majorities or the presidency very long.



Does Trump want to be the president who broke health care?

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

No need to release everyone's tax returns, just the ones of people in a position to use government office for private gain.  It is an established tradition, it should be the law, and, thanks to Trump's hypocritical flip-flop on the matter, will probably become law before the end of the Trump presidency.


30 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

Presidents ethical! that is a joke right? :cheesy: That is one thing Politicians are not regardless of position.

Is that the best you can come up with?  Yes, all politicians are unethical, to a degree.  All politicians lie, to a degree.  Trump takes lies and unethical behavior to unprecedented extremes.

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29 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

I'm pretty happy. How about you?  Obamacare will repeal itself. I sure don't hear any talk about raising taxes. Isis- coming to us while dems encourage relaxed immigration restrictions. 


What encourages me are moves like clearing the way for Keystone XL and Dakota Access and gutting the EPA. 

Obama Care won't repeal itself, that's not how laws work,  The Republicans won't do anything because they are terrified of the responsibility that comes with replacing it.  Nothing will be done about taxes for the same reason.  Your last sentence doesn't make since.


Keystone and Dakota Access may not come to be due to the economics of oil.  Regarding the EPA, I grew up in a pulp wood mill town with the most toxic, polluted river in the state, trees coated with lime dust, and a god-awful stink.  I have a different view than you on keeping the environment clean.

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Obama must release his birth certificate and college transcripts, what is he hiding? - Deemed racist by the left.


Trump must release his tax reutrns, what is he hiding? - Deemed noble and patriotic by the left.



Ohhh, the irony.

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Obama must release his birth certificate and college transcripts, what is he hiding? - Deemed racist by the left.
Trump must release his tax reutrns, what is he hiding? - Deemed noble and patriotic by the left.
Ohhh, the irony.

Do you see any difference between the two?

sent using Tapatalk

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14 minutes ago, Crowes said:

Obama must release his birth certificate and college transcripts, what is he hiding? - Deemed racist by the left.


Trump must release his tax reutrns, what is he hiding? - Deemed noble and patriotic by the left.



Ohhh, the irony.

Maybe because the birth certificate and college transcript stuff stemmed from lunatic rumors and conspiracy theories propagated and fueled by false web sites and con artists including Donald Trump.



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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Maybe because the birth certificate and college transcript stuff stemmed from lunatic rumors and conspiracy theories propagated and fueled by false web sites and con artists including Donald Trump.




You understand the witch hunt for Trumps tax returns are absolutely the same, right? Rumors and Conspiracy theories is all that it is since you haven't seem all of them. You can't shun one side for doing it against Obama then claim to be justified against Trump. It doesn't work like that.

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10 minutes ago, Crowes said:


You understand the witch hunt for Trumps tax returns are absolutely the same, right? Rumors and Conspiracy theories is all that it is since you haven't seem all of them. You can't shun one side for doing it against Obama then claim to be justified against Trump. It doesn't work like that.

You do understand of course that the first candidate to be asked to show his birth certificate was also the first black candidate. Are you sure there was no racism in that? No other candidate has been asked to do that but for you it is no problem. Every candidate since Nixon has produced their tax returns. Trump did not again for you no problem.

Pretty obvious you trust the white guy more than the black guy.

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  You understand the witch hunt for Trumps tax returns are absolutely the same, right? Rumors and Conspiracy theories is all that it is since you haven't seem all of them. You can't shun one side for doing it against Obama then claim to be justified against Trump. It doesn't work like that.


No rational person believed Obama wasn't born in the United States. The birther movement led by trump was indeed rabidly racist. Racism was a huge factor in trump winning.  


Tax forms on the other hand are customarily released by presidential candidates and presidents.






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2 hours ago, Crowes said:

Obama must release his birth certificate and college transcripts, what is he hiding? - Deemed racist by the left.


Trump must release his tax reutrns, what is he hiding? - Deemed noble and patriotic by the left.



Ohhh, the irony.

Obama's birth certificate was released pre-election:


" Expressed belief in such theories has persisted despite Obama's pre-election release of his official Hawaiian birth certificate in 2008;[1] confirmation, based on the original documents, by the Hawaii Department of Health;[6] the April 2011 release of a certified copy of Obama's original Certificate of Live Birth (or long-form birth certificate); and contemporaneous birth announcements published in Hawaii newspapers."  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_citizenship_conspiracy_theories


Now if Trump released his tax returns, and the validity of the forms were confirmed by multiple credible sources, but conspiracy theorists insisted the tax returns were fake---then you might have a valid comparison.   Why don't you get Trump to release his tax returns and we can see if that happens?

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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Maybe because the birth certificate and college transcript stuff stemmed from lunatic rumors and conspiracy theories propagated and fueled by false web sites and con artists including Donald Trump.



I'd love to see Lying Man's college transcript. lol I'll gladly show him mine :-) He'll probably say it's 6.0 because he's smarter than anyone in the world. lol 

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6 hours ago, Crowes said:


You understand the witch hunt for Trumps tax returns are absolutely the same, right? Rumors and Conspiracy theories is all that it is since you haven't seem all of them. You can't shun one side for doing it against Obama then claim to be justified against Trump. It doesn't work like that.

Isn't that what Reds aka Republicans do everyday e.g. Obama's vacations v.s. Trumps weekend golfing? Oh and isn't it funny that Trump called Cruz "Lying Ted" ?  Oh then there's the "drain the swamp". lol lol lol What bluster.

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18 hours ago, selftaopath said:

He plays by the rules? LOL That's even funnier.

Trump plays by the rules like a dog uses royal table manners.  He still has over 3000 lawsuits against him.  He paid out $25 million for his fake university.  

17 hours ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

Liberal lunatics crying like spoilt brats again. They couldn't even being to comprehend Trumps tax return.  Nothing funnier than ignorant, irrelevant losers.

                   Trump cheated, with Putin's and Comey's assistance.  In the Olympics, if a competitor cheats, he/she is eliminated.  In US politics, cheating is accepted and, if done by rightwingnuts, celebrated, if their person wins.   Note:  For the entire final month of the campaign, Trump thought he would lose, so he was shouting claims that the whole system was rigged - and he was gearing up for massive lawsuits.   


                   Trump is type of person who slings accusations at others - of things he secretly does - fifty times worse.  He's done it on a slew of issues:  sexual deviancy, cheating in business, cheating in politics, changing his mind minute-by-minute, playing golf when he should be working, not paying workers, wasting money on unnecessary things/travel, being loose with security, etc ad nauseum. 


Something easier to fix than cheating, is allowing very rich people to pay to put their favorite politicians in power.  For obvious reasons, Republicans don't want to take big money out of politics, because it's working for them at this time.  If Big Money (from individuals and corps) were putting Democrats in top spots, Republicans would be shrieking.  The right-leaning Supreme Court is part of that cheating game.


16 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Yes, he does. The rules of business and the rules of politics are not the same. So, when it comes to the topic at hand... annual tax returns, he files using every legal means available to him to pay as little as possible within the law. Nothing funny about that, is there?

He cheats, he lies, he rips off.  Need examples?  There are hundreds.


16 hours ago, CharlieK said:

Really! lets see your tax returns then. After all if trump has to be that open why not the rest of americans also. It's BS is all.

am not running for office.   That's like saying, if the prez gets secret service protection, then why not all Americans?   If Trump gets to fly on AF1, then why not all Americans.  We paid for that plane.   One the two of us is swimming in BS, and it's not me.

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On 4/17/2017 at 10:32 PM, heybruce said:

Obama Care won't repeal itself, that's not how laws work,  The Republicans won't do anything because they are terrified of the responsibility that comes with replacing it.  Nothing will be done about taxes for the same reason.  Your last sentence doesn't make since.


Keystone and Dakota Access may not come to be due to the economics of oil.  Regarding the EPA, I grew up in a pulp wood mill town with the most toxic, polluted river in the state, trees coated with lime dust, and a god-awful stink.  I have a different view than you on keeping the environment clean.

What I mean is I figure ACA will become about as relevant as the homestead act in a few years. Young people won't buy it and don't like donating 5 or 6 hundred dollars of their tax refund for people who do. Those who buy it find that they're buying very expensive insurance that's quickly getting more expensive. I don't think it's sustainable. Even my share of company provided health insurance is so expensive it's just become a high stakes bet that we'll have a serious illness or accident. Probably 9 out of 10 years I'd be ahead without it. 


On the EPA:

I've also seen the improvements that are attributable to the EPA. The rivers where I grew up in New Jersey are dramatically cleaner. Later as an engineer I experienced the absolute roadblock the EIS process has become. Projects are typically delayed 3 to 5 years at great expense and then ultimately approved with little or no change to the original plan. It doesn't serve anyone. 

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33 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

What I mean is I figure ACA will become about as relevant as the homestead act in a few years. Young people won't buy it and don't like donating 5 or 6 hundred dollars of their tax refund for people who do. Those who buy it find that they're buying very expensive insurance that's quickly getting more expensive. I don't think it's sustainable. Even my share of company provided health insurance is so expensive it's just become a high stakes bet that we'll have a serious illness or accident. Probably 9 out of 10 years I'd be ahead without it. 


On the EPA:

I've also seen the improvements that are attributable to the EPA. The rivers where I grew up in New Jersey are dramatically cleaner. Later as an engineer I experienced the absolute roadblock the EIS process has become. Projects are typically delayed 3 to 5 years at great expense and then ultimately approved with little or no change to the original plan. It doesn't serve anyone. 

Regarding your first paragraph, it will take a change in the law to make the law go away.  The best option would be to get over our aversion to "socialized medicine" and adopt a health care system similar to the European systems that provide better health care at significantly lower cost.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_health_expenditure_per_capita



Regarding your second paragraph, do you really think that factories would ignore the cheapest waste disposal option, dumping toxins in rivers, if environmental law and the EPA monitoring didn't prevent them?  In my hometown the pulpwood mill is still fighting decades long court battles to minimize their clean-up responsibilities and continue to dump dioxins in a river that feeds directly into the Gulf of Mexico and popular fishing areas.

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The many times Donald Trump promised he was going to release his tax returns 


"Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns is one of the longest-running scandals of his political career — sparking Tax March protests in about 150 cities over the weekend and triggering Trump to fire off another bunch of baffled tweets about the uproar."


"Trump spent six years saying he’d have no problem releasing his returns, and even scolded a fellow Republican candidate for waiting too long to do so."


"So let’s celebrate this year’s tax season with a look back at broken promises: "




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Mr Trump rightly does not want a few pieces of paper to hijack the national conversation…which is about making america great again.


Of course, some people want to focus on these papers…they are mainly from the loser's corner…which is obvious.


If any impropriety was found to have been committed, it would have been leaked long ago by someone in the IRS….I am sure 

there are democrats who work there too.


So this is just another attempt to stir up trouble. Boriiing!

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29 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Mr Trump rightly does not want a few pieces of paper to hijack the national conversation…which is about making america great again.


Of course, some people want to focus on these papers…they are mainly from the loser's corner…which is obvious.


If any impropriety was found to have been committed, it would have been leaked long ago by someone in the IRS….I am sure 

there are democrats who work there too.


So this is just another attempt to stir up trouble. Boriiing!

He didn't seem to mine a few pieces of paper from hijacking the national conversation with Romney or with Obama.    He also doesn't mind lying to get his own way.    He said he would and now he hasn't, so I'd say he's the one who hijacks the national conversation, if you can call what he does a conversation.   It's more like the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic.   

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9 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Mr Trump rightly does not want a few pieces of paper to hijack the national conversation…which is about making america great again.


Of course, some people want to focus on these papers…they are mainly from the loser's corner…which is obvious.


If any impropriety was found to have been committed, it would have been leaked long ago by someone in the IRS….I am sure 

there are democrats who work there too.


So this is just another attempt to stir up trouble. Boriiing!

Trump promised a lot of things--make America great again (he never explained when and how America stopped being great), drain the swamp (apparently this requires lots of Wall Street billionaires on his staff, ignoring ethics standards, and using the office of the Presidency to promote Trump businesses), release his tax returns, etc.


Of course the people who voted for him weren't the sort who think of these things, or think about much of anything.  They just like the noises he makes. Clearly they still do.

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On 4/17/2017 at 9:05 PM, heybruce said:


You've run out of things to post, but that doesn't stop you.  I never said my view is the only acceptable one, so why do you state the obvious? 


You suggested I had no evidence of unethical behavior by Trump, so I provided one of many examples.  Your argument that the political and business arenas have different rules is nonsense.  By using the office of the presidency to benefit his Mar-a-Lago resort Trump is merging the business and political sector in an unethical manner, which doesn't surprise anyone.  There are other examples of Trump using the presidency to promote Trump's business interests, but the Mar-a-Lago one is the most obvious and easy to understand.


The thread is about protesters demanding that Trump follow established tradition, a tradition Trump actively supported during the 2012 election, and release his tax returns.  Pointing out the need for an ethically challenged President to show greater financial transparency, not less, and identifying the hypocrisy of his failure to do so is well on-topic.

your link to similar opinions (matching your outlook) regarding what is ethical in the business world may work for you, but not for a lot of other people with real world experience in the business environment...  anyone can find similar opinions kin the internet age. those who agree with those pinions tend to consider those opinions facts or proof to justify their outlook. you wont't find me google-ing to post a link to mark levin or rush limbaugh or any other conservative pundit to justify my opiníon. I spent three decades plus in the business world and the rules are different than the rules in the public sector... that's what I have been using instead of links to people who have an idea of what ethics are and how to define them... have a very nice day...

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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

your link to similar opinions (matching your outlook) regarding what is ethical in the business world may work for you, but not for a lot of other people with real world experience in the business environment...  anyone can find similar opinions kin the internet age. those who agree with those pinions tend to consider those opinions facts or proof to justify their outlook. you wont't find me google-ing to post a link to mark levin or rush limbaugh or any other conservative pundit to justify my opiníon. I spent three decades plus in the business world and the rules are different than the rules in the public sector... that's what I have been using instead of links to people who have an idea of what ethics are and how to define them... have a very nice day...

Trump claims to no longer be in the business world.  Yet he doubled the price of membership to Mar-a-Lago after the election, then made it the "Winter White House" once in office, traveled there many weekends at great expense to the taxpayers, held official dinners in the dining room, and in general used the office of the presidency to promote and profit from this business.  That is blatant abuse of office for personal gain.  If anyone other than the president did it it would be illegal.  It is obviously unethical. 


Your yammering on about rules in the business world do not change the facts; Trump is using the office of the Presidency for personal gain.  If you can't see this then you have no idea of what ethics are and how to define them.  If you can't see the hypocrisy of Trump demanding Romney release his tax returns in 2012 and now refusing to release his own tax returns then you have no moral compass as well.


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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump claims to no longer be in the business world.  Yet he doubled the price of membership to Mar-a-Lago after the election, then made it the "Winter White House" once in office, traveled there many weekends at great expense to the taxpayers, held official dinners in the dining room, and in general used the office of the presidency to promote and profit from this business.  That is blatant abuse of office for personal gain.  If anyone other than the president did it it would be illegal.  It is obviously unethical. 


Your yammering on about rules in the business world do not change the facts; Trump is using the office of the Presidency for personal gain.  If you can't see this then you have no idea of what ethics are and how to define them.  If you can't see the hypocrisy of Trump demanding Romney release his tax returns in 2012 and now refusing to release his own tax returns then you have no moral compass as well.


you have no real argument so you attack me personally... you don't know me.  you're free to dislike trump.  have at it.  and have a nice day.

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

Trump claims to no longer be in the business world.  Yet he doubled the price of membership to Mar-a-Lago after the election, then made it the "Winter White House" once in office, traveled there many weekends at great expense to the taxpayers, held official dinners in the dining room, and in general used the office of the presidency to promote and profit from this business.  That is blatant abuse of office for personal gain.  If anyone other than the president did it it would be illegal.  It is obviously unethical. 


Your yammering on about rules in the business world do not change the facts; Trump is using the office of the Presidency for personal gain.  If you can't see this then you have no idea of what ethics are and how to define them.  If you can't see the hypocrisy of Trump demanding Romney release his tax returns in 2012 and now refusing to release his own tax returns then you have no moral compass as well.



3 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

you have no real argument so you attack me personally... you don't know me.  you're free to dislike trump.  have at it.  and have a nice day.

I use facts, you ignore facts.  I also used the subjunctive, note the use of the word "if".  If you do see the obvious ethical violations and hypocrisy of Trump my observations about ethics and moral compass don't apply.

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On 4/17/2017 at 6:27 AM, kowpot said:

It is the State Department's job to monitor what foreign dealings a private citizen has with foreign governments. So, what's the point of the public seeing his tax returns? Obviously he has done nothing illegal. 




The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

It's not the State Department's job to monitor the dealings a private citizen has with foreign governments. If it doesn't concern dealing that the U.S government his having with that government, then it's not their business if the transaction is legititmate. If the transaction is illegal, then it the concern of the appropriate law enforcement agencies.  And if Trump or his staff was doing something illegal, what makes you think that the State Dept. or a criminal investigative agency would even know about it. You think when someone commits a criminal act overseas they're going to report themselves?

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30 minutes ago, heybruce said:


I use facts, you ignore facts.  I also used the subjunctive, note the use of the word "if".  If you do see the obvious ethical violations and hypocrisy of Trump my observations about ethics and moral compass don't apply.

you use stories from publications with historic ties to pro democrat, liberal outlooks on us politics. they cherry pick items to justify their articles, play to their subscriber base, and generate revenue for their business... they get clicks, and clicks mean money. this happens on the conservative side, too. it's ok to do this if it helps you gather your thoughts  cohesively and develop an opinion.  but you're using selected items to meet an agenda from a news publication that is a business...  the difference between us is I do not need  to post links to conservative sources to imply I am using facts. you can do that if it makes you feel you're correct.  please have yourself a wonderful evening.



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3 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

you use stories from publications with historic ties to pro democrat, liberal outlooks on us politics. they cherry pick items to justify their articles, play to their subscriber base, and generate revenue for their business... they get clicks, and clicks mean money. this happens on the conservative side, too. it's ok to do this if it helps you gather your thoughts  cohesively and develop an opinion.  but you're using selected items to meet an agenda from a news publication that is a business...  the difference between us is I do not need  to post links to conservative sources to imply I am using facts. you can do that if it makes you feel you're correct.  please have yourself a wonderful evening.

Can you specify the sources I used you consider suspect?  Can you refute my facts?  Have you offered any facts yourself?  I only recall you stating your opinions about acceptable business and political ethics, but nothing specific even there.

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