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Lloyds eyes Berlin for post-Brexit push


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Lloyds eyes Berlin for post-Brexit push


LONDON: -- Lloyds Banking Group has decided to set up a European base in Germany after the UK leaves the EU, the BBC understands.


Lloyds has decided to convert its Berlin branch into a European hub, in order to maintain a presence inside the EU, sources told the BBC.


Several British financial institutions are putting plans in place to protect their EU operations after Brexit.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-39613888

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-04-17
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So will most H.O.'s  and others as the EU is a MUCH larger market than whatever will be left in the fall-out of downsized, isolated and formerly 'Great' Britain /  (Un)United Kingdom. But at least the once  victorious slight majority of chest-thumping Nationalists (in reality mostly fear-driven, under-educated and under-achieving white males) will continue to be thrilled with all the ongoing 'winning'... (similar to their equally vacuous counterparts across the pond). The other parties thrilled at all this 'winning' are the likes of Putin & ISIS et al, who seek the disintegration of western economic unions at a minimum and can't believe their otherwise ambitious goals are simply being handed to them (greatly aided by fear-driven, chest-thumping, numpties). Well done lads. 'Winning....'

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"But at least the once  victorious slight majority of chest-thumping Nationalists (in reality mostly fear-driven, under-educated and under-achieving white males) will continue to be thrilled with all this"......


Its people like yourself that caused many to post the leave vote. I voted remain but have now accepted the result and moved on. Tbh since the original referendum, if it was to be held again , I would vote leave this time around. Even with the hit on the pound. The arragonce of the EU and people like yourself since the result being the reason.


And isn't it great you can make a sweeping statement against British white males with no reprocussions. 


Edited by goldenbrwn1
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1 hour ago, sujoop said:

So will most H.O.'s  and others as the EU is a MUCH larger market than whatever will be left in the fall-out of downsized, isolated and formerly 'Great' Britain /  (Un)United Kingdom. But at least the once  victorious slight majority of chest-thumping Nationalists (in reality mostly fear-driven, under-educated and under-achieving white males) will continue to be thrilled with all the ongoing 'winning'... (similar to their equally vacuous counterparts across the pond). The other parties thrilled at all this 'winning' are the likes of Putin & ISIS et al, who seek the disintegration of western economic unions at a minimum and can't believe their otherwise ambitious goals are simply being handed to them (greatly aided by fear-driven, chest-thumping, numpties). Well done lads. 'Winning....'


So few females, non ethnic whites, reasonably successful or higher educated people voted to leave the EU?


Care to prove that? And in so doing so prove your're not an anti democratic racist nazi who can't tolerate free speech or other opinions

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This is a non- story by the anti-Brexit BBC. UK banks need passporting rights to operate in the EU. All they need to do is open an administration office with a few skilled staff to take care of local financial transactions. The vast majority of transactions will still be through London.


If the EU try to change the Rules then the EU will face a credit shortage of Euros within a week because more than 80% of international Euro transactions are through London. Non of the EU countries has sufficient skilled staff to take this business away from London.


In response to Sujoop I have 2 university degrees and a masters and I voted in the Referendum to leave the E U.

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1 hour ago, the guest said:

Most likely they will open in EU, and thereafter close their branches in the UK 


What a ridiculous comment! A huge UK retail bank with branches all over the UK will close their UK business??? They are taking an existing office in Berlin of 300 staff, and adding a few people so they can register a subsidiary in Germany to carry on their EU business.

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2 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

"But at least the once  victorious slight majority of chest-thumping Nationalists (in reality mostly fear-driven, under-educated and under-achieving white males) will continue to be thrilled with all this"......


Its people like yourself that caused many to post the leave vote. I voted remain but have now accepted the result and moved on. Tbh since the original referendum, if it was to be held again , I would vote leave this time around. Even with the hit on the pound. The arragonce of the EU and people like yourself since the result being the reason.


And isn't it great you can make a sweeping statement against British white males with no reprocussions. 



I too voted remain and I feel exactly the same as you.

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3 hours ago, sujoop said:

So will most H.O.'s  and others as the EU is a MUCH larger market than whatever will be left in the fall-out of downsized, isolated and formerly 'Great' Britain /  (Un)United Kingdom. But at least the once  victorious slight majority of chest-thumping Nationalists (in reality mostly fear-driven, under-educated and under-achieving white males) will continue to be thrilled with all the ongoing 'winning'... (similar to their equally vacuous counterparts across the pond). The other parties thrilled at all this 'winning' are the likes of Putin & ISIS et al, who seek the disintegration of western economic unions at a minimum and can't believe their otherwise ambitious goals are simply being handed to them (greatly aided by fear-driven, chest-thumping, numpties). Well done lads. 'Winning....'

How bitter and twisted you seem. The problem is that people like you who feel so superior and talk down to people can't believe our thoughts and worries are genuine. 

So you think a democratic vote was wrong?

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5 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

"But at least the once  victorious slight majority of chest-thumping Nationalists (in reality mostly fear-driven, under-educated and under-achieving white males) will continue to be thrilled with all this"......


Its people like yourself that caused many to post the leave vote. I voted remain but have now accepted the result and moved on. Tbh since the original referendum, if it was to be held again , I would vote leave this time around. Even with the hit on the pound. The arragonce of the EU and people like yourself since the result being the reason.


And isn't it great you can make a sweeping statement against British white males with no reprocussions. 


In what way is the EU showing arrogance exactly?

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

In what way is the EU showing arrogance exactly?

Dont  pretend you haven't heard Junker and many others in Brussels rhetoric on the UK leaving the EU. You will get your referendum soon enough. Il be voting to remain in that one.

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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Really it is a non story --& means nothing.







And 700 other of the largest  USA companies that have their head office--(not a sub office)  in Ireland --I guess that means they don't trade so much outside of there.......:coffee1:

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1 minute ago, oxo1947 said:

Really it is a non story --& means nothing.







And 700 other of the largest  USA companies that have their head office--(not a sub office)  in Ireland --I guess that means they don't trade so much outside of there.......:coffee1:

Those companies are in Ireland mostly for tax avoidance. But the financial firms now based in London will have to move large parts of their operations to the EU if they want to maintain passporting privileges. That's a lot of high paying jobs and lots of lower paying jobs for support staff.

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Those companies are in Ireland mostly for tax avoidance.

Not mainly --100% ..for tax......I am just making the point that it really doesn't matter where your office is if you are a global firm as you can see with America's 700 top companies. But you seem to think  we will have all sorts of passport problems where they don't.

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The sad thing quite a few of the bar-stool patriots inhabiting the Land of Smiles voted / or would have voted Brexit if they were back in the UK along with great swathes of the dispossed , angry white men (and women) wondering why they can't win in life. (Hint have a look in the mirror when you put the Chang down). And these are the ones that are going to most affected by the changes coming hurtling down the line. Including the rinsed pound that we are all feeling now. And it's just going to get worse. Stopped caring now. May David Cameron rot in hell for ever letting the lunatics take over the asylum.


Yours ever

A.N Remoaner

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1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

The sad thing quite a few of the bar-stool patriots inhabiting the Land of Smiles voted / or would have voted Brexit if they were back in the UK along with great swathes of the dispossed , angry white men (and women) wondering why they can't win in life. (Hint have a look in the mirror when you put the Chang down). And these are the ones that are going to most affected by the changes coming hurtling down the line. Including the rinsed pound that we are all feeling now. And it's just going to get worse. Stopped caring now. May David Cameron rot in hell for ever letting the lunatics take over the asylum.


Yours ever

A.N Remoaner


No, the really sad thing is people like you buy into the pro-EU hype and nonsense. It's a hopelessly corrupt and inefficient organisation which is geared up to essentially serve the German economy , with the other big economies feeding on the leftovers. Ask yourself how Frau Merkel can veto an early trade deal despite holding no official role within the EU. One thing Trump, for all his faults, has got right is to correctly identify that Germany is milking the system.The corruption and largesse within the EU organisation is the reward to it's lackeys for their service, and has been used extensively to reward British politicians at the ar$e end of their careers/on the road to nowhere. The UK has basically been conned. And, when the divorce finally happens, when assorted EU goons stop spitting their dummies out, and when the dust has settled, it will become glaringly obvious that Europe needs the UK far more than the UK needs Europe.


Anyway, back ontopic: as noted by others, this is a non-story. It's just a normal adjustment that all the banking and finance industry businesses will have to make post-brexit.

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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


No, the really sad thing is people like you buy into the pro-EU hype and nonsense. It's a hopelessly corrupt and inefficient organisation which is geared up to essentially serve the German economy , with the other big economies feeding on the leftovers. Ask yourself how Frau Merkel can veto an early trade deal despite holding no official role within the EU. One thing Trump, for all his faults, has got right is to correctly identify that Germany is milking the system.The corruption and largesse within the EU organisation is the reward to it's lackeys for their service, and has been used extensively to reward British politicians at the ar$e end of their careers/on the road to nowhere. The UK has basically been conned. And, when the divorce finally happens, when assorted EU goons stop spitting their dummies out, and when the dust has settled, it will become glaringly obvious that Europe needs the UK far more than the UK needs Europe.


Anyway, back ontopic: as noted by others, this is a non-story. It's just a normal adjustment that all the banking and finance industry businesses will have to make post-brexit.

The usual anti German rant from you. Somehow operating by the same rules Germany thrives and everyone else exists on the leftovers. However it will be great to get back to those days when we were not in the EU and our economy was doing to well, labelled as the sick man of Europe.

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9 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Not mainly --100% ..for tax......I am just making the point that it really doesn't matter where your office is if you are a global firm as you can see with America's 700 top companies. But you seem to think  we will have all sorts of passport problems where they don't.

Passporting is not about passports. 

"Passporting is the exercise of the right for a firm registered in the European Economic Area (EEA) to do business in any other EEA state without needing further authorization in each country. Often companies based outside of the EEA will get authorized in one EEA state and use its passporting rights to either open an establishment elsewhere in the EEA or providing cross-border services. This is valuable to multi-national companies because it eliminates a lot of red tape associated with gaining authorization from each individual country, a process that can be lengthy and costly for a business."

 Passporting http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/passporting.asp#ixzz4eYrlUzHi 



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On 17/04/2017 at 8:56 PM, Khun Han said:


No, the really sad thing is people like you buy into the pro-EU hype and nonsense. It's a hopelessly corrupt and inefficient organisation which is geared up to essentially serve the German economy , with the other big economies feeding on the leftovers. Ask yourself how Frau Merkel can veto an early trade deal despite holding no official role within the EU. One thing Trump, for all his faults, has got right is to correctly identify that Germany is milking the system.The corruption and largesse within the EU organisation is the reward to it's lackeys for their service, and has been used extensively to reward British politicians at the ar$e end of their careers/on the road to nowhere. The UK has basically been conned. And, when the divorce finally happens, when assorted EU goons stop spitting their dummies out, and when the dust has settled, it will become glaringly obvious that Europe needs the UK far more than the UK needs Europe.


Anyway, back ontopic: as noted by others, this is a non-story. It's just a normal adjustment that all the banking and finance industry businesses will have to make post-brexit.

I sincerely hope what you wrote comes true but I fear it is like asking a butcher to do brain surgery but it seems that one of the most persistent Brexit arguements is that Europe is going down and we are good to get out first. Happy days.

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On 4/18/2017 at 2:56 AM, Khun Han said:


No, the really sad thing is people like you buy into the pro-EU hype and nonsense. It's a hopelessly corrupt and inefficient organisation which is geared up to essentially serve the German economy , with the other big economies feeding on the leftovers. Ask yourself how Frau Merkel can veto an early trade deal despite holding no official role within the EU. One thing Trump, for all his faults, has got right is to correctly identify that Germany is milking the system.The corruption and largesse within the EU organisation is the reward to it's lackeys for their service, and has been used extensively to reward British politicians at the ar$e end of their careers/on the road to nowhere. The UK has basically been conned. And, when the divorce finally happens, when assorted EU goons stop spitting their dummies out, and when the dust has settled, it will become glaringly obvious that Europe needs the UK far more than the UK needs Europe.


Anyway, back ontopic: as noted by others, this is a non-story. It's just a normal adjustment that all the banking and finance industry businesses will have to make post-brexit.

Before the advent of the Euro, what you said would have been total nonsense. Now it's only partial nonsense. And what makes it absurd is that the UK is not in the Eurozone, so is not afflicted with the consequences of being tied to that currency.

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The EU banking system allowed the  money laundering and tax avoidance schemes made possible by the Benelux countries, two marginal states who have exploited the EU for their own benefit.


Yes, some  clients will want and need to transact with a bank in the EU. It is the preferred destination of dictators, despots and  terrorist money launderers. Goodbye and good riddance. 

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On 17/04/2017 at 3:47 PM, terryw said:

This is a non- story by the anti-Brexit BBC. UK banks need passporting rights to operate in the EU. All they need to do is open an administration office with a few skilled staff to take care of local financial transactions. The vast majority of transactions will still be through London.


If the EU try to change the Rules then the EU will face a credit shortage of Euros within a week because more than 80% of international Euro transactions are through London. Non of the EU countries has sufficient skilled staff to take this business away from London.


In response to Sujoop I have 2 university degrees and a masters and I voted in the Referendum to leave the E U.

This proves that one can be graduated and totally disconnected from reality. Remember that cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people ...


The EU is battling with the outgoing UK for the sole purpose of recovering the enormous business of its financial operations, which are still largely carried out by The City for the benefit of British citizens.


Very cleverly, Lloyds is anticipating this move trying to keep some assets.

Edited by happy Joe
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19 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The EU banking system allowed the  money laundering and tax avoidance schemes made possible by the Benelux countries, two marginal states who have exploited the EU for their own benefit.


Yes, some  clients will want and need to transact with a bank in the EU. It is the preferred destination of dictators, despots and  terrorist money launderers. Goodbye and good riddance. 

Oh, it's non UK banks, is it?

The Big Bet to Hold Banks Liable for Terrorism

"The suit, filed in federal court in Brooklyn, N.Y., seeks hundreds of millions of dollars not from death squads, whose members aren’t likely to show up with lawyers in tow. Instead, it targets five of the largest banks in the world: HSBC, Credit Suisse, Barclays, Standard Chartered, and Royal Bank of Scotland. “Defendants,” the suit declares, “committed acts of international terrorism.”


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I recall HSBC was trying to move their operation headquarters abroad 15 years ago, whether they did or not l don't know, but back then my ex worked at the London head office and stuff was being planned then. Even staff were sent to Malaysia to train the locals.

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