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I am probably out of date, but there used to be a 'Superrich' operating in CM but I am not certain it was a subsidiary of the main operation in BKK?.  I never used them.


I now need to change some cash to sterling next week.  Is there a Superrich in CM? Or something similar offering better than the banks?


1m Baht to GBP £ is what I need.


Thanks for any advice.


Probably best to phone them or visit first because they may not have enough GBP to do it without warning. Two locations one is halfway down Loh Kroh and the other is the opposite side of the road of the UN Irish pub. Google maps will pinpoint them.


You intend to move around CM with 1M Baht/Sterling Equivalent on your person and you publish this in a public forum!


The mind boggles!


Can you just send me your DOB, MMN, etc; and I will do the transaction for you with a 10% uplift FOC.


PS;  I am from = enter your spam country of choice!!





1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

You intend to move around CM with 1M Baht/Sterling Equivalent on your person and you publish this in a public forum!


The mind boggles!


Can you just send me your DOB, MMN, etc; and I will do the transaction for you with a 10% uplift FOC.


PS;  I am from = enter your spam country of choice!!



It is more boggleing that you believe what you read on this forum.


I am trying not to believe what is being posted.


But fools and their money are easily parted.


Just think!

If this is true. I just do a little social networks search (I have NOT for very good reasons) and  pay a few locals 300Baht a day to watch out at the above outlets for the 1,000,000Baht man change cash to Sterling.  Whoopee!!


Bye the way what; is going to happen to the 1,000,000 Baht equivalent, assuming it ever gets into his/her back pocket? The BIB/Treasury will now be interested.


If this was a 'Newbie' post/thread I would have said 'TROLL'.


8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Id try typing "superrich money changer chain mai" into google first…it really works


Is chain mai north or south of chain rai and east or west of angkok? :)

13 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

You intend to move around CM with 1M Baht/Sterling Equivalent on your person and you publish this in a public forum!


I suppose that a million baht is beyond your remit or conception. In reality it is only slightly more than the value of an economy car. The sale of a premium auto or real estate would generate several millions.


The OP is probably going to move around Chiang Mai, move around Thailand and maybe even get on an airplane with this money. With some care and diligence, nothing dangerous or illegal about it.


10 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

Bye the way what; is going to happen to the 1,000,000 Baht equivalent, assuming it ever gets into his/her back pocket? The BIB/Treasury will now be interested.


You do realize that Superrich will collect a copy of his passport at the time of transaction. If there is anything untoward, then the authorities can take action. If the money comes from the sale of a property, then taxes and transfer fees have been paid and the government have their slice of the deal.


10 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

If this is true. I just do a little social networks search (I have NOT for very good reasons) and  pay a few locals 300Baht a day to watch out at the above outlets for the 1,000,000Baht man change cash to Sterling.  Whoopee!!

Pay your brother in law 300 THB to hang out around the provincial land office. This is where the big cash deals go down as a matter of course every day.


10 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

If this was a 'Newbie' post/thread I would have said 'TROLL'.

What does being a newbie have anything to do with it? The OP has more than 10X your post count. Methinks you might be trolling. After all, I took the bait, didn't I?

30 minutes ago, bino said:

I suppose that a million baht is beyond your remit or conception. In reality it is only slightly more than the value of an economy car. The sale of a premium auto or real estate would generate several millions.


The OP is probably going to move around Chiang Mai, move around Thailand and maybe even get on an airplane with this money. With some care and diligence, nothing dangerous or illegal about it.


You do realize that Superrich will collect a copy of his passport at the time of transaction. If there is anything untoward, then the authorities can take action. If the money comes from the sale of a property, then taxes and transfer fees have been paid and the government have their slice of the deal.


Pay your brother in law 300 THB to hang out around the provincial land office. This is where the big cash deals go down as a matter of course every day.


What does being a newbie have anything to do with it? The OP has more than 10X your post count. Methinks you might be trolling. After all, I took the bait, didn't I?

1,000,000Baht may be peanuts to you and me but not to somebody on 300Baht a day. All I am suggesting is that it is potentially dangerous to advertise information of that kind.


I would suggest you stop making snide comments like "I suppose that a million baht is beyond your remit or conception" when you have no idea of what is in my remit or what my conception(s) may or may not be.


Please note that I wrote "If this was a 'Newbie' post/thread I would have said 'TROLL'. By saying ‘if’ I acknowledged the fact he was not a newbie and therefore not a troll.


break the transaction in several parts (4 or5) rather than doing it all at once, use 2 or 3 locations and several days or if one location spread it out over a couple of weeks


I can tell you from fairly recent experience that Super-rich will not have anything like that amount of sterling on hand, nor will they take a firm order to get it by a date certain.


Triffid and the other sensible replies, thank you.  To the idiot who thinks I am going to be robbed, do you honestly believe I meant next week....duhhhhh.  I was merely trying to ascertain if I needed to go onto BKK Superrich, and if the 'superrich in CM was the genuine article.


did not know about SK. Pgrahmm. Where is the one you prefer?  Thanks

On ‎22‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 1:29 PM, iancnx said:

I now need to change some cash to sterling next week

For The OP;  You did say you were doing it next week. 


As for calling people 'stupid'.  Who is stupid, the one tells the world his intentions on social media or the person who is just trying to point out that disclosing too much personal info on social media is not a good idea!  If you do not like or appreciate advice on a forum it is easiest to just ignore it rather than insult someone you do not know.


Two insults from two people who don't know me from Adam is a high score even for this Forum.

Triffid and the other sensible replies, thank you.  To the idiot who thinks I am going to be robbed, do you honestly believe I meant next week....duhhhhh.  I was merely trying to ascertain if I needed to go onto BKK Superrich, and if the 'superrich in CM was the genuine article.
did not know about SK. Pgrahmm. Where is the one you prefer?  Thanks

Best you go to BKK
7 hours ago, iancnx said:

Triffid and the other sensible replies, thank you.  To the idiot who thinks I am going to be robbed, do you honestly believe I meant next week....duhhhhh.  I was merely trying to ascertain if I needed to go onto BKK Superrich, and if the 'superrich in CM was the genuine article.


did not know about SK. Pgrahmm. Where is the one you prefer?  Thanks

The one I use is located next to the iron bridge opposite side of the river from the Duke's....

Sorry, I don't know the street name....

You can also call ahead to make sure they reserve/have the amount you wish to exchange....



On 4/22/2017 at 0:35 PM, scottiejohn said:

You intend to move around CM with 1M Baht/Sterling Equivalent on your person and you publish this in a public forum!


The mind boggles!


Can you just send me your DOB, MMN, etc; and I will do the transaction for you with a 10% uplift FOC.


PS;  I am from = enter your spam country of choice!!



Hmm, everyone in Chiang Mai will be now be on the lookout for iancnx


Thanks pgrahamm.  I will find it.  For those wishing me luck I will be all in black, red rose in my lapel wearing a bowler hat, and I am RED.  Cheers! 

4 hours ago, iancnx said:

Thanks pgrahamm.  I will find it.  For those wishing me luck I will be all in black, red rose in my lapel wearing a bowler hat, and I am RED.  Cheers! 

I am glad to see you are taking steps to hide your movements.  The old misinformation trick is still a good one!

4 hours ago, happyas said:

There is also a Superrich right opposite S+K so you can check them both...


Website shows 2 in CM,  is there really another on Chaeron Prathet Road opposite SK?

31 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

Website shows 2 in CM,  is there really another on Chaeron Prathet Road opposite SK?

Yes, there really is.


PS i really would not have said so, if it were not really there.  :smile:


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